View Full Version : Divide and Conquer: The Anglo-American Imperial Project

6th February 2009, 04:37
found this a very interesting read!!

Many would be skeptical that the Anglo-Americans would be behind terrorist acts in Iraq, such as with the British in Basra, when two British SAS soldiers were caught dressed as Arabs, with explosives and massive arsenal of weapons.[1] Why would the British be complicit in orchestrating terror in the very city in which they are to provide security? What would be the purpose behind this? That question leads us to an even more important question to ask, the question of why Iraq was occupied; what is the purpose of the war on Iraq? If the answer is, as we are often told with our daily dose of CNN, SkyNews and the statements of public officials, to spread democracy and freedom and rid the world of tyranny and terror, then it doesn’t make sense that the British or Americans would orchestrate terror.


6th February 2009, 05:41
:rolleyes: Look at it this way!
Are the American pilots of the jets that flew exercises out of Aviano,
that severed the gondola cable full of twenty some people Terrorists? I mean the resident of that valley had lodged numerous complaints about Jets out of Aviano flying below the agreed altitude! I bet it was a tad terrifying for those Swiss and German tourists as they plummeted to their death! These guys were playing Sims' with real weapons of mass destruction! They should have ripped those pilots’ necks off! Terrorism, and imperialism, was replaced by Military Industrial complex. Good for free enterprise old bean! :) The Russians really cocked things up for us westerners when they in the words of Jackson Browne; “Escaped while we weren't watching them" :crazy:

6th February 2009, 08:36
I agree with you,I think you are right,good luck to you guy!

6th February 2009, 08:47
I agree with you,I think you are right,good luck to you guy!

6th February 2009, 12:35
I think the author read too much 1984.

6th February 2009, 16:31
I think the author read too much 1984.
And needs to wear earplugs from all those Black Helicopters circling his home.

Easy Drifter
6th February 2009, 16:46
If Steve had the slightest idea how the SAS usually operate it would come as no surprise.
They are masters at infiltration and disguise and working behind the enemy. It appears this time it didn't work.
They are also totally ruthless, if required.

6th February 2009, 16:49
found this a very interesting read!!

Many would be skeptical that the Anglo-Americans would be behind terrorist acts in Iraq, such as with the British in Basra, when two British SAS soldiers were caught dressed as Arabs, with explosives and massive arsenal of weapons.[1] Why would the British be complicit in orchestrating terror in the very city in which they are to provide security? What would be the purpose behind this? That question leads us to an even more important question to ask, the question of why Iraq was occupied; what is the purpose of the war on Iraq? If the answer is, as we are often told with our daily dose of CNN, SkyNews and the statements of public officials, to spread democracy and freedom and rid the world of tyranny and terror, then it doesn’t make sense that the British or Americans would orchestrate terror.


It was just Prince Henry trying to get a piece of ass.

6th February 2009, 17:09
It was just Prince Henry trying to get a piece of ass. :rolleyes: :laugh:

donKey jote
6th February 2009, 18:23
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Mark in Oshawa
7th February 2009, 08:05
I am big on that Prince Harry theory......lol

Seriously Steve, if you have to reach for those conclusions you truly are a conspircy theroist. Did it ever ONCE occur to you that SAS soldiers going into Arab areas to hunt down and attack terrorist cells would not want to be dressed up in British Combat uni's. Under some obscure part of the Geneva Conventions, there is a section for combatants using disguises being legal with certain provisions and you can bet your last pound that the lawyers in some department in the DOD in the UK had figured out whether this was all legal.

Oh by the way, in case you are wondering Steve, the SAS is on YOUR side if anything happens. Just trying to make sure you are aware of that....because sometimes I worry about you.

7th February 2009, 18:43
found this a very interesting read!!

Many would be skeptical that the Anglo-Americans would be behind terrorist acts in Iraq, such as with the British in Basra, when two British SAS soldiers were caught dressed as Arabs, with explosives and massive arsenal of weapons.[1] Why would the British be complicit in orchestrating terror in the very city in which they are to provide security? What would be the purpose behind this? That question leads us to an even more important question to ask, the question of why Iraq was occupied; what is the purpose of the war on Iraq? If the answer is, as we are often told with our daily dose of CNN, SkyNews and the statements of public officials, to spread democracy and freedom and rid the world of tyranny and terror, then it doesn’t make sense that the British or Americans would orchestrate terror.


Are you just waking up?
Stuuff like this is going on all the time

Those "pilots" flying the 911 airplanes were already dead, as they had been planted in the seat before the planes took off by the CIA, the real pilots were flying by wire from a secret location....
It was all about giving the USA and George W, jr a good excuse to go back and squash Iraq, again and for good, so to show his pop that he was the better man

Mark in Oshawa
7th February 2009, 18:54
Markabilly....you should be careful, he just might believe you....

7th February 2009, 20:06
??? it is true.

The worst thing was when i discovered they had planted a microphone in one of my teeth to listen in on all my conversations with the president.....I finally had to pull all of them to stop them.
Indeed if you and steve do the same, you will find out that life is much easier as they can no longer do things to ruin your life and steal your money

eating is a little harder, but after while you get used to it.

Mark in Oshawa
8th February 2009, 02:33
you only had to pull your teeth. Boy you were lucky..they gave me an operation to ensure my head was free of encoded chips...

8th February 2009, 06:27
I am big on that Prince Harry theory......lol

Seriously Steve, if you have to reach for those conclusions you truly are a conspircy theroist. Did it ever ONCE occur to you that SAS soldiers going into Arab areas to hunt down and attack terrorist cells would not want to be dressed up in British Combat uni's. Under some obscure part of the Geneva Conventions, there is a section for combatants using disguises being legal with certain provisions and you can bet your last pound that the lawyers in some department in the DOD in the UK had figured out whether this was all legal.

Oh by the way, in case you are wondering Steve, the SAS is on YOUR side if anything happens. Just trying to make sure you are aware of that....because sometimes I worry about you.

i just came across that website through the informationliberation site Mark..no need to worry about me. I am ok!! ha ha

Seriously i just thought it was a good read..