View Full Version : Stoner to sit out 2009?

The Phantom
17th February 2009, 22:20
"CASEY STONER has admitted his MotoGP season is in serious doubt due to continual pain in his wrist.

The 2007 world champion says that unless the wrist improves over the next fortnight his ability to contest the series will be under a cloud."


17th February 2009, 22:55
That would be a shame if he had to quit, was rooting for him this year ...
and it would screw up my fantasy league table :laugh:

17th February 2009, 23:27
Is it April fools day?

Stoner will race even if he is screaming in pain by race end!

18th February 2009, 02:04
I'll probably get a bit of flack for this but... :dozey:

He needs to grow a pair... a sore wrist ** and he's going to sit it out!! Perhaps the whinging is starting a bit earlier this year than it did last year.. Running scared he is...Dovi and Dani have got him worried.... :s mokin:

Other riders ride and race with cracked and broken bones.. Hopkins, Lorenzo, West, Capirossi, Rossi and Roby Rolfo out there now with a bad shoulder. He has put off surgery to ride.........

** I wonder what he's been doing to aggrevate it.. ;)

Ok rant over.. Now toss the stones!! :p We all know I'm no Casey fan ....

18th February 2009, 03:05
Stoner is potential rider. He has equal opportunity striking back his victory as soon as he can focus to the ride and can handle all the pressures at the track.

If medical treatment comes to no result, anyone can get a massage to promote greater flexibility, loosen muscles, and relieve muscle swelling, as well as to diminish pain and restore full range of motion after injuries such as tendinitis and ligament sprains.

Has anyone told him about healing power of massage...?

18th February 2009, 03:50
Ok rant over.. Now toss the stones!! :p We all know I'm no Casey fan ....

No stones Roby 'cos I'm sure feel the teeniest bit sorry for the guy really. My son has just broken his scaphoid during a downhill race and future prospects don't look good. Apparently it's the worst or one of the worst places to get a break, something to do with low blood flow pressure which means the bones don't always heal and can die - or something. Early surgery involving taking bone from elsewhere in the arm seems an option if you can afford to go private. Stoner, who obviously can afford the best may have been better to stop racing last year, get surgery and give himself enough time to recover. Of course, what motorcycle rider does something sensible like that?

18th February 2009, 05:03
I'll probably get a bit of flack for this but... :dozey:

He needs to grow a pair... a sore wrist ** and he's going to sit it out!! Perhaps the whinging is starting a bit earlier this year than it did last year.. Running scared he is...Dovi and Dani have got him worried.... :s mokin:

Other riders ride and race with cracked and broken bones.. Hopkins, Lorenzo, West, Capirossi, Rossi and Roby Rolfo out there now with a bad shoulder. He has put off surgery to ride.........

** I wonder what he's been doing to aggrevate it.. ;)

Ok rant over.. Now toss the stones!! :p We all know I'm no Casey fan ....

Love em or hate em, each rider who makes it to the World stage is a Champion in their own right.

Your post shows a complete lack of understanding!

18th February 2009, 05:29
Love em or hate em, each rider who makes it to the World stage is a Champion in their own right.

Your post shows a complete lack of understanding!

Understanding ..Yes.... I understand that he is a ....sook...

18th February 2009, 05:46
Love em or hate em, each rider who makes it to the World stage is a Champion in their own right.

Your post shows a complete lack of understanding!

I didn't say he wasn't a Champion.. I agree that anyone who gets on a bike and goes out there like they do deserves a lot of credit for that.. I just don't like his whining...

But thats what makes us all different, I don't like Casey, you don't like.Jorge or Dani or Dovi or Heaven forbid.. My Roby!!!...

Gosh we can't all like the same rider it would be a bit boring amd tame wouldn't it??

Sort of like Holden / Ford...

Geez... you probably like Ford!! ;) ;)

The Phantom
18th February 2009, 06:00
As mentioned, the scaphoid is different to other bones both in how it heals and how it affects a rider.

Remember too that riders like Rolfo aren't as badly affected by injuries as riders like Stoner, because they ride so much slower :D

PS: I have a Ford AND a Holden and I like them both equally...

18th February 2009, 06:16
Remember too that riders like Rolfo aren't as badly affected by injuries as riders like Stoner, because they ride so much slower :D
I remember of accident at the start of SBK Vallelunga 2008 was very nasty. As soon as the bike ended up at the gravel, Biaggi got up from the prone and didn't complain about his injury too much :)

PS: I have a Ford AND a Holden and I like them both equally...
Holden is ancient. :)

18th February 2009, 06:59
As mentioned, the scaphoid is different to other bones both in how it heals and how it affects a rider.

Remember too that riders like Rolfo aren't as badly affected by injuries as riders like Stoner, because they ride so much slower :D

PS: I have a Ford AND a Holden and I like them both equally...

If you go faster shouldn't you then skim the surface instead of hit it!! :D

18th February 2009, 08:48
Ducati already found stoner's replacement. He is a bit old and doesn't have much experience in motorcycle racing but has lots of personal sponsorship :p


The Phantom
18th February 2009, 12:59

24th February 2009, 10:04
I'll probably get a bit of flack for this but... :dozey:

He needs to grow a pair... a sore wrist ** and he's going to sit it out!! Perhaps the whinging is starting a bit earlier this year than it did last year.. Running scared he is...Dovi and Dani have got him worried.... :s mokin:

Other riders ride and race with cracked and broken bones.. Hopkins, Lorenzo, West, Capirossi, Rossi and Roby Rolfo out there now with a bad shoulder. He has put off surgery to ride.........

** I wonder what he's been doing to aggrevate it.. ;)

Ok rant over.. Now toss the stones!! :p We all know I'm no Casey fan ....

Ask Garry McCoy how easy it is to ride with that kind of 'sore wrist'. Nigh on impossible will be the response, at least to be competitive. And Casey's ridden with broken bones before, as bad or worse than what most of those riders you mention have dealt with.

My reading of the article is more about Casey's summation of his season's chances, not of him literally throwing in the towel. He is one to call a spade a spade and never mentioned quitting but responded to questioning about how his wrist is. If he wants to beat Rossi, Dani, Dovi and Jorge he needs to be at full fitness and it appears that he won't which is a shame.

Rod Richardson
24th February 2009, 19:47

Ok rant over.. Now toss the stones!! :p We all know I'm no Casey fan ....[/quote"]

Well Roby44.................you asked for it!!!! file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/MICROS%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image002.jpg

Rod Richardson
24th February 2009, 19:52

1st March 2009, 08:20
Apologies for re-opening this thread but I lost my HDD a few months back and been trying to findt he forum and eventually the stars aligned, the moon was full and the sun shone bright and yep, I found it.

This is what I posted in a different forum at the time when the discussion was around this very topic.

I don't believe it to be a hoax nor a whinge but do strongly suspect that the real meaning of the comments have been somewhat 'lost in translation' and would not judge their veracity unless I could see a video of the question being asked (thus judge by tone and body language).

IMO, CS was likely asked a question as to 'how is the wrist' and responded by saying 'it still hurts and is causing me grief, not good really and I expected more by this stage, may as well sit out the year because I cant compete with it in this condition'. On other words, answered with frustration as we often do when we ourselves will respond with a similar comment to 'dont know why I bother sometimes'.

And Roby, all riders, yes all riders whinge about certain aspects of their bikes, the rules or their health so it is not just an 'issue' that CS whinges more than most, just that because of his profile, personality and his delivery (ie. he does not care what otehrs think) he gets printed.


5th March 2009, 13:16
I hope that Casey stays in Moto GP and he is OK. IMO Roby's post is childish. It is OK not to like a rider, but this is pure hatred IMO. I don't like Rossi at all, but I respect him and of he is ill, it won't be funny. Not at all.
If Casey is not OK with his hand and has to retire, it will be a tragedy for me as he is my favorite rider. But I am sure that he will be able to race in sportscar racing and I will be looking forward to this.

5th March 2009, 21:18
Are you fan from Casey because of his woman? :p

6th March 2009, 05:08
Casey is not my favourite rider but I have a great deal of respect for his talent and determination and wish him well. It would be really sad if he were not able to return to motogp. He seems to be a young man totally focussed on his racing and not everybody can be Mr Personality as well.

6th March 2009, 08:23
Are you fan from Casey because of his woman? :p
Are you fan from Montoya? :)

6th March 2009, 11:13
Are you fan from Casey because of his woman? :p

No, although she is gorgeous :) I like his riding - maybe it is the red color, he reminds me of the Ferrari cars :) Seriously, I liked his riding since he was in the smaller classes, but since his opening win in his championship season, when he held Vale, I decided that from now on I will support him in the Moto GP series.

10th March 2009, 06:23
For the same reason, hope this gives you enough clue to be fan of this rider.


10th March 2009, 06:25
Are you fan from Casey because of his woman? :p

For the same reason, hope this gives you enough clue to be fan of this rider. :)


10th March 2009, 13:34
Casey likes a bit of a whinge from time to time, but I have enormous respect for him as a rider. To win a championship fair and square against the greatest of all time, on a bike that nobody else can ride, is a hell of an achievement. I'd be gutted if his nagging wrist had a long-term effect on his riding.

Pantah Jack
11th March 2009, 05:23
I reckon I would sit out the season if the 2nd quickest is about 1 second slower than me...... just to let them catch up. hehe.