View Full Version : The Battle of JonÂ’s Face

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd January 2009, 15:39
Zits, pimples, boils- whatever they are, like most teenagers I hate getting spots. Most of us know the feeling of looking into the mirror and being greeted by the awful sight of a red, gooey and ugly blemish.

My spot cycle been as regular as a menstrual cycle for around two years now. I seem to get a new spot every month. This spot usually lasts for a month too, until the new one arrives and replaces it. It never really bothered me, I was just fortunate that I didn’t get terrible acne.

However, around September time last year my spot cycle changed. I became far more regular. I was getting a new spot every few days. It was terrible! Was I pregnant? Did I have cancer? Had I reached puberty later than most? All these questions ran through my head.

The final straw came when I looked in the mirror one morning and I had a red mountain range on my face. I’m pretty sure that these spots could have been seen from the International Space station. Astronomers from far away planets had already started to give my individual spots names. I’m also pretty sure that the BBC news also mistook the bursting of one of these volcano-sized spots as an eruption of Mount Etna.

Something had to change. This change began with Clearasil. The adverts had convinced me that after applying this to your face when you wash, your spots would immediately disappear. I was wrong. It did nothing. If anything it just spread the mountai…., I mean spots, more around my face.

Facial products had failed me. So for round two of ‘the battle of Jon’s face’ I decided to use traditional soap and water. This succeeded in halting the expansion of the mountain range, but I wasn’t satisfied. I needed to make the slimy buggers retreat back into my face. So for part two of the operation I got myself some facewash.

Most of us know that high street shops and males do not go well. In the same way that old people and technology don’t mix, and women and maps don’t get along. So as you can imagine, the prospect of going to the ‘meterosexual’ section of Boots was quite a traumatic experience. But I was determined to succeed in my quest. I pulled a pair of women’s tights over my head to avoid being recognised and swiftly came out of the shop with some Nivea for Men Facewash.

After a few days of use my face became clearer. It was working. I was delighted and thought to my self ‘if I wash my face five times a day I will defeat this enemy forever’. This turned out to be a catastrophic error. The next day I woke up and saw that the pillow in my bed looked a giant flapjack. I looked into the mirror. I didn’t have any spots, but my skin looked like the surface of the moon and was as dry as a menopausal woman’s you know what. My over eagerness to get rid of the spots had dried out my skin. It was a crushing defeat.

After a few days of hiding from the world I decided to launch my final counter strike. I had to face the high street shops once again. This time to buy the most ‘meterosexual’ of all the ‘meterosexual’ products. Moisturiser.

Now the biggest difficulty of this mission was not the purchasing of the product, but returning home with it. If my parents saw that I had bought Moisturiser then I would inevitable get the ‘Gay’ talk from them. Basically they’d tell me that they would love me whatever my sexuality may me. Being quite heterosexual the thought of this was not very appealing. Luckily for me though, my parents have an en-suite bathroom next to their bedroom. This means that I have the luxury of having sole use of the main bathroom. They will never no my secret.

So, did the moisturiser work? Well it succeeded in softening my skin again. But under the sandy, dry, desert-like layer I found that a few small spots were still there. Not quite a mountain range anymore. I suppose this is a satisfactory result. The only downside is that I now struggle to open the bathroom door. This is due to the number of face products that I have to apply every day. I think I need a bigger bathroom for all of them!

3rd January 2009, 15:55
Being quite heterosexual the thought of this was not very appealing.

I believe the phrase you're searching for it "Being 100% heterosexual....." which should be accompanied by some chest beating just to show that you're 100% heterosexual.

As for the other stuff. Makes me glad I never had bad zits when I was in my teens!

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd January 2009, 16:01
I believe the phrase you're searching for it "Being 100% heterosexual....." which should be accompanied by some chest beating just to show that you're 100% heterosexual.

Why lie? :o

3rd January 2009, 17:30
Now the biggest difficulty of this mission was not the purchasing of the product, but returning home with it. If my parents saw that I had bought Moisturiser then I would inevitable get the ‘Gay’ talk from them. Basically they’d tell me that they would love me whatever my sexuality may me.

My mate is definately heterosexual but also a bit camp and his parents asked him if he was gay. He still hasn't told them whether he is or isn't but is having great fun camping it up all the time :D

I had quite bad skin but apart from washing properly I think that you just have to weather it. Console yourself with the probability that your oily skin now will mean that you age better than others and by the time you hit 40 people will be saying how good you look :)

jim mcglinchey
5th January 2009, 13:28
Diet, lad. For a month or two cut out all crisps, choc, fried food, especially fried food, etc and see what difference it makes.

5th January 2009, 13:48
may I say that my friend never had a spot and dry skin - she is now wrinkly as hell whereas I still have spots but hardly a crease (but only after scoffing into the chocolates)!!!
Life is sometimes so unfair.

5th January 2009, 14:39
Pizza face. :p :

But seriously, if you have tried all other things, it may finally come down to this...

My niece has tried it and it does work, but as all others have said, it is expensive.

For those like you, on a budget, there is alternatives that can do the same as Proactiv, it's just that you have to assemble them in the proper to get the same results. Here's some help on that...


Good luck. :)

Easy Drifter
6th January 2009, 05:45
When I was in my mid 20's I had twin boils right together on the right side of my face. It was a race week and the edge of my open face helmet (no full face in those ancient times) sat right on the boils. Putting my helmet on was agony.
Most unconfortable race weekend I ever had. I still have two scars (holes) where the boils were. Those were the only boils I ever had.
As for zits I had them but most were on my shoulders and upper chest.

6th January 2009, 06:04
I moisturise (when I remember to). I don't think it's un-masculine to do so, don't be ashamed of it. Girls will think you're cooler for it.

6th January 2009, 06:27
On the flip side, the zits may not be too happy about the neighborhood they've been forced to live in either.

6th January 2009, 10:12
roacuintaine (check the spelling), its a drug that can be used to help rid most of the acne...

but, see a dermatologist first, it may have some side effects (like all drugs), but the reason im saying it was that it worked for me.

6th January 2009, 11:49
roacuintaine (check the spelling), its a drug that can be used to help rid most of the acne...

but, see a dermatologist first, it may have some side effects (like all drugs), but the reason im saying it was that it worked for me.

Ist that the drug that has serious side effects? Like serious depression, mood swings and so on?

Garry Walker
6th January 2009, 13:40
How many of you guys use Mascara, Eyeliner and Lipstick too? :p :

6th January 2009, 14:28
Ist that the drug that has serious side effects? Like serious depression, mood swings and so on?


i'm sorry, i didnt mean to moan, im gonna go now, no one cares if im here or not....

lol seriously, i had no problems, i think its all overhyped

6th January 2009, 15:52
o/t, but not too much considering B,JB's statement...

Metrosexual, a definition...

6th January 2009, 15:55
In the grand scheme of things;
"This too shall pass"
It's too late to change your genetics.
My experience with adolescent acne was interesting.
It was relatively mild. It started at age 11, and I was done with it by 15
Good, or bad (depending how you look at it)!
Stressing on it doesn't help. (in fact it hurt's)
Project your "hidden talents" ;)

6th January 2009, 16:43

i'm sorry, i didnt mean to moan, im gonna go now, no one cares if im here or not....

lol seriously, i had no problems, i think its all overhyped

I think for some people it does have bad effects though. Not for everyone of course

Brown, Jon Brow
6th January 2009, 18:13
How many of you guys use Mascara, Eyeliner and Lipstick too? :p :

No, but I do condition and straighten my hair and shave parts other than my face.

6th January 2009, 19:08
There are no women (or men, i'm confused :confused: ) in the battle for your face then? :p :

Brown, Jon Brow
6th January 2009, 19:10
There are no women (or men, i'm confused :confused: ) in the battle for your face then? :p :

I wish!
I always become 'friends' by accident though :(

6th January 2009, 22:06
I wish!
I always become 'friends' by accident though :(

You need to stalk more and befriend less *shakes head*

7th January 2009, 04:29
How many of you guys use Mascara, Eyeliner and Lipstick too? :p :

I used mascara once when I was in a school play, but not regularly, no...