View Full Version : Food Police?!... WTF?!!

22nd January 2009, 21:57
Could someone KINDLY explain this to me... :confused: :eek:


donKey jote
22nd January 2009, 22:05
looks like a link tut t'internet to me...
I think you're supposed to click on it or something :cornfused:

22nd January 2009, 22:07
you aint going through the british press looking for things to 'bash' the brits about are you by anychance???

this would be a scheme by the good old useless labour party, whom by the way have a great 'knack' of wasting our money.

the sooner that prat Brown leaves office the better

22nd January 2009, 22:09
Unfortunately they forget to mention that lots of people out there could really do with this advice....

22nd January 2009, 22:53
This is worse than Mormons coming around your house.

22nd January 2009, 23:05
Could someone KINDLY explain this to me... :confused: :eek:

Papers here like to sensationalise things by putting words in like police and so on.

Steve. Calm down, he's not trying to rubbish Britain :)

22nd January 2009, 23:18
you aint going through the british press looking for things to 'bash' the brits about are you by anychance???

steve, there's a certain number of 'health nazis' in this country whom would practically give their soul to have similar capability to enter people's homes and proceed to meddle with whatever we might choose to put into our mouths. Ideas, such as this, are nothing more than exercises in control, disguised as 'good intentions'. And we all know what the road to hell is paved with... :dozey:

Pamphlets and public service announcements can serve the same populace in a larger way at lower cost to the pubic.

Bureaucrats, looking for new ways to increase their power bases, like programs such as these. Activists, whom resent the idea of people making their own decisions, espically when they do not mirror what the activists want, are enthused to see such 'efforts' put in place.

The only losers are the general public, who see yet another waste of money and more people meddling with their lives.

this would be a scheme by the good old useless labour party, whom by the way have a great 'knack' of wasting our money.

the sooner that prat Brown leaves office the better

23rd January 2009, 00:06
Thank god for this, I've always found best before dates confusing :rotflmao:

23rd January 2009, 01:16
steve, there's a certain number of 'health nazis' in this country whom would practically give their soul to have similar capability to enter people's homes and proceed to meddle with whatever we might choose to put into our mouths. Ideas, such as this, are nothing more than exercises in control, disguised as 'good intentions'. And we all know what the road to hell is paved with... :dozey:

Pamphlets and public service announcements can serve the same populace in a larger way at lower cost to the pubic.

Bureaucrats, looking for new ways to increase their power bases, like programs such as these. Activists, whom resent the idea of people making their own decisions, espically when they do not mirror what the activists want, are enthused to see such 'efforts' put in place.

The only losers are the general public, who see yet another waste of money and more people meddling with their lives.

yes i would agree. this is a waste of public funds, which Labour are very good at.

i dont think this will kick off...

im sure people will be telling these 'food police' to go forth and multiply...

Easy Drifter
23rd January 2009, 03:03
The Nanny state.
In Ont. a few years ago the Liberal Govt. was going to ban Sushi for health reasons. They were made to look stupid by the press as there had never been a health problem. They quietly dropped the plan.
A friend of mine made excellent sausages and sold them from his store but also at the Orillia Farmers Market where he BBQed them. Also at other local events. Simcoe County Board of Health got into the act and forced modifications to his stand that cost thousands. He made them. Then he couldn't bring fresh sausage so he brought frozen. Then a new rule, they had to be par boiled first. He gave up and closed his business. Par boiling destroyed a lot of the flavour. Among his regualar customers had been the Mayor of Orillia and the local, Conservative, MPP.
I often buy meat, mostly beef, that is 50% off because of last date for sale.
It will then sit in my fridge for a week or better. As it is usually a tough cut I will marinade it and back into the fridge it goes for another week or two.
I am still here and never been sick from that meat. I am more cautious with pork.
Mind you most meat I eat is Buffalo, Elk or Venison.