View Full Version : Richard Hammond

Hazell B
7th February 2009, 16:51
Jeez, I'm sick of seeing his face lately :rolleyes:

When he's not advertising supermarkets, he's pretending (of sorts) to be hosting an 'adventure' game show whilst thousands of miles and several months away :mark:

If he scuffs a shoe on some gravel, it's packaged into a story and released to the media since his crash. And they print it :mark:

A woman on Sky News last night said she'd heard a whisper Clarkson had lost heavily in the credit crunch, but does Hammond really have to sell himself so poorly just to get the money rolling back in again too? I shudder to think the lengths he'll go to these days :(

Mark in Oshawa
7th February 2009, 16:54
Come on Hazell, I thought everyone loved the Hamster? Of course...I don't get the BBC over here except for one channel of programs with Canadian commericals so I suppose I have no idea how annoying he is outside of "Top Gear".

Dave B
7th February 2009, 16:57
Engineering Connections looks promising, in a made for people who can't get Discovery kinda way, but Total Wipeout is just a poor man's Takeshi's.

I'm not fed up with the cheeky chappy just yet, as the other thing I bother watching him in is Top Gear. The Morrisons adverts were just embarrassing.

Hazell B
7th February 2009, 17:00
Love Hammond? Hell, I love my partner too, but I don't want to see him every two minutes :p :
Hammond's on every TV channel we have these days. Adverts, dire shows, new shows, chat shows, book shows, you name it. He'll be dancing with one legged cows in a Big Brother style house next, you mark my words .... on Canadian TV :p :

7th February 2009, 18:14
I guess after nearly dying you can appreciate his mentality. I have often read about people who survive death and then resolve to live life to the fullest. Even if it means Morrisons ads.

Mark in Oshawa
7th February 2009, 18:50
Hey...if the Hamster shows up over here on anything but Top Gear, we just might keep him anyhow. The Funniest Top Gear bit I have ever seen was his definition of RV racing.....

jim mcglinchey
7th February 2009, 18:51
May's every bit as overexposed, what with his engineering connections thing and the beer drinking. Give somebody else a chance, forgawdsake.

7th February 2009, 21:26
May's every bit as overexposed, what with his engineering connections thing and the beer drinking. Give somebody else a chance, forgawdsake.

But he never comes across as doing it just for the money!

Azumanga Davo
8th February 2009, 02:42
Jeez, I'm sick of seeing his face lately :rolleyes:

When he's not advertising supermarkets, he's pretending (of sorts) to be hosting an 'adventure' game show whilst thousands of miles and several months away :mark:

If he scuffs a shoe on some gravel, it's packaged into a story and released to the media since his crash. And they print it :mark:

A woman on Sky News last night said she'd heard a whisper Clarkson had lost heavily in the credit crunch, but does Hammond really have to sell himself so poorly just to get the money rolling back in again too? I shudder to think the lengths he'll go to these days :(

Richard Hammond just called. He's fed up of seeing YOU everywhere... ;)

vauxhall corsa
8th February 2009, 20:46
richard hammond does that supermarket advertisement

8th February 2009, 23:00
They're here in NZ this month with Greg Murphy taking the place of May in the show. Be interesting to see how that goes.

9th February 2009, 02:09
They're here in NZ this month with Greg Murphy taking the place of May in the show. Be interesting to see how that goes.

now THAT would be something to see... We got that damn top gear Oz host, it would be so much better with Greg 'i'll say anything to the media because i'm always right even though i'm running dead last' Murphy

9th February 2009, 02:23
They'll probably have some duct tape at the ready. (sorry Murph)

Garry Walker
9th February 2009, 11:16
Jeez, I'm sick of seeing his face lately :rolleyes:

When he's not advertising supermarkets, he's pretending (of sorts) to be hosting an 'adventure' game show whilst thousands of miles and several months away :mark:

If he scuffs a shoe on some gravel, it's packaged into a story and released to the media since his crash. And they print it :mark:

A woman on Sky News last night said she'd heard a whisper Clarkson had lost heavily in the credit crunch, but does Hammond really have to sell himself so poorly just to get the money rolling back in again too? I shudder to think the lengths he'll go to these days :(
If someone offers you 10 000 pounds to take part in an advertisment, why would one refuse it? Just because someone irrelevant at some internet forum is sick of seeing your face?

9th February 2009, 12:48
If someone offers you 10 000 pounds to take part in an advertisment, why would one refuse it? Just because someone irrelevant at some internet forum is sick of seeing your face?

Because it dilutes your image. If you're oversaturated people are less likely to tune in to your shows which means less work and income in the long run. Plus it hurts your credibility.

9th February 2009, 13:15
I see what you mean Hazell, he does seem to appear everywhere lately. However, I have to say, I'd much rather see Hamster everywhere than Clarkson.

9th February 2009, 17:26
well Clarkson ,could be in the Sh** after his comments on Australian TV,regarding Gordon Brown! we may not all like him or how he is running our country BUT you cant go round saying in front of millions on TV "That one eyed idiot that is running our country"
Just because you only have one eye dose not mean your judgment on politics is any worse that the guy with both eyes !
AND i dont vote for his party

Hazell B
9th February 2009, 19:21
Because it dilutes your image. If you're oversaturated people are less likely to tune in to your shows which means less work and income in the long run. Plus it hurts your credibility.

Exactly - look at the massive earning potential of some stars (mainly bigger than Hammond, but you know what I mean) if they just appear on one single thing and do it in a subtle way. You don't see Lewis Hamilton advertising supermarkets, for example. Not that Richard Hammond has as much pulling power as a smaller name, but he could have tried to aim higher surely? He's opening raffles and appearing at fetes for goodness sake.

And yes, he is better than Clarkson!

Garry Walker
9th February 2009, 20:10
Because it dilutes your image. If you're oversaturated people are less likely to tune in to your shows which means less work and income in the long run. So you think people will stop watching top gear, because Hammonds face is on some advertisment. Remind me to hire you to manage my finances, I would be bankrupt in 4 months.

Plus it hurts your credibility.

Exactly - look at the massive earning potential of some stars (mainly bigger than Hammond, but you know what I mean) if they just appear on one single thing and do it in a subtle way. You don't see Lewis Hamilton advertising supermarkets, for example. Not that Richard Hammond has as much pulling power as a smaller name, but he could have tried to aim higher surely? He's opening raffles and appearing at fetes for goodness sake.

And yes, he is better than Clarkson!
You don`t see Hamiltons face on supermarket ads, because McLaren does not allow such things. But on the other hand, you have Schumi skyscrapers and thousands of other products of his. Hasn`t hurt his pulling power.

Brown, Jon Brow
10th February 2009, 12:58
I like Hammonds presenting style. Sometimes I'll just watch a programme if he is presenting that I wouldn't watch if it was someone else.

BTW I think James May is one of the BBC's finest presenters. All his programmes are fascinating.

10th February 2009, 13:08
BTW I think James May is one of the BBC's finest presenters. All his programmes are fascinating.

Absolutely. And much better than 'Total Wipeout' which is the same old people falling over time after time. Gets boring after the 200th time.

Hazell B
10th February 2009, 14:19

Re it ruining credibility

But on the other hand, you have Schumi skyscrapers and thousands of other products of his. Hasn`t hurt his pulling power.

Look at Jaques V, as a prime example. He refused to do any ads at all for a few years, then did one and became the highest earning sportsman that year as a result. He beat Tiger Woods, David Beckham and all the others with one single day of photography to their weeks endorsing stuff. I think it was for watches - it was a picture of him dangling from a desert tree.

It has hurt Schumi's pulling power. Would you use him for a high end brand now, after his dire shampoo efforts? High end pays best, so you do less for the cash ;) In JV's case, you do nothing at all for years :p :

10th February 2009, 14:20
I'm sorry but richard Hammond's "Total Wipeout" is absolutely hilarious :D Its well worth watching people do silly things and fall over and make fools of themselves. Of course the Japanese are experts at this, but the british aren't doing that bad a job either.

Garry Walker
11th February 2009, 10:57
Re it ruining credibility
It doesn`t ruin his credibility the slightest, except in the eyes of maybe 15 people.

Look at Jaques V, as a prime example. He refused to do any ads at all for a few years, then did one and became the highest earning sportsman that year as a result. He beat Tiger Woods, David Beckham and all the others with one single day of photography to their weeks endorsing stuff. I think it was for watches - it was a picture of him dangling from a desert tree.
I am calling bull on this one. I don`t ever remember Villeneuve being higher than Woods or Schumacher or even Beckham in those "earners" lists and it is out of the question that he would be paid over 50 million for one commercial, which is around the sum he would need to top guys like Schumacher or Woods. His popularity compared to those guys is non-existant anyway. So what you said, there is zero chance of it being true.

It has hurt Schumi's pulling power. Would you use him for a high end brand now, after his dire shampoo efforts? High end pays best, so you do less for the cash ;) In JV's case, you do nothing at all for years :p :
His name is used for very expensive skyscrapers, so I would think those are "high end brand" enough. How more "high end" you want him to get?
Very few, except some obsessed fans, remember or care about his shampoo commercial, no company will say, ah, he did that Loreal commerical, we won`t hire him now.
As his financial success after that commercial has shown, I am right on this.

11th February 2009, 13:25
Very few, except some obsessed fans, remember or care about his shampoo commercial,

Ah yes, that was shockingly bad!

But just as bad as the Federer, Woods ... and some other bloke who I forget now, who are all obviously acting to a green screen and actually never met.

vauxhall corsa
11th February 2009, 18:36
top gear is quite good but the last series was not one of the best i have seen

Hazell B
11th February 2009, 19:35
I am calling bull on this one.

Fine. I really don't care, but if I read one list and you read another that's hardly a good reason to call me a liar :mark:

vauxhall corsa
14th February 2009, 16:01
Isn't it Richard Hammond that own's that yellow car and then he called it oliver. Why would u name a car

Hazell B
14th February 2009, 17:13
My vehicles always have names.
The current one's Linus, after the Matt Damon character in the Ocean's 11, etc films. The vehicle looks and acts dumb, but it isn't, plus it has a fat backside like Matt Damon :p :

Mark in Oshawa
14th February 2009, 17:50
Isn't it Richard Hammond that own's that yellow car and then he called it oliver. Why would u name a car

Why wouldn't you name a car? Lots of people name cars, including race drivers back in history. Of course with the way things are now in modern racing, you are never in the same race car twice, but I know in NASCAR a few of the drivers would name chassis they liked and the chassis would be kept in the rotation of cars they use on races, just using new bodies and mechanicals. Rusty Wallace had one chassis that went through 6 or 7 years of racing and he named it....oh heck..never mind..

Got side tracked...

14th February 2009, 23:59
I like Hammonds presenting style. Sometimes I'll just watch a programme if he is presenting that I wouldn't watch if it was someone else.

BTW I think James May is one of the BBC's finest presenters. All his programmes are fascinating.

Agree on May

Disagree on Hammond. Hammond is annoying because his style isn't as good as May or even Clarkson and he just seems to do anything. Hammond is doing the poor copy of Takeshi's Castle, he's done the ever annoying Brainiac and he's done the Morrisons ads too.

Have to agree with Hazell that when you do just anything it dilutes your value. I've quite liked the Mr T adverts for snickers and for World of Warcraft but if Mr T was advertising tyres, supermarkets, holiday destinations and so on it would get tiring and he'd lose his impact. I pity the fool who overexposes themselves :uhoh:

17th February 2009, 10:35
With James May and especially with Jeremy Clarksons documentaries you get the impression that they really are genuinely interested in the topic they are discussing. I've seen some of Clarksons stuff about World War 2 and you can tell he's not doing it just because he's being paid.

Hammond on the other hand comes across as "I'm doing this because I'm being paid for it", which is disappointing.

Hazell B
17th February 2009, 18:35
Saw a few minutes of the BBC2 Hammond thing last night (not in my own home, I hasten to add :p : ) and have to say Chris Barrie did a far better job and with much more enthusiasm on his Channel 5 series a few years ago.

18th February 2009, 09:08
Saw a few minutes of the BBC2 Hammond thing last night (not in my own home, I hasten to add :p : ) and have to say Chris Barrie did a far better job and with much more enthusiasm on his Channel 5 series a few years ago.

In a sort of "I couldn't care less" kind of way?!

If you want enthusiasm then see 'Industrial Revelations'. Mark Williams does a spot on job.

18th February 2009, 09:25
If you want enthusiasm then see 'Industrial Revelations'. Mark Williams does a spot on job.

Definitely :up: He's excellent :)

Hazell B
18th February 2009, 18:40
In a sort of "I couldn't care less" kind of way?!

If you want enthusiasm then see 'Industrial Revelations'. Mark Williams does a spot on job.

Don't know what you mean about 'couldn't care less'

Haven't seen Industrial Revelations either. What side is/was it on?

19th February 2009, 01:26
Saw a few minutes of the BBC2 Hammond thing last night (not in my own home, I hasten to add :p : ) and have to say Chris Barrie did a far better job and with much more enthusiasm on his Channel 5 series a few years ago.

With James May and especially with Jeremy Clarksons documentaries you get the impression that they really are genuinely interested in the topic they are discussing. I've seen some of Clarksons stuff about World War 2 and you can tell he's not doing it just because he's being paid.

Hammond on the other hand comes across as "I'm doing this because I'm being paid for it", which is disappointing.

Clarkson has genuine interest in engineering and big boys toys

May also, except he knows how to use a spanner and is one of those guys who rebuilds engines on the kitchen table

Barrie is like May

Hammond.... has media presentation skills and knows how to spend his money.

19th February 2009, 11:43
Haven't seen Industrial Revelations either. What side is/was it on?

UKBilge+1, or one of those random channels. It's on quite often. Not sure if it has ever been shown on the terrestrial channels.