View Full Version : The ETO is now President of the USA...

20th January 2009, 18:02
For all the smirking about Bush's public speaking, the Exalted Transparent One managed to stumble, yes stumble, through his oath of office and is now President of the United States of America.

Are we rich again yet?

He's rolling again now with his teleprompter while he starts lowering the expectations of what the masses should expect from him.

20th January 2009, 18:09
I think you have to be honest and say that the guy he's replacing could have done a lot better though. Lets give Obama some time and see how he does.

20th January 2009, 18:23
For all the smirking about Bush's public speaking, the Exalted Transparent One managed to stumble, yes stumble, through his oath of office and is now President of the United States of America.

Are we rich again yet?

He's rolling again now with his teleprompter while he starts lowering the expectations of what the masses should expect from him.

his speech reminds me of MLK..and it reminds me of a man whom is so nervous with all he says he will do, yet is the typical liberty speaking, freedom touting, america is the greatest country in the world crap

im starting to have second thoughts about this guy..

i said to someone last night that i fear that Obama may be TOO socialist....

also its a bit unfair to see that the inauguration is a bit too expensive considering the economy these days, but then we must not forget that the US like to make themselves feel special when they have these kind of situations..

he is the leader of the US....NOT the world...please remember that our cousins across the pond.

20th January 2009, 18:25
just have a sneaky feeling that some idiot will try and make a name for himself as the guy who shot the first black American president.
Just hope it does not happen !

20th January 2009, 18:58
he is the leader of the US....NOT the world...please remember that our cousins across the pond.

We didn't make ourselves leader of the world, WW II and the fear of the Soviet Union after WW II did. The world was a different place then and the fear of communism spreading was great. Now people are slowly voting it in under a friendlier name.

20th January 2009, 19:02
just have a sneaky feeling that some idiot will try and make a name for himself as the guy who shot the first black American president.
Just hope it does not happen !

If it happens, it will be a silly-assed leftist upset because the Exalted Transparent One didn't take the rich man's money away fast enough or some Islamic idiot settling the score for the Exalted Transparent One's failure to embrace Islam and destroy Israel,

20th January 2009, 19:16
just have a sneaky feeling that some idiot will try and make a name for himself as the guy who shot the first black American president.
Just hope it does not happen !

much better if they shoot the ex president instead, nobody would miss him.

20th January 2009, 19:33
much better if they shoot the ex president instead, nobody would miss him.

Cheney spent 8 years with him and didn't manage to hit him.

BTCC Fan#1
20th January 2009, 20:11
Wasn't the stuttering with the inauguration Justice Roberts fault? He got the lines mixed up!

20th January 2009, 20:12
Congratulations Mr. President, I may not have voted for you, but you are my President, and I will support you in any way I can. :)

also its a bit unfair to see that the inauguration is a bit too expensive considering the economy these days, but then we must not forget that the US like to make themselves feel special when they have these kind of situations..

I often see statements like this, but maybe because I'm a sales rep, I always think about the people building or preparing the festivities and how good it is for them. Face it, if you've got the Port-a-John rental business, you're having a bang-up start to 2009! :D

20th January 2009, 20:18
We didn't make ourselves leader of the world, WW II and the fear of the Soviet Union after WW II did. The world was a different place then and the fear of communism spreading was great. Now people are slowly voting it in under a friendlier name.

you are not leaders of the free world...

20th January 2009, 20:30
you are not leaders of the free world...

Bless you. Please tell the others and ask them to quit calling us. Thank you.

Quite frankly, we'd rather stay home.

20th January 2009, 20:35
Bless you. Please tell the others and ask them to quit calling us. Thank you.

Quite frankly, we'd rather stay home.

Independence Day is upon us. This July 4 we celebrate the 228th anniversary of our independence from Britain and our birth as a free nation. We watch fireworks, go to barbecues, go camping (at tax-funded state and national parks), go to baseball games (in tax-funded stadiums) and hear endless talk about how goldurned wonderful it is that we live in a free country.
Or do we live in a free country?
Consider the following.
In a free country, taxation would be well-nigh non-existent. You could keep what you earned and you could spend, save, invest and donate as you saw fit. You would have far more money with which to solve your own problems.
In a free country, there would not be 20,000-plus laws on the books infringing – and even denying – the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Crime would plummet as criminals would never know who was armed.
In a free country, you could educate your children as you saw fit, without asking anyone’s permission. You could home school you kids if you wanted. Catholics could send their kids to the Our Lady of Mercy School; Baptists could send their kids to the Obadiah Baptist School; Mormons could send their kids to the Joseph Smith school; Muslims could send their kids to the Allah Akbar School; believers in Mungabunga could send their kids to Mungabunga school. If you are not spiritual, you could send your kids to the Whitney Houston School--“Where the children are the future”--or to the Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young School--“Where we teach your children well.” Prayer, declining academic standards, evolution, creation, condoms, gay curricula, busing, standardized testing, bullying, discipline, dress codes and all the other debates surrounding education today would cease to be social issues.
In a free country, businesses would not be crushed in a regulatory vise grip. Millions of jobs would stay here in America rather than going to Honduras and Bangladesh.
In a free country, the military would be used strictly for national defense. We would not have troops in 135 countries. We would heed the Founders’ advice and steer clear of foreign alliances, which have been nothing but trouble anyway. We would withdraw from the United Nations and all its subsidiary organizations. Terrorism would cease to be a threat: When we stop throwing our weight around “over there,” hatred and resentment toward the United States will be far, far less.
In a free country, we would not have the world’s highest incarceration rate.
In a free country, jurors could judge not only the facts pertaining to a given case, but also the law relevant to that case. If Juror Smith thought Defendant Jones was being tried under a stupid law, Juror Smith could vote to acquit on that basis and that basis alone. The prison population would plummet.
In a free country, the value of money would be tied to gold or silver. The Federal Reserve Bank would be shut down. We would not see our savings and our futures eroded by inflation. And we would not owe bazillions of dollars to folks who already have bazillions of dollars.
In a free country, it would take neither a village nor a police state to raise a child. Government would not act in loco parentis for an absentee Mommy and Daddy. Parents would be responsible for raising their own children. Most of the problems we have with kids today – sex, drugs, violence – would be greatly minimized.
In a free country there would be no war on drugs. Drug profits and street crime would plummet. It would not be the government’s job to keep people off of drugs. It would be the job of parents, churches, Mungabunga temples, etc. Back when it was this way, there was almost no “drug problem” at all. (If the Mungabunga people smoke that hooch in their rituals, they would be free to do so without fear of DEA harassment.)
In a free country, we would not constantly be relinquishing our freedom in exchange for security. People would know that the greatest threat to their security comes from their own government.
In a free country, if a state decided it had had enough of rule by Washington, D.C., it could secede from the union without fear of reprisal.
In a free country, there would be no law forbidding what you could ingest into your body. If a certain medication worked, your doctor could recommend it and you could take it without fear of punishment.
In a free country, there would be no welfare state, no education state and no medical state. There would not be a permanent underclass, the quality of education would be vastly improved, and medicine would be far less expensive. Moreover, immigrants would know that coming to America would mean either sink or swim. Deadbeats would not come here looking for a handout. And all immigrants would, out of necessity, learn English.
In a free country, there would be no minimum wage. Millions of jobs would be created in the inner cities overnight. Congressmen, senators, and other government workers would be paid what they are worth.
In a free country, there would be no Selective Service System. Threats of a draft would meet with furious resistance, not lame justifications.
In a free country, there would be no Patriot Act. There would be no "sneak and peek" warrants. The authorities would have to obtain a warrant to review your bank accounts and e-mails. Habeas Corpus would be secure.
In a free country, there would be no surrender of sovereignty to entities like the UN, where we can be outvoted 2-1 by such paragons of personal freedom as Sudan and North Korea. Our troops would not be involved in UN sponsored wars. Moreover, things like NATO and the International Criminal Court would no longer have any relevance.

20th January 2009, 20:36
Bless you. Please tell the others and ask them to quit calling us. Thank you.

Quite frankly, we'd rather stay home.


20th January 2009, 20:50
All countries and governments require some taxation. Depending on your definition of free, maybe we aren't. But right now I have the liberty to throw a rifle or 2 in the truck, slip my pointy-bladed, flick open knife in my pocket, let the dog jump up into the back seat, and drive 30 miles on an uncrowded freeway with no cameras monitoring my every move, spend the rest of the day popping targets 200 yards out while the dog sniffs important dog stuff, then return home maybe by a different route but still no cameras, fix some supper for me and the dog and watch some tv that I pay no additional fees for. I love it.

20th January 2009, 21:02
All countries and governments require some taxation. Depending on your definition of free, maybe we aren't. But right now I have the liberty to throw a rifle or 2 in the truck, slip my pointy-bladed, flick open knife in my pocket, let the dog jump up into the back seat, and drive 30 miles on an uncrowded freeway with no cameras monitoring my every move, spend the rest of the day popping targets 200 yards out while the dog sniffs important dog stuff, then return home maybe by a different route but still no cameras, fix some supper for me and the dog and watch some tv that I pay no additional fees for. I love it.

ah you talk about the tv fee we brits pay..better than getting all the crap you get on tv over there mate.

atleast we dont get adverts telling us to take this drug or take that drug and telling us what to buy...

before you start pouring out the crap about other countries i may suggest you actually go a visit these countries then you can actually make a real proper judgement about them, instead of listening to what your government says.

you live in a very strange delusional country where fear is inprinted on the brain from your first breathe of life...
you live in a country that thinks it can force its way of life on others..only the countries that dont have the power to stand up to you..
you live in a country where you have to appease the government from the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to sleep

dont live the american dream..wake up and see whats really going on...

20th January 2009, 21:33
ah you talk about the tv fee we brits pay..better than getting all the crap you get on tv over there mate.

atleast we dont get adverts telling us to take this drug or take that drug and telling us what to buy...

before you start pouring out the crap about other countries i may suggest you actually go a visit these countries then you can actually make a real proper judgement about them, instead of listening to what your government says.

you live in a very strange delusional country where fear is inprinted on the brain from your first breathe of life...
you live in a country that thinks it can force its way of life on others..only the countries that dont have the power to stand up to you..
you live in a country where you have to appease the government from the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to sleep

dont live the american dream..wake up and see whats really going on...


20th January 2009, 22:05
Wasn't the stuttering with the inauguration Justice Roberts fault? He got the lines mixed up!

Yes, Justice Roberts got the words mixed up.

Easy Drifter
20th January 2009, 22:08
Steve: You are a bitter bitter old man and a very bigotted one to.
That is my opinion.

20th January 2009, 22:11
Steve: You are a bitter bitter old man and a very bigotted one to.
That is my opinion.

and why would that be? Because i have views that most of the world have towards the US and differ from yours

20th January 2009, 22:14
you live in a very strange delusional country where fear is inprinted on the brain from your first breathe of life...
you live in a country that thinks it can force its way of life on others..only the countries that dont have the power to stand up to you..
you live in a country where you have to appease the government from the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to sleep

dont live the american dream..wake up and see whats really going on...

Interesting... :rolleyes:


20th January 2009, 22:20
The US : 5% of the worlds population of which 30% live in poverty.

They vote in leaders that can do what he pleases for four years and call it democracy.

They have the freedom to choose all the products that the media tell them to buy.

You accept its the best becasue it was sold to you.

That's how we comfort ourselves for all the crap we have to put up with. Many of us would kill themselves if they didn't have that "Go home team!" stuff.

one of the richest countries, but many can't get healthcare.

unemployment benefits don't last until we get another job - they end after a set amount of money and period of time, whether they have gotten another job or not.

the owners of the US offer kids all sorts of benefits to sign up in the military. Then when the kids sign up, they take back the benefits and send 'em somewhere where the locals hate 'em, and their bosses have no intention of ever pulling out of.

they have social services that are far less than the most conservative Christian Democrat or Conservative Party candidate would DREAM of proposing in any other country in the world. And these are programs set up by the LEFT.

labor unions have been gelded and harnessed by the Democrats, or destroyed outright by the Republicans.

Gas is rising in price to the point that many can't affford it, but here, a private car is not a luxury, because most of the country has no public transportation. And very few of live withion bicycle or walking distance to jobs. That is, assuming they have one. You don't count as "unemployed" in the statistics if you no longer qualify for unemployment payments.

When they DO have a job, they work harder, with fewer paid days off, than any major industrial nation except Japan, and Japanese workers get paid more. [EDIT: Oops! I'm wrong! The Japanese passed us in days off in 2000. But they DO get paid more.]

Most can't afford to go on a vacation outside the country, and have no clue that the rest of the world isn't a savage dunghill like wthey have been told.

EU citizen gets SIX WEEKS holiday their first year on a job, and jaws drop. Most are LUCKY to get 2 weeks after years on the job.

school systems have been raped.

The ONLY advantage they have is the right to bear arms, and what good does that do when they have to use 'em to fight off people driven to crime by being even worse off than most are? Use 'em to resist government oppression? Puh-lease! Most of don't even realize that it's been decades since they had an honest national election.

already have the highest prison population in the world, both by absolute numbers AND percentage. And it looks like that will go up further.

If their bosses' media mouthpieces didn't convince them their were "best," WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY PUT UP WITH THIS CRAP?
A word of warning: that have put up with so much for so long, that if the American workers ever manage to turn left they will make the Soviets look like Reagan and Thatcher.

20th January 2009, 22:36

Easy Drifter
20th January 2009, 22:54
Thanks Steve for confirming my opinion.

20th January 2009, 23:00
The US : 5% of the worlds population of which 30% live in poverty.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the poverty rate in the U.S was 12.6% in 2005 and 12.3% in 2006.

Where did that make believe 30% come from? Is that a number that you just made up or did you find it on some wingnut, anti-American website?

They vote in leaders that can do what he pleases for four years and call it democracy.

Yes. In fact we call him Caesar for the four years that he is in office. :rolleyes: The Senate, House and Supreme Court simply rubber stamp whatever Caesar wants. As our dictator for four years, he decides all the budgets, passes all the laws and interprets all the laws. If you're married to a pretty woman, it's best to avoid parties at the White House. It is our custom that Caesar can bed ones wife during these events. How Slick Willy got in trouble, I can't explain. As Caesar, that clearly should not have happened to Caesar Clinton... someone must not have gotten the memo.

So, is your vast knowledge of the United States a product of the British school system... or the British mental health system? Just curious.

20th January 2009, 23:22
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the poverty rate in the U.S was 12.6% in 2005 and 12.3% in 2006.

Where did that make believe 30% come from? Is that a number that you just made up or did you find it on some wingnut, anti-American website?

Yes. In fact we call him Caesar for the four years that he is in office. :rolleyes: The Senate, House and Supreme Court simply rubber stamp whatever Caesar wants. As our dictator for four years, he decides all the budgets, passes all the laws and interprets all the laws. If you're married to a pretty woman, it's best to avoid parties at the White House. It is our custom that Caesar can bed ones wife during these events. How Slick Willy got in trouble, I can't explain. As Caesar, that clearly should not have happened to Caesar Clinton... someone must not have gotten the memo.

So, is your vast knowledge of the United States a product of the British school system... or the British mental health system? Just curious.

ah as i dont bow to the US i have no clue what i am talking about...

i shall let you and your fellow friends wollow in your dreamland swamps and i shall move on and live in the real world...

20th January 2009, 23:30
ah as i dont bow to the US i have no clue what i am talking about...

No rational response. :confused: Hmm... I take that to mean that you just made it up on your own. Why do you want to tell lies and make things up? Why not just be truthful?

i shall let you and your fellow friends wollow in your dreamland swamps and i shall move on and live in the real world...

Riiiiiight. So what color is the sky in this world of yours anyway?

20th January 2009, 23:43
Yes, Justice Roberts got the words mixed up.

I knew he'd post a thread on it as soon as he could and miss what really happened. Not the first nor the last time.
Roberts was a Bush choice, right? LOL

20th January 2009, 23:50
I didn't know that you could vote Japanese towns in as President of the USA!


Can we take a train there?

20th January 2009, 23:57
I knew he'd post a thread on it as soon as he could and miss what really happened. Not the first nor the last time.
Roberts was a Bush choice, right? LOL

I don't watch TV. I listened to it on the radio. I figure Roberts stumbled to apologize for using the Exalted Transparent One's middle name. He doesn't like that. He's already got the press to lay off it.

21st January 2009, 00:05
I don't watch TV. I listened to it on the radio. I figure Roberts stumbled to apologize for using the Exalted Transparent One's middle name. He doesn't like that. He's already got the press to lay off it.

He stated several weeks ago that he wanted his middle name used for the oath. It was his choice and he chose to use his middle name. No biggie. But Roberts seriously flubbed his part of the deal. Obama appeared to smirk at him when he did it. Kind of a funny moment.

21st January 2009, 00:11
He going to use it all the time, or just for the oath?

race aficionado
21st January 2009, 00:19
For all the smirking about Bush's public speaking, the Exalted Transparent One managed to stumble, yes stumble, through his oath of office and is now President of the United States of America.

Are we rich again yet?

He's rolling again now with his teleprompter while he starts lowering the expectations of what the masses should expect from him.

Chief Justice John Roberts just got stage fright. When he was reciting the words to the president elect, he flipped some words of the oath out of order - now president Barack Hussein Obama - which of course had memorized the oath by heart - corrected, with a smile, the chief Justice's flub.

At the end the event Chief Justice went to the president and apologized.

The majority of humanity is not denying that today was (and is still) a great, great day.


:s mokin:


21st January 2009, 00:21
Fiero, I'm not sure about that. But some Republican Representative (King maybe?) was making a big deal about Obama announcing that he'd use it for the oath.

I don't see it as a big deal until we have a President who has changed his name to Octavian Augustus. That might be a bad sign. But any name you're born with... you're born with.

21st January 2009, 00:29
At the end the event Chief Justice went to the president and apologized.

By what Steve the Spackman claims, that probably won't be enough. Roberts may have to give up his wife, two pigs and a chicken to appease Obama. He also may get dragged behind a chariot or forced to fight a gladiator match in the Coliseum - maybe against a lion... we're not sure yet. Our new Caesar will decide that later.

It actually was a very good ceremony. Hopefully both Byrd and Kennedy are OK. I don't often agree with either one, but I still wish them good health.

21st January 2009, 00:44
Hey Fuasto, has the sky fallen in yet?

Dave B
21st January 2009, 12:00
It was a very moving ceremony, marred only perhaps by the mind-numbingly dull Praise Song For The Day poem. The benediction, and the performance by Aretha Franklin, had the hairs on my neck standing up.

Obama's speech itself had a more businesslike than inspirational tone, which seemed appropriate for the moment.

On a tangent: nice to see that bastion of free speech, China, cutting away at the mention of communism and setting a new world record for re-writing history by censoring newspaper reports of Obama's speech (source) (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jan/21/china-censors-obama-inauguration-speech) :rolleyes:

21st January 2009, 13:04
I don't see it as a big deal until we have a President who has changed his name to Octavian Augustus. That might be a bad sign. But any name you're born with... you're born with.

Changing his name to Octavian Augustus wouldn't be as bad as re-naming months of the year after yourself.

"ASHGABAT (Reuters) - Turkmenistan's flamboyant President Saparmurat Niyazov, after whom cities, airports and even a meteorite have been named, has proposed a new honor for himself -- the month of January will now bear his name.

Niyazov, officially known as Turkmenbashi, or Head of all the Turkmen, but usually known as Turkmenbashi the Great, proposed that January be renamed Turkmenbashi at a meeting of the People's Council, the country's highest consultative body.

The former Soviet state currently uses the 12-month international calendar, and the names directly translate from its Latin origins. The official state language is Turkmen, a Turkic language.

Other months are to be given names such as "The Flag," "Independence" and "Rukhnama," the title of a quasi-religious spiritual guide written by Niyazov and published last year. Names of national heroes and poets will also be used.

But April will be called "Mother" in an apparent reference to Niyazov's own mother, who died when he was a child. Statues of her have appeared across Ashgabat in recent years, although they are far outnumbered by monuments to her son.

Niyazov was offered the presidency for life in 1999, although he has said he may step down and hold elections in 2010.

But Thursday's People's Council, broadcast live on state television (which carries a golden silhouette of Niyazov at all times), firmly rejected this, as delegate after delegate insisted they wanted him to stay in power until he died."


Thankfully, he died and the next President returned to the original names.

21st January 2009, 13:39
much better if they shoot the ex president instead, nobody would miss him.
The only thing that wouldn't be missed is Finland.
It seems that wasteland is populated by jerks who wish harm on others yet they themselves are a bunch of cowards.

21st January 2009, 13:40
The only thing that wouldn't be missed is Finland.
It seems that wasteland is populated by jerks who wish harm on others yet they themselves are a bunch of cowards.


21st January 2009, 14:03
The US : 5% of the worlds population of which 30% live in poverty.
Poor people in the U.S. have cable TV and Cell Phones.

They vote in leaders that can do what he pleases for four years and call it democracy.
Ignorance isn't pretty so please do your research.
The US is a Representative Republic!

They have the freedom to choose all the products that the media tell them to buy.
Stupid statement. They don't have advertising where you live?

You accept its the best becasue it was sold to you.
Freedom of choice.

That's how we comfort ourselves for all the crap we have to put up with. Many of us would kill themselves if they didn't have that "Go home team!" stuff.
Kind of like those wondeful Soccer Hooligans?

one of the richest countries, but many can't get healthcare.
Basic healthcare is available to all.
BTW Healthcare is not a right.

unemployment benefits don't last until we get another job - they end after a set amount of money and period of time, whether they have gotten another job or not.
So? What is wrong with that? Am I suppose to support Slackers?

the owners of the US offer kids all sorts of benefits to sign up in the military. Then when the kids sign up, they take back the benefits and send 'em somewhere where the locals hate 'em, and their bosses have no intention of ever pulling out of.
Their benefits are there.
Nobody forced them to sign up. They are given a gun for a reason.

they have social services that are far less than the most conservative Christian Democrat or Conservative Party candidate would DREAM of proposing in any other country in the world. And these are programs set up by the LEFT.
Most Amerians reject the "Nanny State" Most Americans are self-reliant. We don't need the Government to wipe our bottoms.

labor unions have been gelded and harnessed by the Democrats, or destroyed outright by the Republicans.
And what is wrong with that? unions had their time and place. Now with all the restrictive employee regulations Unions are just a drag on the economy.

Gas is rising in price to the point that many can't affford it, but here, a private car is not a luxury, because most of the country has no public transportation. And very few of live withion bicycle or walking distance to jobs. That is, assuming they have one. You don't count as "unemployed" in the statistics if you no longer qualify for unemployment payments.
The US is big Country. Americans love their cars. Americans love freedom.
Gas is Cheap and plentiful. Public Transportation sucks.

When they DO have a job, they work harder, with fewer paid days off, than any major industrial nation except Japan, and Japanese workers get paid more. [EDIT: Oops! I'm wrong! The Japanese passed us in days off in 2000. But they DO get paid more.]
Hard work is a bad thing? Pay is relative. The cost of living is higher in Japan so pay is higher.
Do you know anything about basic economics?

Most can't afford to go on a vacation outside the country, and have no clue that the rest of the world isn't a savage dunghill like wthey have been told.
Have you ever been to France?

EU citizen gets SIX WEEKS holiday their first year on a job, and jaws drop. Most are LUCKY to get 2 weeks after years on the job.
6 weeks? No wonder the ratio of Europeans immigrating to the US to Americans moving to Europe is over 4000 to 1.
If I had an employee ask me for a 6 week vacation he would be fired before he even finished the question.

school systems have been raped.
Totally the fault of Liberals.

The ONLY advantage they have is the right to bear arms, and what good does that do when they have to use 'em to fight off people driven to crime by being even worse off than most are? Use 'em to resist government oppression? Puh-lease! Most of don't even realize that it's been decades since they had an honest national election.
let it go.
Al Gore lost fair and square. jeez!

already have the highest prison population in the world, both by absolute numbers AND percentage. And it looks like that will go up further.
We don't cuddle our criminals.

If their bosses' media mouthpieces didn't convince them their were "best," WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY PUT UP WITH THIS CRAP?
because we are the Richest, most powerful and most free nation on the planet.

A word of warning: that have put up with so much for so long, that if the American workers ever manage to turn left they will make the Soviets look like Reagan and Thatcher.
The 60's are over. the good guys won!
Niktita was wrong and so are you. Deal with it.

21st January 2009, 14:46
Poor people in the U.S. have cable TV and Cell Phones.

Ignorance isn't pretty so please do your research.
The US is a Representative Republic!

Stupid statement. They don't have advertising where you live?

Freedom of choice.

Kind of like those wondeful Soccer Hooligans?

Basic healthcare is available to all.
BTW Healthcare is not a right.

So? What is wrong with that? Am I suppose to support Slackers?

Their benefits are there.
Nobody forced them to sign up. They are given a gun for a reason.

Most Amerians reject the "Nanny State" Most Americans are self-reliant. We don't need the Government to wipe our bottoms.

And what is wrong with that? unions had their time and place. Now with all the restrictive employee regulations Unions are just a drag on the economy.

The US is big Country. Americans love their cars. Americans love freedom.
Gas is Cheap and plentiful. Public Transportation sucks.

Hard work is a bad thing? Pay is relative. The cost of living is higher in Japan so pay is higher.
Do you know anything about basic economics?

Have you ever been to France?

6 weeks? No wonder the ratio of Europeans immigrating to the US to Americans moving to Europe is over 4000 to 1.
If I had an employee ask me for a 6 week vacation he would be fired before he even finished the question.

Totally the fault of Liberals.

let it go.
Al Gore lost fair and square. jeez!

We don't cuddle our criminals.

because we are the Richest, most powerful and most free nation on the planet.

The 60's are over. the good guys won!
Niktita was wrong and so are you. Deal with it.

yet another person brainwashed by the republican elite

i have been to france yes..
you have crap tv and 'cell phones'
was the richest and most powerful country..
most free nation..wake up mate
americans love freedom...again..wake up
healthcare is a right...
its not soccer it football
freedom of chice...what?
The US is a Representative Republic, so stop spreading democracy..you dont have any yourselves
americans love their cars..american cars are crap

21st January 2009, 14:52
Poor people in the U.S. have cable TV and Cell Phones.

Not much of an achievement. Poor people in South Africa have satellite TV's and cellphones too. The satellite dishes poke out of the grass or tin roofs of their shacks, I sh!t you not.

21st January 2009, 15:27
Not much of an achievement. Poor people in South Africa have satellite TV's and cellphones too. The satellite dishes poke out of the grass or tin roofs of their shacks, I sh!t you not.

Hooked up to the TV hooked up to a car battery of course!

Dave B
21st January 2009, 16:28
It's a pretty sorry state of affairs if a nation's wealth is measured in cellphone ownership, while healthcare is regarded as a luxury :s

21st January 2009, 17:41
You said it Dave.

I see the Doug Neidermeyers are still at it. LOL

21st January 2009, 18:14
The only thing that wouldn't be missed is Finland.
It seems that wasteland is populated by jerks who wish harm on others yet they themselves are a bunch of cowards.

Ignorance isn't pretty so please do your research.

Have you ever thought of practising what you preach or are you happy being a hypocrite?

21st January 2009, 18:34
yet another person brainwashed by the republican elite

i have been to france yes..
you have crap tv and 'cell phones'
was the richest and most powerful country..
most free nation..wake up mate
americans love freedom...again..wake up
healthcare is a right...
its not soccer it football
freedom of chice...what?
The US is a Representative Republic, so stop spreading democracy..you dont have any yourselves
americans love their cars..american cars are crap
Nice response. Now go home. Your mommy is calling you.

BTW It is not a right when it deprives others of their rights.

Life is a right.
Liberty is a right
Freedom of speech is a right
Healthcare is a right in that nobody should be denied due to race, color, creed or political persuasion...ect.
Healthcare is not a right if it means you have to take from some to provide for others.

21st January 2009, 18:35
Have you ever thought of practising what you preach or are you happy being a hypocrite?

And how am I a hypocrite?
Because I find you vile for wishing harm on another human being for no reason except you disagree with him?

21st January 2009, 18:36
It's a pretty sorry state of affairs if a nation's wealth is measured in cellphone ownership, while healthcare is regarded as a luxury :s
What is really sorry is that their are so many jealous people around the world who just want to bash the US.

21st January 2009, 18:39
And how am I a hypocrite?

I'll point it out to you.

Being ignorant and then whinging about ignorant people.

21st January 2009, 18:44
I'll point it out to you.

Being ignorant and then whinging about ignorant people.
Let me explain something to you.
Ignorant doesn't mean disagreeing with you.

21st January 2009, 18:45
What is really sorry is that their are so many jealous people around the world who just want to bash the US.

jealous of what????

Easy Drifter
21st January 2009, 19:45
Alright, Which one of you 'Mericans gave Steve that nasty wedgie the last time he was in the US? :eek:
That must be the reason he has this stupid uncontrollable hatred for the US and all it believes in. :D

21st January 2009, 19:50
Alright, Which one of you 'Mericans gave Steve that nasty wedgie the last time he was in the US? :eek:
That must be the reason he has this stupid uncontrollable hatred for the US and all it believes in. :D

seriously why is everyone meant to be jealous of the US? i dont remember saying i hate the US...

donKey jote
21st January 2009, 20:36
The majority of humanity is not denying that today was (and is still) a great, great day.


:s mokin:

hey race :wave:

slightly different feeling from 4 years ago qué ?

all the best amigo :up:

21st January 2009, 21:16
Alright, Which one of you 'Mericans gave Steve that nasty wedgie the last time he was in the US? :eek:
That must be the reason he has this stupid uncontrollable hatred for the US and all it believes in. :D

Sometimes when the opportunity is staring you in the face, the hands just go into action. I didn't know that he might be injured until I heard the tightie whities rip... and then he screamed like a woman.

Who knew? Who knew?

21st January 2009, 22:44
And how am I a hypocrite?
Because I find you vile for wishing harm on another human being for no reason except you disagree with him?

I don't wish any harm on you. Just an education.

21st January 2009, 23:06
What is really sorry is that their are so many jealous people around the world who just want to bash the US.

LOL First the intellectual card, then the coward card, now the jealousy card. Sure signs of a floundering mind that doesn't understand the game afoot. LOL

BTCC Fan#1
21st January 2009, 23:25

Sounds like an ok first day to me.

22nd January 2009, 00:53
It's a pretty sorry state of affairs if a nation's wealth is measured in cellphone ownership, while healthcare is regarded as a luxury :s


22nd January 2009, 00:58
And how am I a hypocrite?
Because I find you vile for wishing harm on another human being for no reason except you disagree with him?

Ha ha ha ha, this coming from someone who supports state sponsored terrorism against another independent country because their favourite dictator got kicked out along with his mafiosi mates............................

Hows the maccas job vop, still like to see a picture of you in your uniform that you tell us you have so proudly worn...............

22nd January 2009, 01:04
Let me explain something to you.
Ignorant doesn't mean disagreeing with you.

i still would like to know why i am jealous of the US??? :confused:

22nd January 2009, 01:09
Healthcare is not a right if it means you have to take from some to provide for others.

By this logic, unemployment benefits, schooling, the Department of Defence, the road network, even government itself etc etc etc or indeed anything which is all funded through the instrument of taxation, are not rights either...

SCRAP THEM :devil:

22nd January 2009, 03:58
By this logic, unemployment benefits, schooling, the Department of Defence, the road network, even government itself etc etc etc or indeed anything which is all funded through the instrument of taxation, are not rights either...

SCRAP THEM :devil:
They are not rights. They are privileges.

22nd January 2009, 04:01
Ha ha ha ha, this coming from someone who supports state sponsored terrorism against another independent country because their favourite dictator got kicked out along with his mafiosi mates............................
Now that is just stupid.

Hows the maccas job vop, still like to see a picture of you in your uniform that you tell us you have so proudly worn...............
I never said I wore a uniform.

race aficionado
22nd January 2009, 04:23
hey race :wave:

slightly different feeling from 4 years ago qué ?

all the best amigo :up:

:) Hi Donks.
Yep, free at last baby, free at last.

I'm, as you well know, one of the millions and millions that is very, very happy that Bush is no longer the President of the U.S. of A.

A lot of work is needed to be done by all of us but I'll refrain from my comments - this forum of ours is a trigger happy one lately :p : and I left my bullet proof vest under the couch somewhere . . . .

It's been a while since my last post but I had to come back at least on this one to express my, as you well say it, slightly different feeling.

Ah, and my sig still stands.

peace y'all!
:s mokin:

22nd January 2009, 05:00
I never said I wore a uniform.

Below is a quote from you in a previous thread, go on educate us on how you have 'served' your country, I'm very interested to know, otherwise I'll have a big mac and some French fries please, oh and chuck in a root beer whilst you are at it. :)

As i have already stated. I have served my country. Have you? Or are you just another left-wing, blowhard revelling under the freedoms provided in part my service?

If you were really serious about all this you would be of on another tour of duty to Iraq......., I believe the US military are so desperate to get recruits they will take just about anyone these days......

22nd January 2009, 05:05
They are not rights. They are privileges.

Another ridiculous stupid statement by you.......

22nd January 2009, 09:40
jealous of what????

My thoughts exactly. I have a far better lifestyle and $$$ value asset portfolio than 99% of Americans. And I live in Africa, not the "land of opportunity"!

22nd January 2009, 09:58
My thoughts exactly. I have a far better lifestyle and $$$ value asset portfolio than 99% of Americans. And I live in Africa, not the "land of opportunity"!

Yep, here in Australia things are pretty damn good for me as well.

22nd January 2009, 13:36
What is really sorry is that their are so many jealous people around the world who just want to bash the US.

No! We do not hate the USA and do not want to bash it. We want to like it, to love it, like in the good old days, before W came. In my country, Bulgaria, before W only the communists hated the US. I still like Clinton very much. We all watch American movies. Wear clothes which became popular in the USA (jeans). I personally love the idea that everybody should have the right to advance in his life regardless of his religion, skin color or sex. And Obama proved that to a degree this is so. That the dream is alive.
But you see... I am a foreigner, so maybe I shouldn't comment, but from what I read, the GOP is trying to take it from you and from us. From you the country, from us the dream. They are becoming increasingly theocratic and intolerant. The war in Iraq was not about the weapons, was not about Saddam and his cruelty - because North Korea still exists and it is far worse than Iraq ever was.
It was about greediness of few rich men and about the insane believe that a Biblical prophecy is fulfilled. The Grand Old Party has become the God's Own Party. Burning Brothers Grimm, Harry Potter, for God's sake! Opposing science, opposing personal freedom of life choices... It is becoming monstrous.
The GOP needs to change and regroup. Right-wing philosophy won't die, neither will left-wing.
But the religious thing and the greediness of the awful people who use it must be gone.
That's why Obama is good for the world, for the USA and even for the GOP.

But I DO NOT hate the USA. I like it's dream, it's racing (even NASCAR), it's movies, it's charming, sometimes infantile, but wonderful pop-culture.

22nd January 2009, 13:42
No! We do not hate the USA and do not want to bash it. We want to like it, to love it, like in the good old days, before W came. In my country, Bulgaria, before W only the communists hated the US. I still like Clinton very much. We all watch American movies. Wear clothes which became popular in the USA (jeans). I personally love the idea that everybody should have the right to advance in his life regardless of his religion, skin color or sex. And Obama proved that to a degree this is so. That the dream is alive.
But you see... I am a foreigner, so maybe I shouldn't comment, but from what I read, the GOP is trying to take it from you and from us. From you the country, from us the dream. They are becoming increasingly theocratic and intolerant. The war in Iraq was not about the weapons, was not about Saddam and his cruelty - because North Korea still exists and it is far worse than Iraq ever was.
It was about greediness of few rich men and about the insane believe that a Biblical prophecy is fulfilled. The Grand Old Party has become the God's Own Party. Burning Brothers Grimm, Harry Potter, for God's sake! Opposing science, opposing personal freedom of life choices... It is becoming monstrous.
The GOP needs to change and regroup. Right-wing philosophy won't die, neither will left-wing.
But the religious thing and the greediness of the awful people who use it must be gone.
That's why Obama is good for the world, for the USA and even for the GOP.

But I DO NOT hate the USA. I like it's dream, it's racing (even NASCAR), it's movies, it's charming, sometimes infantile, but wonderful pop-culture.

I think that's the best post I've read on this forum.

22nd January 2009, 13:59
No! We do not hate the USA and do not want to bash it. We want to like it, to love it, like in the good old days, before W came. In my country, Bulgaria, before W only the communists hated the US. I still like Clinton very much. We all watch American movies. Wear clothes which became popular in the USA (jeans). I personally love the idea that everybody should have the right to advance in his life regardless of his religion, skin color or sex. And Obama proved that to a degree this is so. That the dream is alive.
But you see... I am a foreigner, so maybe I shouldn't comment, but from what I read, the GOP is trying to take it from you and from us. From you the country, from us the dream. They are becoming increasingly theocratic and intolerant. The war in Iraq was not about the weapons, was not about Saddam and his cruelty - because North Korea still exists and it is far worse than Iraq ever was.
It was about greediness of few rich men and about the insane believe that a Biblical prophecy is fulfilled. The Grand Old Party has become the God's Own Party. Burning Brothers Grimm, Harry Potter, for God's sake! Opposing science, opposing personal freedom of life choices... It is becoming monstrous.
The GOP needs to change and regroup. Right-wing philosophy won't die, neither will left-wing.
But the religious thing and the greediness of the awful people who use it must be gone.
That's why Obama is good for the world, for the USA and even for the GOP.

But I DO NOT hate the USA. I like it's dream, it's racing (even NASCAR), it's movies, it's charming, sometimes infantile, but wonderful pop-culture.

How is the GOP trying to take a dream away from anyone?

The Iraq war was about weapons. And Saddam's refusal to allow weapons inspectors. Korea is bad, but they deal with the US and the UN. They bait us to the point where we are going to have to do something and then back down. Saddam never backed down, that was his fatal flaw.

What Biblical prophecy has been fulfilled? And I have never heard of any book burning in that last few decades. And that sure as heck isn't in the Republican party platform.

What science is the GOP opposing?

The opposing personal life choices thing (I assume you mean gay marriage?) maybe you have a point there. Although just because you don't want gay people to have "marriage" doesn't mean that you hate gay people, just that you would prefer to preserve the sanctity (sp?) of marriage.

And someone really needs to explain to me how it is greedy to allow people to keep the money they have earned, but it is not greedy to FORCE people to give their hard earned money to the government so that they can waste it? I have never understood that one bit!

And maybe Obama will be good for the USA, I don't know, and nobody else does either. That is why all the hype is a bit irritating. The man had done nothing yet. However, there are a good many Americans (and maybe some others) that believe that if he inacts the left-wing agenda that he ran on, he will not be good for the USA, or the world.

22nd January 2009, 14:48
The opposing personal life choices thing (I assume you mean gay marriage?) maybe you have a point there. Although just because you don't want gay people to have "marriage" doesn't mean that you hate gay people, just that you would prefer to preserve the sanctity (sp?) of marriage.

I think preserving the sanctity of marriage is up to the individual. There are enough people out there who beat their wives or do other horrible things so a heterosexual marriage isn't some guarantee that all will preserve the sanctity of marriage. Two gay people loving each other and respecting each other are far less of a threat to the sanctity of marriage than a couple who don't have a healthy marriage and who physically or verbally abuse each other.

22nd January 2009, 15:31
Chuck, I was speaking about abortion, not about gay rights. About gays I do support civil unions. Also, I know that officially GOP is not burning books, but they are heavily supported by groups who would do so. About the Biblical prophesies, was not a Bush' general who said that the war they have is with Satan and Bush was elected not by people, but by "God"? To me, this is unacceptable and I consider myself a Christian! But religion and politics are like yogurt and fish - nice separated, bad together. And the GOP was really becoming semi-religious party and this is wrong.
But you know what? I think that it will become all right eventually. GOP will become OK and Obama will turn to be a good centrist president.

22nd January 2009, 15:36
I think preserving the sanctity of marriage is up to the individual. There are enough people out there who beat their wives or do other horrible things so a heterosexual marriage isn't some guarantee that all will preserve the sanctity of marriage. Two gay people loving each other and respecting each other are far less of a threat to the sanctity of marriage than a couple who don't have a healthy marriage and who physically or verbally abuse each other.

You are right, many gay people love each other just as much if not more than many heterosexual couples. The people who physically or verbally abuse their spouse are dispicable human beings. And their spouse has every right to divorce them, and I would hope they do. But this is not an exclusive hetero problem either.

I guess this all boils down to a religious thing for me. I got married to my wife to tell God and everyone that I love her and will remain faithful to her. The government had nothing to do with it.

So along those lines, I might consider supporting some form of civil unions, maybe.

22nd January 2009, 15:41
But this is not an exclusive hetero problem either.

No, that's why civil unions are needed - to protect the rights of gay people in separation between them.

22nd January 2009, 15:43
Chuck, I was speaking about abortion, not about gay rights. About gays I do support civil unions. Also, I know that officially GOP is not burning books, but they are heavily supported by groups who would do so. About the Biblical prophesies, was not a Bush' general who said that the war they have is with Satan and Bush was elected not by people, but by "God"? To me, this is unacceptable and I consider myself a Christian! But religion and politics are like yogurt and fish - nice separated, bad together. And the GOP was really becoming semi-religious party and this is wrong.
But you know what? I think that it will become all right eventually. GOP will become OK and Obama will turn to be a good centrist president.

If you are speaking about abortion then I completely disagree with you. You talk about personal freedom of LIFE choices. How can you support LIFE choices when you are taking a LIFE? This holds no logic to me. Everyone always wants to talk about "choice" when it comes to abortion. What about the "choice" to have unprotected sex. I'm sorry, I'm sure many will think I'm an unfeeling b@stard for saying this, but these people (the man and woman involved in a pregnancy) have already made their choice.

What groups of book burners have been heavily supported by the GOP? I have never heard such a thing.

If one of Bush's generals said something about Bush being God's choice then that's his problem. I don't think the GOP has said such a thing.

I agree with you that religion and politics should be seperate. However, that does not mean the government must completely ignore religion does it? What is wrong with politicians being guided by Judeo/Christian values?

22nd January 2009, 15:50
It depends. IMO it is all right, even great, if you are lead by Christian morals, like the order to love each other, not to get angry, to be kind and generous. But if you believe in some radical ideas, like... well, like these Left Behind story, I haven't read it, but I watched the trailer - if you believe for example that you must make war in the Middle East, because the end of days are coming, this is now a HUGE problem. And don't tell me that GOP-ers have nothing to do with such people, because the Left Behind author wrote that the world is awaiting the antichrist, implying that Obama might be the guy and also supported Huckabee in the primaries. This is a reason for concern.
About pro-choice, there should be limitations about the last months in which the baby is really alive, bit I am not sure that the fetus is. It is not proven by scientists. Also I agree that people better be careful, but what about rape?

22nd January 2009, 15:58
It depends. IMO it is all right, even great, if you are lead by Christian morals, like the order to love each other, not to get angry, to be kind and generous. But if you believe in some radical ideas, like... well, like these Left Behind story, I haven't read it, but I watched the trailer - if you believe for example that you must make war in the Middle East, because the end of days are coming, this is now a HUGE problem. And don't tell me that GOP-ers have nothing to do with such people, because the Left Behind author wrote that the world is awaiting the antichrist, implying that Obama might be the guy and also supported Huckabee in the primaries. This is a reason for concern.
About pro-choice, there should be limitations about the last months in which the baby is really alive, bit I am not sure that the fetus is. It is not proven by scientists. Also I agree that people better be careful, but what about rape?

I think that most people, probably, can agree that in cases of rape, it becomes a different story. However, I would still try and council the woman about things. So when does life begin, in your view?

So now you've jumped from book burning to Left Behind? I am still waiting for you to produce some evidence of book burning. You brought it up twice, it must be true. Or maybe you were trying to create a dramatically over inflated characture of Republicans that you have been lead to believe?

And I have also not read the Left Behind books, but I don't think that they are advicating we start a war to purposley start the "End of Days". Most of the prophasy types are only trying to make us all aware that we may be in the end of days, but even if we are not, we do not know when we will be called up by the Lord, so we need to be prepared at all times.

However, if you can produce some hard evidence that anyone in the Republican party is being lead to start a war by the Left Behind series of books, I will be glad to say I am wrong.

22nd January 2009, 16:52
Chuck, I sincerely hope that nobody will admit such thing. Never.

22nd January 2009, 16:58
If you are speaking about abortion then I completely disagree with you. You talk about personal freedom of LIFE choices. How can you support LIFE choices when you are taking a LIFE? This holds no logic to me. Everyone always wants to talk about "choice" when it comes to abortion. What about the "choice" to have unprotected sex. I'm sorry, I'm sure many will think I'm an unfeeling b@stard for saying this, but these people (the man and woman involved in a pregnancy) have already made their choice.

What groups of book burners have been heavily supported by the GOP? I have never heard such a thing.

If one of Bush's generals said something about Bush being God's choice then that's his problem. I don't think the GOP has said such a thing.

I agree with you that religion and politics should be seperate. However, that does not mean the government must completely ignore religion does it? What is wrong with politicians being guided by Judeo/Christian values?

you will find that all these 'pro lifers' whom hate abortion, are quick enough to send the kids to fight a war when they have grown up...

23rd January 2009, 08:45
:) Hi Donks.
Yep, free at last baby, free at last.

I'm, as you well know, one of the millions and millions that is very, very happy that Bush is no longer the President of the U.S. of A.

A lot of work is needed to be done by all of us but I'll refrain from my comments - this forum of ours is a trigger happy one lately :p : and I left my bullet proof vest under the couch somewhere . . . .

It's been a while since my last post but I had to come back at least on this one to express my, as you well say it, slightly different feeling.

Ah, and my sig still stands.

peace y'all!
:s mokin:

ola muchachito!! Long time, eh??!!

Yeah lots of work to be done.
Such a shame that people somehow can agree on building things up with first stupidly and blindly destroying things.
Pretty amazing job Bush and his crowd of Free Market bandits did on not just Iraq but USA as well.
But now maybe there is reason for optimism when as a Financial Times reporter said so succinctly "The Government in now under adult supervision!!!

How's life otherwise?
Any more kids?

23rd January 2009, 09:00
:) Hi Donks.
Yep, free at last baby, free at last.

I'm, as you well know, one of the millions and millions that is very, very happy that Bush is no longer the President of the U.S. of A.

A lot of work is needed to be done by all of us but I'll refrain from my comments - this forum of ours is a trigger happy one lately :p : and I left my bullet proof vest under the couch somewhere . . . .

It's been a while since my last post but I had to come back at least on this one to express my, as you well say it, slightly different feeling.

Ah, and my sig still stands.

peace y'all!
:s mokin:


Get up off you ass and get in here and support your man. Show the world how happy you are and how good he is doing. Your voice is needed to support the agendas. BTW did you check with JPM to see how he felt about things??

23rd January 2009, 12:13
No, that's why civil unions are needed - to protect the rights of gay people in separation between them.

I don't see the need to differentiate. I mean two heterosxual people can have a non-religious ceremony and still be married. Why should gay people be any different? I understand if any religious body refuses to marry gay people if this disagrees with their teachings and I support their right to do so. But I simply don't see how 2 gay people being joined together in a marriage like relationship hurts them if it's called a marriage, a civil union, a burrito or a dkjfhnkdjsfhskdfhsd. It's up to the individual in a marriage to ensure that marriage doesn't become something meaningless and empty.

23rd January 2009, 13:24
I don't see the need to differentiate. I mean two heterosxual people can have a non-religious ceremony and still be married. Why should gay people be any different? I understand if any religious body refuses to marry gay people if this disagrees with their teachings and I support their right to do so. But I simply don't see how 2 gay people being joined together in a marriage like relationship hurts them if it's called a marriage, a civil union, a burrito or a dkjfhnkdjsfhskdfhsd. It's up to the individual in a marriage to ensure that marriage doesn't become something meaningless and empty.


23rd January 2009, 13:46
you will find that all these 'pro lifers' whom hate abortion, are quick enough to send the kids to fight a war when they have grown up...

I agree.

23rd January 2009, 13:52
I agree.

No one has ever had a second thought about sending VOLUNTEERS to protect this country??

Give me a break

23rd January 2009, 16:32
No one has ever had a second thought about sending VOLUNTEERS to protect this country??

Give me a break

its the pro life groups whom for some reason would gladly send a 18 year old kid to war and die, but when he is in the womb, they would do anything to protect him.

once the kid is born they couldnt give a monkeys about him..

race aficionado
23rd January 2009, 17:09
ola muchachito!! Long time, eh??!!

Yeah lots of work to be done.
Such a shame that people somehow can agree on building things up with first stupidly and blindly destroying things.
Pretty amazing job Bush and his crowd of Free Market bandits did on not just Iraq but USA as well.
But now maybe there is reason for optimism when as a Financial Times reporter said so succinctly "The Government in now under adult supervision!!!

How's life otherwise?
Any more kids?

Yes indeed, a lot of work to be done.
I for one am actually glad everything is falling apart around us. It's just proof that things are not working and that we need to start anew. Things are still going to get worst because of the crap overflow but after that, there is no other way than upwards and onwards - by all of us and for all of us.


ah . . . . no more kids, my 12 year old raceafi jr. keeps us very busy and he is a joy.

race aficionado
23rd January 2009, 17:15

Get up off you ass and get in here and support your man. Show the world how happy you are and how good he is doing. Your voice is needed to support the agendas. BTW did you check with JPM to see how he felt about things??

fousto my man.
I occasionaly come to read and your posts always give me a good laugh.
For us that know you - we embrace you, I sure do.

Let's see how long the honey moon lasts with our new president.
As for agenda's, check out the new white house web page. It's pretty cool.
You can actually check out the agendas for each of the issues that are being tackled.


One day at a time and you know me, I'm mr. optimists, even when dealing with my man Juan Pablo. Rolex 24 hours coming soon. . . and then the Nascar season.

one day at a time.

peace amigo.
:s mokin: