View Full Version : Why!

8th February 2007, 23:03
Why is it that people on this forum are able to go out of their way to get up other people's noses for no reason and get away with it?

I'm posting this in the Chit Chat forum because some people on the forum don't go in Forum Feedback and wouldn't have seen the thread in there discussing rep.

It seems we have at least 1 person on this forum who makes a point of trying to aggravate myself and others by sending negative rep to people sometimes for no reason at all.

For instance someone who is obviously mentally deficient in numerous ways decided to give me negative rep which said "rubbish" for me posting a thread asking for advice on what would be a good car to buy for under a thousand pounds http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=191272#post191272

Now I don't care whether I have 30 green bogeys or 3 million red ones. I'm very happy with my life as it is tbh. But I do care when presumably the same tosspot starts sending negative rep to my girlfriend just because she's my girlfriend. I'd be happy for myself and Caroline to be removed from this petty little game and not receive rep or rep comments if it's possible. I don't particularly want everyone else to miss out on rep or anything but I think this anonymous abuse should stop. If I was to do this to someone publicly on the forum I'd be banned but it's allowed within the rep system. Is that right? I do hope if it's possible to track the culprits that they can be publicly shamed or at the least given a short ban.

I only ask that people to do the courtesy of airing any problems they have with me to my face rather than being a cowardly little pool of slime and sending snide comments on the back of red bogeys.

Goodnight :wave:

9th February 2007, 05:06
don't continue to feed them Daniel.

9th February 2007, 05:15
why does it matter Daniel,People know you,it doesn't matter to me whether you have all red/all green :?: they rate you by the posts you make in the forum

9th February 2007, 05:16
and i don't think it's one person,one person can only send REP to the same person so many times

9th February 2007, 07:10
Yes like said above ...ignore them. We know you (all too well ;) ) so all that matters is what other people and you post in the actual threads.

9th February 2007, 08:35
Daniel, ignore the prats on here i do :D
the more they see your getting upset or annoyed by them the more they will continue to try and wind them up so my advice is ignore their posts which will get to them not you and enjoy life to the full :) ;) :D

9th February 2007, 08:44
Why is it that people on this forum are able to go out of their way to get up other people's noses for no reason and get away with it?

I'm posting this in the Chit Chat forum because some people on the forum don't go in Forum Feedback and wouldn't have seen the thread in there discussing rep.

It seems we have at least 1 person on this forum who makes a point of trying to aggravate myself and others by sending negative rep to people sometimes for no reason at all.

For instance someone who is obviously mentally deficient in numerous ways decided to give me negative rep which said "rubbish" for me posting a thread asking for advice on what would be a good car to buy for under a thousand pounds http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=191272#post191272

Now I don't care whether I have 30 green bogeys or 3 million red ones. I'm very happy with my life as it is tbh. But I do care when presumably the same tosspot starts sending negative rep to my girlfriend just because she's my girlfriend. I'd be happy for myself and Caroline to be removed from this petty little game and not receive rep or rep comments if it's possible. I don't particularly want everyone else to miss out on rep or anything but I think this anonymous abuse should stop. If I was to do this to someone publicly on the forum I'd be banned but it's allowed within the rep system. Is that right? I do hope if it's possible to track the culprits that they can be publicly shamed or at the least given a short ban.

I only ask that people to do the courtesy of airing any problems they have with me to my face rather than being a cowardly little pool of slime and sending snide comments on the back of red bogeys.

Goodnight :wave:

You never get me alive buahhahhaa...

Just kidding, it wasn't me ;)

Ian McC
9th February 2007, 08:45
don't continue to feed them Daniel.

The birds?

Brown, Jon Brow
9th February 2007, 13:58
WHY didn't I get a Birthday thread for my 18th :( :bigcry:

9th February 2007, 16:18
WHY didn't I get a Birthday thread for my 18th :( :bigcry:

Because you touch yourself at night. ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
9th February 2007, 17:11
Because you touch yourself at night. ;)

Have you been spying on me!!!! :mad:

9th February 2007, 17:14
Because you touch yourself at night. ;)

Yeah i heard that about him too! :D :p :) ;)

9th February 2007, 18:20
Some dumbarse gave me this rep

There you are, Daniel, some red rep. It's not because of any malice, you understand - in fact I quite like you. I'm just trying to teach you a lesson. And the lesson is: the more you feed the trolls, the hungrier they get. Do remember that, will you?

Now I understand the point but who's the one going out and causing trouble with other people on this forum. Not me.......

Hazell B
9th February 2007, 18:55
If I was to do this to someone publicly on the forum I'd be banned .....

No they wouldn't ;)

Daniel, as above I just say ignore it. Small minds trying to feel they're tough shouldn't be worried about.

Laughed at, yes :p :

9th February 2007, 19:13
Daniel, really... I mean, come on.. you're a big boy.... you can take care of yourself, OK? I'm not your mother goddamnit. UNDERSTAND?*

*I have inside information that pino is in a certain Scandinavian country at the moment, so I can post stuff with bold letters. :s mokin:

You can ban me now. :dozey:

10th February 2007, 00:50
Yeh i wouldnt worry about it Daniel, i got given lots of negative rep for a comment i made on the Ashes. wasnt anything malicious, jsut talking about englands poor performance, and then jokingly said Sack Fletcher at the end.

I dont take notice of it really, although it is nice to see people giving you good rep, it doesnt really bother me either way, whether people love me or hate me. :)

10th February 2007, 01:42
hell I don't even know where to go look at them - Daniel I would imagine I have a ****load of negative - do I care - make it like water off a duck's back

10th February 2007, 03:35
Why is it that people on this forum are able to go out of their way to get up other people's noses for no reason and get away with it?

I'm posting this in the Chit Chat forum because some people on the forum don't go in Forum Feedback and wouldn't have seen the thread in there discussing rep.

It seems we have at least 1 person on this forum who makes a point of trying to aggravate myself and others by sending negative rep to people sometimes for no reason at all.

For instance someone who is obviously mentally deficient in numerous ways decided to give me negative rep which said "rubbish" for me posting a thread asking for advice on what would be a good car to buy for under a thousand pounds http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/showthread.php?p=191272#post191272

Now I don't care whether I have 30 green bogeys or 3 million red ones. I'm very happy with my life as it is tbh. But I do care when presumably the same tosspot starts sending negative rep to my girlfriend just because she's my girlfriend. I'd be happy for myself and Caroline to be removed from this petty little game and not receive rep or rep comments if it's possible. I don't particularly want everyone else to miss out on rep or anything but I think this anonymous abuse should stop. If I was to do this to someone publicly on the forum I'd be banned but it's allowed within the rep system. Is that right? I do hope if it's possible to track the culprits that they can be publicly shamed or at the least given a short ban.

I only ask that people to do the courtesy of airing any problems they have with me to my face rather than being a cowardly little pool of slime and sending snide comments on the back of red bogeys.

Goodnight :wave:

Thats very strange.

I got exactly the same negative rep from someone in the thread about mobile phone use whilst driving.

A simple 'Rubbish' with no signature.