View Full Version : Beaver seen in Detroit River

Easy Drifter
17th February 2009, 23:48
Alright you lot. Get your minds out of the gutter and back in the sewer where they belong. :eek:
For the first time in 75 years a beaver was spotted in the Detroit River. Conservationalists are pointing to this as a sign that efforts to clean up the polluted river is working. Hopefully they are right.
Beaver have made a real comeback in central and southern Ontario and sometimes are causing problems with flooding farmers fields or roads. Usually in those cases they are trapped and relocated although quite often another pair move in shortly.
They can repair a destroyed dam amazingly quickly.

17th February 2009, 23:53
LOL.... that opening line only works on you north american dudes....

17th February 2009, 23:54
So how long before we have to get rid of the d@mn things because they have built a dam across the river?

But it really is a good sign. Any polution we can responsibly clean up is a great thing!

18th February 2009, 00:28
Or was this a de Havilland Canada Beaver?

18th February 2009, 02:06
I question whether that was a beaver or the former mayor of Detroit making a break for Canada.

I ain't never seen a beaver sending text messages on a Blackberry while he was swimming before! Kwame, come back!!!!

18th February 2009, 07:19
Beaver seen in Detroit River

What was her name and was she good looking???

Easy Drifter
18th February 2009, 11:49
She had buck teeth and a flat tail! :eek:

18th February 2009, 15:39
Didn't realise my sister-in-law was in Detroit :mark: