View Full Version : Airhorns

7th February 2007, 20:53
They should be banned from all sporting events as they cause massive ear pain.

speedy king
7th February 2007, 21:14
They add to the atmosphere..

Giuseppe F1
7th February 2007, 21:42
Imagine Hockenheim during the late 90's to mid 00's with no airhorns! Or Monza for that matter

7th February 2007, 21:42
and f1 cars dont??!!

7th February 2007, 22:31
and f1 cars dont??!!

Good point :D :up:

7th February 2007, 23:02
and f1 cars dont??!!

The cars are part of the show. Airhorns aren't. If the people who have used airhorns want to make that kind of noise, let all the concession stands sell beans and then they can try to fart that loud! That would add to the atmosphere, too......


7th February 2007, 23:20
try sitting directly in front of some fool with no brains playing with an airhorn.

Ban them.

7th February 2007, 23:22
try sitting directly in front of some fool with no brains playing with an airhorn.

Ban them.

Or perhaps permit them to only those with brains...

8th February 2007, 00:43
There are things that can do a lot of noise, much more than an airhorn...

And if they´re not part of the spectacle, what kind of spectacle are you asking for? Everyone sitting on the grandstands, quiet, tomb-like silence, people taking notes about every pilot´s performance...

If you´re there, you have to feel it. Noise included.

8th February 2007, 02:17
try sitting directly in front of some fool with no brains playing with an airhorn.

Ban them.

There is such a thing as ear plugs...
I usually wear them so I can hear whats going on in the race...

8th February 2007, 13:19
Ear plugs fall out though :\

It's a pain but air horns are a part of a race weekend. :s

8th February 2007, 14:11
Imagine Hockenheim during the late 90's to mid 00's with no airhorns! Or Monza for that matter

One of the things I really like when I went to Hockenheim was the atmosphere generated when cars pilled through the complex and everyone let off their airhorns.

Air horns can get a tad annoying when they are used for no apparently reason, generally when someone is trying to play a tune with one, which then sets other people off.

Air horns dont annoy me anywhere near as much as people with flags who refuse to put them down when the people behind them cant see a thing.

8th February 2007, 19:54
Why should I have to wear ear plugs after I have paid £200 for my tickets, that is an outrageous suggestion.

They dont add to the atmosphere, and the drivers would'nt hear them anyway.

I would say an Airhorn directly next to you or behind you is louder thana F1 car or Jet engine.

They ruin my viewing experience at GrandPrix's and football matches.

The sooner they are gone and banned the better.

People who use them are disrespectful to others.

8th February 2007, 19:54
Why should I have to wear ear plugs after I have paid £200 for my tickets, that is an outrageous suggestion.

They dont add to the atmosphere, and the drivers would'nt hear them anyway.

I would say an Airhorn directly next to you or behind you is louder than a F1 car or Jet engine.

They ruin my viewing experience at GrandPrix's and football matches.

The sooner they are gone and banned the better.

People who use them are disrespectful to others.

8th February 2007, 23:20
What's outrageous about $0.99 ear plugs? :mark:

9th February 2007, 05:52
Call me old-fashioned, but when I go to a GP, I expect the ear-splitting noises to come from the direction of the track!! Not from somebody's 12 year old kid who is bored and trying to amuse himself!!

Brown, Jon Brow
9th February 2007, 13:48
When watching on the TV I think that airhorns are part of the atmosphere. However I bet they are annoying when you are at the race.

I like the sound of airhorns when i'm at football matches though.

Why not just make them smaller and quieter? So you can still hear them, but they aren't deafening

9th February 2007, 16:14
They dont add to the atmosphere, and the drivers would'nt hear them anyway.

At the old Hockenheim configuration ALL the drivers were awe-struck as soon as they entered the stadium section.

Mansell and Coulthard often commented how the crowd spurred them extra confidence and finding extra tenths.

Seeing our favourite drivers do daring acts and a unison of fans all appreciating the same thing with loud cheers, and airhorns is part of the appeal of seeing high-class motorsport, otherwise we might as well stay at home and watch it on the telly.

9th February 2007, 16:39
Why should I have to wear ear plugs after I have paid £200 for my tickets, that is an outrageous suggestion.

I'm not a big fan of air horns either, but I'm likely to already be wearing earplugs, because 90 minutes of F1 engines does a lot more damage to your hearing than a few short blasts of an air horn at close range!

I already have tinnitus, so in an attempt to stop it getting worse I always use earplugs at motor sports and other loud events like rock concerts.

9th February 2007, 20:47
Everyone sitting on the grandstands, quiet, tomb-like silence, people taking notes about every pilot´s performance...

Surely I'm not the only person that watches the race with a stopwatch.

I've always though of airhorns to be somewhat cliché.

10th February 2007, 07:20
Surely I'm not the only person that watches the race with a stopwatch.

No, you're not. While not exactly a stopwatch, I sat at the 2004 USGP directly across from a big screen monitor where I was fascinated in watching MS put in lap-after-lap with the times varying only by a couple of tenths!

(By the way, I was in a section without airhorns, luckily!)

12th February 2007, 00:49
What's outrageous about $0.99 ear plugs? :mark:

If your rich enough to buy a race ticket and drinks,merchandise ect then I'm sure you can afford earplugs OR you can just use ones that you had left over from last year! Huzzaahh!

12th February 2007, 19:31
;) If you are annoyed by airhorns, my advice is never ever go to a downhill ski-race, because the the noise close to the finish line is totally deafening.

13th February 2007, 14:56
I can't say that I like them but I guess it's horses for courses. I get more annoyed about flag-wavers and people who decide to stand up every time their favorite driver comes around but I still wouldn't let something that trivial spoil my experience.

Earplugs/defenders/headphones plugged into a radio are essentail for anyone going to watch F1.