View Full Version : And the option tyre marking colour for 2009 is...

11th February 2009, 14:22
...green. :\

A Bridgestone engineer: ''This week the colour doesn't yet have a meaning for the tyres, they're both on the hard as well as on the soft compound. We're willing to see on which tyre the line stays visible most.''

''We're testing with a coloured line on the side of the tyre, another option is to colour the entire side. In any case it's certain this year the colour will be green, that's been decided.''


Was white really that hard?

Oh wait, green tyres = green sport. The FIA have got this gimmick downpat. :mad:

11th February 2009, 14:24
Looks filthy.

Powered by Cosworth
11th February 2009, 14:46
Looks better than the off center white stripe tbh

11th February 2009, 15:16
Looks fairly decent. Although I don't know why white wasn't used again?!

11th February 2009, 15:24
The FIA have got this gimmick downpat. :mad:

A gimmick that would be cool would be to have the color on the side be temperature sensative. Blue means cold rubber - yellow warm - red hot.

I used to have a coffee mug with a Logo that did that.

11th February 2009, 15:35
They should keep it with one colour so it will look good at Singapore

11th February 2009, 16:15
A hideous choice IMO. White would be better.

11th February 2009, 16:47
After Petronas's wonderful spell in BTCC, perhaps they are aiming to take F1 by storm :laugh:

11th February 2009, 17:22
As if the renaults didnt look bad enough already...

11th February 2009, 17:49
...I used to have a coffee mug with a Logo that did that.

Don't they have beer labels that now do something similar? :D

But yes, gimmicky. White would have been just as functional.

11th February 2009, 20:05
And if they stayed white people would complain and say its boring!

Yes there is a beer company that has the mountains on the label turn blue when its "certified" cold. There used to be t-shirts that did this back in the early 90's too.

I dont mind it really, but I think we're getting closer to coloured tyres. Perhaps the option tire stripe will soon be themed under the teams livery colours, or perhaps the entire tire. Now that "could" be cool.

11th February 2009, 20:29
Not bad, even if the color is not important as long as it isn't black or some dark color!
In the end the only thing that matters is that you can differentiate between the 2 types of tires while sitting on the couch.

I feel that people around here care to much about the color of the tires and of the cars, but doesn't even think about the technology behind it. A real shame.

11th February 2009, 21:49
Green looks naff... white was fine, but the red they used to use in champcar was the best...

11th February 2009, 21:52
Awful. Aesthetically, there should be a white line around the inside edge of the rim.

11th February 2009, 23:36
...I feel that people around here care to much about the color of the tires and of the cars, ....

Not true ioan. It's just that it's the off-season and we need something to complain about! :D

12th February 2009, 00:03
It's just possible that they are using such a loud color for the drivers benefit. If radio communication fails (or even if it doesn't) The driver should have a good feel for the performance disparity between the two on his own car, and it could be a determining factor (as there are several that have to be considered) as to his decision making in an overtaking situation!
Or maybe not :p :

12th February 2009, 08:08
Not bad, even if the color is not important as long as it isn't black or some dark color!
In the end the only thing that matters is that you can differentiate between the 2 types of tires while sitting on the couch.

I feel that people around here care to much about the color of the tires and of the cars, but doesn't even think about the technology behind it. A real shame.

Funnily enough you come across as an aesthetics elitist at times as well, ioan.

I disagree with green tyres because someone has gone out of their way to avoid selecting the easiest option (white), for the sole point of some delusional gimmick that also looks worse.

F1 is not a green sport yet someone (probably Max) thinks painting a sidewall green will convince people that it is. Lunacy.

12th February 2009, 08:38
There used to be t-shirts that did this back in the early 90's too..
Hypercolor :) I remember them well :p :

12th February 2009, 11:44
Not true ioan. It's just that it's the off-season and we need something to complain about! :D

Well, testing started a few weeks ago, and the thread about testing has got 50 odd posts (lots from jens and me) after all that time, on the other hand a thread about the color of the tire indicator gets almost 20 post in less than 24 hours!

For me it's a clear indication that most people on this forum know nothing about F1 but like to look at and talk about colorful pictures, like they did in kindergarten.

Also during the season the only posts related to the cars will be the cheating allegations, the rest of the post and threads will be about who's car's livery is nicer, who has a nice helmet, a beautiful GF/wife, the biggest shoes, the nicest haircut, the longest bear, what brand of car Lewis' father trashed last week end, who got a speeding ticket and how Lewis is the best thing since sliced bread (for the UK fans that is, cause in continental Europe we know how to slice it ourselves :p : ).

Boring, boring, boring.

Back to the topic, what use is there to draw a colored circle on the tires when a colored point would be enough and have the same effect as soon as the car rolls?! Not to mention that it would take way less paint = will cost 100 times less!


12th February 2009, 12:20
Does having good looking cars have to be made as hard as possible?

For me it's a clear indication that most people on this forum know nothing about F1 but like to look at and talk about colorful pictures, like they did in kindergarten.

Give it a break already. People like aesthetically pleasing cars, and testing up until around about now has simply been too inconclusive.

12th February 2009, 12:50
A Bridgestone engineer: ''This week the colour doesn't yet have a meaning for the tyres, they're both on the hard as well as on the soft compound. We're willing to see on which tyre the line stays visible most.''

''We're testing with a coloured line on the side of the tyre, another option is to colour the entire side. In any case it's certain this year the colour will be green, that's been decided.''

"Bridgestone tried out green tyre markings at Jerez on Wednesday as it continued to evaluate the best way of visibly distinguishing the two slick tyre compounds in 2009.

The return of slick tyres for this year means the Japanese firm has to alter the way it makes clear the difference between the hard and soft compound rubber, having painted one of the grooves in the previously standard grooved rubber white over the past two years.

And after experimenting with some possible solutions before Christmas, Bridgestone painted double green markings on the dry tyres of Renault’s Nelson Piquet and the Williams of Kazuki Nakajima on day two of the Spanish test.

On the front tyres the lines were painted on the inside of the sidewall, with the rear tyre markings on the outside.

A Bridgestone spokesman told itv.com/f1 that its technical team was “still evaluating” possible solutions for the new season, with the testing of further methods not ruled out before it decides on the best one.

He added that a definitive decision would certainly be made before the first grand prix in Australia at the end of March."


I guess it depends on which Bridgestone Engineer you talk to. :p :

12th February 2009, 13:22
For me it's a clear indication that most people on this forum know nothing about F1 but like to look at and talk about colorful pictures, like they did in kindergarten.




12th February 2009, 14:55
...For me it's a clear indication that most people on this forum know nothing about F1 but like to look at and talk about colorful pictures, like they did in kindergarten....

Boring, boring, boring.

Rather harsh ioan. I thought that this was an open forum with few restrictions on the topics discussed. If you find this thread boring, then don't post. Stick to your "gold star" threads :mark:

12th February 2009, 15:06
For me it's a clear indication that most people on this forum know nothing about F1 but like to look at and talk about colorful pictures, like they did in kindergarten.

I find it rather funny that you've entered more key strokes into this thread than any other forum member.

12th February 2009, 18:08
A hideous choice IMO. White would be better.

Maybe on the Williams. The Renault is always ugly. Tyres make no difference there.

12th February 2009, 18:28
Give it a break already. People like aesthetically pleasing cars, and testing up until around about now has simply been too inconclusive.

Bla bla bla.
Most people talk about the color of the line on the tires and the color of the cars because... that's the only thing they understand besides the name of the teams and drivers! :p :

And I won't give it any break.

12th February 2009, 18:32




Rather harsh ioan.

Depends on the POV. I'd say I was rather gentle in that comment. :D

12th February 2009, 19:05

Depends on the POV. I'd say I was rather gentle in that comment. :D

I’d say you were maliciously insulting.

13th February 2009, 00:10
Bla bla bla.
Most people talk about the color of the line on the tires and the color of the cars because... that's the only thing they understand besides the name of the teams and drivers! :p :

And I won't give it any break.

I'm studying engineering at uni this year, 'pretty colours' is not the only thing I understand or that I am interested in. :\

Accept that people have different interests to you and quit whinging about it.

13th February 2009, 08:37
I'm studying engineering at uni this year, 'pretty colours' is not the only thing I understand or that I am interested in. :\

I said most, not all! Seems that some need to pick up some reading lessons. :rolleyes:

Accept that people have different interests to you and quit whinging about it.

I accept it, but does it mean that I don't have the right to say it?!
Does truth hurt so much that you can't handle it?

And I'll whine as much as I'll see fit! :D

13th February 2009, 09:02
Does truth hurt so much that you can't handle it?

I just have a problem with you levelling complaints at most of the forum who you're assuming don't have any interest in the technical aspect of F1 (not that there's anything wrong with that if they don't). :)

And I'll whine as much as I'll see fit! :D

Yes, we gathered. :)

Good day!

13th February 2009, 09:36
Bla bla bla.
Most people talk about the color of the line on the tires and the color of the cars because... that's the only thing they understand besides the name of the teams and drivers! :p :

And I won't give it any break.

Look, I try to get other casual race fans into F1, and it'll get hard to do so if they wind up asking me why the tyres are green rather than asking questions about the finer details of the cars!

Worst part is, when they ask me why the tyres are green I'll have to say, 'I...I don't know! It's stupid!'

I'd like to see more tech stuff sure but I won't lower myself to calling half the board stupid. Quit being rude.

13th February 2009, 11:33
I'd like to see more tech stuff sure but I won't lower myself to calling half the board stupid. Quit being rude.

Who said they are stupid?! :confused:
Please don't misinterpret my comments.

I said they know very little about F1, that's all, and it's true.
People seem a bit sensible nowadays. They better toughen up a bit.

13th February 2009, 12:12
I just have a problem with you levelling complaints at most of the forum

Your problem, try to get over it! (That's what you were expecting me to do, isn't it?!) :D

who you're assuming don't have any interest in the technical aspect of F1

I'm not assuming it, I'm sure about it, and the proof is visible all over this forum.

(not that there's anything wrong with that if they don't). :)

Depends on one's POV.
I'll rather have a discussion or a heated debate about F1, later during the season, with someone knowledgeable rather than having to listen the ramblings of color knowledgeable fanboys.

You may take my point as whinging or whatever you wish to take it, it was just the conclusion I draw looking to obvious things.
It is my opinion and after expressing it you answered it with personal attacks, which tells quite a lot about it's effect.

Cheers. :)

13th February 2009, 12:27
People seem a bit sensible nowadays. They better toughen up a bit.

It is my opinion and after expressing it you answered it with personal attacks, which tells quite a lot about it's effect.

Cheers. :)

"Personal attack"? You better toughen up a bit! :D

Cheers to you to. :)

13th February 2009, 13:30
"Personal attack"? You better toughen up a bit! :D

That's how I'll call to keep the proportionality with you saying that I'm "whinging" while I'm only pointing out the obvious! ;)

13th February 2009, 13:47
That's how I'll call to keep the proportionality with you saying that I'm "whinging" while I'm only pointing out the obvious! ;)

Look, it's only a silly line on a tyre. Nothing to get excited about and hardly requireing of a PHD in flow dynamics to qualify someone in offering an opinion.

Some people here know a little about the technical side and some don't. I doubt very many of us have a working indepth knowledge so lets try and get along eh ;)

Nothing whatsoever to get upset about and start insulting people :rolleyes:

13th February 2009, 13:51
Nothing whatsoever to get upset about and start insulting people :rolleyes:

Stop talking rubbish, no insults were addressed to anyone.

13th February 2009, 13:53
ioan, time to give it a rest.

13th February 2009, 14:00
Stop talking rubbish, no insults were addressed to anyone.

Well, you were the one claiming personal attacks and others believe they were started by you so if there was any rubbish being written....

However, I'm not commenting further as there's been enough discord on here recently.

Peace and Love, peace and love :)

13th February 2009, 14:13
I like how Bridgestone picked a colour guaranteed to clash with every livery on the grid bar Honda. And Honda aren't even on the grid. Good job, that!

Dave B
13th February 2009, 14:22
I like how Bridgestone picked a colour guaranteed to clash with every livery on the grid bar Honda. And Honda aren't even on the grid. Good job, that!
I guess it was partly a desire to be seen pushing F1's "green" credentials, whatever they are, combined with the need not to be seen favouring any particular team.

Either way, the end result is reasonable: could have been better, could have been much worse.

Heck, I'd accept vomit-coloured tyres so long as those stupid grooves are gone forever!

13th February 2009, 16:10
Looks fairly decent. Although I don't know why white wasn't used again?!

eewww, Whitewalls on an F1 car??? Might as wel add on some spinners and 22" rims ;)

13th February 2009, 17:08
eewww, Whitewalls on an F1 car??? Might as wel add on some spinners and 22" rims ;)

Pimp my F1 car :laugh:

13th February 2009, 20:02
ioan, time to give it a rest.

You bet, it's no use trying to have a discussion with frustrated people.

13th February 2009, 20:09
Does anyone have an opinnion concerning post#21 ?
Who is B.S.ing? (besides me) :)

13th February 2009, 20:37
Does anyone have an opinnion concerning post#21 ?
Who is B.S.ing? (besides me) :)

Well, what it all comes down to is Bernie has obviously forbade Bridgestone from using what in Champcar was a very easy and readily distinguishable by everyone at the track and on television. Bridgestone provided Champcar with color coded option tires with a thick red stripe on the sidewalls. God forbid Bernie Ecclestone ever admit that anything Champcar and Cart poineered was a good idea, no matter how many ideas he has now adopted.

13th February 2009, 21:19
Is there a technical reason for the use of green ?
It doesn't seem right to think it would show better on TV , does it ?
Could it have a fluorescent element added for night races ?

14th February 2009, 04:49
Is there a technical reason for the use of green ?
It doesn't seem right to think it would show better on TV , does it ?
Could it have a fluorescent element added for night races ?

Because it's NOT red (How many teams incorporate RED in their livery?) and they don't want witewalls on an F1 Car ;)

26th February 2009, 16:48
Well, they are staying with Green for the year.

1st March 2009, 02:10
Is there a technical reason for the use of green ?
It doesn't seem right to think it would show better on TV , does it ?
Could it have a fluorescent element added for night races ?

The human eye is most sensitive to the green portion of the spectrum. A narrow green band would be much easier for the spectators to see than a wide red band, or even white.

2nd March 2009, 01:35
there was no problem at all seeing the red, but I agree the bright green has greater contrast to the black and the human eye is more sensitive to the green. Now what happens to all the men that are red green color-blind?? ;)

2nd March 2009, 08:36
The human eye is most sensitive to the green portion of the spectrum. A narrow green band would be much easier for the spectators to see than a wide red band, or even white.

I believe the human eye has the same number of green 'cones' as it does red and blue combined. The same is true of most digital cameras.

It makes sense it would since being able to distinguish different types of plant etc was/is pretty critical to our suvival.

I'm not sure a white band would be harder to see however, as this would provide the maximum contrast with the black tyre.

2nd March 2009, 09:17
I believe the human eye has the same number of green 'cones' as it does red and blue combined. The same is true of most digital cameras.

It makes sense it would since being able to distinguish different types of plant etc was/is pretty critical to our suvival.

I'm not sure a white band would be harder to see however, as this would provide the maximum contrast with the black tyre.

The Bridgestone lettering is white too and when the tire is turning it will easily create confusion.

2nd March 2009, 09:38
The Bridgestone lettering is white too and when the tire is turning it will easily create confusion.

Sure, but you could easily tell the difference between one white stripe and two white stripes? Non?

2nd March 2009, 12:17
Sure, but you could easily tell the difference between one white stripe and two white stripes? Non?

Maybe, but the difference between a white strip and a green one is much more obvious IMO! ;)