View Full Version : Ah crap I'm dead! (not really of course)

26th February 2009, 03:08
Got some spam today which was a little interesting :mark:


Someone in the United State is trying to claim Mr. Albert Fracas funds. This funds
Mr. Albert Fracas had given out to you to use to help the less privilage ones. Now Mr. Albert
Fracas had passed away. The person told us that you were dead that you won’t be able to receive the funds.
He also told us he is your next of kin.

We are sending this mail to know if you are really dead or alive because from our records we can see here
on our system you are still alive. Now this person trying to claim the funds. He wants to pay the diplomat the fee he needs
to get the legal documents needed so that he will be able to get Late Mr. Albert
Fracas funds.

The Diplomat contacted us to know if he should collect the payment and go ahead
getting the documents needed to get Mr. Albert Fracas funds out to him. Please
you help us confirm this if you are still alive. If you are reply back to this mail immediately and let me know that you are still alive and not dead.
You can also call me with the below phone number. Or get intouch with me on my alternative email address below

Name: George Landry
Email: [email:jyuc4n51]gerogelandry@gmail.com[/email:jyuc4n51]
Phone: 2026846909

If you are still alive get in touch with me immediately.

Mr. George Landry

Seriously who is going to be thick enough to fall for this? :dozey:

Easy Drifter
26th February 2009, 06:24
You mean you didn't? :D :D :D

Thousands would unfortunately.
Now can you help me get my millions out of Nigeria? :eek:

Azumanga Davo
26th February 2009, 06:41
No wonder I got funny looks this morning when I delivered some condolence flowers to your parents...

26th February 2009, 06:44
or from Vietnam in my case....

26th February 2009, 08:29
The look is just basically funny...

26th February 2009, 08:52
I mean the original story asking whether someone they wrote the letter to, are really dead or alive, is a funny question. :D :)

26th February 2009, 08:55
Is this from Borat?

'Please you help us confirm this if you are still alive?'

Just say it with the accent, it works...

26th February 2009, 10:09
Is this from Borat?

'Please you help us confirm this if you are still alive?'

Just say it with the accent, it works...

actually this could be part of their scam, they often use bad grammar and spelling to make the receiver think he is the smarter one.

26th February 2009, 11:12
Is it from Jack Straw?

26th February 2009, 14:10
The thread title lead me to believe that maybe you forgot Caroline's birthday or something.

With regards to this letter, you should contact them and tell them to leave you alone so you can 'rest in peace'.

26th February 2009, 14:44
The thread title lead me to believe that maybe you forgot Caroline's birthday or something.

With regards to this letter, you should contact them and tell them to leave you alone so you can 'rest in peace'.
You just reminded me of something. It was Caroline's Birthday on the twelth :mark: The last 2 weeks suddenly make a lot of sense now :crazy:

26th February 2009, 20:34
What? Uncle Albert's dead?

27th February 2009, 11:54
Ah crap I'm dead! (not really of course)

@ Dan :bigcry: :p

28th February 2009, 15:29
Seriously, what are you suppose to do if you really are dead and can not contact them?
I hate the thought just laying there, ignoring them---that would be very rude and unkind.

Easy Drifter
28th February 2009, 17:40
Send smoke signals. You and I will be in a place where there is enough fire for that! :eek:

1st March 2009, 13:56
Send smoke signals. You and I will be in a place where there is enough fire for that! :eek:
people would just think i am blowing smoke up their buttocks again...