View Full Version : New Dr Who

Hazell B
3rd January 2009, 18:00
The BBC are telling us who, come 2010, will be the new Dr Who later today.

Anyone care? Anyone wonder, in a non-cynical way of course, if they'll announce one person then use another come summer's filming :p : ? Anyone wonder just how much of the BBC budget's been spent on Dr Who related news of late? :rolleyes:

They may aswell be a commercial channel with all the adverts for the show they've run this past month.

3rd January 2009, 18:10
in the spirit of change, I predict that the new Dr. Who will be...

female. :kiss:

Everything else has been "... been there, done that", so why not? :)

3rd January 2009, 18:31
God is this thing still going, I watched a couple of episodes of the new Dr Who and thought I'd accidentally tuned into CBBC.

Dave B
4th January 2009, 16:02
Anyone care?
Me, for one :wave:

From the very limited interview last night, the new guy actually might be very good. He's got a certain quirkyness about him and seems very respectful of the show's past while willing to add his own stamp to the character.

Anyone wonder just how much of the BBC budget's been spent on Dr Who related news of late? :rolleyes:

They may aswell be a commercial channel with all the adverts for the show they've run this past month.
Once you include overseas sales and DVD rights, Dr Who more than pays for itself. It's debatable whether a commercial channel would have taken the risk in the first place.

Hazell B
4th January 2009, 19:48
Once you include overseas sales and DVD rights, Dr Who more than pays for itself. It's debatable whether a commercial channel would have taken the risk in the first place.

Oh I believe it makes money, but do they have to spend five minutes in every sixty bleating on about it on News 24? Not to mention all the back slapping between writer, ex-writer and assorted actors (just how many "world class" actors can possibly have played the role then vanished for ten years? :mark: ).

When they did pause in the fawning for a moment and say who he is, I quite liked him. Still would have been happier for Eccleston back though :)

4th January 2009, 19:58
I hate it when people say who cares? Who cares? Just because you don't care, doesn't mean the rest of the world couldn't give a hoot either. Although tbh I don't care about Dr Who, but it seems millions of people do.

I'd rather the BBC got rid of Songs of Praise, as Dave said I reckon Dr Who actually makes a profit where as Songs of Praise is just a waste and I doubt it gets all that many viewers either.

4th January 2009, 20:02
It was a quirky and fun show. I watched it up until about a year ago. But once Billie Piper returned as Rose, whatever was going on with her mouth or teeth became so distracting that I stopped watching the show all together. I read that she'd had some corrective dental work done, and that's fine. But I think they should have given her more time to recover before putting her on the air again.

5th January 2009, 02:30
I'm a big Dr. Who fan. :D
Tom Baker (4th Dr) is my all-time favorite Doctor.
I also liked Jon Pertwee (3rd Dr) & Peter Davidson (5th Dr) very much.
I really liked David Tennant (10th Dr) as his manner was reminiscent of Tom Baker (to me).
Now there is going to be another new Doctor, sometimes change is not good ... :s

My favorite companions were :
Sergeant Benton (John Levene)
Brigadier Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart (Nicholas Courtney)
Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen)
Harry Sullivan (Ian Marter)
Leela (Louise Jameson)
Romana I (Mary Tamm)
Nyssa (Sarah Sutton)
Rose Tyler (Billie Piper)

I enjoyed watching the Doctor outsmart the Daleks & other enemies of humanity.

5th January 2009, 03:43


5th January 2009, 11:08
I think that 'Who' is exactly the right word. Never seen the bloke but I said the same of Tennent and he was superb. Personally I think that Eccleston is extremely underrated, he brought the programme back to life and was fantastically dark but frivolous at the same time. I haven't watched it recently because I think that watching Catherine Tate is a worse penalty than death but hopefully the new bloke will be as good as the last two.

As for Yodasarmpit saying that it seemed like CBBC, I always thought that was the point of Doctor Who from the very beginning.

5th January 2009, 19:04
As for Yodasarmpit saying that it seemed like CBBC, I always thought that was the point of Doctor Who from the very beginning.
It just annoyed me so much, I'm a fan of Sci-Fi especially shows like the new Battlestar, that when compared to many US productions Dr Who looked like armature hour.
With the new Dr Who I was really looking forward to it, wrongly assuming it would be a big production Sci-Fi to compete with the US offerings.

Maybe I just expected too much.

5th January 2009, 20:21
I hate it when people say who cares?

Quite right. It should be "The Doctor cares". Doctor Who is the name of the show, not the character.

I was wrong with my prediction that they'd throw us a real curveball (I've been watching too many American sports) and have the Doctor played, for the first time, by a Dalek :s It's a rather depressing watershed moment that, for the first time, the Doctor is younger than me though :(

Still, at least that brings to an end months of fevered speculation. Now to bring on months of fevered speculation about who'll play his companion :)

5th January 2009, 23:48
Have the Doctor played by:
Edmund Blackadder?
Dougal Maguire?
DP Gumby?

Given the recent turmoil over on Radio 2, why not have the Doctor played by Russell Brand? You'd probably see the ratings shoot upwards for about 10 minutes and then flip back over to BBC3 for repeats of Strictly Come Dancing.

How about Graeme Norton? He seems to be everywhere else on the telly...

Dave B
6th January 2009, 11:05
How about Graeme Norton? He seems to be everywhere else on the telly...
Hearing that name always, without fail, reminds me of Les Dennis' cringeworthy impression of him on Extras: "Oooooh, look at this website about...."

Personally I'd like to see an older, world-weary Doctor like Richard Wilson - who was superb in his role as an actual doctor in The Empty Child.

Or, as a supremely ironic twist: Bernard Cribbins, the saving grace of the last series.

Assistant? Anybody, anybody, but Catherine bloody Tate. Can I have Konnie Huq? Just asking, like...

6th January 2009, 18:25
Assistant? Anybody, anybody, but the sublimely annoying and sooooo 2 years ago Catherine bloody Tate.

Fixed the typos in your post :)

Hazell B
6th January 2009, 19:21
I'd rather the BBC got rid of Songs of Praise ....

The BBC has to produce so many hours of themed shows or they all get sacked, being state owned and chartered by the government. So religion, sports and arts, educational and childrens all have to stay put even if nobody watches them. Anyhow, without Songs of Praise we never would have had one of Ben Elton's finest stand up routines :p :

6th January 2009, 19:31
Anyhow, without Songs of Praise we never would have had one of Ben Elton's finest stand up routines :p :

We've never had one of those.

Hazell B
6th January 2009, 19:38
The man who wrote Blackadder's not funny? Millions will disagree.

6th January 2009, 19:55
Oh... No wonder it took that long.


Not too big a fan of the 'gate, Mr Davies?
;) :p :

6th January 2009, 21:12
The man who wrote Blackadder's not funny? Millions will disagree.

Co-wrote Blackadder.

Which wasn't stand-up.

6th January 2009, 22:41
Oh... No wonder it took that long.


Not too big a fan of the 'gate, Mr Davies?
;) :p :

Darn. I can't get your link to work and I really wanted to read that. I'm was HUGE fan of the SG1 series. Well, I was until it jumped the shark once the last of the major Goa'ulds was wiped out (Apophis was my favorite). I never cared much for the SG Atlantis series. But with it winding up this Friday, I guess the franchise comes to an end.

Dr. Who and SG1 are VERY different scifi series. IMO, Dr. Who is quirky, campy and just for fun. The writing for Stargate SG1 is (was) much deeper and a bit more cerebral than anything I've seen on Dr. Who... but also never took itself too seriously (especially when Richard Dean Anderson was there to play off the other characters).

I'm going to keep trying to get that link to work. Now I'm curious.

7th January 2009, 01:05
for those having trouble with the link...

Doctor Who producer doesn’t care for Stargate
Sunday - December 21, 2008 | by Darren Sumner

digg_bgcolor = '#BBD1E8'; digg_skin = 'compact';

Category: GENERAL (http://www.gateworld.net/news/category/general/) | Tags: Robert Carlyle (http://www.gateworld.net/news/tag/robert-carlyle/), Universe (http://www.gateworld.net/news/tag/universe/)
http://www.gateworld.net/news/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/carlyle02.jpgAs actor David Tennant and executive producer Russell T Davies prepare to exit the new Doctor Who next year, casting is underway for the next actor who will fill the iconic British television role. But one actor who is apparently off the table: Robert Carlyle, who was rumored to be in contention before he signed to head Stargate Universe last week (story (http://www.gateworld.net/news/2008/12/robert_carlyle_cast_in_istargate.shtml)).
In a new interview with BBC Radio 5 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/victoriaderbyshire/2008/12/rusell_t_davies_and_the_next_d.html) at a press event following a screening of this week’s new Christmas episode of Doctor Who, Davies expressed his surprise at Carlyle’s decision.
“Stargate, can you believe it?” Davies said. “That was a surprise. Has his agent watched it?”
In the U.K., of course, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis have been top ratings performers for Sky One, just as Doctor Who has regularly topped the charts for the BBC.
Davies’s own science fiction television show has benefited tremendously from the casting of feature film-quality actors such as Tennant. In the 5-minute interview, he says that the quality of actors being rumored for the show speak highly of how far it has come in its four years on the air.
Stargate Universe premieres next summer on the SCI FI Channel in the United States. The Doctor Who Christmas special, “The Next Doctor,” airs Christmas Day on BBC 1.

7th January 2009, 02:07
Thanks much, Veeten. I had no idea there was going to be another Stargate series (and movie).

Hazell B
7th January 2009, 19:30
Co-wrote Blackadder.

Which wasn't stand-up.

True, but if you've seen him live you'd know how funny he is. On TV, not so.

7th January 2009, 20:04
True, but if you've seen him live you'd know how funny he is. On TV, not so.

Fair enough, although the thought of seeing the man who wrote the script for the musical "We Will Rock You" live doesn't appeal as much as the alternative 'not live' option!

7th January 2009, 20:11
We've never had one of those.

I have to agree. Someone once said of Ben Elton that his anti-Thatcher rants were hugely popular not so much because they were funny, but because 'at least someone is having a go at the Tories'. I think there was a lot of truth in that.

Also, as a fan of many English sitcoms, I'm ashamed to say that a lot of Blackadder leaves me a bit cold. I really don't know why.

7th January 2009, 20:38
I have to agree. Someone once said of Ben Elton that his anti-Thatcher rants were hugely popular not so much because they were funny, but because 'at least someone is having a go at the Tories'. I think there was a lot of truth in that.

Also, as a fan of many English sitcoms, I'm ashamed to say that a lot of Blackadder leaves me a bit cold. I really don't know why.
I quite like Blackadder, but only really the last series. The others I can take or leave tbh.

Hazell B
9th January 2009, 16:11
.... the thought of seeing the man who wrote the script for the musical "We Will Rock You" live doesn't appeal .....

I never knew he wrote that. Then again, I hate musicals on the whole, so wouldn't have bothered reading about it.

He is funny away from the TV, on stage. In fact, I'd rate him in my top 3 or 4 and I've seen most of the stand ups who started in the 80's and early 90's. Which reminds me, Mark Thomas tickets to book some time this week :up:

26th January 2009, 20:31
I'm still not sure over this new doctor, i think he will bring something different to the show, we will have to wait and see.

However, i shall not be watching it ever again if the rumours true that lily allen is gonna be the assistant :eek: she is so repulsive, and shes not even an actress in the first place. Get someone who can actually do the job!

Hazell B
3rd February 2009, 17:48
No, Lily Allen's appearing is just rumour.
She had a record coming out ;)

6th February 2009, 00:08
I'm still not sure over this new doctor, i think he will bring something different to the show, we will have to wait and see.

However, i shall not be watching it ever again if the rumours true that lily allen is gonna be the assistant :eek: she is so repulsive, and shes not even an actress in the first place. Get someone who can actually do the job!

No I cant say Im sure about him either. Have really enjoyed watchin Tennant, such a shame he's leaving, but they could have at least got a comparable replacement in. In my opinion, this guy is way too young to carry any weight as The Doctor.

6th February 2009, 00:09
No, Lily Allen's appearing is just rumour.
She had a record coming out ;)

And thank God for that!

Hazell B
6th February 2009, 14:50
And thank God for that!

No, thank mild good taste in Who's production :p :

Welcome back, by the way. Missed you!