View Full Version : News From Sebring?

4th March 2009, 16:55
Anyone hear anything about the testing from Sebring March 2nd and 3rd? The IRL site lists Luczo Dragon and AGR testing with AGR using their rookie bonus on the 3rd.

Anthony, you got any news on this?

4th March 2009, 17:48
Matos tested both days. Hildebrand on the 2nd, Mutoh and Andretti on the 3rd. No times or news posted anywhere. One picture on Hildebrand's website.

4th March 2009, 18:47
Matos tested both days. Hildebrand on the 2nd, Mutoh and Andretti on the 3rd. No times or news posted anywhere. One picture on Hildebrand's website.

Understand that, looking for a little extra if someone could provide anything in regards to rumors and such.

4th March 2009, 21:00
Any word on if the Formula Atlantic series will be there? Their website is STILL dead. And announcments of confirmed drivers have been limited to two teams, at least as far as I have seen. Hello, Mr. Johnston... anyone home?


4th March 2009, 23:11
Anyone hear anything about the testing from Sebring March 2nd and 3rd? The IRL site lists Luczo Dragon and AGR testing with AGR using their rookie bonus on the 3rd.

Anthony, you got any news on this?
I passed on the Sebring test. I had a regatta to cover.

5th March 2009, 03:50
I passed on the Sebring test. I had a regatta to cover.

Is that a motorsport?


5th March 2009, 04:36
Is that a motorsport?


Isn't it a form of sail boat racing? Not totally sure, but it sounds familiar.

5th March 2009, 14:53
Boats are holes in the ocean that you shovel money into. Race cars are holes in the asphalt (dirt?) that you shovel money into.

5th March 2009, 15:27
Sailboats are my other guilty pleasure.

I am not the only one involved in motorsports who fees this way.


5th March 2009, 16:45
Sailboats are my other guilty pleasure.

I am not the only one involved in motorsports who fees this way.

Finally, we find a point of agreement. My best friend lives in Chicago. He and a group of two other guys over the past 15 years have been buying sailboats in need of some work, renovating them and selling them for a profit, reinvesting that into a larger boat. They have worked their way up from a 20 footer to a 47 footer.

I have never been into boating. It wasn't my cup of tea, primarily because I never learned to swim and never felt comfortable. Plus the racket from the motors was just annoying. Tony kept after me every summer when I came to visit to go out on their sailboat. I declined... no interest. One year he forced me into going by planning a party with other friends when he knew I was coming to town. My choice, sit home at his place or go along. So, I went. I strapped on a life vest and climbed aboard, still apprehensive. Fifteen minutes out, Tony goes below and saying, "Here take the tiller, while I get some brews". That's all it took, I was INSTANTLY hooked. I didn't give up the helm for the next two hours. What a rush!

About five years latter he and I got caught out alone in a gathering storm on some damn choppy waves (10-12 feet peak to trough). He went to take down some sail with me at the wheel and I was PANICKED, and Tony saw that fear in my face. A few minutes latter when he attempted to start the motor (his harbor was at McCormick place via a narrow unsailable channel) the damn thing would not fire. He said, "OK now you HAVE to take the wheel. I have to go below and get this engine started or we are marooned out here". At that he disappeared below decks.

Something came over me. Instantly the panic disappeared and a calmness overtook me. It was one of those "suck it up or die" moments. After about fifteen minutes he got the engine fired and came back up. He took one look at me and his eyes got as big as two saucers. "What the hell happened to the panicked guy that was at the wheel a half hour ago?" I replied, I didn't know, but I felt like I'd just had a huge change. He said "Yep, you just became a sailor!' We got back to shore safely. I called my wife on the cell to tell her the tale, closing with "You know, I am ready to go back out this very minute."

My wife signed me up for swimming lessons the following week, and in my early fifties, I learned how to swim. Not well, but enough to haul my ass back to the boat should the need arise.

Sorry for the diversion, but Anthony... yes, you are not the only one interested in motorsport who loves that wind in your face feeling.


5th March 2009, 19:59
You guys should try windsurfing, or kitesailing, definately keeps the adrenal glands going, and talk about wind in your face.

5th March 2009, 20:02
I know I know, absolutely nothing to do with racing, just that I'm already bored of Naskar, and can't wait for F1 and Indy to start.

6th March 2009, 16:58
You guys should try windsurfing, or kitesailing, definately keeps the adrenal glands going, and talk about wind in your face.
Nah! It is fun for some. For me they are children's toys.

Mark in Oshawa
9th March 2009, 18:49
Sailboats....aren't they great ways of blowing disposable income? I have never really been into sailing, I have done it in small skiff's as a kid and love watching the America's Cup coverage when it hits the TV every now and then, but man....give me some speed and noise eh?

Sad isn't it? Here we are, being race fans of the IRL in this case and talking about sailboats? WHY? Because the IRL doesn't seem to understand you can even hype winter testing to get your name and teams in the news. The IRL seems to run by stealth media. If some leaks out...they will accept it...