View Full Version : Honda's Livery Launch

9th February 2007, 22:19
Sorry if this has already been posted but is there any indication on when Honda unveil their new livery?

11th February 2007, 22:55
This was posted on Honda F1 site in January

"With the RA107 sporting its black and white testing colours in preparation for a reveal of the new team livery next month"

So any day now I guess. I quite like the testing colour scheme, got a cracking picture on my desktop.

12th February 2007, 13:32
The new livery is meant to be about Green product and could be pictures of the earth or something like that!

12th February 2007, 14:54
I think I read somewhere about the 25th February in London! yeah it was in german MSA

13th February 2007, 21:16
I don't like the black, it's hard to see the detail of the car.

I liked the Lucky Strike livery. There is no way that the 2007 livery could look better, in my opinion.

23rd February 2007, 05:10
It will be released on Monday:


24th February 2007, 22:55
Not sure how true this is: http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?t=360317&f=42&h=0

25th February 2007, 03:10
Not sure how true this is: http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?t=360317&f=42&h=0
Quite realistic for Google (Earth) as the sole Honda sponsor.

After Honda cars have the Internavi Floating Car Navigation System powered by Google Earth, and VW is planning to follow the japanese brand, it makes sense this powerful marketing campaign.

And is also a magnificent idea and a beautiful livery.

25th February 2007, 13:02
I really hope that's the livery, the green will make it stand out.

25th February 2007, 15:43
At least it's better than the Renault livery! :D

25th February 2007, 16:35
One word, STUNNING

306 Cosworth
25th February 2007, 17:49
Be nice if it was real

25th February 2007, 19:36
oh dear! what a hash

25th February 2007, 22:41
It's interesting, but it should be simpler and more coherent on the racecars, I think.

25th February 2007, 23:07
I don't like the black, it's hard to see the detail of the car.

I think some teams use black during testing to make it more difficult for other teams to see any new details on the car before the season starts.

25th February 2007, 23:49
I think some teams use black during testing to make it more difficult for other teams to see any new details on the car before the season starts.

Yeah, that's probably true. But it's incredibly boring an it makes it pointless to look at pictures from testing. When I saw articles about "Honda unveils the RA107", I thought, "it looks no different to the RA106!"

Williams and McLaren used interim liveries reminiscent of their '60s and '70s looks before the '06 season. Couldn't Honda have done something similar?

26th February 2007, 01:57
That's the most horrible livery I have ever seen! :s
I have nothing against green politics but the car just looks horrible, it makes McLaren and Renault look good :s

26th February 2007, 02:07
I guess the quesion to be asked is how will that livery look out on the track?

The chrome McLarens looked much better in the studio shots than they did on television where the chrome lost its sheen and you couldn't tell it apart from the grey on the Midlands.

Could be the same with this one. Looks interesting and very different in the studio but comes across as a muddled blur when seen through TV cameras out on the track.

Time will tell, I suppose.

26th February 2007, 04:04
if this was a hint or a reveal, would the car not at least be complete? the back half is still black, like the artist was too lazy to complete it

26th February 2007, 05:37
I guess the quesion to be asked is how will that livery look out on the track?

The chrome McLarens looked much better in the studio shots than they did on television where the chrome lost its sheen and you couldn't tell it apart from the grey on the Midlands.

Could be the same with this one. Looks interesting and very different in the studio but comes across as a muddled blur when seen through TV cameras out on the track.

Time will tell, I suppose.

I agree. I think the distinct green and blue from the studio image will blur into a muddy mess at speed. Let's hope they go for something a bit more abstract on the racecars.

Giuseppe F1
26th February 2007, 09:30


Honda launch green campaign and livery

By Jonathan Noble Monday, February 26th 2007, 08:30 GMT

Honda Racing have issued a rallying call to Formula One fans and sponsors to join their new campaign to help address the climate crisis.

The team unveil today their new 2007 colour scheme, which features an image of the earth instead of the traditional advertising and sponsor logos.

But Honda are taking the initiative a step further, revealing a unique scheme to raise awareness of the environmental issues facing the world.

Through a new website myearthdream.com, those interested in helping support Honda's push will be able to make a donation to environmental charity, pledge to make a lifestyle change, and in return have their name featured on the car.

Two global brands, Universal Music and Gatorade, are the first to sign up to the concept, while other companies - including Fila, IBM, Instron, Oliver Sweeney, Perkin Elmer, Showa Denko, TUV and GF Agie Charmilles - have also joined up.

"Climate change is probably the single biggest issue facing the global community and F1 is not immune from it," team boss Nick Fry said.

"On the contrary, we believe that F1 with its huge global profile and cutting edge technology can play an important role in not only highlighting the issues but also playing our part in developing solutions.

"In addition, the FIA recognises the opportunity for F1 to showcase innovative technologies for the benefit of society for the long term. For example, by 2009, devices for energy recovery will be in place on the cars.

"So we at Honda F1 are proud to dedicate our car to the environmental challenge. We believe that practical solutions can stem directly from engineers working on our F1 programme."

Fry added that he hoped Honda's plans for 2007 would not oly raise awareness of global issues but also encourage the public to do more to help the situation.

"First and foremost, we are a race team and F1 is very much a team sport. We achieve our racing objectives only by working together, and parallels can be drawn with the way that we must all join together to address the environmental challenge.

"We hope that in raising awareness and highlighting the issues we will encourage members of the public to come together and help take on the challenge of climate change."

Honda Racing chairman Yasuhiro Wada added: "Honda constantly strives to be innovative in both its technology and its thinking and to sincerely respond to the demands of customers and society.

"Honda has always made great efforts to contribute to the preservation of the environment in its corporate activity.

"We hope this new initiative for Honda in F1 will help to further stimulate awareness and interest across the world for these important environmental issues."


Giuseppe F1
26th February 2007, 09:34
So Honda now have these companies signed up as sponsors:

-Universal Music
-Oliver Sweeney
-Perkin Elmer
-Showa Denko
-GF Agie Charmilles

Or are they really sponsors, i.e. would there image placement on the car be equivalent to a straight out commercial deal or is this going to be like that 'RACING FOR HOLLAND' buy a square inch of the car type of thing?

Giuseppe F1
26th February 2007, 09:41
Seems to be no official word on Googles Earths involvement if at all?

Seems anyone can have there name on the car if you make the pledge at http://www.myearthdream.com and it will be visible on the car.........under a microscope!!

Lets all chip in and get http://www.motorsport.com on there!

Honda announce green livery
Embracing the environmental challenge
26/02/07 10:08

Honda going green with the F1 team

Honda today announced a major new initiative for the coming season regarding the livery of the new RA107. The following is a press release from the Honda F1 team.

To help raise awareness of the environmental issues facing the planet, the RA107 F1 car will simply feature a huge image of earth, in place of the advertising and sponsor logos which have featured and dominated all other F1 cars for decades.

The car's new look is a powerful call to action for fans, sponsors, customers and members of the public to join Honda's commitment to help address the environmental issues facing the world.

Via the website 'www.myearthdream.com' anyone who wishes, will have the opportunity to have their name on the car, make a pledge to make a lifestyle change to improve the environment and make a donation to an environmental charity. Under the concept of "our car is your car", each name will form a tiny individual pixel which will help build the image of planet earth on the car. Each name will be visible on the website when you make the pledge or under a microscope on the car.

Universal Music, the largest music company in the world, and Gatorade are the first global brands to partner the team in this exciting new concept. Existing partners have enthusiastically embraced the idea and all remain involved with the team for the 07 season.
In addition, the team is delighted to announce that Fila, IBM, Instron, Oliver Sweeney, Perkin Elmer, Showa Denko, TUV and GF Agie Charmilles have joined the roster of team partners and suppliers.

The Honda Racing F1 Team will work closely with global environmental charities to develop Honda's existing environmental ethos within the world's most high profile motor-sport.

Nick Fry, Honda F1 CEO
"Climate change is probably the single biggest issue facing the global community and F1 is not immune from it. On the contrary we believe that F1 with its huge global profile and cutting edge technology can play an important role in not only highlighting the issues but also playing our part in developing solutions. In addition, the FIA recognises the opportunity for F1 to showcase innovative technologies for the benefit of society for the long term. For example, by 2009, devices for energy recovery will be in place on the cars."

"So we at Honda F1 are proud to dedicate our car to the environmental challenge. We believe that practical solutions can stem directly from engineers working on our F1 programme. They are working harder than ever to achieve our dreams and win the World Championship while embracing and underscoring Honda's environmental ethos."


Giuseppe F1
26th February 2007, 09:45
Im just waiting for that first Honda engine blow-up in this livery when all the photographers scrabble for that "Apocalypse" shot with the smoke billowing out from around the earth :)

26th February 2007, 09:59
I respect there aim, but the car doesn’t look that good. I think this could go very well or the media might tear them apart.
I don’t see why they didn’t go with a full Honda paint job...

26th February 2007, 10:06
Seems to be no official word on Googles Earths involvement if at all?

It was only ever a rumour. Looks like they've used the imagery from GE rather than having them as sponsor.

26th February 2007, 10:15
the ponytail that came up with this should be sacked.

Yes the idea is sound, but the execution is hopeless

26th February 2007, 10:22
I think they should have left the car alone and just painted their helmets like little globes. Jenson could be Earth, Rubens the Sun and Cristian K the Moon. May be Max and Bernie could join in to, on could be Ice, the other could be Wind, you decide ??

26th February 2007, 11:16
NICE! I dig this livery a lot. Hope it looks as good around the track! And, amazingly, I think I'll be able to see the car numbers!

26th February 2007, 11:26
The actual 'shape' of the car seems to be disguised by the blue and green paintwork. I'm not sure if I'm a fan yet, but it's certainly unique.

Just wondering where the UK is on that bodywork!

Dave B
26th February 2007, 12:11
It looks great when viewed at the exact right angle, but with all the stupid flaps and winglets on a modern F1 car the effect is totally ruined.

Interesting effort, 10/10 for originality, but it just doesn't work.

26th February 2007, 12:23
i think it looks great, and full marks to Honda for stealing a march on the other teams and actively promoting green issues instead of skirting around them, they will likely reap the dividends of this approach with companies looking to link up with a seeming contientous manufacturer.

unsure how the car will look on the track and at speed, but i think it will probably be just fine, and its nothing if not original, something most people pan the teams for.

26th February 2007, 12:37
So, now Honda is an environment-friendly company? What a laugh!

26th February 2007, 12:39
So, now Honda is an environment-friendly company? What a laugh!

no, they are just not ignoring the issues, they might not do much to make the company greener, but just by investing in promoting the issues they are doing more than most and at the same time its not going to harm their image

26th February 2007, 12:45
One word: WOW!

Well, that indeed is a revolutionar livery, no doubt! :p :

First it indeed does look a bit strange and unfamiliar, but on the other hand the idea is interesting and the colours - green and blue - are soft and nice. And Estonia is placed near the steering wheel. :D So I tend to be positive as it takes some time to get used to this.

But there is one aspect that makes curious. What about other sponsors if there is any left? :p : How will they get their advertised? And if they won't, then what is the point of sponsoring?

26th February 2007, 13:04
at the same time its not going to harm their image

well, I would have thought that being branded hypocrits would do quite some harm to them. If they were really serious about the envirnoment, they should just withdraw from F1...


26th February 2007, 13:16
well, I would have thought that being branded hypocrits would do quite some harm to them. If they were really serious about the envirnoment, they should just withdraw from F1...


and that would save the planet, one less F1 team, or even no F1 at all? and because they are in F1 they should make no attempt to help?

given that the technology developed in F1 will and does filter down to production over time, then promoting Green issues and developing technologies will help develop greener cars in the future will will certainly help promote their brand to increasingly environmentally aware consumers.

of course if they were completely serious about green issues, Honda, The car company, should stop making cars altogether and shut down, or at least stop all production of the internal combustion engine. :rolleyes:

26th February 2007, 13:38
and that would save the planet, one less F1 team, or even no F1 at all? and because they are in F1 they should make no attempt to help?

given that the technology developed in F1 will and does filter down to production over time, then promoting Green issues and developing technologies will help develop greener cars in the future will will certainly help promote their brand to increasingly environmentally aware consumers.

of course if they were completely serious about green issues, Honda, The car company, should stop making cars altogether and shut down, or at least stop all production of the internal combustion engine. :rolleyes:

come on, it's like Bush supporting CND...


Big Ben
26th February 2007, 13:42
and that would save the planet, one less F1 team, or even no F1 at all? and because they are in F1 they should make no attempt to help?

given that the technology developed in F1 will and does filter down to production over time, then promoting Green issues and developing technologies will help develop greener cars in the future will will certainly help promote their brand to increasingly environmentally aware consumers.

of course if they were completely serious about green issues, Honda, The car company, should stop making cars altogether and shut down, or at least stop all production of the internal combustion engine. :rolleyes:

:) )
yeah... if they are serious they should use bikes... They ll finish the race a week later but they shall make a point

26th February 2007, 13:55
:) )
yeah... if they are serious they should use bikes... They ll finish the race a week later but they shall make a point

Maybe they should use motorbikes... then they might win some races... :D

26th February 2007, 13:58
Seems to be no official word on Googles Earths involvement if at all?

I suspected that it was only ever a deal to use the Google Earth images than any real tie-up between the two companies.

Impressive liverie, better than I thought it would be but I dont really like the black back end.

26th February 2007, 14:02
They should use a diesel engine. :)

26th February 2007, 14:09
Well you see Button said if he doesn't start winning this year he will do more partying. So now when Button pukes from last nights hangover no one will be able to tell. Great imagination from Honda.

really kinda reminds me of a Bennetton of years ago

26th February 2007, 14:28
Its quiet strange to me that some people doesn’t know Hondas environmental awareness. It would not make the car look any better or faster, but for the fact if you follow it’s clear that Honda is a head of many rivals in the approach to a better and livable word. They are not going to achieve this by them self, but they can show the way to it.
In the same time you can’t do things that destroy your business, because that would not have a long effect.
I say, well done. Good thinking!
I still don’t like it, but can’t wait to see it on the truck, which could make a different.

26th February 2007, 14:34
They should use a diesel engine. :)

in which part of the F1 rules is that allowed??

26th February 2007, 15:14
I still don’t like it, but can’t wait to see it on the truck, which could make a different.

Nah, no difference... they are always on the recovery truck... :)

26th February 2007, 15:22
At least it's better than the Renault livery! :D
Damning with faint praise, no? :)

I like it. At the very least, it's a break from the sea of white & red.

26th February 2007, 16:26
the livery is cool, something finally different for the good.

26th February 2007, 17:32
suppose its a was to keep cameras on the cars when at the back

26th February 2007, 17:53
Well... It´s different.

Honda has done a good jod bringin something different to the track, but I think we won´t see "our planet" when that car goes at 300 km/h, it will be a blue/green blur... and nothing more.

26th February 2007, 18:00
Who cares what the livery looks like?

I mean the idea behind the livery is just great.

26th February 2007, 18:25
I find it somewhat incongruous that Honda think they can somehow be seen to be a "green" company by putting images of the world on cars that chew through 4.5 litres of fuel per lap in one of, if not the, most wasteful sports on the planet.

Whatever marketing "genius" came up with this idea should be taken out the back and soundly beaten.

26th February 2007, 18:28
It's not their fault that FZzz rules don't allow diesel(or just any other alternative to petrol) engines. :)

26th February 2007, 18:36
Well... It´s different.

Honda has done a good jod bringin something different to the track, but I think we won´t see "our planet" when that car goes at 300 km/h, it will be a blue/green blur... and nothing more.

I tend to agree. At the launch event in a dark room it looks nice, but at the racing track it will probably look like a funny aggregate of plasma, not a Formula One car, that flows around the racing circuit. :D Also it will collect a lot of dust during the race, so after the race not much of that "earth" would be seen. With that dust Honda will visibly show, how much pollution there is in the world. :p :

Nikki Katz
26th February 2007, 18:40
Words cannot describe how shocked I am by this.

There was even a feature on BBC News just now. The reporter called the car "horrific". They also repeatedly mentioned the team's (seemingly only) driver Jenson Button.

Seriously for a moment, I am hugely concerned about the environment, and with America moving very slowly (if at all) towards carbon reduction combined with China's sharp increase in pollution, I think it's very important. But I'd be surprised if anyone listened to a message painted garishly onto an F1 car. It doesn't really say anything. Also, the F1 cars themselves might be carbon neutral, but shipping them all over the world for each race certainly isn't. This just seems like a marketing gimmick. And a very very bizarre one at that.

26th February 2007, 18:43
F1 cannot be criticised about being wasteful as the FIA has been offsetting carbon emissions caused by F1 Racing since 1997. It just hasn't been news again until now... F1 is one of the most effective of advertising green issues because it is a direct link between industry and engineering and general public. Not only that it can also contributes to making green credentials more competitive, more desirable and therefore more economically beneficial.

Honda cars and products may cause harm to the environment but if they didn't make them someone else would and it is their philosophy to work together with others to combat climate change.

I might actually support Honda this year even though Button's still there...

26th February 2007, 18:46
Also, the F1 cars themselves might be carbon neutral, but shipping them all over the world for each race certainly isn't.

The FIA covers it all.


Nikki Katz
26th February 2007, 19:03
The problem with carbon trading is that it's easily corrupted. Due to a little creative accounting, much of that money awarded to these businesses in developing countries simply goes towards increasing shareholder wealth rather than spent towards reducing emissions. It's a nice idea, but it doesn't work yet and as far as I can tell they're not improving it.

But anyway, I'm getting off topic. The car is horrible, but I guess so is the Renault :p

Scuderia ferrari
26th February 2007, 20:24
Well, we were warned, but what a shock i had seeing THAT just a couple mins ago.

I...i'm speechless. I can't think if i love it or hate it.....get back to me on that one.

26th February 2007, 20:25
That's the funniest F1 car I have ever seen :)

26th February 2007, 20:32
Actually one more thought from me. Maybe this is an example of a new trend and we are diving into a new era of F1 car liveries, when the age of clearly differentiable colours is over - colour themes have much more shades, tones and different colours are less delimited. The new trend has been started actually by Toro Rosso. Maybe the new livery ideology will develop further and soon even photos will start appearing on racing cars?

Scuderia ferrari
26th February 2007, 20:33
That's the funniest F1 car I have ever seen :)

Me and my dad agree. My, there is alot of funny liveries about this year.

26th February 2007, 20:55
maybe all the cars should be red and white or silver, would everyone be happy then. oh and only sponsored by cigarette, alcohol and fuel companies. and make sure they burn as much fuel as possible, and not use any energy saving lightbulbs in their factory, and give all the employees a car with no less than a 3 litre engine, in fact why not base in Australia so they have to fly to all but one race.

can't we just applaud them for either trying something new and highlighting wider issues than the sport, or at least pat them on the back for exploiting a very newsworthy issue for their own personal gain, either way its clever, and very different, which most people have been moaning there isn't enough of in modern F1, no pleasing some people?! :rolleyes:

26th February 2007, 20:58

What can one say...wow!
judging by the looks of the drivers, they are the least enthusiastic about this livery. As they will be the ones driving this car all year. Perhaps their jumpsuits are also designed to match the car, so more shocks might be in store.

Look, I am an ardent believer in the protection of the environment, denounce fur, carbon emission, wasteful corporate and industrial actions, overdependence on oil, starvation, genocide, animal extinction and a much of the deforestation of the planets rainforests. I do my part in terms of support, donations and awareness, but you won't see me wearing a suit in the color of green, blue and depicting earth. to prove my point.

They could have gone a completely different direction and still come of green. Environmentally friendly tents, liveries on their trucks and in their paddocks, and so forth.

Bottom line, the livery is ugly and probably will undermine the very effort they are trying to put forth. People won't be inspired by the livery. Any increased awareness to global environmental problems will be quickly surpassed by chatter on the abhorrent livery and the mocking it will receive in the paddock.

I fully expect them to change the livery soon and announce to the whole world that it was only on an interim basis in some advertising and partnership campaign.

26th February 2007, 21:00
Impressive. There will be no mistaking it!

26th February 2007, 21:10
another quick thing,

If you don't look to closely at the car, or as it drives around the circuit, it does remind one of the old benneton cars that used to run circa 1997-2000 very bright blue and green.

26th February 2007, 21:18
Its the worst livery i have ever seen bar none.

26th February 2007, 21:57
It seems like you either love it or hate it .

I love it for a number of reasons .
First and foremost , it's different , and that , in itself , is refreshing .
It will stick out like a thumb , sore to some .

It brings to mind an issue that we all need to think and act about .
Think locally . Act globally .

Someone mentioned earlier in the thread , that the number will be visible . I miss those days .

The aspect of stealth is addressed for the team , in that the colours will blur the real shape of the car to the spy camera to some degree .

Will the globe depicted turn to show the continent on which each race is being run ? That would be cool , and probably pretty easy for them to do as well . I hope they thought of it , too .

I guess the last aspect of this that strikes me as good would be the jokes about this livery that may turn up .

Will the car revolve around the circuit instead of turn laps ?
Does the country on the intake really suck ?
Does the country with the exhaust really blow ?
Was that the right bank or Mt. St. Helens ?
Was that the left bank or the left bank ?
Can you see yourself in the country in the right mirror ?

26th February 2007, 22:09
BLURGH!!!!! What the hell is that??? It looks like something my one year old spits up on my shoulder!!!

26th February 2007, 22:14
We can't have it both ways. Perhaps we've become so conditioned to seeing the garish and tacky paint schemes of the past two decades that we don't know how to react when something genuinely different and original comes along. OK, the Honda scheme is not everyone's cup of tea, but it sure is distinctive, and you never know, it might raise environmental awareness a little bit!

26th February 2007, 22:36
Did you know taht you can put your name on it!? :D

26th February 2007, 22:40
Oh here is the link.


To be honest I have never really donated, or maybe I did but not much and not very often. But here I might do it again, juts for a laugh that I have my name on it
What the hell, I like this thing already :D

27th February 2007, 03:55
I like it. Its not red...or white. It is very original. And I also read somewhere that fans can have their name pixelized onto the car by giving donations to environmental charities. So even if it is a publicity stunt, it really doesn't matter since Honda really are doing something for the environment.

27th February 2007, 05:10
Well you see Button said if he doesn't start winning this year he will do more partying. So now when Button pukes from last nights hangover no one will be able to tell. Great imagination from Honda.

really kinda reminds me of a Bennetton of years ago

My first reaction was that someone ate their veggies and vomitted on the nose of the car!!! :(

I can't think of a Bennetton livery this bad!! 1986 was beautiful compared to this! (Even Toyota is better!)

If they really wanted to be eco-friendly, it should be methane powered and feed the drivers a diet of burritos and broccoli for fuel! :)

27th February 2007, 05:21
I can't wait to see the team shirts they (try to) sell to the fans!!

27th February 2007, 10:48
I find it somewhat incongruous that Honda think they can somehow be seen to be a "green" company by putting images of the world on cars that chew through 4.5 litres of fuel per lap in one of, if not the, most wasteful sports on the planet.

Whatever marketing "genius" came up with this idea should be taken out the back and soundly beaten.

Just as an aside, I seem to recall I saw a short film (on Top Gear, 5th Gear, something like that here in the UK) about a project Honda are working on, on a remote island off Japan. The island is entirely self sufficient, producing all its energy from renewable sources (I think hydro power) and they are developing/perfecting a fuel cell car.

Its good, but currently has a limited range, so more research is ongoing.....

Then, theres the Toyota way, how many factories pumping out CO2 are required to make the hybrid cars?

I think Honda are VERY aware of their impact, and are keen to do something about it.


27th February 2007, 10:57
If only Honda could bring this technology to F1 and use it as a further development platform. A zero emission F1 car, mmmmmm

27th February 2007, 13:54
That is the most hideous, up-it's-own-arse of a livery concept I have ever had the misfortune to be subjected to.

Bloody do-good Greens.

Honestly, where are the Nazi's when you need them?

27th February 2007, 14:21
Honestly, where are the Nazi's when you need them?

Foraging around somewhere in some squalid squat, where they belong, looking for their KKK outfits?

27th February 2007, 15:11
See the following link for reference to green as an unlucky color!

27th February 2007, 15:51
like it! the rigt side is like: Mexico!!

27th February 2007, 18:42
I would call that livery terrable :D

27th February 2007, 20:35
as said before, totally respect Honda's effort to make everyone aware of climate problems
but a puke looking car ain't gonna help!

27th February 2007, 20:49
Honda could have icons on the map representing the countries, I came up
with these...

Big Ben to represent England
Statue of Liberty America
Harbour Bridge Australia
Eiffel Tower France
Great Wall China
Dead Dolphins Japan
Taleban Army Afghanistan
Nuclear Bombs Iran
The Mafia Russia
Blood Israel
Ronaldihno Spain
A1GP Germany
Football Riots Italy
Lady Boys Brazil
Suicide Bombers for Iraq

28th February 2007, 03:28
This might be a nobly mission, but i doubt running an F1 car without atractive colour theme and without sponsor is a good idea :(

28th February 2007, 06:14
Foraging around somewhere in some squalid squat, where they belong, looking for their KKK outfits?

Aren't they the ones that made the turbos for Ferrari in the early '80s??? :)

28th February 2007, 12:25
Reading one of the freebie London newspapers on the way home from work last, there was one sentence in the article about the Honda livery launch that caught my eye.

It suggested that they would not be doing the 'green' thing had it not been for the fact that negotiations with Sanyo for title sponsor broke down in final stages.


28th February 2007, 14:33
Honda could have icons on the map representing the countries, I came up
with these...

Big Ben to represent England
Statue of Liberty America
Harbour Bridge Australia
Eiffel Tower France
Great Wall China
Dead Dolphins Japan
Taleban Army Afghanistan
Nuclear Bombs Iran
The Mafia Russia
Blood Israel
Ronaldihno Spain
A1GP Germany
Football Riots Italy
Lady Boys Brazil
Suicide Bombers for Iraq

Lets try this one.

England-----Soccer Hooligans

Italy--------World Champions!

28th February 2007, 14:58
Honda could have icons on the map representing the countries, I came up
with these...

Big Ben to represent England
Statue of Liberty America
Harbour Bridge Australia
Eiffel Tower France
Great Wall China
Dead Dolphins Japan
Taleban Army Afghanistan
Nuclear Bombs Iran
The Mafia Russia
Blood Israel
Ronaldihno Spain
A1GP Germany
Football Riots Italy
Lady Boys Brazil
Suicide Bombers for Iraq

Bad idea, and very bad choices you made.

28th February 2007, 15:02
Honda could have icons on the map representing the countries, I came up
with these...

Big Ben to represent England
Statue of Liberty America
Harbour Bridge Australia
Eiffel Tower France
Great Wall China
Dead Dolphins Japan
Taleban Army Afghanistan
Nuclear Bombs Iran
The Mafia Russia
Blood Israel
Ronaldihno Spain
A1GP Germany
Football Riots Italy
Lady Boys Brazil
Suicide Bombers for Iraq

That's so brilliant and full of sense. :rolleyes:
http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/angry002.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

28th February 2007, 15:33
Will Honda's new race suits look like this? :D


28th February 2007, 23:33
Just as an aside, I seem to recall I saw a short film (on Top Gear, 5th Gear, something like that here in the UK) about a project Honda are working on, on a remote island off Japan.
It was on 5th gear.

I like this livery, great ORIGINAL idea.

I am really surprised that only a few know that Honda manufactures - possibly - the cleanest mass production automobiles and energy efficient.

@ioan: You watch too much of television.

1st March 2007, 02:41
Bad idea, and very bad choices you made. yeah, good idea for few firsts, bad for the rest

btw the blue based color behind the map reminds me to color of 555, does this mean a new method they support Honda likewise Marlboro support Ferrari?

1st March 2007, 08:26
btw the blue based color behind the map reminds me to color of 555, does this mean a new method they support Honda likewise Marlboro support Ferrari?
You mean the sea? :)

When tobacco advert rules become more strict, expect to see the Red Cross Victorinox Ferrari in few years time. :)

1st March 2007, 09:43
You mean the sea? :)

When tobacco advert rules become more strict, expect to see the Red Cross Victorinox Ferrari in few years time. :)
perhaps :)

but the blue sea more pale than it :)

this kind color of Honda as is air-brushed color tends to make you get bored easily

Brown, Jon Brow
1st March 2007, 09:56
It might look good on the race track :o hplease:

1st March 2007, 10:50
as said before, totally respect Honda's effort to make everyone aware of climate problems
but a puke looking car ain't gonna help!

:up: ,you got that right

1st March 2007, 11:36
Guys, this is awareness, not a solution! It’s so easy to forget about the problems which this car reflects. So, now it’s going to show up ever now and then, to remind many people of what not to do, or at least try not to do.

1st March 2007, 20:05
Lets try this one.

England-----Soccer Hooligans

Italy--------World Champions!

Soccer?? whats soccer.

1st March 2007, 20:21
Guys, this is awareness, not a solution! It’s so easy to forget about the problems which this car reflects. So, now it’s going to show up ever now and then, to remind many people of what not to do, or at least try not to do.


Too bad rep is now disable, I would have given you some. :)
It's not like Honda can solve all the world's problems on his own, all the people have to realise what's going on.

2nd March 2007, 02:25
Soccer?? whats soccer.

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05.


outdoor ball and goal game, also called association football or simply football. The first recorded game probably was that on a Shrove Tuesday in Derby, England, part of a festival to celebrate a victory over a contingent of Roman troops (A.D. 217). By 1175 the Shrove Tuesday soccer game was an annual event. 1
The sport remained popular for centuries in England under the name football. But the advent of rugby (1823) as a variant led to confusion. The London Football Association was formed (1863) to further the game that emphasized the kicking of the ball. This became known as association football and then, through abbreviation, as soccer. It was rapidly adopted in continental Europe, where it still generally goes under the name football. Other related sports called football are popular in countries including Ireland and Australia. 2
Soccer is the most popular international team sport, followed by vast, emotional audiences and associated at times with such events as the 1969 “Soccer War” between El Salvador and Honduras and oubreaks of mass hooliganism, notably by British supporters. It has long been secondary in the United States, though, where American football, a descendant primarily of rugby, dominates. Since the 1970s, American soccer has grown at many levels, from childrens’ to collegiate; professional soccer, however, has achieved only sporadic success, with the birth and decline of several leagues as fan interest generally lagged. The most recent U.S. professional league, Major League Soccer, played its first season in 1996 and currently has 12 teams. 3
International competition is regulated by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA; founded 1904), which sponsors the quadrennial (since 1930) World Cup competition and whose membership is larger than that of the United Nations. Soccer has been an Olympic event since 1900. The first Women’s World Cup, in 1991, was won by the United States, where women’s soccer has won more attention than men’s; the women’s competition was added to the Olympics in 1996. Sparked by these successes, a U.S. professional women’s soccer league consisting of eight teams recruited from the best players worldwide began play in 2001, but it folded two years later. 4
The game is played on a grassy field usually 120 yd by 75 yd (110 m by 70 m). Centered on each end line is a goal, 8 yd (7.3 m) wide by 8 ft (2.4 m) high, backed with netting. A team consists of eleven players—traditionally a goalkeeper, two fullbacks, three halfbacks, and five forwards. Recent variants on these positions include the striker, a forward who remains close to the opponents’ goal, and the sweeper, a roving defender. Play is continuous through two 45-min periods, and substitutions are severely limited. Overtime is played in case of a tie, and if no further scoring occurs, the match may be resolved with a series of alternating penalty kicks. 5
The object of the game is to advance an inflated leather ball—about 28 in. (71 cm) in circumference—into the opponents’ goal. The ball is kicked (often dribbled with short kicks) or advanced with other parts of the body, but only the goalkeeper may use the hands. Each goal counts one point. Penalties are various types of free kicks, depending on the infraction; a player may be ejected (without replacement) for a flagrant foul. Perhaps the greatest soccer player of all time is Brazil’s Pelé; other recent notables have included Franz Beckenbauer (Germany), Roberto Biaggio (Italy), and Diego Maradonna (Argentina). 6
See B. Glanville, Soccer (1968); T. Smits, The Game of Soccer (1968); A. Clues and D. Jack, Soccer for Players and Coaches (1980); J. Lever, Soccer Madness (1983). 7

Does that answer your question!


2nd March 2007, 04:17
Guys, this is awareness, not a solution! It’s so easy to forget about the problems which this car reflects. So, now it’s going to show up ever now and then, to remind many people of what not to do, or at least try not to do.

But do I want 20 some cars racing around the grid with their messages of telling me what is right to do? Maybe we can get major religions to sponsor teams? Or political parties? How about Al Queda?

I'd rather just watch a motor race and get my mind off the world's troubles for an hour or two!

2nd March 2007, 05:25
But do I want 20 some cars racing around the grid with their messages of telling me what is right to do? Maybe we can get major religions to sponsor teams? Or political parties? How about Al Queda?

I'd rather just watch a motor race and get my mind off the world's troubles for an hour or two!

Very sanely stated!
If reality is a color I believe it to be grey!
If you color your page with every crayon in the box (I'm allowed to use them)
that is the color you will get!
Green is only one of them!
Read on


2nd March 2007, 10:43
But do I want 20 some cars racing around the grid with their messages of telling me what is right to do? Maybe we can get major religions to sponsor teams? Or political parties? How about Al Queda?

I'd rather just watch a motor race and get my mind off the world's troubles for an hour or two!

So, when they remind you to buy another pack of cigarette or to buy a bottle of whisky that’s totally fine, you like that, now do you?

2nd March 2007, 11:22
But do I want 20 some cars racing around the grid with their messages of telling me what is right to do? Maybe we can get major religions to sponsor teams? Or political parties? How about Al Queda?

I'd rather just watch a motor race and get my mind off the world's troubles for an hour or two!

Good point, but I'd quite like to know that we are ALL doing our bit. After all, I'd like to think my young kids, and then their kids will have a future. That's a bit deep, but you get the point.

There is quite a nice in-depth interview with Fry in the Autosport Journal this week, worth a read if you subscribe...

3rd March 2007, 00:09
But do I want 20 some cars racing around the grid with their messages of telling me what is right to do? Maybe we can get major religions to sponsor teams? Or political parties? How about Al Queda?

I'd rather just watch a motor race and get my mind off the world's troubles for an hour or two!

couldn't agree more :up:

all sports should be politics free!

3rd March 2007, 02:15
Very sanely stated!
If reality is a color I believe it to be grey!
If you color your page with every crayon in the box (I'm allowed to use them)
that is the color you will get!
Green is only one of them!
Read on


What kind of magic crayons do you have? Grey would be a color some where between black and white... you mix all the colors in your crayola box (provided you didn't loose all of them except your white and black ones) you would end up with a crap brown color, or dark "puke" green, or closest to grey might be a charcoal like black color... grey would surprise me.

And as for the color Green representing environmental concerns, its also the color that seems to represent money as well, keeping in mind that Honda makes allot of hybrids, and environmentally friendlier cars, they make money whenever someone buys one of those. If Honda wants to use F1 as a platform to help them sell environmentally friendly cars, then who are we to criticize, I for one are not going to be mistake their motives for anything but greed.

By the same token, that link " Earth Car or not, Button will emit over 50 tonnes of C02 this season" is also complete Crap as well. Lets face it, Honda f1 was gonna race with or without this "green" car. The cars would have produced the same amount of Carbon Dioxide whether it was white, red, blue, painted with the world on it, or even if it was painted "puke" green. Environmentally it would have been the same. But at least this way they are spreading their message to million of people watching the races, and maybe selling a few hybrids while they're at it!

And as for the political side of this, ideally I wish there wasn't any politics in racing, but this is F1, so who are we kidding?

And a little off topic, just a little political statement of my own. Using the word "puke" to describe a color, or an action is something I can tolerate on this board. But when used to describe another poster as in the term "You PUKE." well, I'm just hoping the mods have issued a firm warning to who ever uses that phrase against fellow forum members.

3rd March 2007, 04:34
What kind of magic crayons do you have? Grey would be a color some where between black and white... you mix all the colors in your crayola box (provided you didn't loose all of them except your white and black ones) you would end up with a crap brown color, or dark "puke" green, or closest to grey might be a charcoal like black color... grey would surprise me.

And as for the color Green representing environmental concerns, its also the color that seems to represent money as well, keeping in mind that Honda makes allot of hybrids, and environmentally friendlier cars, they make money whenever someone buys one of those. If Honda wants to use F1 as a platform to help them sell environmentally friendly cars, then who are we to criticize, I for one are not going to be mistake their motives for anything but greed.

By the same token, that link " Earth Car or not, Button will emit over 50 tonnes of C02 this season" is also complete Crap as well. Lets face it, Honda f1 was gonna race with or without this "green" car. The cars would have produced the same amount of Carbon Dioxide whether it was white, red, blue, painted with the world on it, or even if it was painted "puke" green. Environmentally it would have been the same. But at least this way they are spreading their message to million of people watching the races, and maybe selling a few hybrids while they're at it!

And as for the political side of this, ideally I wish there wasn't any politics in racing, but this is F1, so who are we kidding?

And a little off topic, just a little political statement of my own. Using the word "puke" to describe a color, or an action is something I can tolerate on this board. But when used to describe another poster as in the term "You PUKE." well, I'm just hoping the mods have issued a firm warning to who ever uses that phrase against fellow forum members.

Please don't beat around the bush.
Why don't you tell me how you really feel?

As for the derogatory comment, that simpleton deserved it!

Italian Logo let me think:
Renaissance Art
The Coliseum
A Gondola in a canal in Venice
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
The Mona Lisa
Or even musical score, it is written in Italian

Black is not a color my man!
It is the absence of light or color, (Einstein)!
White is the combination of all color, viewed through a prism, (mensal)!
If you try combining all crayon, oil, chalk, or water colors, you will indeed end up
With dare I say it puke grey (Tintoretto)!
Get it! Somewhere in between the absence of all color, black, and the combination
Of all color, white is grey (Your Foolishness)!

Some knucklehead tried to put me down over what is in effect only a
Colloquialism (Shakespeare)!

I would consider it an accomplishment, and a badge of honor if the”mod’s” pitched me out of an f-1 forum before the season even started (wuss)!

Just to clarify my previous post. I was agreeing with wmcot’s post. When I said it was sane I meant it. Profoundly! The link was just to illustrate that if f-1 or any of its teams want to do the ultimate for the environment, they would give up auto racing all together. It’s not my suggestion! I dig f-1! There are, however many who believe very strongly that it should be eliminated! You see my message had a little allegory that you didn’t pick up on!

I’m not sure, but I believe I’ve left you just about enough rope to hang yourself with (bub)!

3rd March 2007, 05:31
So, when they remind you to buy another pack of cigarette or to buy a bottle of whisky that’s totally fine, you like that, now do you?

No, I don't smoke or drink. Both parents had severe health problems from smoking and my brother died of alcoholism.

I'm not really that impressed by sponsor logos - I don't by Shell gasoline, subscribe to Vodafone, have an AMD processor, or have Bridgestone tires even though I am a Ferrari fan.

3rd March 2007, 05:40
Good point, but I'd quite like to know that we are ALL doing our bit. After all, I'd like to think my young kids, and then their kids will have a future. That's a bit deep, but you get the point.

I agree. I am an avid recycler, I drive fuel efficient cars, conserve water, conserve electricity at home and work, and do whatever else I can to help the environment. I just don't equate F1 with being very environmentally negative. I suspect that all the pollution put out by all F1 teams in a year (tests, races, travel, etc.) is probably less than that produced in an hour or two of commuters in any major city.

Making F1 green won't make a small dent in the worldwide problem. That said, I do think it's great that the teams are making publicized, visible efforts to remind and encourage all of us that we can do something together. Your kids will learn best from you, not from F1.

Painting a car blue and green is pretty meaningless and a lame attempt to be politically correct.

3rd March 2007, 05:43
By the same token, that link " Earth Car or not, Button will emit over 50 tonnes of C02 this season" is also complete Crap as well.

Were they referring to Button or his car with the 50 tonnes figure? :)

3rd March 2007, 08:07
Were they referring to Button or his car with the 50 tonnes figure? :)

:laugh: :up: I think it depends on how often he gets interviewed :laugh:

3rd March 2007, 09:42
F1 and motorsports in general don't contribute much to the CO2 and stuff but if people are seriosuly going to cut off the environment hazards, motorsports is by far the easiest target - it's just entertainment!

I don't agree that Honda should pull out of motorsports to prove that they care about the environment. Should they be passive about the subject, let others destruct the earth, and sit on the sidelines, thinking "at least it's not my fault"?

3rd March 2007, 13:57
I want to clear up this crayola question , once and for all .

Crayons are pigment , and the primary colours are red , yellow and blue .
Mix them all and you do get a nasty sort of greenish brown , but if they were true colours , the mix would produce a grey .

Primary colours in light are red , blue , and green . Mix them and get white .

Now , one more thing that shows Honda is doing the right thing would be that the colour blue is highly visible to the human eye .
The colour of the lights on an airplane , meant to illuminate the area in front will be a yellow hue , that will bounce of those objects , back to the eye .
The colour of those lights on the ground along the side of the runway is blue , which is visible at a far greater distance .

The Honda will stand out .

3rd March 2007, 19:59
Please don't beat around the bush.
Why don't you tell me how you really feel?

As for the derogatory comment, that simpleton deserved it!

Italian Logo let me think:
Renaissance Art
The Coliseum
A Gondola in a canal in Venice
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
The Mona Lisa
Or even musical score, it is written in Italian

Yes but then you sank to his level with the England soccer hooligans remark, so who is better? Well at least the the member who posted about the football riots didn't degrade himself my calling fellow forum member names...

BTW: Soccer Hooligans in England? only if they will eventually go home to North America at some point... the proper term would have been England - football hooligans...

Black is not a color my man!
It is the absence of light or color, (Einstein)!
White is the combination of all color, viewed through a prism, (mensal)!
If you try combining all crayon, oil, chalk, or water colors, you will indeed end up
With dare I say it puke grey (Tintoretto)!
Get it! Somewhere in between the absence of all color, black, and the combination
Of all color, white is grey (Your Foolishness)!

BTW: thanks for the art lesson, once again proving you are no better the Stuart by nit-picking my phrase "charcoal like black color" must really get on your nerve when someone asks "what color would you like that in" and you have to reply "well actually I want it in black which is not a color..."

Some knucklehead tried to put me down over what is in effect only a
Colloquialism (Shakespeare)!

Your reality must be a very very very dark shade og grey

I would consider it an accomplishment, and a badge of honor if the”mod’s” pitched me out of an f-1 forum before the season even started (wuss)!

Well if your after badges of honor, maybe stroll over to the champcar or IRL side of the board and call other members names, I hear they are less tolerant then here in the F1 side, you'll get that badge faster.

Just to clarify my previous post. I was agreeing with wmcot’s post. When I said it was sane I meant it. Profoundly! The link was just to illustrate that if f-1 or any of its teams want to do the ultimate for the environment, they would give up auto racing all together. It’s not my suggestion! I dig f-1! There are, however many who believe very strongly that it should be eliminated! You see my message had a little allegory that you didn’t pick up on!

Well for the most part I agree with wmcot's post, The story you linked to is crap, which doesn't suggest at all that teams should get out of the sport to do the ultimate for the environment. Also proves that it is doing exactly what Honda planned:

"There is some irony in the fact that Honda are attempting to promote the environment and calling on others to address environmental issues when they are contributing to climate change by participating in what is probably the most polluting sport on the planet," said Emily Armistead, a spokeperson for Friends of the Earth.

the company had undergone a "green audit" and has had consultations with Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace

Do you think some of the consultation included a plan for more publicity by having friends of the earth belittle Honda's "earth car"

As for people who want to eliminate F1, just remind them of FIA's carbon neautral scheme (while thats another bit of hot hair I'm not sure if I truly believe, thats for the other thread to discuss...) and remember no matter how bad F1 might be to the environment... think about about how much Nascar might be pumping out... Also tell them about me, if I didn't have motorsports during the summer I would be driving around for 4-5 hours, cutting my lawn, dirt bikes, burning stuff, and all kinds of unfriendly to the environment acts...

gosh look at he time... I'm gonna be late for afternoon coffee, and i really want to win this years tim horton's roll up the rim prize (this year its a hybrid car! now thats ironic... )

3rd March 2007, 21:06
Just seen the new livery in Autosport. Yuk looks like someone's throw aload of gunk all over it :p :

4th March 2007, 06:01
This officially maked Honda the stonner team of F1...

4th March 2007, 06:18
As for people who want to eliminate F1, just remind them of FIA's carbon neautral scheme (while thats another bit of hot hair I'm not sure if I truly believe, thats for the other thread to discuss...) and remember no matter how bad F1 might be to the environment... think about about how much Nascar might be pumping out... Also tell them about me.

I'll leave that to your discretion! The only motorsport I watch is f-1.
It is the only forum I've ever posted about, pepper boy!

4th March 2007, 07:41
and remember no matter how bad F1 might be to the environment... think about about how much Nascar might be pumping out...

Very true! Let's see, each NASCAR race has about 40-45 cars vs 22 in F1. Many NASCAR races are 500 miles long vs. F1 (about 200 miles) So which one adds more pollutants to the atmosphere???

Then again, the average "good ol' boy" NASCAR fan doesn't care about the environment! (Many of them don't even know there is one!) ;)

4th March 2007, 20:38
Does NASCAR even use petrol? I know other Champcar and Indycar use biofuels, and I think this would be a very good step for F1 to take on the road towards being good to the environment.

4th March 2007, 20:49
Would biofule mean that you are not producing CO2? I would be surprised.

4th March 2007, 20:56
No, you'd still produce CO2, but there would be less of it, and it would make F1 sustainable, whereas we don't know how long the supply of fossil fuels will last. also, biofuels are safer and burn cooler, so if some poor pit crewperson gets sprayed with it they'll be better-off.

4th March 2007, 21:04
Supply of fossil fuels will last long enough to keep us entertained with F1 for long-long years to come. I’m not worried about that at all.

4th March 2007, 21:25
As for people who want to eliminate F1, just remind them of FIA's carbon neautral scheme (while thats another bit of hot hair I'm not sure if I truly believe, thats for the other thread to discuss...) and remember no matter how bad F1 might be to the environment... think about about how much Nascar might be pumping out... Also tell them about me.

I'll leave that to your discretion! The only motorsport I watch is f-1.
It is the only forum I've ever posted about, pepper boy!

Problem being, I've never come across anyone who has wanted to eliminate any sport I know. Those "many who believe very strongly that it should be eliminated!" must all live in your grey reality.

And pepper boy? Resorting back to name calling again? How old are you really?

anyway, wonder how much interest Honda would have gotten if the car was indeed sponsored be google as originally been reported. Gotta give Simon Fuller credit, Spice Girls, American Idol, and Honda’s Earth car, everything he comes into contact with seems to get a lot more attention then it deserves...
Wonder if this is some proof that David Richards did indeed do some serious research into the whole driver idol scheme the JV refused to have anything to do with... hmmmm

4th March 2007, 23:20
Problem being, I've never come across anyone who has wanted to eliminate any sport I know. Those "many who believe very strongly that it should be eliminated!" must all live in your grey reality.

I think you are acting a little naive! "Many" Eco freaks on the far left want all "unnecessary" burning of fossil fuel eliminated.

Many is a relative term! Unnecessary, depends on your point of view. Metaphorically speaking, in a grey area!
I never suggested that there was eminent danger of this constituency succeeding in their efforts!

5th March 2007, 05:47
How about eliminating Hockey? Aren't the chemicals used by the Zamboni machines toxic? Plus, hockey is not calcium friendly - just look at the loss of teeth!!!

5th March 2007, 05:50
Does NASCAR even use petrol? I know other Champcar and Indycar use biofuels, and I think this would be a very good step for F1 to take on the road towards being good to the environment.

Actually, NASCAR is still using LEADED gasoline with only proposals of moving to unleaded in 2008 - Link


Talk about environmentally friendly, high-tech racing!!!

5th March 2007, 10:49
Actually, NASCAR is still using LEADED gasoline with only proposals of moving to unleaded in 2008 - Link


Talk about environmentally friendly, high-tech racing!!!

You gotta hand it to those boys 'across the pond', they sure know how to screw the planet for everyone else! :D

5th March 2007, 13:13
Would biofule mean that you are not producing CO2? I would be surprised.

the other good thing about bio-fuels is that they are created from crops, which use C02 as they grow, which is then released as the fuel is burnt, as opposed to Fossil Fuels which have done nothing to take CO2 from the atmosphere for a few million years

5th March 2007, 15:51
How about eliminating Hockey? Aren't the chemicals used by the Zamboni machines toxic?...

What, you mean hot water? :dozey:

5th March 2007, 20:40
Actually, NASCAR is still using LEADED gasoline with only proposals of moving to unleaded in 2008 - Link


Talk about environmentally friendly, high-tech racing!!!

Well, I had brought Nascar up because during the speedtv's "wind tunnel" show the day of the last Nextel cup race they had mentioned that the race had been the first cup race to run with unleaded fuels and that was the explanation to Dale jr's and many others engine failures. So now I'm just plain confused... So if any real Nascar fans could clarify this...

I would also be curious if Nascar has any similar schemes to FIA's carbon offsetting to appease the environmentalists...

7th March 2007, 07:26
Actually, NASCAR is still using LEADED gasoline with only proposals of moving to unleaded in 2008 - Link


Talk about environmentally friendly, high-tech racing!!!


I knew NASCAR was unsophisticated, but that's ridiculous!

7th March 2007, 07:58
Actually, NASCAR is still using LEADED gasoline with only proposals of moving to unleaded in 2008 - Link


Talk about environmentally friendly, high-tech racing!!!

Sorry but I've discovered that link you provided is a little out dated, Nascar put this out a few months later:

NASCAR moves up unleaded fuel timetable:

NASCAR announced on Monday a timeline to phase unleaded fuel into its three national series beginning next month.

Following the season, a decision will be made on the future of unleaded fuel. NASCAR had previously announced a switch to unleaded fuel by 2008. The current goal is to have all three national series using unleaded fuel full time by Speedweeks of 2007.


Keeping in mind that wmcot's link was dated Jan 06, while the latter one is dated June 06, so plans have probably changed since then... But at least I'm not so confused anymore, Nascar did run unleaded at the last Nextel cup race :http://sports.aol.com/nascar/story/_a/unleaded-fuel-makes-cup-debut/20070225212309990002

Also wonder how good Honda's earth car would look if they did it to a tin top nascar-esq car? What are the Honda f1 car haulers looking like this year?

7th March 2007, 21:01
So they've moved the schedule forward. It's still alarming that they were using leaded fuel in 2006...

A car with a roof in Honda F1 livery would be hideous

306 Cosworth
9th March 2007, 09:44
Are there any actual photos from the real launch of the car then?