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6th March 2009, 11:39
What films are you looking forward to this summer?

I'll happily sound like a huge geek and say I'm soooooooo excited about JJ's new star trek movie. Just watched the latest trailer and now feel 11 years old again! Hurry up may!

6th March 2009, 12:14
"Harry Potter and the Half-blood prince" I await eagerly. I am curious about "Terminator 4" and I will probably watch "Transformers 2".

6th March 2009, 18:45
I wait for Harry Potter and Termonator Salvation like F1boat. I also look forward Angels & Demons as I liked Da Vinci Code very much. And, because I was/am a Marvel Zombie, Wolverine of course.

6th March 2009, 19:19
I look forward to X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Fast & Furious

6th March 2009, 19:26
Going to see Watchmen tonight. Also looking forward to Wolverine, Transformers, GI Joe, and Star Trek.

Yes I'm a geek. But the cool think is, so's my wife!

6th March 2009, 20:39
Going to see Watchmen tonight. Also looking forward to Wolverine, Transformers, GI Joe, and Star Trek.

Yes I'm a geek. But the cool think is, so's my wife!

Lucky git! My missus hates every one of those films mentioned so far! Ticket for one again please :rolleyes:

ps let us know what you think of watchmen....sitting on the fence about going to see it.

The instant classic
6th March 2009, 20:48
Termonator Salvation

6th March 2009, 20:51
Lucky git! My missus hates every one of those films mentioned so far! Ticket for one again please :rolleyes:

ps let us know what you think of watchmen....sitting on the fence about going to see it.

If you're ever in the States, look me up, we'll go see some stuff.

I'm hopeing that Watchmen will be good. Critics are sort of split on it. But what do they know? Seems like everything they like, I hate. Everything they hate, I like.

I'll let you know.

6th March 2009, 20:55
If you're ever in the States, look me up, we'll go see some stuff.

I'm hopeing that Watchmen will be good. Critics are sort of split on it. But what do they know? Seems like everything they like, I hate. Everything they hate, I like.

I'll let you know.

Getting on the first flight ;)

6th March 2009, 21:42
Yes I'm a geek. But the cool think is, so's my wife!

Mine too :up:

6th March 2009, 22:03
Sorry, one movie I almost forgot. Michael Mann's Public Enemy is a must see.

9th March 2009, 13:14
Watchmen was pretty good. I liked it. My wife liked it too. I read the book and she had not, so I was interested in what she thought.

Anyway, without giving away too much, if you don't like spoilers look away now, but I won't give too much detail.

The ending was slightly different than in the book, and I liked the book's ending much better. Not that the movie's ending was bad, the book just appealed to me more.

jim mcglinchey
9th March 2009, 15:38
yeah but its not a book as in Dostoevsky, its only a graphic novel.