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25th February 2009, 22:53
On my way home from work, spot what both the white Clio and black Golf are doing wrong


25th February 2009, 23:00
Ah my pet peeve.

Brown, Jon Brow
25th February 2009, 23:07
undertake them

25th February 2009, 23:08
undertake them

People undertaking annoys me as much as middle lane people. People in Beemers undertake :p :

26th February 2009, 00:14
Yikes! You're all driving on the wrong side of the road!!

26th February 2009, 00:28
Yikes! You're all driving on the wrong side of the road!!

:up: Got it in one :rolleyes: :p :

26th February 2009, 01:09
People undertaking annoys me as much as middle lane people. People in Beemers undertake :p :

My worst driving habit. These days I get so peeved off by middle-lane-hoggers that I undertake.

Even if it makes me a bloody hypocrite. Sometimes I get stuck in my own little world....

26th February 2009, 03:36
Never mind the other cars... whats with the music in your car :p :

Easy Drifter
26th February 2009, 06:49
Technically it is not illegal in Ont. but a cop in a snarly mood just might charge you with 'Stunt Driving'. Then your car is impounded for 7 days on the spot (storage fees could amt. to $1,000.) plus a fine of $1,000 to $10,000 if convicted. Then just wait for your next insurance bill if they even will still cover you.
You could probably beat it in court but figure on a few hundred at least is legal fees.
Most cops would just ignore it as it really isn't illegal. If you are weaving from lane to lane look out though.

Hazell B
26th February 2009, 13:34
Last night I drove along the M62 at dot on 70mph and caught up with nothing at all, yet saw only two other vehicles in the 'slow' lane in my mirrors. Every single other vehicle was using the centre and outside lanes only - I had the inside all to myself from motorway sliproad to exit :mark:

26th February 2009, 14:30
Never mind the other cars... whats with the music in your car :p :

Tis a good tune that :p :

Mark in Oshawa
26th February 2009, 15:02
I am with Edv....you are on the wrong side of the road. That said, I do believe I feel your pain. Mind you, when I am in in the "granny" lane in my truck and I am doing just a smidge over the speed limit and passing people, I know I must be driving through Toronto....

donKey jote
26th February 2009, 18:54
Yikes! You're all driving on the wrong side of the road!!
not only that, he's driving without a steering wheel, while filming !!

That was one of my pet peeves in the UK, together with narrowing down to 1 lane about 10 miles before the roadworks :p :


26th February 2009, 20:57
not only that, he's driving without a steering wheel, while filming !!

That was one of my pet peeves in the UK, together with narrowing down to 1 lane about 10 miles before the roadworks :p :


Roadworks? Wtf are they? We have lots of cones out and no work being done usually :)

donKey jote
26th February 2009, 21:09
lazy country :p :

I meant people merging into a single lane, leaving the other two free, 10 miles before the cones start :)

26th February 2009, 21:16
The BIG problem here is that most drivers call the left lane the SLOW lane and because they are doing 70mph ,they dont consider that SLOW !
BUT the RULE OF THE ROAD is DRIVE ON THE LEFT,so even though they are doing 70mph if they are NOT overtaking they shouldbe in THE LEFT LANE.In Germany they have signs all the way along the A8 saying WHEN NOT OVER TAKING KEEP RIGHT.They also have another brilliant idea that where the road is Dual carriageway but only 2 lanes they forbid overtaking by trucks between 6am and 6pm

26th February 2009, 21:17
lazy country :p :

I meant people merging into a single lane, leaving the other two free, 10 miles before the cones start :)

That's fantastic though, you can overtake all the stupid people :D

donKey jote
26th February 2009, 21:41
I usually did, but often you'd get the eejits who enjoy sitting in the queue pulling out to block the free lanes ! :p
Traffic dynamics was obviously not their favourite subject :dozey:

Hazell B
26th February 2009, 21:48
Donks, get a Range Rover.
The buggers move then :p :

donKey jote
26th February 2009, 21:55
Oh I managed fine... they rarely went so far as to block the hard shoulder as well :p :

26th February 2009, 21:58
What on earth are you doing recording your drive home from work? :p :

26th February 2009, 22:03
Since Ibby refused to keep up with me when we were both driving back from Race of Champions at Wembley last year and pointed out the speeds I drove on motorways would probably get me an instant driving ban I am now on an official go slow. Well, when I say go slow I mean that I now drive at 70mph instead of 90mph. :uhoh: :arrowed: :uhoh: Anyway, the road rage in me is really building due to middle lane hoggers. It's so damn hard to resist undertaking and if overtaking cutting them up to prove a point when getting back into the inside lane. I've turned over a nice new leaf but it's so frustrating being a good driver! :p