View Full Version : USA nothing compared to Montreal!

17th January 2009, 22:41
If anyone thinks the USA has it tough in here, read the comments after the article! Canadians whupping all up and down on Montreal.


Mark in Oshawa
17th January 2009, 23:38
Fiero...Montreal knows how to handle winter...but they haven't figured out how to build stuff that lasts. Anyone who has driven in and around Montreal knows the lousy state of roads. If they build roads like that...it doesn't surprise me pipes burst in cold weather.

It is about this cold once or twice a year if not a bit more in Montreal. I think this was just old infrastructure not holding up. That said, Montreal is still one of the great cities you can go to. Great town for dining, pubbing and just having fun...

17th January 2009, 23:44
I understand the broken 100 year old pipe, I really do. What surprised me was the attitude of other Canadians towards Quebec and Montreal in the comments after the article. Poor bast@rds, you'd have thought they were Americans.

Mark in Oshawa
18th January 2009, 00:29
I understand the broken 100 year old pipe, I really do. What surprised me was the attitude of other Canadians towards Quebec and Montreal in the comments after the article. Poor bast@rds, you'd have thought they were Americans.

English Canada loves to hate Quebec in a sorta friendly way but the Quebecois are just as dismissive of us, probably more so. When you have two plebcites to separate from Canada and then don't do the deed, you kinda tick off people you know?

It isn't like the rest of the country doesn't have pipes break in winter either, but only Montreal would stick their hand out so quickly and obviously. Quebec is a socialist sink hole and if they don't have the money to fix this stuff, it isn't like they have anyone to blame but themselves. They always want something from the rest of Canada while complaining how badly screwed they have been by Confederation. Funny, I thought the whole point of being part of a country was to try to give back once in a while....Quebec has just taken a lot over the years. Now that is my attitude, and I consider my self more fair about this sort of thing than some English Canadians. In Calgary, a lot of people might ask "haven't they left the country already?"

Easy Drifter
18th January 2009, 00:44
Years ago when the Ont. Drivers and the Quebec Drivers got to razzing one another, and it was all in fun, we would say 'Careful or we will cut the cable and let that d--n Island float out into the Atlantic.'

18th January 2009, 01:50
I can identify with some of that. After Katrina, most people in Louisiana, especially in north Louisiana, were all for abandoning New Orleans in place and letting the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River have it back. Difference was, we weren't kidding.

Mark in Oshawa
18th January 2009, 03:07
Fiero...if Quebec was on the island of Newfoundland and the Newfies owned Quebec....we would have booted them out I think at one point.

Quebec is part of Canada and there are many of us who love the fact they are except any time I begin to feel good about them being there, they start asking for more and more and more...or the beaver gets it in the head. After a 40 year long trip to the dentist, I think most of us are just wore out.....