View Full Version : Another deadly virus and worm(s) arrive.

Valve Bounce
3rd February 2009, 02:56

The above two, I just found with Google, but there was an article in yesterday's YAHOO which I cannot find.

This, reported in yesterday's article, emanated in China, India, Thailand and so on - countries where Windows XP is freely available from the numerous pirate shops selling pirated software. Hong Kong alone has several building complexes (like the Golden Centre at Mongkok), or another next door there, or another huge one in Wan Chai. This is all well and good except that none of these softwares will give them access to Microsoft's security updates.

Then, of course, you can buy any of zillions of games as well as anti-virus programs for less than US$2 each, "guaranteed" to work.

When tackled about this problem, Government Officials in these countries explain that people in these countries are too poor to afford non-pirated software.

So, if you communicate with people from these third world countries, best not to open attachments in their e-mails.

3rd February 2009, 13:47

The above two, I just found with Google, but there was an article in yesterday's YAHOO which I cannot find.

This, reported in yesterday's article, emanated in China, India, Thailand and so on - countries where Windows XP is freely available from the numerous pirate shops selling pirated software. Hong Kong alone has several building complexes (like the Golden Centre at Mongkok), or another next door there, or another huge one in Wan Chai. This is all well and good except that none of these softwares will give them access to Microsoft's security updates.

Then, of course, you can buy any of zillions of games as well as anti-virus programs for less than US$2 each, "guaranteed" to work.

When tackled about this problem, Government Officials in these countries explain that people in these countries are too poor to afford non-pirated software.

So, if you communicate with people from these third world countries, best not to open attachments in their e-mails.

thanks for the info there