View Full Version : Don't meet people from the internet

21st January 2009, 15:09
Loved the quote on the news today which basically said for people not to meet up with people they talk to on the internet :p

Some thick as **** girl runs off with some old codger off the internet and suddenly you shouldn't meet anyone off the net :mark:


Dave B
21st January 2009, 15:30
As is so often the case, it's easier for the media to scream "don't do that" rather then "by all means have a full and active life but occasionally engage your brain".

Down with that sort of thing.

Azumanga Davo
21st January 2009, 15:35
Down with that sort of thing.


21st January 2009, 15:42
As is so often the case, it's easier for the media to scream "don't do that" rather then "by all means have a full and active life but occasionally engage your brain".

Down with that sort of thing.

Rather. Where would you and I be if not for meeting wenches on the interweb? :p

Hazell B
21st January 2009, 15:50
Sad and lonely, Daniel. Sad and lonely :p :

The girl's handed herself in, by the way.

21st January 2009, 15:56
Sad and lonely, Daniel. Sad and lonely :p :

The girl's handed herself in, by the way.


Oh yeah I should have said she was safe shouldn't I? :uhoh:

Hazell B
21st January 2009, 17:45
To be honest I've often wondered just how many phonies there are out there on't net.

What percentage of posters on here are full of lies, how many wander in here looking to see if we have any clearly younger girls or boys and exactly how much utter rubbish about age/earnings/home life and so on there is all interest me. After all, what proof do most of you have that I own two dogs, three horses and a palace with diamond encrusted beds?

21st January 2009, 17:59
To be honest I've often wondered just how many phonies there are out there on't net.

What percentage of posters on here are full of lies, how many wander in here looking to see if we have any clearly younger girls or boys and exactly how much utter rubbish about age/earnings/home life and so on there is all interest me. After all, what proof do most of you have that I own two dogs, three horses and a palace with diamond encrusted beds?

I think sometimes you just know. I think the people who talk big are the ones I tend to be suspicious of and tend to think may be fakes.

Dare I ask what you think of me and do you really think I have a green 406 1.9 turbo diesel outside or is that just a ploy for me to get with the laydeez? :D

Powered by Cosworth
21st January 2009, 18:05
I've met people off the internet, really nice guys every one of them. I often go and visit them a few times a year up in Glasgow.

I think you just have to be sensible about it.

21st January 2009, 18:09
I've met people off the internet, really nice guys every one of them. I often go and visit them a few times a year up in Glasgow.

I think you just have to be sensible about it.

Definitely. I met Caroline at Heathrow and at that stage either of us could have said ummmm errr I need to go to the loo and have run off :p I think it's always important to meet someone in a public place and actually get to know them PROPERLY before you meet them. Talking on a webcam is good too :)

Hazell B
21st January 2009, 18:27
Maybe I was stupid, bu if I remember rightly I first met a group from here after arriving alone at either Snet or Oulton. It could easily have been one person posting as several, intent on murdering me. Instead it was a case of me ringing home to say I'd be away a few days longer than expected :p :

Dave B
21st January 2009, 19:18
Rather. Where would you and I be if not for meeting wenches on the interweb? :p
Staring at pictures of wenches on the interweb, I suppose.

It's nice to finally have a girlfriend whose surname isn't .jpg :p

21st January 2009, 19:32
To be honest I've often wondered just how many phonies there are out there on't net.

What percentage of posters on here are full of lies, how many wander in here looking to see if we have any clearly younger girls or boys and exactly how much utter rubbish about age/earnings/home life and so on there is all interest me. After all, what proof do most of you have that I own two dogs, three horses and a palace with diamond encrusted beds?

Who's going to lie about 2 dogs and 3 horses?

21st January 2009, 19:34
Staring at pictures of wenches on the interweb, I suppose.

It's nice to finally have a girlfriend whose surname isn't .jpg :p


21st January 2009, 20:05
Staring at pictures of wenches on the interweb, I suppose.

It's nice to finally have a girlfriend whose surname isn't .jpg :p

That makes two of us :D

21st January 2009, 22:26
I've been told sex is dangerous too. Everybody, don't have sex!

22nd January 2009, 02:30
Instead of being at home with her parents, she might feel better affording pleasure with the man.

22nd January 2009, 03:02
Instead of being at home with her parents, she might feel better affording pleasure with the man.


22nd January 2009, 03:57


Easy Drifter
22nd January 2009, 04:56
Here is your new boy friend. His name is Bubba.
He has another 23 years to enjoy you.
Have fun. :vader:

22nd January 2009, 07:48
It's all fine as long as you don't marry them :erm:

22nd January 2009, 08:33
It's all fine as long as you don't marry them :erm:

God yes. How weird would that be!

22nd January 2009, 08:38
I've been told sex is dangerous too. Everybody, don't have sex!

Especially not with your computer, you might ruin your hard drive and have to use a floppy...

22nd January 2009, 08:43
Loved the quote on the news today which basically said for people not to meet up with people they talk to on the internet :p

Some thick as **** girl runs off with some old codger off the internet and suddenly you shouldn't meet anyone off the net :mark:


Well I'll be a stuffed turkey before I meet any of you old codgers in person :p :

22nd January 2009, 09:25
Well I'll be a stuffed turkey before I meet any of you old codgers in person :p :

Fine then! :p

22nd January 2009, 09:53
funny article...

22nd January 2009, 10:02
It's all fine as long as you don't marry them :erm:
btw, why?

Dave B
22nd January 2009, 10:22
I'll let you know in August 2010 :p

22nd January 2009, 10:31
I'll let you know in August 2010 :p

And me in April 2010 :p

22nd January 2009, 10:32
And me in April 2010 :p

Stoopid stoopid people :p

22nd January 2009, 12:34
Some thick as **** girl runs off with some old codger off the internet and suddenly you shouldn't meet anyone off the net :mark:

I take it you were oh so mature and superior to your peers in your youth and never did anything 'stupid'.

22nd January 2009, 12:36
I take it you were oh so mature and superior to your peers in your youth and never did anything 'stupid'.

You mean apart from the tour of Vietnam with the Glitter band?

22nd January 2009, 12:57
Ohhh, I wanna join the club and get married. Just not fair. :p

Brown, Jon Brow
22nd January 2009, 13:15
Well I've just been asked out over the internet (facebook) by someone I've never spoken to face-to-face.

Does this count?

22nd January 2009, 13:29
I take it you were oh so mature and superior to your peers in your youth and never did anything 'stupid'.

Yes. The difference is I didn't go and meet people I didn't know off the internet. When I was a little younger I had people who I'd never met on my ICQ list or on MSN Messenger but the thing was they were friends of friends and if I'd ever met these people I'd have made sure it was in a public place. Ye olde webcam is a great way of seeing whether someone is genuine or not.

When you get a bit older you just know what people are like but when you're in your teens you really don't have enough life experience to be able to make judgements.

22nd January 2009, 14:58
When you get a bit older you just know what people are like but when you're in your teens you really don't have enough life experience to be able to make judgements.

Some people in real life can be different to their 'online persona'

Over the past few years I've been to meets on different forums (not this one though). Some not very good experiences such as meets that turned out to be meat markets and meeting inflated egos.

Hazell B
22nd January 2009, 17:04
Who's going to lie about 2 dogs and 3 horses?

That's the thing - masses of people. You hear it daily. If somebody introduces me to somebody else, mentioning I like horses, the new person almost always tells me they've either got horses or used to have them, when plainly they don't have the faintest idea what they're on about. It's pathetic. I guess if I had an F1 car, they'd claim to have driven one or know Jenson Button :rolleyes:

Drew, wash your mouth out with soap and water! :p :

22nd January 2009, 19:20
Well I've just been asked out over the internet (facebook) by someone I've never spoken to face-to-face.

Does this count?

Is he good looking?

22nd January 2009, 19:57
Always been a pleasure meeting everyone I've met off the interweb :up: Quite a lot have become lifelong friends :)

But then I think it's kinda the same with spam, some people fall for really obvious scams cos they just don't take enough care. I think it's reasonable obvious when somebody is genuine.

Brown, Jon Brow
22nd January 2009, 23:08
Is he good looking?


22nd January 2009, 23:34
Some people in real life can be different to their 'online persona'

Over the past few years I've been to meets on different forums (not this one though). Some not very good experiences such as meets that turned out to be meat markets and meeting inflated egos.

I'v never really met anyone from the forum who has had an inflated ego :) ike J4mie says it's a bit like spam, the flashy people who promise everything are the fake ones and I've never bothered with them.

25th January 2009, 19:55
it's a matter of using your brain! just like in "real" life.

You wouldn't trust lots of things to someone you just met at work(in "real" life) right?

I've met wonderful people on the internet, one is a really close friend now. of course I didn't meet them straight off the first chat, so it was a matter of gaining trust just like you do in real life.

Azumanga Davo
26th January 2009, 05:45
Got a lovely corner of the world to myself now, we've only just cleaned up after Dinyell... :p :

26th January 2009, 12:35
Got a lovely corner of the world to myself now, we've only just cleaned up after Dinyell... :p :

Well you've still got Butterflyqueen and the other person :p Plus I know another forum member who recently moved back to Perth :p