View Full Version : Anna Nicole Smith Dead...

8th February 2007, 22:06

8th February 2007, 22:44
Who the hell is Anna Nicole Smith :confused:

8th February 2007, 22:52
Quite sad, given that she has a small baby and also lost her son recently.

8th February 2007, 23:47
Who the hell is Anna Nicole Smith :confused:

Let's just say that she was a 'model' for well known adult content publications ;)

9th February 2007, 01:52
Let's just say that she was a 'model' for well known adult content publications ;)

. . . who became famous by marrying a billionaire who was about three hundred years old. And they say there's no romance left in the world!

9th February 2007, 02:38
. . . who became famous by marrying a billionaire who was about three hundred years old. And they say there's no romance left in the world!

Taking into account that she was in a bitter dispute with his stepson over the inheritance, it will be interesting to check whether there was nothing dubious about her death.

9th February 2007, 03:28
She was US royalty wasn't she? Wonder if she will get a state funeral................ :D

9th February 2007, 05:36
funny,no one seems to be saying RIP....

race aficionado
9th February 2007, 05:37

9th February 2007, 05:58
funny,no one seems to be saying RIP....


The first time I heard the phrase 'trailer trash' was in reference to her........

9th February 2007, 06:13
not directed at anyone,but usually whenever someone dies and a thread is made on that,we atleast have one RIP coming....Race posted but i think it was a simul post.... :D

9th February 2007, 06:19
the baby is worth 40,000,000 now (at 6 months old)

9th February 2007, 06:43

9th February 2007, 07:26
Every person's death is sad.

Rudy Tamasz
9th February 2007, 08:31
RIP :(

9th February 2007, 09:42
She wasn't Einstain for sure but I hate when a relatively young person dies. If I understood right, her way of living was a bit consuming so I guess it's no wonder. RIP anyhow.

9th February 2007, 12:26

9th February 2007, 12:40
the baby is worth 40,000,000 now (at 6 months old)

sell the baby then

9th February 2007, 14:01
Apparently the footage of the paramedics trying revive her has been sold :crazy:


9th February 2007, 15:13
That's awful - is nothing private any more?

I'm not a fan of Anna Nicole-style celebrities but what happened to her was very sad. She was obviously not in control of her life for quite a long time before her death and was used and abused by those around her.

9th February 2007, 15:36
heard on the news that Anna's mum blames drugs for her daughters death! :(
i am afraid when its drugs related my sympathy goes out the window sorry if that sounds hard :(

but her poorly little daughter is now without her mother when she didnt need to be!!

9th February 2007, 15:44
Apparently the footage of the paramedics trying revive her has been sold :crazy:


Yeah, I saw that too(the article not the footage). People are sick.

And by the way, RIP Anna.

9th February 2007, 16:25
...what happened to her was very sad. ...

No not really. She was on a greasy slide to her own doom for quite some time. She brought on her own demise and it's really not shocking or unexpected.

What is sad is that her baby was born addicted to drugs :(

9th February 2007, 16:33
Every person's death is sad.

Rubbish! :devil: I can think of a number of persons - past and present - whose death was and would be a matter of great rejoicing.

Was Anna Nicole Smith one of them? -No.

Who was she, really? -Noone, really.

May she rest in peace.

9th February 2007, 18:23
No not really. She was on a greasy slide to her own doom for quite some time. She brought on her own demise and it's really not shocking or unexpected.

What is sad is that her baby was born addicted to drugs :(

For me, seeing someone mess up that badly is always sad. The fact that she can't have had good friends or family to pull her back, way before her latest excesses, is sad. If I tried anything like that, I can think of several people who would jump in and try to help. Thankfully.

What you said about the little girl is very true though.

9th February 2007, 19:07
I wasn't a fan of Anna's but it is still so sad. My heart went out to her when Daniel died. No parent should have to bury a child. She said then that the only thing making her want to live was her little girl. Such a shame. May she RIP with Daniel.

9th February 2007, 19:10
Good gawd, I just heard that a Hollywood movie about her life is now planned :rolleyes:

9th February 2007, 19:56
What is sad is that her baby was born addicted to drugs :(

This is the first time that I heard that info. Where did you find that out?

9th February 2007, 19:58
Heard it on the radio this morning. Could be wrong...

Hazell B
9th February 2007, 20:03
In a shop this afternoon I heard the till girl chatting about this death to a customer. The words 'gold digging whore' were used. I placed my goods on the counter, pointed out that the teenage till girl wouldn't exactly turn down a billionaire either (though with her acne, she'd never pull one :p : ) and walked out.

Anna Nicole Smith did not deserve 90% of the publicity aimed nastily at her - and I challenge most women of lesser brains to do anything but what she did in her position.

If she's killed herself on purpose I hope the press have a finger pointed at them for causing her distress. Of course they won't, they'll just write more rubbish and bring out books about the poor woman now :(


9th February 2007, 20:04
Oh my, I hope that info is wrong for her sake. :(

9th February 2007, 20:36
Anna Nicole Smith wasn't the best example of someone making a "good living", her death didn't shock me, never liked the way she lived so I can't be sad for her but she surely deserves some respect and selling videos showing how she died is just out of order.

9th February 2007, 21:06
Sadly this has been on the cards for a while, so it wasn't a big suprise... not sure why it was important enough to be on the front of the metro this morning though.. as sad as it is... didn't think it was major news.

9th February 2007, 21:11
Sadly this has been on the cards for a while, so it wasn't a big suprise... not sure why it was important enough to be on the front of the metro this morning though.. as sad as it is... didn't think it was major news.

She was one of the World's richest women, and also one of the most famous, and she has died young in mysterious circumstances. Hardly surprising that it's big news.

9th February 2007, 21:13
Obviously not famous enough for RaikkonenRules and me. Sigh, looks like I have to go and surf and get lost in Wiki again...

9th February 2007, 21:14
She was one of the World's richest women, and also one of the most famous, and she has died young in mysterious circumstances. Hardly surprising that it's big news.

er... one of the first posts in response to this was "who is anna nicole smith"... so she wasn't that famous... and it doesn't seem that mysterious either from the news report i read...

I'm not saying I don't care... just that it didn't seem like front page news.

10th February 2007, 04:52
Well she was on a downward slope and obviously has had some negative press recently.

But Im sure she wasnt inherently evil or anything, so RIP.

jim mcglinchey
21st February 2007, 20:33
Ferpitysake, when will this sordid little affair finish. I nearly choked on a mouthful of spamfritter when the news reported that the judge in the who- gets- possession- of- the- body- case said that he wanted the case finished by Friday because "the body was decomposing quicker than expected " What!? Havent thy got fridges in LA County or wherever the hell they are?

21st February 2007, 20:58
Ferpitysake, when will this sordid little affair finish. I nearly choked on a mouthful of spamfritter when the news reported that the judge in the who- gets- possession- of- the- body- case said that he wanted the case finished by Friday because "the body was decomposing quicker than expected " What!? Havent thy got fridges in LA County or wherever the hell they are?

I couldn't believe that either. She is in Florida (Hollywood FL I believe), but I don't see how the decomposing is faster than thought. She has been embalmed & I am sure refrigerated. Maybe too many people are going in and opening it up & unzipping the body bag to take a peek. OH GAWD, what an awful thought!!!! People won't even let her rest in peace.

Mark in Oshawa
22nd February 2007, 07:28
The sad thing is, a little girl will never know her mom. As screwed up as Anna Nicole was, she loved her now deceased son and his death just put her in a hell of a tail spin. She wasn't exactly the brightest bulb on the tree, but she didn't deserve to die a sordid and complicated death.

That said, the woman was basically a media darling for no other reason than she would do or say anything to get attention I think. She is one of those people who is basically famous for being famous. Like Nicole Ritchie, Paris Hilton or Tara Reid, she was one of those Hollywood imaged blondes that really had no talent other than being able to look a certain way to appeal to the fantasies of men who obviously cannot see a truly empty headed woman for what she is.

Anna may or may not have been involved with drugs. She always seemed a bit dozey or incoherent at times, and I suspect her care of her health was not what is should have been, but there is now a little girl who wont know her mom, a vulture of a mother trying to interfere in the burial of her daughter when she obviously had little contact with her while she was alive. We have the boyfriend and likely father fighting to get the woman laid to rest beside her son, while everyone else claims to know what is best. We have the idiocy of all these other clowns coming out to claim their status as the legit father of the baby, when it is obvious that money is the motivation. Meanwhile, Anna's estate is still being fought for in the courts against the estate of the late billionaires late son. This soap opera just has way too many twists in it to be believeable....yet it is.

Unreal. The only thing I hope for is her soul gets the peace it didn't get in life, and that the baby gets a better life than her mom had. From the sounds of it, Anna had a rough child hood, and it would explain her bizarre behaviour wouldn't it??

23rd February 2007, 12:47
I happened to stumble on the CNN coverage of the court trial in Florida over who gets to bury her.

All I can say is that it seems that some people in North America have collectively lost their minds and can no longer tell the difference between Hollywood fiction and reality. The judge in this court would have been much better suited to playing an Italian mobster in some crappy film than being a high official in a judicial body.

Shouts like:
- "Find out who the father is!"
- "There's been enough baloney here!"
- "I want her buried with her son!"
...and crying while passing sentence really bewilder an East-European, I can tell you. :s

jim mcglinchey
23rd February 2007, 13:25
a year ago the judge was driving a taxi.

Hazell B
23rd February 2007, 21:13
a year ago the judge was driving a taxi.

So? I didn't see the judge and know nothing of him or her, but does it matter that they were driving a taxi? Are taxi drivers all idiots?

I'm friends with a judge who happens to ponce about showing Welsh ponies in his spare time, drives a Freelander and breeds rare chickens, but it doesn't mean he's not a damned good judge when he's working.

Not getting at you here, but I don't understand why driving a taxi would make a person less or more able to act as a judge - they after all very highly qualified in most countries.

jim mcglinchey
24th February 2007, 10:32
[? Are taxi drivers all idiots?

Well Hazell, I dont want to overstate it, but in my experience they are pretty much so, to the extent that I only use taxis when I have to and I dont like my family being driven in taxis.

Hazell B
24th February 2007, 19:16
I still don't understand why the judge being a taxi driver makes any difference to his or her ability to judge ;)

Wasn't a London taxi driver the first Mastermind?

24th February 2007, 19:36
Taxi driver in the past - judge now? So what? He is obviously qualified so what's the problem?

I can't believe how this sad story still rumbles on with ever more twists and turns. Let's hope that it will be all settled soon.

25th February 2007, 15:38
What a joke - they need to get this bitch in the ground!!!