View Full Version : The gaming thread

3rd January 2009, 21:43
Thought I'd start a thread where people can put their 360 gamertags, Wii numbers and so on on and forth on as well as what games you have that you play online

PC Games
Left 4 Dead
Team Fortress 2
Call of Duty
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4
Day of Defeat: Source
Battlefield 2
probably some other ones too!

Steam ID

Mario Kart ID

Wii number
3540626936072835 (I think)

donKey jote
3rd January 2009, 22:39
"I" got Mario Kart for the Wii for Christmas, but I don't know anything about ID's or things :s

3rd January 2009, 23:23
"I" got Mario Kart for the Wii for Christmas, but I don't know anything about ID's or things :s

I could be wrong but I think it's your licence number so if you go into licence settings there should be a number under your Mii

4th January 2009, 00:36
don't say Mii, say Wii... :p :

donKey jote
4th January 2009, 00:59
So with this number thingy wii can connect my mii to your mii so wii can race mario ? :s

what is the world coming to :dozey:

ah now I remember what that 3rd mac entry was on mii wlan router !
donkey me deleted it in horror thinking one of the neighbours had hacked me during the holliers :p :

4th January 2009, 04:28
Steam ID

PC games that I play. (ones I don't bother with not listed)

Valve Bounce
4th January 2009, 05:18
The Mek Tek upgrade of MechWarrior4 Merceneries Rules.

Trouble is, Microsoft has the codes and although they are no longer interested in this game, they will not give the codes to Mek Tek to either develop the game even further, or to do a MechWarrior5.

I just wonder whether anyone here has ever played this game.

Dave B
4th January 2009, 15:03
Susy and I got a Wii Fit for xmas, but the first time I stood on it it said, "one at a time please" :s

4th January 2009, 17:04
My Wii Fit makes me happy when my 2 year old niece gets on to play Ski Jumps and Hoola and Wii Fit tells me I've suffered a dramatic weight loss. :D

4th January 2009, 17:19
Susy and I got a Wii Fit for xmas, but the first time I stood on it it said, "one at a time please" :s

Mine just says "owwww!" when you step on it :mark:

What are you favourite Wii Fit games? :)

4th January 2009, 19:44
I got a 360 and cleverly use the tag MrJanYeo, usually pricking about on COD4, Forza or Test Drive Unlimited if I'm online, also ocassionally bother to play online with FIFA 09

5th January 2009, 08:15
I play mostly Cod4 on a pc, with a bit of Trackmania Nations to fill in the gaps.

I did manage to beat Guitar Hero3 on medium level last month, so I might have to start learning to use the orange button next.

6th January 2009, 08:34
PC Games:

Race 07
GT Legends
Rally Championship
Colin 2
Colin 3 (bit dodgy though)
Toca Race Driver 3
Richard Burns Rally


Toca 2
Toca Race Driver 2
Colin 2
Gran Turismo 4
Crash Team Racing
Worms Armageddon
Nascar 99
Formula 1 1995 up to 2004 (official FIA games, not EA Sports)

6th January 2009, 09:06
PC Games:

Battlefield 2
TOCA racedriver 3

6th January 2009, 21:21
I don't play on-line :mark:

PC game:
Civilisation III (yes, III :dozey: )

COD 4, currently battling my way through "World At War"
Tiger Woods 2009
Once in a while I'll also pop in Forza 2 for good times sake :D

Over the holidays I had a blast with my nephews' Rock Band 2 :D

6th January 2009, 21:37
I haven't played anything for couple last years but this year brought Fallout 3 which was excellent. I also bought GTA4 for PC but it put my system on it's knees :mark:

I think I'll go and test RaceDriver Grid for MY NEW PS3 !!!!!! :bounce:

6th January 2009, 22:00
I don't play on-line :mark:

PC game:
Civilisation III (yes, III :dozey: )

COD 4, currently battling my way through "World At War"
Tiger Woods 2009
Once in a while I'll also pop in Forza 2 for good times sake :D

Over the holidays I had a blast with my nephews' Rock Band 2 :D

You should play online. It'll sound w anky but it really does bring the experience alive to play against other humans :)

12th January 2009, 19:19
o Xbox360
- (Gamertag: UKOGwill )

o Forza Motorsport 2
o DiRT
o Call Of Duty 4
o Test Drive Unlimited
o PGR4
o Guitar Hero 3
o Guitar Hero World Tour


12th January 2009, 19:44
I don't play on-line :mark:

PC game:
Civilisation III (yes, III :dozey: )

COD 4, currently battling my way through "World At War"
Tiger Woods 2009
Once in a while I'll also pop in Forza 2 for good times sake :D

Over the holidays I had a blast with my nephews' Rock Band 2 :D

whats the difference between rock band and guitar hero?

12th January 2009, 20:07
Not much really, they're the same concept, just Guitar Hero has a way better soundtrack :p