View Full Version : "Hey, what's the big deal? I only stole $8 billion!"

18th February 2009, 02:00
I tell ya, when the ship starts sinking, all kinds of rats get flushed out.

With what's coming out these days, one almost misses the tender days of Ivan Boesky and Drexel-Burnham-Lambert.

Allen Stanford was big into sports sponsorships, so I'll be sorry to see him go... er, just like a lot of people are sorry that their money is now gone, I suppose. Oh well, another one bites the dust.

18th February 2009, 04:11
I hope they lock the lousey Crumb-Bum up, and throw away the key! :dozey: :)

18th February 2009, 08:10
Same guy who created the Stanford 1million/player T20 cricket match!
That was fishy to say the least....and it would surely have broken up the game of cricket just like the IPL will do :s

18th February 2009, 20:03
Oh my, it seems that Stanford has gone Missing In Action! Unlike Bernie Boy, I guess our pal Al didn't want to get cooped up in his multimillion dollar home awaiting trial. Run, Forrest, run!!!


Maybe it's just crazy old me. But back when I was a frequent deer hunter, I would do my tracking and watch trails WELL BEFORE deer season started. So on opening day, I already knew where the deer would be and when they'd be there. They'd appear and I'd do the hunter's version of "hey, how you doin'?" So does it not strike these light in the loafers Fed types that maybe, possibly a crook should be tailed BEFORE you raid his office???!!! Nah, wouldn't want to do that. :rolleyes:

20th February 2009, 22:23
Turns out the Feds were looking for Stanford, but they weren't (really) looking for him. :confused:


Interesting that they found this crook hold up in his 30 year old girlfriend's brother's townhouse, not too far from where I used to live. Glad I don't live in that area anymore. Like a dummy, I would have probably grabbed this guy and strapped him across the hood of my car, thinking that I'd get a big reward for nabbing a thief. Instead, I'd have been arrested for assaulting this "upstanding pillar of society."

I'm just waiting for the plagues of locust and some fire to start raining out of the sky now. Anyone want to meet me at the arena for a gladiator match before the lights go out? :dozey: