View Full Version : Pascal Vasselon explains 2009 concept

2nd February 2009, 14:52

Very good interview to read when you've got some time.

Interesting how he theorises and justifies the TF109 on chassis more than aero.

3rd February 2009, 07:11
yep, a good long interview... thanks for sharing.

We may see that new regulations introduced to the floor will be a sort of loophole for intermediate teams to make an offset toward domination of the stronger team in the previous season. But it's likely that the stronger team would mean always be with more readiness anticipating the changes.

However optimism reflected from the interview indicates that teams like Toyota will exploit all their strength all out the spirit which inspires team to keep fighting the whole season to be the winner at it best.

3rd February 2009, 08:30
A good read, thanks. Makes me think even more that KERS is going to be a massive flop :s

3rd February 2009, 14:31
Toyota has taken some interesting gambles in several areas - KERS, diffuser... and also weight balance and aerodynamical approach (slim nose opposed to the "fat noses" of others). Can't wait to see, how does it all pay off, but optimism is there. :D

4th February 2009, 06:44
Yeah Toyota has enough resource to make trial and error before determining which one is effective permanently implemented in accordance with their performance character of the car and drivers.

I don't think they would mind to change mind adopting aerodynamic of others once they consider that fat nose seem to be more suitable for their car.