View Full Version : Windows 7?

9th January 2009, 00:05
Has anybody tried Windows 7 yet?

Vista went a bit fruity on me since I installed IE8 so when the Windows 7 beta goes public I'm going to give it a go on my PC just to see what it's like.


Just wondering if anyone has been naughty and has downloaded it from a torrent site and if so what do they think of it and do they have any tips and so on and so forth?

donKey jote
9th January 2009, 00:10
what's a torrent site ? :cornfused: :s

9th January 2009, 00:13
My favourite new toy :D


donKey jote
9th January 2009, 00:18
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

shame that wasn't around when bluenuts was (what was his name? :s )

navtheace :p :

9th January 2009, 00:29
Only 2.5 million downloads available for beta-testing. If anyone does get a copy they should make it a vmware player client so we can all have a go without destroying our machines in the process.... ;)

9th January 2009, 01:21
I've been sent the Beta, but I've decided to wait for the Release Candidate instead, that way you can get the best idea of what it should be without all the crud you have to deal with.

It was the same when they sent me Vista and Home Server for beta testing. :)

The latest problem is with WMP 12, and the tendency to corrupt MP3 files. :s

9th January 2009, 01:23
My favourite new toy :D


:laugh: smart ass. :p :

Valve Bounce
9th January 2009, 01:49
I used to stand by DELL even though I incurred the wrath of Daniel. I boasted that DELL provided me with free technical support, and as I am a PC Dummy, it was something I greatly valued.


Last week, I re-formatted my hard drive and re-installed Windows, but could not get a connection to the internet. Optus tried for quite awhile but realised it was a computer issue. I rang DELL, who told me that as my PC is just over 5 years old, they no longer provided me with technical support. If I wanted technical support, I was to ring GIZMO and pay them for it.

As it turned out, my neighbour, a computer wizard, helped me out. All that was needed was to put the resources CD into the drive, click on the broadband option and install the ethernet driver. This is not automatic when I installed the drivers from the resources CD.

It would have taken DELL about 1 minute to help me - in that short space of time, they lost one of their so called "Valued Customers"

Now for the 64 dollar question: if I had to buy a new computer, which is the best one to buy for after sales support as well as value for $$$.

9th January 2009, 08:06
I used to stand by DELL even though I incurred the wrath of Daniel. I boasted that DELL provided me with free technical support, and as I am a PC Dummy, it was something I greatly valued.


Last week, I re-formatted my hard drive and re-installed Windows, but could not get a connection to the internet. Optus tried for quite awhile but realised it was a computer issue. I rang DELL, who told me that as my PC is just over 5 years old, they no longer provided me with technical support. If I wanted technical support, I was to ring GIZMO and pay them for it.

As it turned out, my neighbour, a computer wizard, helped me out. All that was needed was to put the resources CD into the drive, click on the broadband option and install the ethernet driver. This is not automatic when I installed the drivers from the resources CD.

It would have taken DELL about 1 minute to help me - in that short space of time, they lost one of their so called "Valued Customers"

Now for the 64 dollar question: if I had to buy a new computer, which is the best one to buy for after sales support as well as value for $$$.

I see, you are fed up with Dell because you can't install your network device even if they provided you with all you need on a ready to go CD! :rolleyes:

You should still buy Dell, others won't give you free technical support so such a long period.

9th January 2009, 08:32
Windows 7?
I have not even upgraded to Vista like some idiots :p : so I don't see a point as my XP is still working fine....

9th January 2009, 08:34
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

navtheace :p :

O yeah...I had almost forgotten that one!

9th January 2009, 09:05
Only 2.5 million downloads available for beta-testing. If anyone does get a copy they should make it a vmware player client so we can all have a go without destroying our machines in the process.... ;)

Now that is a good idea! I'd even have a go then..

Valve Bounce
9th January 2009, 09:07
I see, you are fed up with Dell because you can't install your network device even if they provided you with all you need on a ready to go CD! :rolleyes:

You should still buy Dell, others won't give you free technical support so such a long period.

I think the current DELL policy is to provide customers with technical support only if they have paid for a warranty for that period. You see: DELL used to provide free technical support to all their customers. Now, that has been sold off to Gizmo, and you have to pay for it.

Yes!! the ready to go CD provides all the driver; but I didn't know that when you install the CD, it does not install all the drivers - you have to select each of the drivers that have not been installed. I know this is confusing, but that's the best I can do.

9th January 2009, 09:17
I think the current DELL policy is to provide customers with technical support only if they have paid for a warranty for that period. You see: DELL used to provide free technical support to all their customers. Now, that has been sold off to Gizmo, and you have to pay for it.

I was not aware of that, I bought mine 2 years ago with a 3 year warranty and didn't phone them till now.

Yes!! the ready to go CD provides all the driver; but I didn't know that when you install the CD, it does not install all the drivers - you have to select each of the drivers that have not been installed. I know this is confusing, but that's the best I can do.

I reinstalled WinXP on my girlfriends Latitude 2 weeks ago and I've found the CD to be quite easy to use, and yeah, you are right, it had to be done manually sellecting the drivers you wanted to install.

Dave B
9th January 2009, 09:50
I'm not having any grief with Vista, so I'll wait for a release candidate or at least Beta 2 before I start tinkering too much.

9th January 2009, 09:51
Has anybody tried Windows 7 yet?

Vista went a bit fruity on me since I installed IE8 so when the Windows 7 beta goes public I'm going to give it a go on my PC just to see what it's like.


Just wondering if anyone has been naughty and has downloaded it from a torrent site and if so what do they think of it and do they have any tips and so on and so forth?

So you installed one beta program on your PC and since you have bags you are going to fix them by installing an entire beta OS?

Betas have bugs, thats why they are Betas and are not released, companies give them out to get them tested and fix the bugs, I dont get why people rush out to install them and then complain

Valve Bounce
9th January 2009, 10:22
Betas have bugs, thats why they are Betas and are not released, companies give them out to get them tested and fix the bugs, I dont get why people rush out to install them and then complain

I can't help it!! the Devil makes me do it! :(

Dave B
9th January 2009, 10:35
Vista went a bit fruity on me since I installed IE8 ...
Have you tried installing the beta of Vista SP2 (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/dd262148.aspx)? Might be worth a try.

9th January 2009, 11:22
So you installed one beta program on your PC and since you have bags you are going to fix them by installing an entire beta OS?

Betas have bugs, thats why they are Betas and are not released, companies give them out to get them tested and fix the bugs, I dont get why people rush out to install them and then complain

Oh this is ****en ridiculous...... (Not you! My PC)

Basically I installed IE8 RC1 about a month ago and 2 weeks ago it started going a bit crazy and crashing lots. So I uninstalled IE8 RC1 and for some inexplicable reason Flash stopped working so I went to the Adobe site and all I got was this http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=6b3af6c9&sliceId=2 which is all fine and dandy if I was running the x64 version of IE but I wasn't although I do have an x64 operating system. So I tried downloading one of the archived versions of Flash from the site and running the executable but this didn't help either :mark: So I've been using Firefox to view flash stuff and just when I went to the adobe site to get the link above it bloody well installed and is working flawlessly :crazy: Also tried the Windows installer cleanup utility which is a great remedy for a lot of problems. I've had no updates since the 17th of December so it can't have been an update causing the problem. Seemingly my PC has just healed itself.

I wasn't complaining anyway. I know the deal with Beta's and I've beta tested XP SP2, IE7, Vista when it was longhorn, Vista Beta 1, 2 and RC1 as well as Vista SP1 and I've had various issues with some of the Beta's as you expect to. I've had plenty of times where I've had to reinstall an OS because Beta software has gone south. Tis just the nature of things.

9th January 2009, 11:37
I can't help it!! the Devil makes me do it! :(

LOL, yes that devil Bill Gates gets you to think you get something new sooner that the rest and for free when in reality you are doing Microsoft's beta testing donkey work for free ;)

9th January 2009, 11:52
LOL, yes that devil Bill Gates gets you to think you get something new sooner that the rest and for free when in reality you are doing Microsoft's beta testing donkey work for free ;)

Right :mark: That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. I used to work in a tech support job where I had to do some testing on our software and it's not easy even on a small bit of software let alone and OS or a web browser used by billions. If Microsoft were to beta test every possibly combination of products together you would probably be paying 10 times what you do now for your OS (unless you pirate or use Linux) purely because of labour costs.

Personally I enjoy using prerelease software as you get to have a look at new functionality before the unwashed masses get their hands on it in a windows update or a retail package. Having a couple of hard drives/partitions or storing your data on another drive is a must though. I would certainly never reccomend someone install a beta OS on their only hard drive when they can't afford to lose their data......

9th January 2009, 13:26
Right :mark: That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. I used to work in a tech support job where I had to do some testing on our software and it's not easy even on a small bit of software let alone and OS or a web browser used by billions. If Microsoft were to beta test every possibly combination of products together you would probably be paying 10 times what you do now for your OS (unless you pirate or use Linux) purely because of labour costs.

Personally I enjoy using prerelease software as you get to have a look at new functionality before the unwashed masses get their hands on it in a windows update or a retail package. Having a couple of hard drives/partitions or storing your data on another drive is a must though. I would certainly never reccomend someone install a beta OS on their only hard drive when they can't afford to lose their data......

Dont take what I said too seriously, it was meant as a joke though there is truth behind it.

I too work in tech support and I get to see what happens while a software is developed. Public betas, RCs and releases are not controlled by the development team but by sales/management and more often than not a product is released even though its known to be buggy in order to keep deadlines.

9th January 2009, 19:29
Download link for everyone. Trying to get a download but just not happening at the moment!


9th January 2009, 23:53
Dunno how long these links will be up but it's better than trying to queue :)


10th January 2009, 06:56
They should just give everyone the beta as Vista sucks. Actually Leopard isn't very good either but better than Vista. Microcrap rushed to get Windoze 7 out and Mac is rushing to get Snow Leopard out. I would expect that Win7 will be a big improvement. They need to stop the Mac before it gets to economy's of scale. But it should be a good fight in the coming years.

which of course is good for you and me.

Mark in Oshawa
10th January 2009, 09:11
A Microsoft product with inadequate testing and not working right? Like that doesn't happen RIGHT??

I will stay with what I have...Windows XP and it works. If it aint broke...don't fix it. I don't need Windows 7 to get into an argument with Eki, Dunnell or Daniel!!!

10th January 2009, 10:16
A Microsoft product with inadequate testing and not working right? Like that doesn't happen RIGHT??

I will stay with what I have...Windows XP and it works. If it aint broke...don't fix it. I don't need Windows 7 to get into a discussion with Eki, BDunnell or Daniel!!!

Fixed your post for you :)

Seriously I have no problem with you outside of those discussion threads :) Wouldn't life be dumb if we just held grudges against pepople because they didn't agree with us over the internet? :p You seem a reasonable enough person, I just don't agree with your views on a few things and I'm sure others feel the same.

Haven't installed it yet. Just installing Nero so I can convert the ISO file and burn it.

10th January 2009, 14:01
Argh! Windows 7 is an abomination brought upon us by morons and fools. I'll agree it does seem punchier but the interface is well..... weird and not as esy to use as Vista

This describes it well

I've not driven a BMW with iDrive on it but I can imagine this must be what it's like.

I mean wtf's with this? There's no quick launch bar as we've had for ages. Now everything that's running is mixed in with stuff which is "pinned" to the taskbar so you can quicklaunch it.

As the link above says

Quick: Which icons are shortcuts? And which are running applications? Why are they comingled?""

I think Windows 7 will be a great success because it's more like OSX and it removes the complexity and need for the user to have a frigging brain. But as for people who have a brain you're far better of staying with Vista or XP. Perhaps I'm missing something but after an hour of giving it a go it just seems horribly unusable. All they've done to make it appear simpler is to bury things. I've attached an example below. Rather than having additional icons in the notification area of the taskbar they're all crammed into a submenu. Sure I can unpin them or just set it to always show all icons but I shouldn't have to.

Vista was annoying with default settings. But Windows 7 is like a guy who simultaneously steals your wife, house, car, dog and best friend all at the same time on default settings.

Daniel's guide for making Window 7 less annoying is as follows
1.Right click the notification area of the taskbar>Properties>Customise notification icons>Tick always show all icons and notifications in the taskbar
2.Right click taskbar>Properties>Click use small icons and then select never combine from the Tasbar buttons dropdown menu

10th January 2009, 17:21
If I haven't already turned you off (it really isn't quite as bad as I say!)

You can download a 32bit ISO here
And a 64 bit one here (only download the 64 Bit one if your PC has a 64 bit processor of course)

You'll have to burn it to a DVD, if you have to ask how it's probably best you don't do it but here are some instructions anyway!

As for product keys follow the instructions here
and you should be able to get a key. If not Uncle Daniel should be able to hook you up with one as he has a few that he greedily took even though he only needed one for himself.

happy Beta testing!

10th January 2009, 17:53
Isn't that the point of Beta testing - for the software company to ascertain what works and what doesn't, and what people do or don't like?

The "brainless" Mac dock works well as you can clearly see what is or isn't currently running - does the Windows 7 dock distinguish between the two?

10th January 2009, 19:14
Isn't that the point of Beta testing - for the software company to ascertain what works and what doesn't, and what people do or don't like?

The "brainless" Mac dock works well as you can clearly see what is or isn't currently running - does the Windows 7 dock distinguish between the two?

It does distinguish but the difference isn't immediately obvious which somewhat defeats the object. The quicklaunch taskbar never took up that much real estate anyway and you could always switch it off so why they got rid I don't know. Also note that Microsoft wasn't happy with the way we've been right clicking ever since Windows 3 and has chosen to make your right clicks behave differently on the taskbar. Say for instance I click on an icon or the background in a window, the options appear from the very spot your cursor is on at the time which is standard right click behaviour. But not on a program running in the taskbar. Nooooo wherever you click on the program the box will come up in the same place completely ruining that "click there and move the mouse a little to the left or right and click to perform task x" feel that you got from Windows 3 up until Vista. I would upload a screenshot of this but of course Windows 7 doesn't want to play ball with my FTP account :dozey:

It's just so annoying when it does seem genuinely punchier than Vista yet is just not as usable.

10th January 2009, 19:19
Well after some googling I've found out how to get quicklaunch back from the dead. Now to stop the stupid right click behaviour and I might actually like this thing!

10th January 2009, 20:21
Hi! :)

Just installed it (64-bit version) onto my secondary HDD a couiple of minutes ago.
Word to the wise; use one of the freebie/trial Internet Protection suites. No cost to you and you get to see just how it works with add-on software.

Good so far, and yes you will have to do some changes to the desktop to suit your workstyle. :)

10th January 2009, 20:22
Hi! :)

Just installed it (64-bit version) onto my secondary HDD a couiple of minutes ago.
Word to the wise; use one of the freebie/trial Internet Protection suites. No cost to you and you get to see just how it works with add-on software.

Good so far, and yes you will have to do some changes to the desktop to suit your workstyle. :)
Poop. You just reminded me to remind everyone to install the patch on this page. If you don't all your MP3's might become corrupted :crazy:


10th January 2009, 21:22
That's the reason why I don't put anything on a new OS that isn't expendable.

Specific drivers, reloadable software and freeware I don't mind, but not anything important. That will happen only in the final version, but not a beta.

It's how I roll... :)

10th January 2009, 21:51
That's the reason why I don't put anything on a new OS that isn't expendable.

Specific drivers, reloadable software and freeware I don't mind, but not anything important. That will happen only in the final version, but not a beta.

It's how I roll... :)
True. But the final version of WHS showed that this doesn't always help!

10th January 2009, 23:12
For a larf. Try having lots of windows open and then clicking and holding on one and shaking it about on the screen :D That's called Aeroshake! :mark:

10th January 2009, 23:37
You so silly. :p : :laugh:

Valve Bounce
11th January 2009, 01:09
I know it's a dumb question but: what's wrong with Windows XP in the first place?


while I am at it, what is the best free windows XP maintenance tool?

11th January 2009, 10:03
I know it's a dumb question but: what's wrong with Windows XP in the first place?


while I am at it, what is the best free windows XP maintenance tool?

The best maintenance tool for XP is yourself.

All I would reccomend is uninstalling things you don't need. Aside from that the best thing to do is reinstall your operating system. These programs which claim to speed up or maintain your system are largely ineffective.

Valve Bounce
11th January 2009, 11:20
The best maintenance tool for XP is yourself.

All I would reccomend is uninstalling things you don't need. Aside from that the best thing to do is reinstall your operating system. These programs which claim to speed up or maintain your system are largely ineffective.

OK!! Already done that. In fact, after I re-installed XP, plus all the other software I needed, I ran Cyberscrub to erase all the stuff that had been previously deleted but still remained on my hard drive, 7 pass sanitize method, matching the U.S. Department of Defense standards (DOD 5220.22-M). Then I defragged the hard drive. Then I vacuumed the air intakes as well as the inside of the computer case; I was ashamed how much fluff and dirt was caked onto my PC case and inside the case. :(

Now, my MechWarrior4Mercs runs really well. :) I have not re-installed the plethora of programs that were free that I had previously downloaded which seemed to clog up my computer and made it OC.

I do run CCleaner occasionally.

11th January 2009, 11:42
I do run CCleaner occasionally.

I run it too every week, this way I don't have to clear all that temporary sh!t manually.

11th January 2009, 13:41
OK!! Already done that. In fact, after I re-installed XP, plus all the other software I needed, I ran Cyberscrub to erase all the stuff that had been previously deleted but still remained on my hard drive, 7 pass sanitize method, matching the U.S. Department of Defense standards (DOD 5220.22-M). Then I defragged the hard drive. Then I vacuumed the air intakes as well as the inside of the computer case; I was ashamed how much fluff and dirt was caked onto my PC case and inside the case. :(

Now, my MechWarrior4Mercs runs really well. :) I have not re-installed the plethora of programs that were free that I had previously downloaded which seemed to clog up my computer and made it OC.

I do run CCleaner occasionally.
Better to use compressed air as a vacuum can generate static electricity which can harm your PC.

I also wouldn't be bothering to use cyberscrub on your PC to clean up stuff which is left over until you get rid of the PC as there is far more interesting stuff that can be obtained just my logging into your PC or breaking the password protection on your account with a simple Linux disk :laugh:

When you sell or get rid of your PC be sure to run cyberscrub but until then I wouldn't bother using it.

11th January 2009, 15:53
Better to use compressed air as a vacuum can generate static electricity which can harm your PC.


After I installed Vista, I found my laptop works better after a good run through the washing machine, with the cycle set on delicate and cold rinse, on a once a month basis. Avoid bleach, although it is good for getting rid of nasty viruses (much better than Norton), it can take the color out of the screen unless you are very careful and do not use too much.

11th January 2009, 18:08
After I installed Vista, I found my laptop works better after a good run through the washing machine, with the cycle set on delicate and cold rinse, on a once a month basis. Avoid bleach, although it is good for getting rid of nasty viruses (much better than Norton), it can take the color out of the screen unless you are very careful and do not use too much.
This man speaks the truth :up:

13th January 2009, 19:58
This man speaks the truth :up:
Well back to Vista for me. Windows 7 as it stands today is poop. Lets hope some big changes are made before it's released.

13th January 2009, 20:35
What's up with it?

13th January 2009, 20:55
What's up with it?


13th January 2009, 21:06
I dunno, I've had a quick play with it and it feels like a cross between Leopard and Suse Linux 11 all wrapped up in that familiar Microsoft colouring and typesetting. It seems a lot faster than Vista and a bit faster than XP, so if it has good security features then I reckon it will be a winner.

13th January 2009, 21:19
You don't have to torrent it like it's illegal because it is legal to download the beta from microsoft website.

Windows 7 I was pretty much not cared about until I saw the presentation, it seem to have a lot of improved navigation techniques that should have already introduced half a decade ago. If it fast and light like XP then it could be real good. Very simple stuff, but makes huge difference.

13th January 2009, 21:29
What's up with it?

Just not a fan of the UI. Perhaps I'm being dim but I'm having issues sharing a drive and a printer with a Vista machine. I'd heard it was difficult to network XP and Vista together but this is just silly. I also don't like the virtual folders either.

It's not really that bad I guess, it's just that I really do like Vista and Vista does everything I want it to do and in a logical fashion. It really is just little things which annoy me such as the network icon in Windows 7 not showing whether it had an internet connection quite as easily as the Vista one does. Caroline also didn't like the Windows Fax and Scan program. IE8, I just can't get it to work. That said it didn't work properly in Vista either. I suspect this is more a 64 bit issue than anything but it crashes far too often and requires compatibility mode a lot of the time as well. Other people who use IE8 don't seem to have problems and the only thing I can think of is the fact that I'm running x64.

There are some positives. It's quick, it really is quick, I can't stress this enough. The snipping took is useful. All of my hardware works flawlessly with it! It's quick!!! Though I should stress that it's no quicker than Vista for games and so on but in the OS itself it really is quick. It seems stable - other than the IE8 crashes I've not had any problems.

I'm going to leave it on for a few more days as Caroline wants to have a play but I think I'll be sticking with Vista for a while though I will give and future beta's a go and of course the RC but something tells me that this will be for me what Vista was to XP for so many people.

13th January 2009, 21:30
You don't have to torrent it like it's illegal because it is legal to download the beta from microsoft website.

Windows 7 I was pretty much not cared about until I saw the presentation, it seem to have a lot of improved navigation techniques that should have already introduced half a decade ago. If it fast and light like XP then it could be real good. Very simple stuff, but makes huge difference.

I did give links straight to the Microsoft downloads you know :p

Have you had a look at Vista? To me it seems to have pretty much the same capabilities and ease of use as Windows 7 when it comes to navigation.

15th January 2009, 03:50
I've been using windows for 12years, and even being a big windows fan I hate vista from day one. I help someone bought a labtop and they wanted the one with Vista instead of XP. Even with 4gb ram and 2.2ghz dual core it took me two hours just to clean up the crap and another hour to defrag because its so slow. I swear a 800mhz pentium 3 is faster.

I'm not even a fan of Mac, but I'll choose Leopard over Vista anyday. But my choice after XP, my fav, would be Ubuntu. Also computer are so flexible today that you can install two or three OS in one computer or run Leopard and Vista/XP simaltaneously with the Parallel or VMFusion software. I think people have some good choices now, and I believe multiple os should be the way to go for consumer choices, but I know the corp will never sell computers like that. I was hoping labtop would be cheaper, but it seem to cost the same, so I don't see the price trend going down, their business model is load it with lots of craps and charge large sum of money.

Personally I feel they can release a SP2 to fix up Vista to make it faster instead of releasing Windows 7, but they want to make more money. Although there is to be some important change is API and kernal which is real important. I really like this Windows 7. I think this new network UI for Windows 7 is actaully pretty decent, I think it's not much different from before but the setup is easier. Most people don't even use the Network Sharing on XP and Vista. To get XP to see Vista network you have to download and install the LLTD Responder. And then my brother who work in the Chase bank the entire network and VPN doesn't support Vista. The only way I would use Vista is by using the software vlite to strip off all the junk and reduce the installation to 700mb.

I think microsoft is heading back to the right direction despite my extreme dislike of Steve Ballmar. They should stop doing everything with Vista and pretend it never existed, and work full force on Windows 7, imo. It'll be interesting to see what kind of ads campaign they are going to run to persuade the people to be interested in Windows again and to actually buy Windows 7, they bombed it with Jerry Seinfield. After Vista I believe there were disappointment and a group of people moving over to Mac.

Now I'm only really looking forward to Ubuntu keep improvement itself, and the future ARM multicore cpu made for labtop.

Dave B
15th January 2009, 11:30
I set up my father's new PC this week, complete with Vista Home Premium. It's a pretty midrange machine (AMD 2.4GHz processor, 2GB memory) but it flies along nicely.

I did have to remove some of HP's crapware (customer advisor, anybody? Yes sir, buy your ink cartridges from us: we're only twice the price of Amazon) but that's hardly Microsoft's fault.

My 78-year old father has made the leap from Windows 98 (don't laugh!) to Vista with no problems, and he's hardly the most computer literate man on the planet.

I still don't get all the negativity surrounding Vista. :s

15th January 2009, 16:27
...their business model is load it with lots of craps and charge large sum of money.

That sums it up really well!

15th January 2009, 19:47
I set up my father's new PC this week, complete with Vista Home Premium. It's a pretty midrange machine (AMD 2.4GHz processor, 2GB memory) but it flies along nicely.

I did have to remove some of HP's crapware (customer advisor, anybody? Yes sir, buy your ink cartridges from us: we're only twice the price of Amazon) but that's hardly Microsoft's fault.

My 78-year old father has made the leap from Windows 98 (don't laugh!) to Vista with no problems, and he's hardly the most computer literate man on the planet.

I still don't get all the negativity surrounding Vista. :s

And when you try Windows 7 you'll wonder why there isn't more negativity surrounding it.

I always said Vista was a fairly logically laid out OS and I think the fact that your dad can use it after making the rather large jump from 98 says a lot.

15th January 2009, 21:05
I set up my father's new PC this week, complete with Vista Home Premium. It's a pretty midrange machine (AMD 2.4GHz processor, 2GB memory) but it flies along nicely.

I did have to remove some of HP's crapware (customer advisor, anybody? Yes sir, buy your ink cartridges from us: we're only twice the price of Amazon) but that's hardly Microsoft's fault.

My 78-year old father has made the leap from Windows 98 (don't laugh!) to Vista with no problems, and he's hardly the most computer literate man on the planet.

I still don't get all the negativity surrounding Vista. :s

and when you try Windows 7 you'll wonder why there isn't more negativity directed towards it :p

It really is just Vista with a few bits added on and they're not even well integrated :crazy:

4th February 2009, 05:07

Windows ship in 6 different version. The SE version will limit user to only run 3 applications at a time. Is it me or is that the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And they'll overcharge their professional version. I guess my impression was wrong, Microsft is really greedy. XP is going to be the last Windows OS I'm ever using.

Valve Bounce
4th February 2009, 05:12

Windows ship in 6 different version. The SE version will limit user to only run 3 applications at a time. Is it me or is that the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And they'll overcharge their professional version. I guess my impression was wrong, Microsft is really greedy. XP is going to be the last Windows OS I'm ever using.

I'm confused :confused: I have been using XP for over 5 years; what's wrong with XP?

4th February 2009, 08:30

Windows ship in 6 different version. The SE version will limit user to only run 3 applications at a time. Is it me or is that the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Nothing new to this. IIRC Vista or XP had a SKU for developing countries which could only run a few applications at a time :) You won't see it on sale in any developed countries.

4th February 2009, 10:34
Nothing new to this. IIRC Vista or XP had a SKU for developing countries which could only run a few applications at a time :) You won't see it on sale in any developed countries.

There is also the Windows Fundamentals that can run on machines as old as the original Pentium