View Full Version : CHICAGO 2016 , Olympic City ???

9th February 2007, 06:24
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to gauge the world view of Chicago as host city for the 2016
Summer Olympic Games. I'm not sure what the perception is of Chicago outside Chicago, so I would sort of like to know if it is viewed favorably or unfavorably as a suitable place to hold the Summer Olympics of 2016. If this is the first you have heard that Chicago is even looking to host the games, please say so. And if you want to see what Chicago is cooking up for the games before you venture an opinion, please feel free to visit the website chicago2016.org. I am looking forward to the discussion. CHEERS from chilly frozen Chicago.

9th February 2007, 09:51
first I heard of it.

I have no knowledge of chicago, and therefore no opinion about the suitability,

9th February 2007, 10:52
For those who haven't been to Chicago, their perception of the city will be from seeing it on TV shows like ER... where it always seems to be snowing.

...Are you sure you wouldn't prefer the winter Olympics?

Other bidders for 2016 include Los Angeles, Rio and Tokyo.

I think Rio has to be the favourite so far as it is so long since we had a southern hemisphere host city.

9th February 2007, 11:30
Other bidders for 2016 include Los Angeles, Rio and Tokyo.

I think Rio has to be the favourite so far as it is so long since we had a southern hemisphere host city.

Um, Sydney 2000? 7 years ago?

The USA held the Olympics in 1996, so I think I'd prefer to either see it in Rio or Tokyo. Rio I don't know if they could build the necessary facilities, and Tokyo which held the 1964 games, help to hold the World Cup in 2002.
In terms of being capable, Chicago and Tokyo are the best options.

No qualms about Chicago if that helps :D

9th February 2007, 11:33
For those who haven't been to Chicago, their perception of the city will be from seeing it on TV shows like ER... where it always seems to be snowing.

My favourite TV show from Chicago is Married With Children.

9th February 2007, 11:40
Um, Sydney 2000? 7 years ago?

7 years ago from now, yes...

...but it will be 16 years ago by the time 2016 comes.

9th February 2007, 11:45
Um, Sydney 2000? 7 years ago?

The USA held the Olympics in 1996, so I think I'd prefer to either see it in Rio or Tokyo. Rio I don't know if they could build the necessary facilities, and Tokyo which held the 1964 games, help to hold the World Cup in 2002.
In terms of being capable, Chicago and Tokyo are the best options.

No qualms about Chicago if that helps :D

the US held the Olympics at Salt Lake a few years back, before 96

9th February 2007, 18:52
they built route 66 so people could away from Chicago. ;)

I'm sure that Chicago can handle the summer games.

9th February 2007, 20:11
Everyone really should checkout the Chicago 2016 website. It's pretty impressive. http://www.chicago2016.org

9th February 2007, 20:56
Chicago is big city and I'm sure they could organize such big event without many problems.
But I rather have it in another country, USA seems to get a big sporting event every 10 years and that's not fair IMO.
Rio is organizing the Panamerican games this year, there we can get an idea if they're capable or not, plus if Brazil gets the 2014 World Cup they will have extra facilities.
while without any doubt Tokyo could organize it.

9th February 2007, 21:01
I'm a regular visitor to Chicago. I think they'd do a great job of the olympics.

In summer, Chi-town awesome!.

9th February 2007, 21:11
Would LUV a Chicago Olympics.Lake Shore Drive would be awesome.

Aplolgies to the English chaps that was terribly Americanised language.

9th February 2007, 21:51
First time i heard about this, I think it would be better if some south american country would arrange, the Olympics is too uften in usa, besides last time in atlanta the arrangements and logistics was lousiest in modern time olympics.

10th February 2007, 00:34
I'm a regular visitor to Chicago. I think they'd do a great job of the olympics.

In summer, Chi-town awesome!.

Chi-town? That's impressive!

It's kind of a Feng Shui thing isn't it? They've managed to align the whole city so that the streets all run north-south and there are fountains in appropriate places.

Chicago used to be called "the murder capital of the world" so perhaps this was in order. Poor Feng Shui probably contributed to that.

10th February 2007, 00:58
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to gauge the world view of Chicago as host city for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games

Well it cant be as bad as London ;) :p :

12th February 2007, 09:26
I don't think Chicago should get the games. Not that it's a bad place, I've been there before and it's fine. But it's not that long ago that the games were in Atlanta, then before that in Los Angeles, and Salt Lake city has had the winter olympics recently too.

It's been in the United States a lot already, other countries should be first on the list before the USA again.

12th February 2007, 13:29
Tend to agree with Mark on this one. Been held plenty of times in the USA, both summer and winter versions. Whilst obviously costs are part of the issue, there are other places that deserve a crack at it. Rio would be nice.

Besides, the last time I was in Chicago, the place hardly inspired me to return. Mind you it was winter, and -10 degrees C as a maximum temperature was hardly conducive to anything but hibernation. Wind chill made it feel about -60 degrees C.

Dave B
12th February 2007, 15:45
More pressingly, who's going to have the 2012 Games when we can't get ready in time? :( :p

12th February 2007, 19:59
I for one, hope Chicago does not get it, but if we do, my house in the suburbs is for rent; as I'll be gone that month. I cannot imagine getting around town with the added tourists if no serious overhaul is done by then. That would be making up about 30 years of neglect since transportation infrastructure easily lags 20+ years (will they ever build 53? (http://www.absillinois.com/build53/intro.asp)).

12th February 2007, 20:15
I think it would be better if some south american country would arrange, the Olympics is too uften in usa,

Exactly. The Olympics have never been hosted by a South American or African country. The USA, on the other hand, has hosted the Summer Olympics 4 times and the Winter Olympics also 4 times.

Of course it would be difficult to find a potential host country in Africa (especially for the Winter Olympics :p : ), but it would make a great deal of sense for the 2016 Summer Olympics to go to Brazil, I think.

Mark in Oshawa
13th February 2007, 17:52
The Reason the Americans get the Olympics is because they drive most of the TV Revenues, and revenues drop if the games are 10 hours away from American Prime time. Those revenues allow the IOC to have the money they do. Hence, Chicago in 2016 is NOT that far fetched. Furthermore, if they could put the Olympics in Atlanta, which was a bit of a hole in the opinion of many that were there ( Atlanta deserves the abuse, they basically bribed and stole those Olympics from Toronto!)

Chicago would be a good choice if the Olympics are coming back to North America, but I think it is time for Cape Town or maybe Rio to make a serious bid. London has 2012, the Aussies have had two summer games, the Japanese would do a great job with Tokyo, but with Beijing being in 2008, I don't think Tokyo has a shot.....so Chicago might be a good choice. Of course, I am disappointed that New York didn't get an olympics. THAT would be spectacular....

Mark in Oshawa
13th February 2007, 18:00
I didn't see shooting sports there. No venue for trap, skeet and rifle shooting?? I know, the South side around the hood, where the athletes can be shot at by the locals!!

13th February 2007, 18:49
Chicago is probably the best of US cities to host the Olympics. I gotta imagine New York is gonna try again after finishing 3rd in the race for the 2012 games. Also, Toronto is ruminating about trying again, and in two years we'll have two new stadiums, one for soccer and one for tennis, and they finished a razor-thin second in 1996, and second again in 2008. The people really want it there, whenever the city's slow-witted government gets around to it they will get a shot. Either of those two will give Chicago quite a run.

I would love to have them in Toronto, because that's where I come from. But New York would have been awesome (I saw their plans for 2012 - ho-lee sheet. :s hock: ) and really, either Rio or Cape Town would certainly have the appeal for an Olympic games - both cities practically run on their nightlives, and seem to have energy coming out of the streets. Much will depend on how both handle their respective games - Rio is hosting this year's Pan American games, and South Africa is hosting the 2010 World Cup. Both could stand to get their crime problems under control before the tourists show up - South Africa is ranked as the 3rd most dangerous nation in the world and Brazil ranks 7th. I think with Tokyo's 1964 games being somewhat infamous for bad conditions and Beijing hosting them in 2008 they are pretty much out of the picture, but they could do it well if they got it.

I'd also wait to see if anybody in Europe or the Middle East takes a shot for the 2016 games also. Both Dubai and Doha have said they are thinking about it, but I rather doubt either is very serious about it at this point and the political perils of having an Olympics in the ME could be an issue. (That said, having them in Seoul in 1988 didn't cause any serious problems, even with North Korea just 30 miles away.)

Potential Problems:

Rio de Janiero - high crime rate, facilities somewhat rough, not prepared for big media loads
Cape Town - very high crime rate, media network isn't up to the task, not enough hotel/tourist space
Chicago - infrastructure is aging, hosting the athletes could be a problem, potentially weak crowd counts (was an issue in Los Angeles in 1984 and Salt Lake in 2002, wasn't an issue in Atlanta in 1996)
Tokyo - infrastructure needs work (Tokyo's transit and road systems are hammered with average work day loads, let alone the Olympics), air pollution is still an issue.
Toronto - facilities aren't there, potential crowd problems, seemingly every major project there goes way over budget, aging infrastructure
New York - very expensive, where to build the facilities, infrastructure could use work

13th February 2007, 20:08
I hope Rio or Cape Town will host the Olympics, because OG have never been held on those continents.

Mark in Oshawa
14th February 2007, 02:26
Brent, I think Torontoians would go for it only if they could suck the Fed's into paying for it. That isn't likely to happen. No, as someone who lives near Toronto and loves Toronto, I don't think TO has it now. In 1996, we were dumb enough, rich enough still and maybe naive enough to pull it off. Now, with the TTC and the infrastructure over matched, it wont happen.

NYC, Chicago and Tokyo would be my three picks for 2016, and I think NYC would be the most spectacular show the world could imagine. No other city would pull off the show the City of New York would. It is unique, and only Toronto is as culturally diverse, but unlike Toronto, NYC doesn't navel gaze big decisions when it is time to make them.

14th February 2007, 08:14
Well according to the website http://www.gamesbids.com , these are currently the cities and or countries with serious and substantial intentions for hosting the 2016 Summer Games.

Potential 2016 Bid Cities (in planning stages):

Argentina: (Announced Argentina's Vice President on May 28, 2006)
Azerbaijan: (November 13, 2006 report)
Chile: (Announced Chile's NOC President on October 15, 2002)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates: (According to March 1, 2004 Report)
Hamburg or Berlin, Germany (According to February 17, 2004 Mayor's Announcement)
India: (GamesBids.com Reports December 3, 2005)
Tokyo, Japan: (JOC announces May 19, 2005)
Kenya: (GamesBids.com Reports January 12, 2005)
Madrid, Spain: (Announced it will try again after 2012 loss)
Monterrey, Mexico:
Montreal, Canada: (Mayor Announces July 31, 2005)
Netherlands: (Reported May 20, 2006)
Portugal: (GamesBids.com Reports January 7, 2004)
Qatar: September 27, 2006 report from Olympic Committee official
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: (GamesBids.com Reports September 1, 2006)
Rome, Italy: Previously withdrawn bid was reinstated October 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands (Under investigation)
St. Petersburg, Russia: (According to Vice Governor, December 29, 2003)
Tel Aviv, Israel: (conducting feasibility study, admits challenges.)
Thailand :( According to September 15, 2004 Report)
United States: Chicago and Los Angeles

Looks to me as if NYC is not even in the running. San Francisco just recently dropped out when the 49ers stadium deal fell through. There were only 4 cities in contention from the start and Baltimore and San Francisco dropped out early. So all you NYC boosters, better luck next time . The USOC choice candidate for 2016 is between Los Angeles and Chicago.

To me, the top 5 Strongest bids would be whoever the USOC chooses (Chicago or Los Angeles), Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Madrid, and Rome.

Toronto is not in the running.....

14th February 2007, 08:57
Azerbaijan: (November 13, 2006 report)


Someone is suffering from mania grandiosa. :D

14th February 2007, 16:27

The three finalists for the 2014 Winter Olympics are

PyeongChang, South Korea
Salzburg, Austria
Sochi, Russia

The IOC eliminated

Almaty, Kazakhstan
Jaca, Spain
Sofia, Bulgaria
Borjomi, Georgia

The 2014 Winter Olympic city will be chosen July 7, 2007

14th February 2007, 20:52
i am curious, and really just curious, but what is the appeal of the olympics? i'm more of a herminator fan but i agreed with miller and his views on the subject.

14th February 2007, 21:22
I guess Canada has given up on trying to get them. Damn.

Of the ones mentioned, my vote would be with Rio. They would do a good job of it if they got the chance and the political will to get get it. Too bad New York's not trying again.

As far as Toronto not having the guts to make hard choices, that's mostly due to the guys that run the city. David Miller (the mayor) is a media sucker with a commie sidekick (Howard Moscoe) running a city council that is extremely socialist. It's a large part of the reason why the city is in debt, and some of Toronto's councilors who don't agree with that are trying to do something about it. There are plans in the 2010 city elections to have a political party running just on Toronto issues.

Maybe 2020. We finished 2nd in 1996 and 2008, maybe the third time's a charm. :)