View Full Version : Knife crime? Who are you kidding? What's next?

5th February 2009, 21:43
Cracking down on knives to reduce knife crime. Now thats silly.


What's next? Screwdriver crime? Spatula crime?

Got any idea at all how easy it is to fabricate a cutting or stabbing weapon out of damn near anything? The people that seek their use for evil purposes do.

5th February 2009, 22:28
Cracking down on knives to reduce knife crime. Now thats silly.


What's next? Screwdriver crime? Spatula crime?

Got any idea at all how easy it is to fabricate a cutting or stabbing weapon out of damn near anything? The people that seek their use for evil purposes do.

the british government banned guns and look how small gun crime is...

5th February 2009, 22:38
Cracking down on knives to reduce knife crime. Now thats silly.


What's next? Screwdriver crime? Spatula crime?

Got any idea at all how easy it is to fabricate a cutting or stabbing weapon out of damn near anything? The people that seek their use for evil purposes do.Funny you should mention that I just bought a 5" Valor hunting knife which I wear leagally exposed in it's sheath.
I just moved to El Cajon, and their are some crazy rednecks Mo Fo's out here! :dozey:

Easy Drifter
5th February 2009, 22:58
Remember Crocodile Dundee? 'You call that a knife. Now this is a knife.'
Many track workers carry hunting knifes.
I have kitchen knives that could do serious harm. Among others a boning knife, a chef's knife and a butcher's knife, all Henkels and razor sharp. Never been sharpened but steeled every use. All over 20 years old.

5th February 2009, 23:00
Cracking down on knives to reduce knife crime. Now thats silly.
Got any idea at all how easy it is to fabricate a cutting or stabbing weapon out of damn near anything? The people that seek their use for evil purposes do.

Quite right.

Why would you want to crack down on knife crime? You can't harm anyone with a knife. It's not like anything major ever occurred because someone was carrying a knife.

Easy Drifter
5th February 2009, 23:05
Especially if you bring a knife to a gunfight! :angel:

5th February 2009, 23:26
Especially if you bring a knife to a gunfight! :angel: Or a Chicago Typewriter to Thermonuclear War :confused:

5th February 2009, 23:52
You have to be 16 in the UK just to buy razors :p :

But they have to be seen to be doing something..

6th February 2009, 00:28
How many blades do you need anyway? I remember when they were just one, but now you can get a Gillette Fusion with FIVE :eek:

What I want to know is what will happen in the near future? Six? For the demon shall bear a nine-bladed sword. Nine-bladed! Not two or five or seven, but nine, which he will wield on all wretched sinners, sinners just like you sir... hmmm.

Will we get to the stage of a 55 bladed razor which takes off the top 12 layers of dermis and then cauterises one's face? Surgeons in hospitals should be able to use 17 bladed scapels in case the first 16 missed. How closely shaven do you need to be anyway?

6th February 2009, 00:44
Knife crime in the UK is actually growing into a fairly serious problem and I believe accounts for a fair number of deaths per year (at least for our country anyway). Of course you can always turn your back and say 'that will never work', or you can attempt to reduce the problem. Okay so people will always kill each other with whatever they can use but I don't see why you have such an issue with attempting to reduce crime.

The point is that most of these idiots use knifes because they are easy to get hold of, make it difficult and the simpletons will move onto something else, not make weapons themselves. We're talking teenage kids with no real drive who find carrying a knife easy, not someone who has thought long and hard about the idea.

I see that knifes a practical, I carry a Leatherman about with me all the time, but this isn't an attempt to outlaw knifes, it's a tactic to reduce the number of deliquent kids who thinking that stabbing is cool.

6th February 2009, 01:31
How many blades do you need anyway? I remember when they were just one, but now you can get a Gillette Fusion with FIVE :eek:

What I want to know is what will happen in the near future? Six? For the demon shall bear a nine-bladed sword. Nine-bladed! Not two or five or seven, but nine, which he will wield on all wretched sinners, sinners just like you sir... hmmm.

Will we get to the stage of a 55 bladed razor which takes off the top 12 layers of dermis and then cauterises one's face? Surgeons in hospitals should be able to use 17 bladed scapels in case the first 16 missed. How closely shaven do you need to be anyway?When they came out with the battery powered vibrating ones (for women of course)
It opened up a whole new avenue, in a manner of speaking! :p :
All bets are off my man!
I know a Biker Chick that runs one on jumper cables attached to the battery of her Hog :)

Well that's what I heard :dozey:

6th February 2009, 03:38
Instead of making everything illegal, maybe you should increase the term of getting an abortion from the first trimeseter to say, age 19.

That would help.

Hazell B
6th February 2009, 14:48
Instead of making everything illegal, maybe you should .....

C'mon Fiero, you know I love you dearly, but ....

.... putting a few teenagers off carrying a blade either as protection (in which case they're vastly more liable to be stabbed themselves) or to harm somebody else can't be a bad thing, can it? Frankly, I don't want to be mugged by some spotty idiot waving a knife in my face, nor have my vehicle damaged by a bored teenager who finds himself holding a paint scratching penknife with nothing better to damage.

Plus, we've had a rash of animal stabbings in some areas. They have nothing better to do, so kids stick knives in farm, wild or pet animals they catch. They don't kill them, just pop out their eyes or hack off their ears and let them go.

6th February 2009, 15:28
Sensitive topic.
Many posters seem to be on edge...

6th February 2009, 17:08
Wholly Chef Emillio what next - No cooking channel

6th February 2009, 17:15
Wholly Chef Emillio what next - No cooking channelWhat's should we expect after that? Japanese Commiting hari kari with snow peas?. Real men use Okanowa Steel!

Mark in Oshawa
7th February 2009, 08:09
All I know is if knifings are up in the UK, it proves once again it isn't the weapon that is the problem, it is the people committing the crimes. If you had guns I suppose the murder rate would be up but lets fix the criminals rather than the weapons of choice. There would be a novel concept, putting people in jail with stiff sentences for committing heinous crimes. I know it would bother some people but I can tell you NOT putting them away just has them back out getting into trouble again.

Personally, knifes are everywhere, what will you have; a knife registry? Will they keep that under the Minister of Silly Walk's?

Hazell B
7th February 2009, 16:36
There would be a novel concept, putting people in jail with stiff sentences for committing heinous crimes.

I hear that :up:

At the moment, whatever the official figures and laws tell you, here in the UK if a teenager's found with a knife it's either taken off him by an officer (let's say it's discovered in a stop and search) and binned without paperwork, or it's given back when he claims it's for art class at school. They simply are not written up for knives unless or until they hurt somebody or threaten a stranger. It's pathetic. Yes, I know officers have 'better things to do than fill in paperwork just for a caution', but I don't think it's an excuse.

I was told the above by an officer, by the way, before somebody starts telling me I'm talking rubbish. He also said they generally pour out illegal drinks and never bother with the paperwork, too.

Truth is, here it's actually a rare thing to need a knife in everyday life. They're handy in the car, but not at all needed if we're honest about it. Even when I'm out all day in the middle of the countryside with dogs, horses, my growing trees and what-have-you, I don't carry one. Never needed to.

To misquote an American friend "Your youths are f****d up"
He couldn't be more right.

Easy Drifter
7th February 2009, 17:18
Unfortunately because of the mountains of paperwork and slap on the wrist sentences imposed by many judges quite a few cops are developing the Fido attitude.
Despite my kidding earlier, knife crime is escalating. Every home where people still cook and prepare food will have potentially dangerous knives. Most hunters carry knives.
A potentially deadly knife is in many fishing tackle boxes. The fish fillet knives. I know I sold them.
More and more kids are carying knives if they do not have a gun!

Oh and the Fido Attitude. F--- It, Drive On. :(

7th February 2009, 18:58
Plus, we've had a rash of animal stabbings in some areas. They have nothing better to do, so kids stick knives in farm, wild or pet animals they catch. They don't kill them, just pop out their eyes or hack off their ears and let them go.

Other than people who abuse the elderly or children, nothing makes me angrier than that sort of behavior! That's how a lot of serial killers get their start.

7th February 2009, 21:29
To misquote an American friend "Your youths are f****d up"
He couldn't be more right.

An American that gets irony, what a man!

7th February 2009, 23:45
Plus, we've had a rash of animal stabbings in some areas. They have nothing better to do, so kids stick knives in farm, wild or pet animals they catch. They don't kill them, just pop out their eyes or hack off their ears and let them go.

That's appalling.

8th February 2009, 00:01
To misquote an American friend "Your youths are f****d up"
He couldn't be more right.

Not all of them, I have to add.

Mark in Oshawa
8th February 2009, 02:29
No...but too many of them likely for anyone's comfort, just like in my community or some places around the world. Too many kids are getting the idea that life entitles them to things....