View Full Version : Shameful America

18th February 2009, 07:11
This is one of the most shameful things we have done in the course of our border protection.

thank god Bush had the fortitude to commute these unbelievable convictions.

I only hope that Mexico continues with their judicial overhaul as well- But for our country this is absolutely disgusting that we did this to these fine patriots!

Convicted Ex-Border Agents Released From Prison Following Presidential Commutation
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
By Joseph Abrams

Jan. 17, 2007: Former U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos (left) and Jose Alonso Compean (right) turn themselves in to federal authorities.

Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean have been released from federal prison after serving more than two years in solitary confinement for the non-fatal shooting of a Mexican drug smuggler.

President Bush commuted the sentences of the two border guards Jan. 19, and his order will go into effect on March 20. The pair will serve out the remaining month of their sentences in home confinement in El Paso, Texas.

Ramos' wife Monica was waiting at the federal penitentiary in Phoenix for her husband's release and told FOXNews.com she was overjoyed to be reunited with her husband.

18th February 2009, 08:24
Are they equipped with guns?

Let alone they the border patrol try to protect the border shooting the drug smuggler, the military official who try to keep integrity of country against separatism movement may be threatened by human right violation clause. Needless to mention the aggressor.

18th February 2009, 20:44
I have to give Bush some positive points for righting that wrong.

18th February 2009, 20:56
Are they equipped with guns?

Yes, the border agents have guns... which IMO, they need to use MORE often.

Mexican drug cartels are making a habit of firing on U.S. agents in areas like Laredo, Texas from their positions in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, as well as when they make drug runs into the U.S. A squadron of Apache helicopters on the border would convince the Mexican Mafia that anything that resembles as much as a slingshot would mean certain and instant death. Bush was a creampuff when it came to actual American interests and Obama worries too much about hurting peoples' feelings - so that will never happen. IMO, groups like the Minute Men will eventually turn more aggressive, since no one else cares about or will protect Americans along the border. An American farmer is being sued (or charged?) because he stopped a group of illegals who were crossing his land, stealing his possessions and breaking into his house. If I can find the story again and he has a legal defense fund, I'll forward some money to him.

18th February 2009, 21:33
Maybe the penalty was for poor shooting

Valve Bounce
18th February 2009, 22:30
I have to give Bush some positive points for righting that wrong.

Agreed. This case was shameful; they should have shot the guy dead and just thrown him back over the fence.

22nd February 2009, 01:49
This is one of the most shameful things we have done in the course of our border protection.

Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean have been released from federal prison after serving more than two years in solitary confinement for the non-fatal shooting of a Mexican drug smuggler.

Maybe the problem was the non fatal part? If you're going to get a drug smuggler, you should use better firearms control and hit center mass.

Valve Bounce
22nd February 2009, 02:28
Maybe the problem was the non fatal part? If you're going to get a drug smuggler, you should use better firearms control and hit center mass.

No! just between the eyes will do.

22nd February 2009, 08:01
I have to give Bush some positive points for righting that wrong.Yes I agree with GW on this one! There are 12-20 million undocumented aliens in this country!

The majority Mexicans, and points further south. All are trying to supersede the normal channels for Resident Alien Status. If you were to check the Statistics of the States, and the Border Patrol you will find many more examples of Mexicans lives being saved by Border Patrols, after they underestimated the danger from the physical elements to make the crossings! Many are dropped way short of their destinations by their countryman that they paid to smuggle them in, than Americans doing physical harm to them!


TUCSON - The dead and the dying.

That's what U.S. Border Patrol agents were finding more often in the southern Arizona desert after the agency began cracking down on illegal immigration through the state a decade ago.

Hundreds of immigrants were dying each year, especially during the summer, prompting the Border Patrol to develop a rescue team to handle the hundreds of cases of migrants suffering from exposure to brutal heat or bitter cold.

Despite the interdiction effort, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants continue to risk the arduous trip through the desert.

From October 2006 through September, the Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue team, known as BORSTAR, rescued 573 illegal immigrants who needed medical assistance and recovered the bodies of 202 suspected crossers.

From October 2007 through May, BORSTAR rescued 190 people and recovered 75 bodies, said Mario Escalante, a Border Patrol spokesman

BORSTAR consists of 44 agents. All are emergency medical technicians and six of them are paramedics. Each also has at least two years of Border Patrol experience, Escalante said.

22nd February 2009, 10:20
Maybe the problem was the non fatal part? If you're going to get a drug smuggler, you should use better firearms control and hit center mass.

yes they need to use 10mm glocks. This nine crap doesn't pack it anymore.
but is is going to get real messy on the border. It is a shame as the border towns can be a lot of fun if you don't have to worry about getting shot!
6000 drug related killing in Mexico last year. Sad

And you thought Iraq was bad