View Full Version : Michael Andretti to be Danica's Race Strategist

27th January 2009, 05:16
Some pretty cool news.. Michael Andretti will be Danica Patrick's race strategist for this year's IndyCar season. He is replacing Kyle Moyer who was her strategist last year. Kyle will be Marco Andretti's strategist this year. George Klotz will be Tony Kanaan's race strategist, and Kim Green will stay with Hideki Mutoh.

This will be good. I dont think you could have a better guy calling the shots for your race. I think this will make for an even better season. http://lasttofirst.com/Smileys/default/smiley.gif

27th January 2009, 07:16
considering she was your pick as a shoe in for Indy and the championship what else is there .....heck she might not lose race now

27th January 2009, 09:13
considering she was your pick as a shoe in for Indy and the championship what else is there .....heck she might not lose race now

You got that right. This kind of sealed that deal. :)

27th January 2009, 13:18
No mention of Ziggy Harcus. He called the shots with Marco last season. Hmm.

27th January 2009, 16:57
Will he also be providing whining and b1tching strategy?

Michael has made this an art, surely DP will benefit.

27th January 2009, 17:09
Maybe he can show her a good beat to slap on the steering wheel with..........

27th January 2009, 19:15
This combination should be very entertaining, if not successful. The new muffler won't quiet the high-pitched whine coming from these two. On another note, I think AGR is going to be investing heavily in an 500 win this season. A TK or Marco win would not surprise me, and I'd say Danica is a legit dark horse.

Easy Drifter
27th January 2009, 21:53
As Michael has been known to have a bit of an explosive temper at times and "Stompin' Danica's" prospensity to whine and bi--ch some of the radio transmissions may need some bleeping! :eek:

27th January 2009, 22:07
When I first read about this, I wondered if this shuffle was designed to help Danica or Marco? It is being spun as a big plus for Danica, but in reality I think it is being done to improve Marco's prospects by getting him out from under Dad's wing a little bit. I do NOT see this in any way shape or form as helping Danica.


28th January 2009, 05:04
When I first read about this, I wondered if this shuffle was designed to help Danica or Marco? It is being spun as a big plus for Danica, but in reality I think it is being done to improve Marco's prospects by getting him out from under Dad's wing a little bit. I do NOT see this in any way shape or form as helping Danica.


Someone else on another forum said something similiar. I think it will help both. Im excited for Danica.

28th January 2009, 05:15
Someone else on another forum said something similiar. I think it will help both. Im excited for Danica.

I think that Michael and Danica will be like oil and water. But you never know, it might work out. I do know he won't take much of her abuse that she is prone to throwing out on the radio, she will get an earfull right back. That in and of itself might be very good for her.


28th January 2009, 05:18
I think that Michael and Danica will be like oil and water. But you never know, it might work out. I do know he won't take much of her abuse that she is prone to throwing out on the radio, she will get an earfull right back. That in and of itself might be very good for her.


Im looking forward to also being able to see and talk to Michael more now since Im down in Danica's pit area and garage all the time.

Easy Drifter
28th January 2009, 06:33
The word I am hearing from several sources (other forums and ESPN) is she managed to cheese off her entire team at Daytona.
Her lack of track time in relation to the other drivers in the team and supposedly erratic and mostly slow lap times do indicate this. Forgetting her seat insert thus delaying her getting into the car for her first stint and leaving the track before the end of the race didn't endear her to anyone.
You can p-ss off the owner but if you are good enough that is overlooked.
Not being friendly with other drivers on your team isn't good but again can be overlooked.
Cheesing off the mechanics is the last thing you want to do. Not only will they not go the extra mile for you but they all talk to each other on all teams and soon none will not want to work for you.
Some may end up as your crew but they won't be very willing to do the little things that make for a happy team.
I worked for drivers that I would do my da--est to get everything perfect and get the most out of the car. For others it became 'that will do' as long as the car is safe. The crew have to feel appreciated to put out their best.
That was one of Michael Schumaker's strengths.

28th January 2009, 11:49
Im looking forward to also being able to see and talk to Michael more now since Im down in Danica's pit area and garage all the time.

Danica's PR flackie? Danica Groupie? Garden variety stalker?

28th January 2009, 12:24
Danica's PR flackie? Danica Groupie? Garden variety stalker?

Negative. Im just an avid fan of the IRL and her and a friend. ;)

28th January 2009, 12:40
Negative. Im just an avid fan of the IRL and her and a friend. ;) Right.

30th January 2009, 13:30
Negative. Im just an avid fan of the IRL and her and a friend. ;)

31st January 2009, 19:21
Tail won't wag the dog.

Mark in Oshawa
31st January 2009, 20:51
The Mikey and Danica show on the radio ought to be fun. The princess is going to meet the master of b1tching and whining. Mikey was always a bit of a complainer at times in his younger days so he will get a bit of what he dished out over the years.

Marco is the real winner. He will have to sink or swim on his own merits now and he will do better without having to not listen to his dad (which is no slag on Mike, just most kids tend to tune out their dads).

My dislike for the way Danica behaves probably prejudices my assessment of her abilities but I don't think she will do better or worse. Mike is a proven winner behind the wheel and despite his nonsense and ego in his career, he learned and is not a dummy. I think he can help Danica or hurt but she HAS to learn to communicate and not alientate.

Drifter's assessment of Ms. Patrick's behaviour at Daytona is consistent to what I have heard over the years. Danica does not engender warm and fuzzy feelings from people who have to work for her or with her.

Easy Drifter
1st February 2009, 15:25
DP to MA: Whine, complain, whine, bi--ch, whine, moan, whine.

MA to DP: Shut up and drive the f------g car. :eek:

DP to MA: Dario is blocking me!

MA to DP: You idiot. He is lapping you for the 3rd time!

1st February 2009, 19:09
I still think the best radio transmission was when Kim Green radioed Danica with "Just shut up and drive" (Sorry fans, no link)

2nd February 2009, 23:35
Belle Isle, 2007

6th February 2009, 22:23
The Mikey and Danica show on the radio ought to be fun. The princess is going to meet the master of b1tching and whining. Mikey was always a bit of a complainer at times in his younger days so he will get a bit of what he dished out over the years.

Marco is the real winner. He will have to sink or swim on his own merits now and he will do better without having to not listen to his dad (which is no slag on Mike, just most kids tend to tune out their dads).

My dislike for the way Danica behaves probably prejudices my assessment of her abilities but I don't think she will do better or worse. Mike is a proven winner behind the wheel and despite his nonsense and ego in his career, he learned and is not a dummy. I think he can help Danica or hurt but she HAS to learn to communicate and not alientate.

Drifter's assessment of Ms. Patrick's behaviour at Daytona is consistent to what I have heard over the years. Danica does not engender warm and fuzzy feelings from people who have to work for her or with her.

Marco will never sink(swim) till he mans-up and gets away from AGR
with any other team so far,, he may have already lost his seat.. IMO

Mark in Oshawa
7th February 2009, 09:21
Dirt Devil, I would think he will always have a ride with Dad but I do agree, we may not know how good this kid could be until he leaves AGR.

7th February 2009, 12:33
Dirt Devil, I would think he will always have a ride with Dad but I do agree, we may not know how good this kid could be until he leaves AGR.

who else would want him??
seems like all AGR cars are fully sponsored except him
If Marco left Dad, he would be just another IRL ride buyer (with $$$)
don't see it happening

Easy Drifter
7th February 2009, 13:10
Sort of back on topic.
The one radio transmission I would love to hear will never happen (well probably never).

MA to DP Move over Danica. Milka is about to lap you.

Mark in Oshawa
7th February 2009, 15:00
who else would want him??
seems like all AGR cars are fully sponsored except him
If Marco left Dad, he would be just another IRL ride buyer (with $$$)
don't see it happening

Not being sponsored is more indicative of the economy and the IRL's place in it than anything Marco did or didn't do. The Andretti name has some marketing power all by itself.

Also, he wouldn't be a ride buyer if Dad didn't give him the money because Marco doesn't have any money of his own really.

Marco has some talent, and the way he ran so well in the first Indy 500 he ran says to me he has the stuff, it is just a matter of harnessing it and keeping his ego inline. Same problem his old man had really......

Mark in Oshawa
7th February 2009, 15:01
As for Danica, she and Mikey are going to have some beautiful discussions. Pot...meet Kettle