View Full Version : Punctures

28th February 2009, 17:52
How many punctures have you had since you started driving? I've never had a puncture myself but Caroline's Subaru has had two punctures in the last month since we got two new tyres put on the back and the other tyres rotated to the front. Crappy Falken tyres!!!!!!

28th February 2009, 18:03
I think I've had four of them altogether. Two of them I got once and I remember being very pissed off because it was sunday morning and I was heading to work. Of course one spare doesn't cover for two tyres so....

I have Continentals. Nothing to do with tyres, all due my stupidity.

28th February 2009, 18:03
Just the once luckily, on a country road in the pooring rain and I had to stop in a junction to change it. Some stupid middle aged woman asked me what I was doing (as if it wasn't obvious) I just stared at her as I couldn't think of anything funny to say :p :

Easy Drifter
28th February 2009, 18:20
Too many. But then I have been driving for over 50 years.
Luckily never on a race car.

28th February 2009, 19:17
too many...can't recall... :p :

but none since i've got the tubeless tyres in my new bike :p :

and never had the punctures while taking the car

28th February 2009, 23:56
In theory only the one, but then I knew that the tyre had a puncture before I bought the car so it doesn't really count :p :

1st March 2009, 13:44
ive had 2 since ive been driving...

Easy Drifter
1st March 2009, 17:00
Steve: How many before you were driving? :confused:

And I trust we are still talking tires! ;)

2nd March 2009, 08:29
Two, both back tyres on my previous car. Thing is I was driving around on them for what must have been about three months, putting air in them now and again until I finally admitted defeat and took them to the tyre shop where they found a nail in each of them!

2nd March 2009, 14:58
...it was sunday morning and I was heading to work. ....

What, you weren't on your way to church? :p :

Three punctures that I recall:
One in my old Jeep, on a country lane. The right-front ran over the corner of an old steel grate that was hidden in the foliage.
One in a rental car on a country road.
One on my bicyle a couple of years ago.
Luckily neither incident was at highway speeds :p :

Hazell B
2nd March 2009, 16:36
One on a Discovery after taking to some rocky fields, but it didn't show itself until the next day.

Two or maybe three on trailers, though with the weight we carry and rough ground that's pretty good really.

2nd March 2009, 21:28
I've had two, first was on my way to Wales for a rally on a Friday night and was in the fast lane overtaking a queue of lorries, was a bit of excitement :s Then discovered that on Saxos the bloody wheel studs are the nuts so you have to line the wheel up before you get them in, not easy in the dark without a torch :(

Second was on the way home after that...the spare decided to go for the nail sitting on the road :bigcry: And unfortunately I was a completely broke student at that time and I had next to no money, so couldn't afford a new tyre, thankfully the good old rac came and patched it up and I crawled to a garage where they fixed it for £6 :D

Not even had a problem in hundreds of forest miles in the past couple of years!!

Garry Walker
3rd March 2009, 14:13
I have had a few punctures during rallies. Never in normal conditions.

6th March 2009, 08:58
I have had a few punctures during rallies. Never in normal conditions.
I never have the tyres punctured so far, the problem is how can we make the condition normal or abnormal. :D

6th March 2009, 10:23
Only one in 15 years. And that was while trying to do a bit of rallying in my old VW Golf 2 GTI !!!

8th March 2009, 22:14
I've only had one and luckily it was only a slow puncture. The nice man at Quick Fit repaired it for a fiver instead of £17 too. :D I would have been annoyed if it couldn't have been fixed as the the tyre had only been on for a couple of months.

I think I'll be replacing all four of my tyres come pay day. :(

8th March 2009, 23:05
3 times.
Once learnt the lesson that driving on streets where a riot has just happened isn't the best idea as you may find plenty of things that can puncture a tyre!

Brown, Jon Brow
9th March 2009, 10:52
None, but I got a nail in my tyre on the morning of my driving test (I was taking the test in my car). Thankfully I noticed before the test. I don't know what would have happened if I'd got a puncture in the middle of my test.

9th March 2009, 18:38
If you had a tyre go down,or puntured on your driving test ,then the test would have been cancelled and you would have had to pay for and take another test. An expensive day!