View Full Version : To any forum members living in Spain

26th February 2009, 12:12

today I received a letter that disturbed me somewhat, so I need help from any forum member who is living, or used to live in Spain, preferably Madrid.

Here's what I'd like to know:

Is there an address in Madrid such as: Juan de Urbieta 17-3 C2 L8, and have you ever heard of the legal firm called "Carlos Martinez & Associates, senior advocate".
I suppose their HQ should be on the said address.

Thank you!

Garry Walker
26th February 2009, 14:36
Or you could have used google and in 15 seconds, you would have found this link


26th February 2009, 14:55
That's interesting they don't appear in the yellow pages which is quite strange if they are an important firm....

http://www.paginasamarillas.es/resultados.asp?nomb=Carlos%20martinez&loca=madrid&pgpv=1&mode=qdnomd&site=paol&IdBusqMoscaDensa=paol165090226160242X7DE958AD51AC6 5F5&ErrCodMoscaDensa=271&ModeMoscaDensa=qdnomd&OrigenResult=S

26th February 2009, 15:48
Thanks Donney, that's the kind of info I need.