View Full Version : thermopan windows

9th February 2007, 09:19
I know I'll ask a stupid question but I have this curiosity for months. These days in my country you're a nobody if you don't have thermopan glass in apartment. I don't know how you call it but it's about rooms who are thermally and acoustically isolated with thermopan windows. It doesn't matter they live in small matchboxes called block apartments placed in dubious quarters filled with gipsies as long as they have thermopans. Of course, for the romanian average employee they are very expensive but they prefer to loan from banks and live miserable for a few years just to have this " improvement ". In the past when we had to endure cold in our homes it would have been helpful but now all those who are connected at the public heat centrals complain abiut the heat in the apartments.

So my question is : in the part of the world where you live is this thing so important? When you buy a new house do you pay much attention to this?

9th February 2007, 09:38
Is this Thermopan some sort of insulation product?

9th February 2007, 10:01
It's a isolation product. It helps for keeping the temperature in a room and to keep away the noise from outside.

9th February 2007, 10:07
I'd say you'd be hard pressed to find an un-insulated outer wall on any building built since 1940 here.

9th February 2007, 10:12
I think gadjo means Thermopane windows. Thermopane is a registered trademark:


9th February 2007, 10:18
Yeah, but I suppose you live in northern Europe. Here is not so cold. Besides, here nobody cares of the wall materials, just the windows. Most of the blocks were built in the communist period and aren't even solid constructions, Of course the window will help you to avoid the noise from outside. But what's the use when you hear through the walls all the noises of the neighbours?

9th February 2007, 10:23
I think gadjo means Thermopane windows. Thermopane is a registered trademark:


From what I see in the pics I suppose that is. Otherwise german is chinese to me.
So Eki, do you have such windows? And if you don't are you eager to install them?

9th February 2007, 12:00
From what I see in the pics I suppose that is. Otherwise german is chinese to me.
So Eki, do you have such windows? And if you don't are you eager to install them?
I have double-glazed windows, like almost every house in Finland, so I don't need them. I think those Thermopane windows are basically double-glazed windows too.

9th February 2007, 13:06
You may notice that the site has an English (and dutch, and French) version.

But it says nothing about the window construction, as far as I could see. Expensive insulating windows make sense if the rest of the building is insulated, and if heating is expensive. Otherwise, why bother?

9th February 2007, 13:14
Single glass windows are notoriously bad at keeping warmth in, two (or three layer windows i have in my building) are far superior in insulating, if there's any insulation inside walls it's propably better to have decent windows

10th February 2007, 17:57
Is this just a commercial name for double glazed windows, then?

I'd say it was the norm, here...