View Full Version : And so it begins...for the uninformed anyway.

14th January 2009, 05:40
And so it begins...for the uninformed anyway. This comes as no surprise to those that bothered to do any research at all, beyond reading a newspaper or sitting in front of a tv, before the elections. Soon the howling will start, "I didn't know that...". The media did, they merely refused to report all the facts.


The free pass the man was given before, is starting to crumble already. It's going to be a short honeymoon. There are already Iranian protesters burning his picture and he hasn't even taken office yet.

It's gonna be entertaining.

Mark in Oshawa
14th January 2009, 06:21
Fiero...you know you are wasting your time. They don't want to hear it. Obama's biggest supporters on this forum are all in Europe. They don't know this stuff and if he screws up it wont really effect them.

Obama is an interesting cat but hardly "Change you can believe in".

He was supposed to be a non-politician but he is MORE a politician than the bumbling and stumbling of Dubya off the teleprompter.

Obama's administration is going to be scripted, on message and always trying to define the story...until they realize that the press corp will eventually be tired of being lead around by the nose.

One of the great criticisms of Bush was that he was a control freak neo-con who didn't listen to anyone. Obama likes to hear himself or have people agree with it seems.

Shame...I would love to talk to the guy. I think he is bright, well intentioned but I cant overlook some of the shady bits he wants kept away from the limelight. His associations with Wright and others he climbed over to get to the spotlight, his friendship with some shady political operators ( a must in Chicago Democratic politics...the only place where the dead have gotten a vote) and his steadfast refusal to admit he isn't doing anything in politics that hasn't been done before.

He is a politician..and after a while the long knives will be out. His first 100 days may be good..or bad...but all bets are off if he cant pull a few rabbits out of some hats. He cant point to Congress as getting in his way either...those buffoons are in the majority for his party and THAT could be a death sentence when they pass any wacky left wing idea he thinks of. It did Jimmy Carter in if I remember. 4 years of double digit unemployment, a deficit and 20 percent interest rates. Yaaah...give me some of THAT...

14th January 2009, 06:37
A waste of time it may be, but press forward I must. He won't get 100 days to produce rabbits, his own party is demanding rabbits now. He's going to walk into a power struggle with Pelosi and Reid before the last echos of his Oath of Office dissipate into the thin air.

14th January 2009, 07:33
The Exalted Transparent One met with members of Congress today to seek the release of the second half of the bail-out money, some 350 billion dollars. Having already been conned out of 350 billion dollars that the receipient of, by agreement of Congress, doesn't have to provide an accounting for, much to the chagrin of taxpayers, the members asked what the funds would be used for. "To fix the economy" was the same thing Congress heard when the first $350 billion walked out the door, and the damn thing is still broken. When pressed for specifics, the Exalted Transparent One could give no answer having no previous experience with having to give specific answers, only generalities. The meeting will be rescheduled when the Exalted Transparent One can find someone who can tell him what, specifically, he is going to do with the cash.

14th January 2009, 11:04
Fiero...you know you are wasting your time. They don't want to hear it. Obama's biggest supporters on this forum are all in Europe. They don't know this stuff and if he screws up it wont really effect them.

I'm not sure about the affecting part! Look no longer than the crisis, it hits hard enough Europe.

14th January 2009, 11:08
The Exalted Transparent One met with members of Congress today to seek the release of the second half of the bail-out money, some 350 billion dollars. Having already been conned out of 350 billion dollars that the receipient of, by agreement of Congress, doesn't have to provide an accounting for, much to the chagrin of taxpayers, the members asked what the funds would be used for. "To fix the economy" was the same thing Congress heard when the first $350 billion walked out the door, and the damn thing is still broken. When pressed for specifics, the Exalted Transparent One could give no answer having no previous experience with having to give specific answers, only generalities. The meeting will be rescheduled when the Exalted Transparent One can find someone who can tell him what, specifically, he is going to do with the cash.

It was about time that they knew what they do with all that money.
Well the first 350 billion $ where used to partially fill the holes left by unsound risk management, the next 350 billion $ will be used to further fill the holes, don't even dream about the banks starting to start lending money again, no way.

14th January 2009, 11:14
I'm not sure about the affecting part! Look no longer than the crisis, it hits hard enough Europe.


14th January 2009, 15:18

Jeff Gannon must be long forgotten.

Fear that fear.

The sky will fall.


14th January 2009, 16:28
The Exalted Transparent One met with members of Congress today to seek the release of the second half of the bail-out money, some 350 billion dollars. Having already been conned out of 350 billion dollars that the receipient of, by agreement of Congress, doesn't have to provide an accounting for, much to the chagrin of taxpayers, the members asked what the funds would be used for. "To fix the economy" was the same thing Congress heard when the first $350 billion walked out the door, and the damn thing is still broken. When pressed for specifics, the Exalted Transparent One could give no answer having no previous experience with having to give specific answers, only generalities. The meeting will be rescheduled when the Exalted Transparent One can find someone who can tell him what, specifically, he is going to do with the cash.

Who said the sky was falling if the funds didn't come right now?
Paulson, the great financial genius of the age, got what he and the current administration said it needed to fix the problem in the way they wanted it. Paulson and company has changed the workings of the plan at least once on their own since it was approved. But like many other 'unforeseesble' problems the blind couldn't help see happening the last eight years... Remember he is not a member of congress and is the man with the hard etched in stone plan (plans?) that has accountability built in at every corner! you bet ya!
LOL The banks are laughing all the way to the bank. I knew they would.
The Peyote Button crop must be stronger than normal this year.

Garry Walker
14th January 2009, 17:35
You are talking to the wall here.
Obama supporters, in their everlasting retardation, will hit you hard for daring to question the "black jesus"

14th January 2009, 18:38
You are talking to the wall here.
Obama supporters, in their everlasting retardation, will hit you hard for daring to question the "black jesus"

I don't quite agree in saying people are "retarded" for voting him in, but he's the same as any other politician anywhere in the world nowadays - elected on the back of a PR-laden campaign and will spend the next four years in office twisting everything to make him/his party look better than the other.

Like I say, all politicians are the same, so anyone with half a brain won't be that surprised when everything stumbles along the same as before. Call me a cynic but I'm afraid that's just how it goes nowadays (and probably did in the past but I can't speak from personal experience)

15th January 2009, 17:16
I just don't like cheap BS propaganda that comes from any fringe site and fringe "journalist'
Warner Todd Huston seems to have the same type of self endowed credentials as Jeff Gannon at a White House press conference or Joe the Plumber reportin' from Israel on Gaza. True enlightenment.

Love the ad for the "I'd Rather Be Waterboarding" T-shirts on that link.

In the mean time Obama had dinner with these most recent traitors to the right wing fringe. Consorting with the enemy? How non neoconned.


15th January 2009, 17:26
I just don't like cheap BS propaganda that comes from any fringe site and fringe "journalist'
Warner Todd Huston seems to have the same type of self endowed credentials as Jeff Gannon at a White House press conference or Joe the Plumber reportin' from Israel on Gaza. True enlightenment.

Love the ad for the "I'd Rather Be Waterboarding" T-shirts on that link.

In the mean time Obama had dinner with these most recent traitors to the right wing fringe. Consorting with the enemy? How non neoconned.


Not consorting, the Exalted Transparent One was just getting lessons on how to give specific answers. Nobody in his own party could help him.

15th January 2009, 17:30
Not consorting, the Exalted Transparent One was just getting lessons on how to give specific answers. Nobody in his own party could help him.

Maybe Palin should step up and show him how. LOL
Buy one of them there T-shirts yet?

15th January 2009, 17:36
Maybe Palin should step up and show him how. LOL
Buy one of them there T-shirts yet?

Can't use the shirt, no pocket.

15th January 2009, 19:01
Who said the sky was falling if the funds didn't come right now?
Paulson, the great financial genius of the age, got what he and the current administration said it needed to fix the problem in the way they wanted it. Paulson and company has changed the workings of the plan at least once on their own since it was approved. But like many other 'unforeseesble' problems the blind couldn't help see happening the last eight years... Remember he is not a member of congress and is the man with the hard etched in stone plan (plans?) that has accountability built in at every corner! you bet ya!
LOL The banks are laughing all the way to the bank. I knew they would.
The Peyote Button crop must be stronger than normal this year.

Good post.

Paulson, Bush and the Congress (Dems and Repubs alike) didn't have a clue when they agreed to the bailout. And this thing is such a huge cluster, I don't think anyone (including Obama) has a clue now. But yes, it was Henry Paulson who made the biggest case for there not to be conditions on the packages to the banks. What I loved about Paulson is how he said he changed the TARP spending plan as the facts changed. I'm not sure what that means, and I haven't met anyone who knows either. But I admire the way that ol' Hank didn't even crack a smile when he said it. It takes a big pair of brass ones to do that.

15th January 2009, 19:18
We might point out at this point, that every representative and senator reported their constituents that bothered to call, write, or email before the votes on the bailout were overwhelmingly against it, myself included. They voted it through anyway.

So much for you non-US citizens out there that think we control what our government does.

15th January 2009, 19:32
So much for you non-US citizens out there that think we control what our government does.

doesnt that kind of make the constitution and bill of rights obsolete??

15th January 2009, 20:41
doesnt that kind of make the constitution and bill of rights obsolete??

Not all all. That is exactly the purpose of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We have always had a representative government. If enough people don't approve of the decisions made by their representatives (Senator or Representative), we can vote them out when their term is up.

15th January 2009, 20:53
Not all all. That is exactly the purpose of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We have always had a representative government. If enough people don't approve of the decisions made by their representatives (Senator or Representative), we can vote them out when their term is up.

well the british, french and other governments can do that to, so whats so special about the US bill of rights and constitution :confused: ..from a americans POV.

15th January 2009, 21:25
doesnt that kind of make the constitution and bill of rights obsolete??

The American government, via use of the Supreme Court, stomps all over the Constitution when it serves the government's purpose. Been doing it since Andrew Jackson was President, maybe before, I don't remember.

15th January 2009, 21:55
well the british, french and other governments can do that to, so whats so special about the US bill of rights and constitution :confused: ..from a americans POV.

All that you mentioned are also democracies. So I would have to know more about the others in order to say that ours is "special."

16th January 2009, 01:52
All that you mentioned are also democracies. So I would have to know more about the others in order to say that ours is "special."

well europe, australia, new zealand, to name a few.

isnt your bill of rights and constitution tarted up to make the US people feel good??

16th January 2009, 02:08
You are talking to the wall here.
Obama supporters, in their everlasting retardation, will hit you hard for daring to question the "black jesus"

Thats a big brush you're using there.

16th January 2009, 02:41
well europe, australia, new zealand, to name a few.

isnt your bill of rights and constitution tarted up to make the US people feel good??

When I said I'd have to "know more about the others," I actually meant that I'd have to have a better understanding of the specifics of these other democratic governments in order to answer your question. I just don't know much about them. But I'm not one who believes that God loves citizens of the U.S. more than citizens of every other country. I work with some Evangelical neocon types. They could explain how they arrived at that conclusion. Personally, I think they may be whack jobs... but that's another issue.

As for either the Constitution or Bill of Rights being "tarted up," I guess I don't know what you mean. Do you mean the style in which the documents are written or the sincerity of the words? The style I can't speak to. I'm not a scholar in this area. I only know that much of the wording was based on the ideals of the Roman Republic. The early Romans had a deep hatred and fear of monarchies, and so did we. It worked for them until the first Caesars, Julius and Augustus, threw a monkey wrench in things. We've dodged a few bullets so far ourselves. But at the time of the drafting, I believe there was a great deal of sincerity. While there were, at the same time, a great many compromises that had to be made to get all to sign. And there have been instances and periods when the nation or various states didn't follow the letter or the spirit of these documents. And that's why (IMO) it's important and healthy, as painful as sometimes is, that individuals and groups be allowed to challenge us, in a civil and legal manner, on what we really believe. Even though I voted for Bush in 2000, that's why I turned on him and all other neocons, once I learned more about their true nature. The neocons seemed overly willing to pick and choose which parts of the Constitution they wanted to believe in.

I hope and pray that the next administration does a better job than this one, when it comes to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But between Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld and Gonzalez, the bar has been set so low, it shouldn't be all that hard. But at the same time, we shouldn't go so far as to open our borders and allow anyone and everyone to come and go as they please. We also shouldn't allow our true enemies to take our position as weakness. There are many delicate balances. And if you don't make mistakes, you're probably not trying. I feel like we're trying.

16th January 2009, 02:44
Thats a big brush you're using there.

Yeah, he's kinda "special" that way. ;)

16th January 2009, 05:41
The Exalted Transparent One pushes ahead with his choice for Secretary of the Treasury although, through a minor oversight, the man forgot to pay his taxes for a couple of years. But thats been taken care of now. Meanwhile, the harpy Pelosi and her lapdog Reid have designed their own stimulus package that includes $650 million for global warming, coming at a time when even more scientists are moving away from the man made warming theory. Even Pravda reports we are on the verge of another ice age. As solar activity falls to the lowest recorded activity in a lonnnngggggg time and winter sets in, Al Gore hasn't been seen or heard. No doubt he's researching how humans on earth are now affecting the sun. Just another government scare to entice you to open your wallets and allow them to grow ever bigger, while promising to save you. Stay tuned.

Mark in Oshawa
17th January 2009, 05:08
Steve...what is so special about the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is that they eventually will always protect the citizen in the end. In return...they always have the chance to get rid of them on a regular schedule. That more politicians don't walk the plank in the US is to the fact most of the citizens have tuned them out...and that isnt' just endemic to the US.

All countries have constitutions and Bills of Rights...but the US was the first country to have them set out in a clear pattern with rights that were determined to have come from God. Other than that little thing called slavery, they have done a pretty decent job of respecting their people.......but that was remedied in the last 100 years and the proof is in the election of Obama.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are three goals that for the most part still exist in American and I wonder just how much rope you are given on these in other parts of the world that think they are free. I know in Canada....that Pursuit of Happiness thing is frowned upon as is a lot of my liberty...

18th January 2009, 07:01
The Exalted Transparent One begins his agenda. Economy, Global Climate Change, Iraq, Gitmo....? Nope!

The formation of the Obama Youth!


"Organizing For America" lol...ya gotta love it!

Can't wait to see what it's function will be.

Mark in Oshawa
18th January 2009, 08:29
The Exalted Transparent One begins his agenda. Economy, Global Climate Change, Iraq, Gitmo....? Nope!

The formation of the Obama Youth!


"Organizing For America" lol...ya gotta love it!

Can't wait to see what it's function will be.

This sorta gonna be like the "Hitler Youth"?

The exalted one will be immaculated on Tuesday and all the Canadian media are buzzing in ways they could care less when we change PM's. I guess all those leftwing media types who nailed PM Harper for being too pro-American are now thinking America is alright when a fellow traveller gets elected.

Just put the guy in office already!!!! The hype is nauseating and it isn't doing Obama any favours. Everyone will find out this one has feet of clay the same way every President save about 3 has had in the last 100 years.

18th January 2009, 09:09
This is really sad for the sad sacked Doug Neidermeyer types everywhere...

I'm laughing my butt off.

18th January 2009, 09:27
Thats nothing. Our friend Mr. Chavez has flattered himself by claiming the Exalted Transparent One wants him removed from office.


Now that Bush is leaving, Mr. Chavez requires a new target on which to lay the blame for his short comings.

Not to worry, the Exalted Transparent One feels your pain and shall absorb your wrath. Go in peace my son.

18th January 2009, 09:28
Bet that made the brain hurt.

18th January 2009, 09:46
Not mine.

Mark in Oshawa
18th January 2009, 11:03
Thats nothing. Our friend Mr. Chavez has flattered himself by claiming the Exalted Transparent One wants him removed from office.


Now that Bush is leaving, Mr. Chavez requires a new target on which to lay the blame for his short comings.

Not to worry, the Exalted Transparent One feels your pain and shall absorb your wrath. Go in peace my son.

Gee...and I thought Obama was loved by all those outside the US. It seems you Yanks will be hated for a while yet by nimrods and dork politicians all over the world.

Hugo is just a jerk...and sooner or later someone in Venezuela will do something about him....

18th January 2009, 11:07
Hugo is just a jerk...and sooner or later someone in Venezuela will do something about him....

Not as long as he can continue to pass out "free" goods and services to his masses.

23rd January 2009, 23:40
The Exalted Transparent One's lust begins..."I won..."


Obama to GOP: 'I won'
By JONATHAN MARTIN & CAROL E. LEE | 1/23/09 1:25 PM EST Updated: 1/23/09 5:27 PM EST Text Size:

President Obama meets with Congressional leaders in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. From left are House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, House Minority Leader John Boehner and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Photo: AP

President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. "I won," Obama noted matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation.

The exchange arose as top House and Senate Republicans expressed concern to the president about the amount of spending in the package. They also raised red flags about a refundable tax credit that returns money to those who don’t pay income taxes, the sources said.

The Republicans stressed that they want to include more middle class tax cuts in the package, citing their proposal to cut the two lowest tax rates — 15 percent and 10 percent — to ten percent and five percent, rather than issue the refundable credit Obama wants.

At another point in the meeting, sources said Obama told the group: “This is a grave situation facing the country.” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Obama would hold another economic meeting in the White House Saturday for a "broader group."

After Friday's meeting, Democratic and Republican leaders publicly wrangled over the developing stimulus plan.

But perhaps taking a cue from Obama’s “I won” line when Democrats were asked if they were concerned about Republicans blocking the package, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had a swift one-word answer: “No.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the bill was on track for passage by February 16, while Republicans continued to voice their opposition.

The Democrats can now pass anything they want, even if every Republican votes "nay". On some they will, on much they won't unless they have at least a few Republican votes. They know that much of what they are proposing is rubbish and need the luxury of being able to say "well...Republicans voted for it too..." at a later date.

Stay turned.

24th January 2009, 05:20
The early Romans had a deep hatred and fear of monarchies, and so did we. It worked for them until the first Caesars, Julius and Augustus, threw a monkey wrench in things. We've dodged a few bullets so far ourselves. .

I'm not taking the piss, but does the thought ever occur to anyone but me that you've had a couple of monarchy like dynasties in high office in the last four administrations? Obviously you have Bush Snr and then Bush Jnr and now you've got Hillary as Secretary of State after good 'ole Billy as President previously. The other day I heard Bush Snr sprout that he'd like to see Jeb in as the next president. I have no doubt that it's possible either...

Mark in Oshawa
24th January 2009, 06:52
King Obama has to have his reign first....

24th January 2009, 07:28
It is refreshing to watch the venom conservatives are spitting! ;)

Mark in Oshawa
24th January 2009, 07:55
F1 boat... I actually don't mind Obama....but the media is ready to crown him...

24th January 2009, 07:57
It is refreshing to watch the venom conservatives are spitting! ;)

No venom spitting, merely reporting the news as set down by the Exalted Transparent One and his party. His economic advisor has already stated publicly that on infrastructure projects he doesn't want highly skilled craftsman or white construction workers. He wants women and poor minorities to get the jobs. Something to keep in mind while you drive over the bridge, lol.