View Full Version : Ont. crazy Nanny Laws

Easy Drifter
16th February 2009, 02:02
It is illegal in Ont. to sell tobacco products to someone under 19.
That includes lighters, BBQ lighters and matches. It is also illegal to supply those under 19 with tobacco.
The age of majority is 18.
Many stores demand photo id, even from little greyhaired ladies or old bald coots.
It is easier to purchase booze!
There are no laws prohibiting smoking no matter what age.
It is illegal to smoke in any workplace, including Company vehicles, such as trucks.
Recently a law was implemented making it illegal to smoke in any vehicle (your own car) if there is a passenger under 16.
The fine with surcharges is $155.00. If you go to court and fight it and lose the fine is $250.00! Nice scam there.
That will probably be challenged under Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedom but that will cost hundreds of thousands.
A 20 year old male in Port Hope was pulled over and charged when a Port Hope cop saw a girl she knew was 15 was in the car while the driver was smoking.
While the officer was writing the ticket the 15 year old got out of the car and lit up a cigarette. There was nothing the cop could do.
There is also a push on to make it illegal to smoke in your own home if there is anyone under 16 in the house.
Of course all restuarants and bars in Ont. are smoke free. This law was brought in after many establishments spent thousands building special smoking areas with separate ventilation. You cannot even smoke on outdoor patios if there is a roof.
I do not smoke and used to avoid restuarants that did not have a non smoking section, but that was my choice.

16th February 2009, 06:20
There is also a push on to make it illegal to smoke in your own home if there is anyone under 16 in the house.

this is ridiculous,people should be free to do what they want atleast in the privacy of their own homes

that reminds me...time for my ciggarette break :s mokin:

16th February 2009, 10:05
Fair enough, it isn't illegal to smoke, however a couple of days ago at my local shops I saw an obviously pregnant woman (6 months or so) pushing a pram containing 1 very young child and also holding the hand of another young child, smoking a cigarette. Don't these kids, born and unborn have the right to a smokefree environment and some protection from second hand smoke?

I personally have no problem with it being illegal to smoke in cars contaning children as there are real dangers in second hand smoke.

16th February 2009, 20:24
But the funny part is, if I'm understanding this correctly, it's only illegal for the adult to smoke, not the child. So if you want to smoke in your car, your 15 year old has to do the smoking, but he can "shotgun" the smoke to you as you drive down the road. Same thing at home. Just make sure the 10 year old is holding the Marlboro when the cops kick down the door.

"It's his, man... not mine! I tried to take those menthols away from him, but he threatened to call Child Protective Services if I touched his Kools."

Some communities in California have already passed laws outlawing smoking in private residences (condos). California is quite a place. They're trying to make tobacco cigarettes illegal, but marijuana cigarettes legal.

17th February 2009, 00:59
No kissing please, we're British! :D


17th February 2009, 06:06
No kissing please, we're British! :D

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/7893679.stmI'm hooking up with a girl who lives in this town...


good thing they reversed that silly ordinance!