View Full Version : Soldiers murdered as they lay on ground

8th March 2009, 17:37

Very sad!
Condolences to the family of the victims.
Apparently the two wounded soldiers are in serious condition.
This issue had slipped under the radar for me.
I'm sure some of you closer to the conflict will help me understand this latest inhuman tragedy!

Mark in Oshawa
9th March 2009, 16:25
Tazio...it slips under a lot of radar, including those of some in the UK. What has been going on in Northern Ireland for the last 300 years is almost the perfect mix of ethnic loathing, religious intolerence and democracy being forced to make decisions it isn't really equipped emotionally to make.

AS someone whose ancestors LEFT this nonsense behind in the old country, it pains me to see this flare up. I thought people there were learning to get beyond violence.

The only note in the story that worries me is Gerry Adams not wanting the British Gov't to send in special troops or the like. Gerry, get a grip. You start shooting soldiers in the streets like this, and the whole thing is done. The civilian government of Northern Ireland has to back whatever means within reason the UK takes to put a lid back on this nonsense. This shooting proves not everyone is on that peace train.

9th March 2009, 18:14
Ten years of relative peace could be ripped apart with this incident, although that's just what this bunch of cowards would like. I just hope there are no retaliations from the Loyalist contingent, as that's all it will take for the whole thing to flare up again. The tit for tat retaliations were enough to prolong the last series of attacks.
The people of Northern Ireland don't want it, but these idiots have their own agenda.

My heart felt condolences go out to the families of those killed and injured.

9th March 2009, 18:32
My deep condolences,go out to all the families who have lost thier sons and,have been injured in these latest problems in Northern Ireland.These guys are cowards,and the SAS will find then ,and they will be caught,the biggest problem is they get away with it in the courts.The police will know all those connected with the real IRA.Pity the SAS cannot meter out the punishment !

jim mcglinchey
9th March 2009, 19:52
The only note in the story that worries me is Gerry Adams not wanting the British Gov't to send in special troops or the like. Gerry, get a grip. You start shooting soldiers in the streets like this, and the whole thing is done. The civilian government of Northern Ireland has to back whatever means within reason the UK takes to put a lid back on this nonsense. This shooting proves not everyone is on that peace train.

The Shinners were making the right kind of noises in Stormont today, the best thing to come out of this is the multi lateral condemnation of the murders, and Gerry said that they would go toe to toe with the guilty parties in nationalist areas, whatever that might mean. The Shinners have gained alot politically through the peace process to let some maniacs jeopardise it all.

Mark in Oshawa
9th March 2009, 19:56
My deep condolences,go out to all the families who have lost thier sons and,have been injured in these latest problems in Northern Ireland.These guys are cowards,and the SAS will find then ,and they will be caught,the biggest problem is they get away with it in the courts.The police will know all those connected with the real IRA.Pity the SAS cannot meter out the punishment !

I second your sentiments on how I pray this is an end to this. The SAS will find them, but the problem is the Sinn Fein and such groups would object if the SAS did mete out the punishment. Of course....the SAS is pretty adept at making people do a lot of things.....they may just not surface again these thugs.

Mark in Oshawa
9th March 2009, 19:59
Sinn Fein to me is a lot like the Quebec Separtists over here in Canada. They talk a lot about their final goal, but I think they would be rendered irrelevent if they actually achieved it. Of course, Gerry Adams likely has a lot more credibility now that he has renounced the violent means of the IRA, but it took him too long to really do it for me to ever take his wishes seriously. It is a shame....because part of me understands maybe that Ulster should be part of a united Ireland, but there is no logical route to make it happen and the Protestants don't want it. An impasse if there ever was one....

donKey jote
9th March 2009, 20:23
Unless you believe in police states, it's the justice system and not the SAS who should mete out punishment. :dozey:
Still, I'm not sure who these "real" idiots should be more afraid of: the SAS or the shinners themselves.
Bunch of donkeys the lot of them :mad:

9th March 2009, 21:31
A terrible event. Who knows what can happen in a place like Northern Ireland.

We know what happened the last time the SAS went in and killed IRA people (in Gibraltar)......

9th March 2009, 23:26
Sky news are now reporting that A police officer has been shot dead in Northern Ireland, the police service has confirmed
The incident happened in the predominantly Catholic area of Lismore Road in Craigavon, County Armagh.

"At least one police officer has been taken to hospital after a shooting," a Police Service of Northern Ireland spokeswoman said.

It comes two days after Real IRA dissidents shot and killed two British soldiers at an army base in Antrim.

Easy Drifter
9th March 2009, 23:28
I hope this does not set things off again.
The silence from Eki is deafening. I guess it is because neither Israel nor the US were involved.

9th March 2009, 23:46
my dad served in NI when he was in the Royal Marines.

As for these murders...i think its very sad that there is a small group of people who want to ruin what has been a very good lasting peace. If however these attacks continue then something will have to be done. What that is depends on what happens next!!

10th March 2009, 00:57
I hope this does not set things off again.
The silence from Eki is deafening. I guess it is because neither Israel nor the US were involved.

I think what has set this off again has been various government's actions to gain stability through appeasement to the likes of the Taliban and Hamas. the IRA would quite rightly view that as victories for those organizations. When the Indian government is willing to concede huge amounts of territory to the Taliban in return for peace, what does the IRA have to lose?

10th March 2009, 02:20
The silence from Eki is deafening. I guess it is because neither Israel nor the US were involved.Several of the usual suspects are conspicuos by their silence :dozey:

10th March 2009, 11:22
I think what has set this off again has been various government's actions to gain stability through appeasement to the likes of the Taliban and Hamas. the IRA would quite rightly view that as victories for those organizations. When the Indian government is willing to concede huge amounts of territory to the Taliban in return for peace, what does the IRA have to lose?

did you read that on the back of a packet of cheetos :rolleyes:

10th March 2009, 18:34
Ten years of relative peace could be ripped apart with this incident, although that's just what this bunch of cowards would like. I just hope there are no retaliations from the Loyalist contingent, as that's all it will take for the whole thing to flare up again. The tit for tat retaliations were enough to prolong the last series of attacks.
The people of Northern Ireland don't want it, but these idiots have their own agenda.

My heart felt condolences go out to the families of those killed and injured.

I very much doubt that peace will be ripped apart by these actions. The people of Northern Ireland as a whole have come out in condemnation of these actions and most people who did at some time support paramilitary action have seen the error of their ways and realise that working together has made Northern Ireland a far nicer place to live in.

As for the pathetic idiots who see this as some sort of excuse to score points against Eki, go **** yourselves. There are real people involved here and this has a big impact upon their lives of almost 2 million people. Go play your infantile games elsewhere. I could bite and show you up for the ignorant fools you are but it's too serious an issue for a lot of people here for me to do that. The fact that people seem to think Gerry is behind these killings shows to anyone who knows anything about NI that you clearly have no clue :rolleyes: :(

As always my thoughts are with the people who are directly involved and with every single person in NI.