View Full Version : Beyond Belief

oily oaf
8th February 2007, 18:47
Apologies for taking the title of Emlyn Williams book on The Moors Murderers but I think that given the facts of the case I'm about to outline the comparison is not a bad one.

A West London couple were jailed for a total of 22 years today for the systematic abuse of their disabled 4 year old daughter.
During the catalogue of horrors that these 2 sub human individuals inflicted on the child who was suffering from cerebral palsy she was scalded with boiling water, had huge clumps of her hair torn out, was kicked so hard in the groin she suffered internal injuries and was locked naked in the toilet at night.
Oh yes and she was forced to eat her own faeces.
So severe were her injuries that doctors had to examine her under general anaesthetic.
DS Anthony Smith from The Met's Child Abuse team called it "without doubt the worst case of child abuse I have ever seen"

What manner of human beings are these?
Is any punishment capable of giving this odious pair what they truly deserve.
I gain a small degree of satisfaction from knowing exactly the type of treatment that will be meted out to them when they come off section 23 which will include "boilings" where scalding water will be hurled over them, "potting up" where other cons will throw the contents of their slopping out buckets over them and of course the right royal kickings that will be administered on a regular basis. The screws themselves will get in the act too trust me. They've got kids too you see.

I now await the ubiquitous enquiry where the press throw up their hands in horror and declare "It must never happen again" and a gaggle of 2 bob social workers attempt to explain why they put this poor little scrap back into the hands of this murderous duo.

It makes me sick to the pit of my ****ing stomach

Ian McC
8th February 2007, 19:00
I am pleased to say that I can't get my head round people like this, as to how people would think this way let alone do anything like this is beyond me. Surely there is no excuse, there is nothing to gain or no motive possible, I would of thought they should get life.

As far as social workers go I think they get a raw deal, they are over worked and under paid, it is a horrible job, having to go into peoples homes and deal with very difficult cases, I certainly wouldn't want that job.

8th February 2007, 19:28
There's not a lot you can say about this really. It's so horrific that it beggars belief. I'm astonished that any human being could treat their child in such a way.

oily oaf
8th February 2007, 19:50
There's not a lot you can say about this really. It's so horrific that it beggars belief. I'm astonished that any human being could treat their child in such a way.

Beans. It's no exageration to say that I'm literally shaking with rage as I think what that defenceless baby went through at the hands of this filth.
I can't get the imagery of their barbarism out of my mind no matter how hard I try.
I swear on my grandkid's lives if I could reach these individuals I would finish them.

Ian McC
8th February 2007, 20:08
I swear on my grandkid's lives if I could reach these individuals I would finish them.

Not worth wasting your freedom on Oily my friend

9th February 2007, 04:12
This is like the guy who kept using a taser on his 18 month old son. He said it was "discipline". The court disagreed, thankfully, and the b@stard is behind bars.

In cases like this I think that the old addage of "An eye for an eye" holds a great deal of attraction. These people should be treated the same way they treated the child and then painfully executed. As far as I'm concerned, they have forfeited any right to live

9th February 2007, 15:31
Apologies for taking the title of Emlyn Williams book on The Moors Murderers but I think that given the facts of the case I'm about to outline the comparison is not a bad one.

A West London couple were jailed for a total of 22 years today for the systematic abuse of their disabled 4 year old daughter.
During the catalogue of horrors that these 2 sub human individuals inflicted on the child who was suffering from cerebral palsy she was scalded with boiling water, had huge clumps of her hair torn out, was kicked so hard in the groin she suffered internal injuries and was locked naked in the toilet at night.
Oh yes and she was forced to eat her own faeces.
So severe were her injuries that doctors had to examine her under general anaesthetic.
DS Anthony Smith from The Met's Child Abuse team called it "without doubt the worst case of child abuse I have ever seen"

What manner of human beings are these?
Is any punishment capable of giving this odious pair what they truly deserve.
I gain a small degree of satisfaction from knowing exactly the type of treatment that will be meted out to them when they come off section 23 which will include "boilings" where scalding water will be hurled over them, "potting up" where other cons will throw the contents of their slopping out buckets over them and of course the right royal kickings that will be administered on a regular basis. The screws themselves will get in the act too trust me. They've got kids too you see.

I now await the ubiquitous enquiry where the press throw up their hands in horror and declare "It must never happen again" and a gaggle of 2 bob social workers attempt to explain why they put this poor little scrap back into the hands of this murderous duo.

It makes me sick to the pit of my ****ing stomach

Yeah i saw that on the news it also made me feel sick that poor innocent child! people like that shouldnt be allowed to live!

9th February 2007, 15:49
Wow, that's horrible, I'm speechless.

9th February 2007, 16:03
Unbelievable :(

9th February 2007, 16:27
I just can't believe it what is it that is so wrong with those people as to treat an innocent child like that?

I'm telling you sometimes Spanish Inquisition would come handy.

Ian McC
9th February 2007, 21:24
Seems to be too much of this stuff going on, way too much :mad:
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23384484-details/'Selfless'+foster+parents+jailed+for+using+girls+a s+slaves/article.do

9th February 2007, 21:39
Apart from the years in prison,years which will be on the special segregated ward,hopefully the general prison population will eventually get to them.

9th February 2007, 22:10
Let's hope the little girl has now been placed with a lovely foster family and that she gets the opportunity to learn to trust people again.

Ian McC
9th February 2007, 22:16
I hope they burn in hell as much as the next man but I am not keen on this mob vengence thing.

9th February 2007, 22:27
Bobs Vengance. Haven't seen that epsiode yet.Is it available on the net?

oily oaf
10th February 2007, 07:11
Let's hope the little girl has now been placed with a lovely foster family and that she gets the opportunity to learn to trust people again.

That's the best and most salient point so far in this thread (I'm after a bit more of that risotto mate ;) )
Amidst all the furore and cries for vengeance of which I have been and indeed staunchly remain the instigator in chief, the welfare of the child has been put on the back burner somewhat.
The report I read did actually state that the little one has been placed with a foster family and is happy and making great progress.
Lets face it guys the social services having received a well deserved bloody nose in this tragic affair are gonna make pretty damn sure that this child gets the care and love she should have got in the first place.
In fact I fully expect to see her little face wreathed in smiles as she poses happily alongside Madonna and Guy in the very near future :s mokin: