View Full Version : 2009 Vs. announcers

14th January 2009, 17:16
Bob Jenkins, Robbie Buhl, and Jon Beekhuis in the booth.

Jack Arute, Robbie Floyd, and Lindy Thackston in the pits.

I still hope Cheever does Indy again.


14th January 2009, 17:34
Goodyear is gone. Superb!!! Good to see Jon back where he should be.

14th January 2009, 18:39
Goodyear is gone. Superb!!! Good to see Jon back where he should be.

I agree except I think Goodyear will be a part of the ABC team. So he still lingers. :D

Dr. Krogshöj
14th January 2009, 19:11
Seems like an improvement, with the exception of Jack Aroute returning. Vince Welch or Bill Stephens would be better. What about Robbie Buhl? Never heard him in a broadcast.

14th January 2009, 19:28
What about Robbie Buhl? Never heard him in a broadcast.

He's ok. He did IPS last year and he talks a lot about what the teams and drivers are experiencing, which you'd think would be cool, but he's a bit more prone to hyperbole than boiling down the tech side. He is enthusiastic and manages to get some good bits out.

He is very connected to the series, so I wonder if he'll use that or favor some/have grudges. It will be funny the first time he sees some inside knowledge/fuel patterns/or the like and he excuses himself from the booth to make a call down to his team...

14th January 2009, 19:29
No Goodyear is without a doubt a step in the right direction

Easy Drifter
14th January 2009, 22:24
Like James Hunt used to slip out of the F1 booth for a joint? :eek:

14th January 2009, 23:08
No Goodyear is without a doubt a step in the right direction

Finally a point on which we both 100%, unequivocally, whole heartedly, without a shadow of a doubt agree!!!

<big ol' grin>


14th January 2009, 23:15
Finally a point on which we both 100%, unequivocally, whole heartedly, without a shadow of a doubt agree!!!

<big ol' grin>


I think we both agree that PT racing in the IRL is a whole heck of alot better than him not racing in the IRL


14th January 2009, 23:33
I think we both agree that PT racing in the IRL is a whole heck of alot better than him not racing in the IRL


Oh come on now Ken, we can't go on agreeing like this. People will talk. Tamburello won't have a reason to chastise us. The seas will part...


14th January 2009, 23:33
and I would bet we both agree the new pit reporter is easy on the eyes


14th January 2009, 23:35
and I would bet we both agree the new pit reporter is easy on the eyes


Provided she is the one on the left.


14th January 2009, 23:37
first post has alink to indycar.com...

front page has a story complete with Versus Logo

you can go to the pitreporters (lindythacker.com) website and it's updated listing her as the new versus reporter.... complete with IRL schedule etc...


^Versus website?.... nothing since august besides the indycar link i requested a couple a months ago

14th January 2009, 23:39
Provided she is the one on the left.


she is....

here's a bit more


15th January 2009, 03:56
VERY glad to see Jon in the booth gain.

Sounds like she is pretty intelligent and a pretty well acomplished reporter. I like the sound of her racing reports.

15th January 2009, 05:15
Isn't Robbie Buhl still part owner of Dreyer & Reinblod Racing? Isn't that a conflict of intrest?

And anyone know the size of the D&RR sponrship deal with Dad's Root Beer? and who the driver will be.

On there website they say

Dad’s Root Beer is pleased to announce that we will once again partner with Dryer and Reinbold Racing for the 2009 Season But that is from 9/15/08 and that is the most up to date post.


15th January 2009, 20:32
I respect everything Bob Jenkins has done for the sport, and I think he is an awesome PA announcer. But he is horrible on television, its like listening to Ben Stein call a race. I was really hoping to see Paul Page in that seat...

15th January 2009, 21:01
I respect everything Bob Jenkins has done for the sport, and I think he is an awesome PA announcer. But he is horrible on television, its like listening to Ben Stein call a race. I was really hoping to see Paul Page in that seat...

For some of us, me among them, listening to Paul Page is like listening to that "Sham-Wow" guy. I much prefer Jenkins over Page, but would REALLY like Dave Despain, Bob Varsha or Parker Johnstone.


15th January 2009, 21:04
No Goodyear is without a doubt a step in the right direction

Can you tell me why? He always had a positive attitude and a great insight to a lot that was going on. Why is everyone so against him?

16th January 2009, 19:39
I don't mind Goodyear, it was Reid that bothered me more. I thought Jenkins and Goodyear were a decent combination. I'm so-so on Page. I think the VS team is overall solid, but we'll see.

16th January 2009, 20:29
My hope is that our new pit reporters show at least a shred of racing intelligence. Good looks are great, but we all know that it is pointless to have an attractive pit reporter if he/she knows little of what he/she is talking about (Brie Anne Pedigo and Jamie Little come to mind..)

Does anyone know what experience Robbie Floyd and Lindy Thackston have in auto racing, if any?

And by the way, I'll take Jenkins in the booth over anyone because - 1) He's been around IndyCar racing for a longer period of time than most 2) Despite his somewhat monotone voice, he still has the ability to showcase his racing intelligence and paint a good picture of what's going on, something Marty Reid lacked.

One more thing, will this lineup be consistent with the ABC televised races, like Indy, or will it revert back to Marty and Scott for those races? (God help us...)

Oh, and I've been away for a while, so just out of curiosity, where is Waldo?

Mark in Oshawa
18th January 2009, 01:26
Because listening to him is the audio equivalent of watching paint dry.
He's a really nice guy and very knowledgeable, but doesn't really bring it across to the audience.

Bang on the money. I love the guy, watched him him rebuild his career up here in the Porsche Turbo Cup series we had in the 80's and how he moved on along to eventually be a pretty steady driver in Indy Cars. That said...he just doesn't have the gravitas and way that translates well on TV.

That said, putting Jenkins on the air is too much more of the same ole boring crap we have been stuck with. Rick Benjamin is the same style...competant but dull.

We should have seen them look for a new face that can do the job. I would have loved to have seen a Tommy Kendall inthe booth other than Jon Beekhuis. Beek's is good...but TK was the bomb.

As for pit lane..Lindy is good. I have heard her on the ALMS radio broadcasts but can we please the avoid the cliche of the hottie in nomex? We lost Jamie Little so we needed a replacement? A little sexist is it not? Oh well..I like a little sexism when the woman knows her stuff and Lindy seems to be knowledgable.

Just one real complaint. WHY JACK ARUTE? WHY??????

No one has been around racing longer and said more dumb things on air than this guy. He is alright on his radio show and he seems to know his stuff until it is race day and then he dumbs everything down and sounds like a doofus.

Enough already...bring in people who are hungry and can translate what is going on without making my dumb meter redline.

Mark in Oshawa
18th January 2009, 01:30
Oh yes...one more thing. You put Paul Page on there and you lose me for sure. I was a fan of Page in his younger days but about 2 years into the IRL it became clear to me that he was just a shill. Don't ask me why I knew this or what he said, it was more just a visceral feeling that this guy was clueless and would say what he was supposed to say according to the powers that be. I just never got the feeling as a host/play by play man he was very good at anything but selling his series and ignoring reality.

Maybe I am wrong..maybe it is personal, but Paul Page's best before date was around 1997.

18th January 2009, 23:55
I'm glad to hear Terry Linger will be producing the races.

Mark in Oshawa
19th January 2009, 01:23
Linger is the bright side in all of this change.

19th January 2009, 02:58
Oh yes...one more thing. You put Paul Page on there and you lose me for sure. I was a fan of Page in his younger days but about 2 years into the IRL it became clear to me that he was just a shill. Don't ask me why I knew this or what he said, it was more just a visceral feeling that this guy was clueless and would say what he was supposed to say according to the powers that be. I just never got the feeling as a host/play by play man he was very good at anything but selling his series and ignoring reality.

Maybe I am wrong..maybe it is personal, but Paul Page's best before date was around 1997.

I guess there's no accounting for perception. Paul Page to this day is the play by play guy for me who has most effectively conveyed a love of the sport and for its drivers.

You should read his blog (found the link somewhere, can't remember), he has one about Parker Johnstone that talks about Oct. 31, 1999 and what happened...read that and your feeling that he was just a stooge may change a bit.

For me the last race he and Parker did was a benchmark as to when I started to rapidly lose interest. Might be a coincidence or not.