View Full Version : Zimbabwe Isuuses $100 trillion Note

16th January 2009, 09:44
How many of these would Rautencrash need to pay citroen for his WRC campaign?


Zimbabwe unveils $100 trillion note

Posted 3 hours 11 minutes ago
Zimbabwe will introduce a 100-trillion-dollar note, in its latest attempt to keep pace with hyperinflation that has left the once-vibrant economy in tatters, state media have said.
The new bill would have been worth about $US300 ($445) at Thursday's exchange rate on the informal market, where most currency trading now takes place, but the value of the local currency erodes dramatically every day.
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is introducing three other notes in trillion-dollar denominations of 10, 20 and 50, the government mouthpiece Herald newspaper said.
The move is designed to allow workers to withdraw their entire salaries at once, the paper said.
Just last week, the bank had introduced billion-dollar bills in denominations of 10, 20 and 50 with the same goal, but those notes are no longer large enough to keep up with hyperinflation.
The last official estimate put inflation at 231 million per cent in July, but outside experts now believe it is many times higher.

16th January 2009, 09:57

Someone needs to get rid of Mugabe.

16th January 2009, 10:10
this is a joke...seriously

16th January 2009, 10:19
And this comes after they knocked a load of 000s off the end of their currency a few months back.

You'd have to wonder why the world gets involved in everything but Zimbabwe really

Dave B
16th January 2009, 10:49
You'd have to wonder why the world gets involved in everything but Zimbabwe really
A cynic might suggest it's because they've got nothing worth stealing.

Nice to see the power-sharing worked out nicely, though, hey? :dozey:

Brown, Jon Brow
16th January 2009, 10:57
I have an idea. The US can invade Zimbabwe and then relocate the Israelites there!

Everybody is happy. Really, why don't I work for the UN?

On a more serious note(no pun intended) beyond a joke now :(

16th January 2009, 13:42
And this comes after they knocked a load of 000s off the end of their currency a few months back.

You'd have to wonder why the world gets involved in everything but Zimbabwe really

The world did get invovled. It was called Rhodesia when the world got involved, insisting upon majority rule government. In 1970 the rate of exchange of the Rhodesian dollar was $1.52 to $1.00 US. Because of world embargos due to the unfairness of the political system, I don't know that the Rhodesian dollar was considered an exchange currency.

Rhodesia was a thriving country that, even under embargo, did quite well for itself. The world cheered and applauded itself for it's fine, noble efforts when Rhodesia became Zimbabwe the latest jewel of African majority rule.

It's natural that the world now doesn't care to be reminded of the absolute quagmire it insisted on and helped to create.

16th January 2009, 14:03
Our northern neighbours are pouring over our border to buy food and return home. They cant find anything in their country to feed their families.

We also have thousands of Zimbabweans crossing our border everyday looking for a better life. Zimbabwe has rampant hunger, spread of disease, fuel shortages, corruption, intimadation, military death squads etc etc.

And to think that just one bullet could solve the Zimbabwean crisis :(

16th January 2009, 14:05
The world did get invovled. It was called Rhodesia when the world got involved, insisting upon majority rule government. In 1970 the rate of exchange of the Rhodesian dollar was $1.52 to $1.00 US. Because of world embargos due to the unfairness of the political system, I don't know that the Rhodesian dollar was considered an exchange currency.

Rhodesia was a thriving country that, even under embargo, did quite well for itself. The world cheered and applauded itself for it's fine, noble efforts when Rhodesia became Zimbabwe the latest jewel of African majority rule.

It's natural that the world now doesn't care to be reminded of the absolute quagmire it insisted on and helped to create.

Sadly, no oil = no international interest in stepping in.

16th January 2009, 14:41
The world did get invovled. It was called Rhodesia when the world got involved, insisting upon majority rule government. In 1970 the rate of exchange of the Rhodesian dollar was $1.52 to $1.00 US. Because of world embargos due to the unfairness of the political system, I don't know that the Rhodesian dollar was considered an exchange currency.

Rhodesia was a thriving country that, even under embargo, did quite well for itself. The world cheered and applauded itself for it's fine, noble efforts when Rhodesia became Zimbabwe the latest jewel of African majority rule.

It's natural that the world now doesn't care to be reminded of the absolute quagmire it insisted on and helped to create.

instead of looking at Burma/Myanmar and Zimbabwe where there's a humanitarian crisis in hand,some people target other countries...

oil i guess :rolleyes:

16th January 2009, 15:15
A cynic might suggest it's because they've got nothing worth stealing.

On the contrary, they have....


"President Robert Mugabe plans to nationalise some of the country's diamond resources in an attempt to prop up the flagging economy.

Zimbabwe has two diamond mines: Murowa, which is owned by Rio Tinto and Riozim, and the privately-owned River Ranch.

In an interview on state television, President Mugabe said: "Only government will mine diamonds."

Zimbabwe is the sixth biggest diamond miner in Africa"

Now, call me a cynic, but diamond dealers don't strike me as being very ethical and certainly don't have a reputation for giving a toss who they deal with, hence the reason he is still in power?

16th January 2009, 15:19
The world did get invovled. It was called Rhodesia when the world got involved, insisting upon majority rule government. In 1970 the rate of exchange of the Rhodesian dollar was $1.52 to $1.00 US. Because of world embargos due to the unfairness of the political system, I don't know that the Rhodesian dollar was considered an exchange currency.

Rhodesia was a thriving country that, even under embargo, did quite well for itself. The world cheered and applauded itself for it's fine, noble efforts when Rhodesia became Zimbabwe the latest jewel of African majority rule.

It's natural that the world now doesn't care to be reminded of the absolute quagmire it insisted on and helped to create.

I'll go read up on the history of it all, thanks :up:

16th January 2009, 18:05
Our northern neighbours are pouring over our border to buy food and return home. They cant find anything in their country to feed their families.

We also have thousands of Zimbabweans crossing our border everyday looking for a better life. Zimbabwe has rampant hunger, spread of disease, fuel shortages, corruption, intimadation, military death squads etc etc.

And to think that just one bullet could solve the Zimbabwean crisis :(

Sadly the rest of Africa is sitting around doing eff all as well. If Mugabe were white they would have had him out ages ago.

16th January 2009, 18:11

I think I'm responsible for that nickname! :D Did you know I'm actually responsible for naming the 307 WRC the whale? :p

Don't worry I'm sure all of daddy's money is safely stored offshore where the nasty inflation can't hurt it :)

16th January 2009, 18:57
Zimbabwe is more or less screwed anyway, even when Mugabe goes. Anything worth anything has been or will be sold to the Chinese...

Easy Drifter
16th January 2009, 21:32
Just think! Zimbabwe has more trillionaires than any other country has billionaires. :s hock: :rotflmao:

Valve Bounce
17th January 2009, 00:09
I have an idea. The US can invade Zimbabwe and then relocate the Israelites there!

Everybody is happy. Really, why don't I work for the UN?

On a more serious note(no pun intended) beyond a joke now :(

I've got a better idea - let Hamas invade Zimbabwe and they can have a really fertile land to live in for all Palestineans in the world. In the process, they can send a rocket right up Mugabe's arse.

Dave B
18th January 2009, 09:29
Just think! Zimbabwe has more trillionaires than any other country has billionaires. :s hock: :rotflmao:

I bet their version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire is as dull as ditchwater!

18th January 2009, 09:40
I bet their version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire is as dull as ditchwater!

You mean as good as the other versions of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? :p

Mark in Oshawa
18th January 2009, 10:09
Funny...here is a leader who truly has run a valid country off into the ditch and no one says boo. Bushie loses control of his treasury and gets into a dustup in Iraq and he is the world's worst guy but Mugabe shoots his opposition, fixes his own election, drives any productive farms out of existence, nationalizes all industry and kills a whole countrie's economy; and the silence is awful.

Oh well...I guess bad politicians only count when they are American or yours....

18th January 2009, 10:13
Funny...here is a leader who truly has run a valid country off into the ditch and no one says boo. Bushie loses control of his treasury and gets into a dustup in Iraq and he is the world's worst guy but Mugabe shoots his opposition, fixes his own election, drives any productive farms out of existence, nationalizes all industry and kills a whole countrie's economy; and the silence is awful.

Oh well...I guess bad politicians only count when they are American or yours....

I'm sorry mate but that's a complete lie. There has always been a lot of condemnation of Mugabe on this forum.

Mark in Oshawa
18th January 2009, 10:18
I'm sorry mate but that's a complete lie. There has always been a lot of condemnation of Mugabe on this forum.

If so...I stand corrected. I know a year ago I didn't read much about it and I haven't been around for a year.

It isn't a complete lie...just me not being here. That said...ole Dubya gets about 15 kicks for about 1 Mugabe gets....and maybe that is ok on a lot of levels...but I would like to see more threads based on more than the old "it is the American's fault" theme....of course except when they really screw up....

18th January 2009, 10:20
Funny...here is a leader who truly has run a valid country off into the ditch and no one says boo. Bushie loses control of his treasury and gets into a dustup in Iraq and he is the world's worst guy but Mugabe shoots his opposition, fixes his own election, drives any productive farms out of existence, nationalizes all industry and kills a whole countrie's economy; and the silence is awful.

Hmmmm, has anyone actually started a thread about how mugabe has trashed his country? Have you? If so I missed it, so I'll say it here and now that although I support 1 person, 1 vote (now that's an unusual concept!), it doesn't mean I support everything that mugabe does or has done. Far from it, in fact I do often wonder what sort of place Zimbabwe would be now if Joshua Nkomo had lived and mugabe had died.

If Smith had shown some common sense instead of thumbing his nose at everyone that was against appartheid, I'm sure Zimbabwe (or even it could still be called Rhodesia) would be a very different place now (using my crystal ball as you like to use yours).

And I'll add this, Zimbabwe is on my list of countries to visit, but not while that homicidal despot is in control.............

18th January 2009, 10:30
If so...I stand corrected. I know a year ago I didn't read much about it and I haven't been around for a year.

It isn't a complete lie...just me not being here. That said...ole Dubya gets about 15 kicks for about 1 Mugabe gets....and maybe that is ok on a lot of levels...but I would like to see more threads based on more than the old "it is the American's fault" theme....of course except when they really screw up....

The thing is everyone agrees Mugabe is a tosspot, there's no need for debate.

18th January 2009, 10:32
Funny...here is a leader who truly has run a valid country off into the ditch and no one says boo. Bushie loses control of his treasury and gets into a dustup in Iraq and he is the world's worst guy but Mugabe shoots his opposition, fixes his own election, drives any productive farms out of existence, nationalizes all industry and kills a whole countrie's economy; and the silence is awful.

Oh well...I guess bad politicians only count when they are American or yours....

I don't think anyone denies that Mugabe is an atrocious human being.