View Full Version : how many times are u caught by the traffic cops

28th February 2009, 11:08
i'll reply later,i'm about to be busted if my boss comes here and sees me on forums :p :

28th February 2009, 12:22
I got stopped once, about 17 years ago and got off with a warning.
And about 10 years ago I got caught doing 37mph in a 30mph zone by a speed camera, 3 points and a £60 fine. Thing was, I was being ever so careful as I was returning from the BTCC at Knockhill and didn't notice the road had changed from 60 down to 30 :(

28th February 2009, 14:07
Twice, both times when I was 17 and stupid! Got a warning first time but that made me feel even more invincable it was only the second time when I got given points and a trip to the station that taught me a lesson and I calmed down and became a good boy! No problems in the last 12 years tho.

28th February 2009, 14:27
I've lost my license twice due to points accumulated via speeding infractions.

A 1979 BMW 635 CSi grey market import contributed significantly :D

28th February 2009, 15:16
in my old black ford escort, never ever.....in other cars, i have long ago, lost track......actually got off a number of tickets by being happy and joking and pleasant, like nice bike, must be fun to ride around, well opps 85 in a 50????, must be from my racing days, yaddadda and so forth, rather than getting all mad, grumping and hunkered down, like almost all the rest do.

While the pleasant approach does not always work, the other of being mad, mean and arrogant or resentful never works....

donKey jote
28th February 2009, 15:43
I got stopped once or twice but never got caught :)

28th February 2009, 17:20
i've got stopped loads of time...for stupid reasons,

in India..it's like the traffic police run a collection business where they have to fill their pockets...i've got stopped loads of time and i've slipped the traffic cop some money and got out

Infractions do not work here

28th February 2009, 17:52
Never and I've only ever been stopped by the police once. The copper was tailgating me late at night in a 30 blatantly trying to make me speed up so I slowed down to 20mph and he stopped me accusing me of drink driving and I hadn't. Money grabbing tosser.

1st March 2009, 21:27
I've been caught too many times and trust me over here it's expensive... :rolleyes:

But the most memorable time was in Reynosa, Mexico when I was stopped by local traffic police on my way to office in the morning. They tried good cop bad cop trick to me to get some money but when I just insisted I don't have any and said I will call to our office and ask someone to come over they let me go. Have to say I was a bit scared being alone but luckily it all ended up nicely and I didn't do anything wrong they just pulled me out as I was driving a car with Texas plates.

1st March 2009, 21:33
I haven't being haught by cops, but once I had a picture taken by one of these automatic cameras, because I was crossing the road on yellow light (when it was switching to red, I had no space enough to stop the car, so I went streight).

The thing is that apparently ticket has never arrived home... At least for now :D

1st March 2009, 21:58
Not been stopped yet but then I tend to be careful most of the time anyway.

2nd March 2009, 06:00
It's easier and cheaper generally for me to bribe the policeman rather than go and pay the exhoribitant fines..

for e.g if i was caught riding a bike,the policeman would ask for my ownership card,License,Insurance,Pollution Control Board Clearance(ridiculous when you have transport vehicles spewing more pollution,but they never stop those) and whether i was wearing a helmet....and if i had a pillion,on whether he/she was wearing a helmet and all..obv i would have to pay more if i wanted a "official ticket" so i find it better for me if i can give him at max about 50 bucks so that he can have some " fun " with it...

2nd March 2009, 13:14
I've been stopped a couple of times in my car and fe3w times in my mates car.
the second time i got stopped i stopped my car flagged up on there ANPR computer.
should've got points and a fine ect but i drove off and never heard anymore about it!

2nd March 2009, 14:45
I don't think I've ever been "busted by traffic cops" :s .
In my ~25 years of driving I've been:
Stopped 3 times for speeding by the RCMP, once each in Newfoundland ("ghost" car), New Brunswick and Alberta.
"Captured" by photo radar twice in Calgary: once north-bound on 14th St., just north of 20th Ave NW), and once east-bound on Sarcee approaching Bow Trail (edv will know what I'm talking about :mark: ).
Stopped by the Montreal Police for running a red light, although I maintained that it was yellow :mark: .

2nd March 2009, 21:12
I've never been stopped, and not once have I been caught speeding :D

I did get shouted at once in Donegal when a lorry had parked itself 6ft off the road ahead of me and there was a policeman who waved at me, and I thought he was getting me to just slow down a bit, so down I slowed to about 15mph. It was only when he threw himself in front of the car that I realised he meant for me to stop :eek: He's lucky that I'm a damn good driver and avoided killing him :p :

Hazell B
3rd March 2009, 20:32
I've never been stopped, and not once have I been caught speeding :D

I'll see that and raise you a few more years of driving, plus several more years on motorbikes :D

Been hauled in for the vehicle checks a few times, though, at roadsides. Seeing police and DOT men trying to dip a petrol Land Rover running on LPG for red diesel is funny :laugh:

23rd March 2009, 19:31
I was stopped by the police because I drove too fast on the motorway (I got just a warning). :p I drove 90 kph instead of allowed 80 kph.

Once I got a ticket because I parked too close to a cross (5 &#8364 ;) .

Once I caused a traffic accident (75 &#8364 ;) .

And I always have my driving license. :p

23rd March 2009, 19:41
I've never been stopped by the police although a few years ago when my younger brother 17 and drivng an 8 year old Saxo he was getting stopped by the poilce and having the give a producer atleast once a week. He had a massive pile of them in his bedroom as some sort of trophy. Eventually after getting another one my mum decided to go with him when and ended up having a bit of a rant at the police officer who basically said they would keep stopping him due to the car he drove. He went on to get a Citroen C2, MG ZR and a Civic Type R and has never been stopped since he got rid of the Saxo.

23rd March 2009, 20:16
I've never been stopped by the police or caught by one of their cameras

Mark in Oshawa
23rd March 2009, 23:22
I do know if I was stopped in my younger days, I would have a lot more points on my license than I do.

I have averaged about one ticket every 6 years. I get nailed usually for doing about 25 km/h over on a two lane up north and get it reduced because I usually have a clean record ( tickets are gone off the abstract here in Ontario after 3 years). Just as well, too many and the insurance goes UP. I just got my last coming back from my mother-in-law's 3 weeks ago. Was doing 105 in an 80 zone on the Argyle road in Central Ontario. Nothing on either side of the road, a sunny Sunday, and I was cruising my radio stations and not getting too excited about how fast I was going. Cop comes around the bend, nails me with his instant on head on Radar and as soon as I passed, I looked at my speedo, and then pulled over when I saw him hit the brakes.

He saunters up and says "Guilty Conscience"? I replied "There was no other reason he would turn around BUT me." He chuckled...didn't even ask for my insurance and knocked it down to 15km/h over. Cost me 52 bucks. Usually the Ontario Provincial Police don't knock down tickets but thank god he did.

24th March 2009, 00:39
Only time I got stopped was because the cops couldn't see my tax disc :o

Easy Drifter
24th March 2009, 05:01
Last time I got stopped was by one of Mark's Durham Region boys on Lakeridge Road, a good lightly travelled 2 lane County Road about 3 years ago. Used to do 120k all the time on it but not now. I normally run just about 20k over and almost all cops allow that in the country. Certainly on our 400 series (multi lane controlled access divided) roads. Anyway I had let my speed creep up to about 105k, 25 over. Like Mark I saw him turn around and knew he had me. Didn't argue and he also wrote it down to 97 so much smaller fine and no points.
If you are polite and don't make silly excuses most cops are pretty good in Ont. as long as you are not going 30k or so over.
I am not so sure about the OPP head honcho Fantino. He would probably nail you for 5 over. He was bragging about nailing more than 80 people on his trips to functions in the Province in his chauffer driven unmarked car in the past year.

24th March 2009, 06:38
Nothing special. I got my first ever speeding ticket recently when the police clocked me at 74mph on a 60mph road, the school was 80miles so I was trying to get to class on time. Got a $120 fine.

There was a time when they took off the speed limit for Wyoming state and the death rate went down, then they reinstate it and the death went back up.

24th March 2009, 06:55
It's easier and cheaper generally for me to bribe the policeman rather than go and pay the exhoribitant fines..

for e.g if i was caught riding a bike,the policeman would ask for my ownership card,License,Insurance,Pollution Control Board Clearance(ridiculous when you have transport vehicles spewing more pollution,but they never stop those) and whether i was wearing a helmet....and if i had a pillion,on whether he/she was wearing a helmet and all..obv i would have to pay more if i wanted a "official ticket" so i find it better for me if i can give him at max about 50 bucks so that he can have some " fun " with it...

Bribe police, I don't know if that work in America, I think if I try that they would probably tazer my a** and handcuff me. You probably would have to do it often in China and Vietnam though.

Nothing special. I revently got my first ever speeding ticket when the police clocked me at 74mph on a 60mph road, the school was 80miles so I was trying to get to class on time. Got a $120 fine. Then I got to class on time anyway which pisses me off.

There was a time when they took off the speed limit for Wyoming state and the death rate went down, then they reinstate it and the death went back up.

I don't get pull over so much but I used to run into stupid incidents, I avoided two head on crash. One time when I was driving a family member Lexus that was too big for my size and the screen mist up badly during a sudden thunder storm, the road was flooding. I was fiddling to turn on the heater and my hand involuntarily steer to the car to the left and when I looked up there was a SUV in front of my face, I don't know how far away it was but I steered back to my lane probably a quarter second before we both collide and I would be sent through the windscreen.

The other time I was in a student parking lot, some student turned quickly head on to me in a narrow lane, he couldn't see me because the parking cars block the view, if I a .25 seconds too late to steer out of the way... I probably would have crashes either time if I wasn't more into motorsport. Also they're somehow fascinated with drag racing. I have a feeling the majority American peoples are sometimes too confident of their driving abilities and that brakes work magically.

24th March 2009, 07:49

I don't have a licence. :laugh:

24th March 2009, 08:06
I always keep my driving licence, insurance certificate and registration document in the car with me. I've seen too many TV shows where the police stop someone because their insurance database is wrong and the car ends up getting towed away because they don't have the correct documents on them.. And then they have to pay £100 to get it back!

Easy Drifter
24th March 2009, 08:08
That doesn't stop some people from driving. :)

Mark in Oshawa
24th March 2009, 14:28
Last time I got stopped was by one of Mark's Durham Region boys on Lakeridge Road, a good lightly travelled 2 lane County Road about 3 years ago. Used to do 120k all the time on it but not now. I normally run just about 20k over and almost all cops allow that in the country. Certainly on our 400 series (multi lane controlled access divided) roads. Anyway I had let my speed creep up to about 105k, 25 over. Like Mark I saw him turn around and knew he had me. Didn't argue and he also wrote it down to 97 so much smaller fine and no points.
If you are polite and don't make silly excuses most cops are pretty good in Ont. as long as you are not going 30k or so over.
I am not so sure about the OPP head honcho Fantino. He would probably nail you for 5 over. He was bragging about nailing more than 80 people on his trips to functions in the Province in his chauffer driven unmarked car in the past year.

Drifter...I could of warned you about Lake Ridge. You have to work at getting the Durham Regionals out of their donut boxes to come after you but on that road they do tend to try to keep us down within 20 km/h of the limit. Too many accidents down in the valley by the ski hills...

Easy Drifter
24th March 2009, 16:51
I know Lakeridge pretty well. Yes the area around Dagmar/Chalk Lake is dangerous and I go easy through there. If it wasn't so riddled with turn offs it would be a fun chunk of road. Also south of 7 is pretty heavily travelled.
I got caught quite a bit further north of both.
When I used to go to the east end of TO I used Lakeridge all the time. Then 48 to 12 and 12 home.

26th March 2009, 07:59
Got pulled last night for an illegally displayed numberplate and stung for £30 :(

Dave B
26th March 2009, 08:35
Got pulled last night for an illegally displayed numberplate and stung for £30 :(
The MOT has been tighted up so your numberplate will almost certainly generate an automatic fail unless you change it.

Please don't tell me you're one of these sad gits with a fancy font, or a sneakily placed screw to make a 7 look like an L or something! :dozey: I thought you were better than that! :p

26th March 2009, 08:54
The MOT has been tighted up so your numberplate will almost certainly generate an automatic fail unless you change it.

Please don't tell me you're one of these sad gits with a fancy font, or a sneakily placed screw to make a 7 look like an L or something! :dozey: I thought you were better than that!

Better not be :p

I once reported this twonk who had a numberplate which had warped characters on it :mark: Obviously some lame attempt to not get caught by speed cameras :crazy: Well the Cheshire constabulary has a word with him about it :laugh:

26th March 2009, 14:03
The numberplate itself is about a month old and complies fully with all the rules, I made sure it did. Unfortunately the pads which I used to attach it to the car came loose and it fell off so for about a week I've had it sat on the dash. It's easily visible but plod has spent a lot of money on fancy dancy cameras so wants it in the right place.

The annoying thing is that I've had the new sticky things in the car waiting to refix it when I give the car a damn good clean this weekend but he wasn't interested, reckon that he was interested more in getting his figures up and punishing me for the speed camera detector thing that's in the car. I also find it weird that it's a problem, afterall even sat on the dash it was probably lower than a lot of 4x4s, he could have just told me to sort it and that would have been that.

And for the record I also despise those personalised plates which people cock about with :)

26th March 2009, 14:06
I was driving around for a while with a numberplate half missing off the back because some bright spark decided to try to pull it off the car :mad:

Technically, I should have left the car off road and gone and bought a numberplate or taken the car on a trailer.

Of course I didn't do either of those things, but I'd hope that if I had been stopped the police would have been kind enough to accept that I was on the way to get it fixed, but probably not!

26th March 2009, 15:00
It's not even as if he couldn't believe that I wouldn't do it, I mean I had the sticky pads sat beside me in the car, just hadn't got round to doing it. Even showed them to him but he was still an arse about it. Generally a nice bloke but the fine shows that a lot of people are right about jobsworth coppers (and I usually defend them :( )

26th March 2009, 16:23
It's not even as if he couldn't believe that I wouldn't do it, I mean I had the sticky pads sat beside me in the car, just hadn't got round to doing it. Even showed them to him but he was still an arse about it. Generally a nice bloke but the fine shows that a lot of people are right about jobsworth coppers (and I usually defend them :( )

Did you offer to do it there and then? :p :

Dave B
26th March 2009, 17:01
And for the record I also despise those personalised plates which people cock about with :)
My faith in humanity is restored! :s mokin:

26th March 2009, 21:14
My faith in humanity is restored! :s mokin:
I wouldn't go quite that far. Humanity still sucks as far as I'm concerned :p

31st March 2009, 09:02
speaking of which...got caught yet again :/

looks like the cops here have to meet their monthly collection targets... :/

would be interesting to see how much targets they actually hand over to the government compared to how much it goes into their pockets

31st March 2009, 09:43
Billed twice for speeding. First one I was doing 59 kph on a 50 street. They are rather serious bout that in Sweden...
Next time (a year ago) I was doing 129 at 110 kph road. I was lucky though :)
If you speed by more then 30 kph in Sweden they will relive you of yor license, and you will automatically have to go to court to settle things. Normally they keep the license for two month,, if it is a minor offence.

31st March 2009, 13:20
once by police officer rest from cameras