View Full Version : Abortion

5th March 2009, 05:17
The abortion debate asks whether it can be morally right to terminate a pregnancy before normal childbirth.
Some people think that abortion is always wrong. Some think that abortion is right when the mother's life is at risk. Others think that there is a range of circumstances in which abortion is morally acceptable.

i think that abortion should be left upto the person, not the state

what are your views?

5th March 2009, 07:40
I remember we've discussed this about an year ago.

In my opinion it's a sensible issue and as far as I'm concerned I'm interested in women's opinion only.

5th March 2009, 09:42
I think abortion should remain legal. Sadly, there are enough unwanted children in the world as it is.

Dave B
5th March 2009, 10:25
It should remain legal and the stigma removed; coupled with serious efforts to reduce the need for them in the first place through better sex education.

Easy Drifter
5th March 2009, 11:07
Steve sure likes to pick topics that are certain to provoke arguements where many people have extremely strong opinions that will not be swayed no matter what.

5th March 2009, 11:22
Legal, up until 3rd trimester. But that carries lots of loopholes in itself.

5th March 2009, 11:43
It is illegal in the Irish Republic,

the 1983 referendum enshrined the right to life clause in the constitution... however after a protracted pro life campaign two amendments to the constitution (effective as of 1995) where made protecting the 'right to travel to another country where abortion is permitted and the right to information.

Raised a catholic and still actively practicing my faith I am opposed to abortion 'on demand' but concede that in extreme cases it should be an option of last resort.

5th March 2009, 12:26
Sorry guys but you're talking like....men.
At the end of the day, legal or illegal, the decision to have an abortion is very difficult for a responsible woman. Many of those who did one suffered a psychological trauma. Some of them did it when they were very young and careless and then regret it.

5th March 2009, 14:19
Sorry guys but you're talking like....men.

First off don't be so sexist... abortion effects the father as well... I'm not saying equally far from it but that is no reason to dismiss a male viewpoint.

and secondly... if a question is posted on what is basically a chit chat section of a motorsport forum it is unavoidable that you will get mostly men giving replies... there is no compulsion for any to "talk like a woman"

5th March 2009, 14:21
i think that abortion should be left upto the person, not the state

I agree.

5th March 2009, 14:51
First off don't be so sexist... abortion effects the father as well... I'm not saying equally far from it but that is no reason to dismiss a male viewpoint.

and secondly... if a question is posted on what is basically a chit chat section of a motorsport forum it is unavoidable that you will get mostly men giving replies... there is no compulsion for any to "talk like a woman"

No offence, but any woman will be upset that this issue is perceived only from the legal point of view. What about women's emotions?
Even when the abortion is legal and takes place in safe medical conditions a woman don't do it light-hearted and without a feeling
of guiltiness.

Hazell B
5th March 2009, 17:48
No offence, but any woman will be upset that this issue is perceived only from the legal point of view. What about women's emotions?
Even when the abortion is legal and takes place in safe medical conditions a woman don't do it light-hearted and without a feeling
of guiltiness.

Never a truer word :up:

However, the question is aimed at our legal views. Mine are that it should be legal, a matter of personal choice and most importantly not tied up with red tape of any kind other than face to face doctoring.

5th March 2009, 18:16

A Brazilian archbishop says all those who helped a child rape victim secure an abortion are to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

Just to put another spin on the topic.

Rudy Tamasz
6th March 2009, 10:14
I am just curious, how many people here speaking for or against abortions have their own kids?

For the record, I oppose abortions except in very specific cases (rape etc.) and I have one kid.

6th March 2009, 10:46
I am just curious, how many people here speaking for or against abortions have their own kids?

I have one child.

I wouldn't say I was for or against abortion, but I'm in favour of women having the choice.

6th March 2009, 10:52
only the women have the choice

6th March 2009, 12:16

Just to put another spin on the topic.

Religious fanatics never fail to show their idiocy.

Hazell B
6th March 2009, 14:11
I am just curious, how many people here speaking for or against abortions have their own kids?

That's a good question. I'm not a mother, but it wouldn't alter my view that termination should never be banned. After all, anybody sane knows some babies just simply are not wanted or cannot be cared for well enough.

6th March 2009, 14:16
Although not an easy decision for the majority of woman, this is still a choice that should be made by the woman involved, the state has no place in this type of decision other than stipulating the cut off point.
Deciding on the cut off point should be a purely medical decision, and in no way should religion even be considered, mythical beliefs play no part in this.

PS, I'm not a father and not that fond of kids to be honest, however I don't believe that skews my opinion.

6th March 2009, 14:32
I don't have kids and never had an abortion. I lived a time when abortion was banned, not for any religious reason but for demographic purpose. I've seen friends and family selling their goods to get money for an illegal abortion, I know they did it at home on the kitchen table, I know some of them where let die because they refused to tell who did it.
These days abortion is free and I saw the girl next to my office going to have one but coming back happy that she's pregnant. Then, after 3 months she lost the baby and when I asked her how she feels she answered: empty. This word knocked my head.
Now maybe you'll understand why I'm so sensible to this issue.

6th March 2009, 14:41
I don't have kids and never had an abortion. I lived a time when abortion was banned, not for any religious reason but for demographic purpose. I've seen friends and family selling their goods to get money for an illegal abortion, I know they did it at home on the kitchen table, I know some of them where let die because they refused to tell who did it.
These days abortion is free and I saw the girl next to my office going to have one but coming back happy that she's pregnant. Then, after 3 months she lost the baby and when I asked her how she feels she answered: empty. This word knocked my head.
Now maybe you'll understand why I'm so sensible to this issue.

I think everyone's well aware that abortion is a sensitive issue and that women don't take it lightly.

Mark in Oshawa
6th March 2009, 17:23
I think it is wrong for us men to say 100% for sure we know what is right. Only a woman can say for sure what the feeling of being a mother is like or having an abortion and the mental trauma is like. That said, having a baby takes men at some point so we do have to have a say and an opinion. Women have to understand that whether they have that child or not a father was either deprived the right to be a father or is on the hook for financial, moral and emotional support for the child and the mother. So to say us men shouldn't say anything is shallow and not understanding our side of it either.

I personally think abortion is wrong. That said, I am a man, and have never been in a position where a lady friend or spouse has had a pregnancy that wasn't wanted. I have a daughter and I wouldn't want to see her have a baby she didn't want BUT I think the whole point is women and men both have to take more responsiblity for what they do with their sexual lives.

Abortions would not be necessary if women and men made better choices. The women pay the higher price emotionally but it still doesn't change the fact many go through this life ignoring common sense and not thinking logically about their future with some of their sexual partners and what they do. IF this sounds like I am blaming women and ignoring the male role, no, men are idiots often and should be held accountable as well. Men should be forced to pay for the abortion if the pregnancy is theirs just as they would pay for the child if they were found to be the father.

I am a libertarian by nature but I truly believe that life begins at conception and that life has to have a right to exist. The realist in me realizes that we cannot go back to backroom abortions but I do not like the fact society has taken away the stigma of abortion or being a single mother. Life has consequences and I feel modern society is too quick to condone bad choices and bad moral choices.

There is nothing good about an abortion. Nothing. However, we are not gods and cannot judge anyone to be wrong in this society. That doesn't mean though we should just think of it as another medical procedure.

I think it should be restricted to the first trimester to be honest. A woman who cant decide in the first 3 months is one who isn't taking the consequences seriously one way or the other.

It is ugly and nasty to make tough choices and raise a child you don't want but at the same point, life is precious and that child doesn't deserve to die because the mother and father are clueless.

Sexual freedom means you can use contraceptives or participate in sexual activity that wont end up in pregnancy (we know what I am talking about but this is a "family" forum) so to have a child because either the woman or man or both are not thinking is the consequence of bad decisions. AT some point, you have to pay for dumb decisions. There a ton of women around the world unable to conceive who would give their right arm to be a mother. Adoption was popular before abortion was discovered and now we have couples around the world desparate to adopt and no child available. I think some education is a must and in the end, it is a personal decision but I know for a fact that the one woman I know who had an abortion was depressed for over 3 years before meeting the right guy, marrying and having a child just last month. She told my wife that that child allowed her to bury the nightmares she had from the abortion but she will carry that guilt her whole life.

It is never an easy question for anyone and we shouldn't punish people by outlawing it, but that life is a child....and people should NEVER be allowed to forget that...