View Full Version : The marmite thread

5th March 2009, 19:43
Love it or hate it?

I'll start...

HATE IT!!!!!

5th March 2009, 20:51
Lol the funny thing is that those from oversease who like marmite hate our version here - vegemite

I love my vegemite!

5th March 2009, 20:56
At last the worlds most important issue is adressed.

I hate it.

5th March 2009, 21:03
Hate It

5th March 2009, 21:18
my mate marmite..i love it i want to wallow in it like a hippo in mud!!

I am marmite, I am an easy going yeast extract who likes to spread myself around. I am always there for people - day, night, rain, shine celebration or crisis. I love those who follow the Marmite way and I am proud to be here with all the friends that I have. Long Live The Marmite Nation. Love from Marmite!

Easy Drifter
5th March 2009, 21:43
I had to google it to find out what it was.
To me it sounded like a product you might use to repair a porus head or block! :confused:
Hey maybe it would work at that!

donKey jote
5th March 2009, 22:03
I grew up on marmite, and still love it. Marmite & KerryGold on bread or toast, or in melted cheese sandwiches :facelick:
My Frau (Spanish) and kids ("German" :eek: :vader: ) hate it... I've pretty much given up on the missus, but at least the kids dare smell it occasionally :p :


6th March 2009, 05:26
I think Rollo started a thread on this a long time ago....
never seen/eaten/smelt it and have only ever read about it over here..from the responses looks like I'm lucky :s

6th March 2009, 05:37
rofl,i'd agree with Storm..except that i haven't even heard about it too

is it something like marmalade :S

6th March 2009, 05:44
Aren't marmite and vegemite going to be banned because of the salt content? And what's Promite?

6th March 2009, 08:15
Aren't marmite and vegemite going to be banned because of the salt content? And what's Promite?
someone reported that but there is no way it will happen - its a national institution

6th March 2009, 10:24
Hate it! I like Bovril better!

6th March 2009, 10:36
At last the worlds most important issue is adressed.

I aim to please :D

6th March 2009, 12:19
Vegemite is amazing.

Hazell B
6th March 2009, 13:13
I hate it, my partner loves it.
One of my dogs hates it, the other loves it.
One of my ponies likes vegemite, the other hates it.

We're a 50/50 household :p :

6th March 2009, 19:51
ARGGGGHHHH My wife is sitting 2 feet away eating the stuff.....I'm gonna hurl it smells soooo bad!

Captain VXR
6th March 2009, 20:49
That says it all

7th March 2009, 06:31
I hate both marmite and vegemite

7th March 2009, 21:33
Honestly, I don't know what marmite is. And when I first heard this song, I thought that vegemite was a made up word.


Dang, I miss the 80's!

7th March 2009, 21:44
I love it sometimes. Then I hate it for a bit. Then I love it again. Repeat ad nauseam.

This is why I laughed at a joke I read the other day: 'Why not give a gift that lasts all year? A jar of Marmite.'

7th March 2009, 22:20
Never tried it, I prefer nutella

donKey jote
7th March 2009, 22:52
This is why I laughed at a joke I read the other day: 'Why not give a gift that lasts all year? A jar of Marmite.'
The missus kept throwing out the larger jars when she realised they were over a year past their "best before" date :dozey:
I get the small ones now - just about finished the current one with 6 months still to go :D
