View Full Version : #93 Smith Motorsport

Mark Flounders
15th January 2009, 12:24
We have added an entry to the blog at www.smithmotorsport.co.uk (http://www.smithmotorsport.co.uk) head over there and check it out. :bounce:

Mark Flounders
16th January 2009, 21:02
I have added another entry to the blog today, check it out at www.smithmotorsport.co.uk :hot: (http://www.smithmotorsport.co.uk)

Mark Flounders
18th January 2009, 20:39
Blog updated again with new progress. check it at www.smithmotorsport.co.uk :burnout: (http://www.smithmotorsport.co.uk)

Mark Flounders
7th February 2009, 16:52
Finally got round to updating the blog again, feel free to go check it out @ www.smithmotorsport.co.uk (http://www.smithmotorsport.co.uk) :D

8th February 2009, 01:06
"hopefully were back"

Shouldn't it be "hopefully we're back"?? :P

"steering an the distributor"

You missed the "d" in "an".

There's a few more mistakes but i'll let you find them youself. lol

8th February 2009, 01:33
"hopefully were back"

Shouldn't it be "hopefully we're back"?? :P

"steering an the distributor"

You missed the "d" in "an".

There's a few more mistakes but i'll let you find them youself. lol

Mark Flounders
8th February 2009, 08:31
DAMMIT! once again i reveal my human side by making a mistake! Thanks for pointing them out Yung, Think they all corrected now.

Mark Flounders
18th February 2009, 23:03
blog updated again at www.smithmotorsport.co.uk (http://www.smithmotorsport.co.uk)

Mark Flounders
23rd March 2009, 18:55
I have updated the Blog at www.smithmotorsport.co.uk (http://www.smithmotorsport.co.uk). Please feel free to stop by and have a read.

Mark Flounders
7th May 2009, 19:14
New Blog entry @ www.smithmotorsport.co.uk (http://www.smithmotorsport.co.uk)