View Full Version : Wossy's back!

23rd January 2009, 17:50
Jonathan Ross is back and as you'd expect the Daily Moan is up in arms about it :D


Gotta love the comments section. If I didn't know better I'd say that a lot of the people who have the IQ required to operate a PC and visit a website don't seem to agree with the stupid views the Moan continues to spew forth :)

Will anyone else be watching Jonathan Ross tonight?

jim mcglinchey
23rd January 2009, 21:49
Damnit, are the 12 weeeks up so soon?! and hes back on Radio 2. I ll tell you who's delighted though..four pooves and their P45s.

23rd January 2009, 22:33
Surely Brand and Ross have done the Sachs family a favour? Unless Ross or Brand actually made her like she is, they can hardly to be blamed if their family bond is so weak like that!

25th January 2009, 10:09
Jonathan Ross in sick attack on defenceless 80 year old Alzheimers sufferer. Oh no.


Dave B
25th January 2009, 10:19
I heard his radio programme yesterday, and my first thought was "how will the tabloids spin this one?".


There's some poisonous rancid old bag from the Mail reviewing the papers on Sky News right now, and I can actually feel my TV set gradually becoming right-wing :rolleyes:

From the same article I linked about, there's this gem:

It also became clear yesterday that in the 35 hours between Ross’s Friday-night BBC1 chat show being recorded and broadcast, executives carefully edited the content to ensure the controversial host put across an appropriate balance of contrition and wit.

Oh no, a broadcaster editing a recording prior to airing it, just as has been happening for about 50 years. Won't someone think of the children?

25th January 2009, 14:45
He is so rude, depraved, disgusting etc etc that 5.1 million people tuned in to watch on Friday night (and probably many more later on iplayer).


Dave B
26th January 2009, 08:13
I wonder how many of those viewers tuned in purely to be offended?

26th January 2009, 12:30
I wonder how many of those viewers tuned in purely to be offended?

Yeah :D I wonder how many of those people were wondering what the fuss was about ;)

26th January 2009, 13:53
There's some poisonous rancid old bag from the Mail reviewing the papers on Sky News right now, and I can actually feel my TV set gradually becoming right-wing :rolleyes:

I keep my TV in the south wing :p

26th January 2009, 15:56
Wossy's in trouble again :p


Noticed this at the end of the article

Mr Davies also issued a statement denying that the joke in the show referred to a real individual.

I can just see it now..... Ross in made up joke shocker!!!!!!!