View Full Version : Expected weekend chaos

Easy Drifter
18th December 2008, 21:12
I expect weekend chaos. Some and only some snowmobile trails are open this weekend. That won't stop the idiots from using closed trails and generally racing all over. Both locals and those from the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). Most (not all) locals will at least have enough sense to stay off the ice. It is still way to thin. Not the others. We have already had a few accidents and in Quebec former NHL star Brad Pitt died when he crashed through the ice.
There are 3 snowstorms predicted over the next 5 days so the ones from the GTA will be heading for the ski resorts in droves plus the snowmobilers.
Most are sensible drivers but quite a few are not. The idiots are normally in 4 wheel drive vehicles, mostly SUV's. They have not figured out that while they go better in the snow they do not stop or turn any better than others. Also the SUV's are top heavy.
So every winter weekend there are a bunch of them in the ditches and often upside down.
Locals with 4 wheel drive already know all about turning and stopping as we get enough practice.
Unfortunately all too often the idiots take out other innocent drivers as they do their donuts before crashing.
We see it every weekend all winter but especially when it snows.
Quite a few years ago the Kubota Plant in Orillia got a new General Mgr. straight from Japan. Before Christmas he had written off 3 4 wheel drive vehicles. :eek: They gave him a local Cdn. driver!

18th December 2008, 22:25
I'm travelling back home this Saturday, I fully expect chaos :p :

19th December 2008, 18:04
I'm right so far, I spent 4 hours today getting the sodding coach ticket to the airport!

19th December 2008, 18:16
You ought to see what it's like when it snows over here :eek: At least even the people from the cities are used to it in Canada, over here the country comes to a virtual standstill if someone even mentions the word snow :D

Easy Drifter
19th December 2008, 18:51
OOOPS. No one picked up on my stupid name mistake in the first post. It was Pitt Martin who was the hockey player. :o
Contrary to the forecast noon start here for the storm it started about 9.15 and we already have had far more than was forecast for here in total.
I went shopping about 9.30 at -7c. at 11.20 when I got back it was -11.
Still coming down hard and wind picking up.
Everyone I saw on the road was driving according to conditions but I suspect most were locals.
Toronto normally does not get much snow and every year has thousands of new immigrants driving who have never seen snow. Toronto is near gridlock at the best of times so a little snow and a complete mess. The city is about 3 million and the GTA over 6 million, many who work in Toronto (aka The Big Smoke). Toronto has it's own micro climate caused by Lake Ontario and just the sheer number of buildings and people giving off heat.
I expect the GTA is total chaos. Assuming the snow has not knocked out my satellite service (very common) I am going to have a look at a Toronto 24 hr. news channel now.

Mark in Oshawa
20th December 2008, 15:16
Drifter...I drove to the nearly empty mall and got a whack of shopping done. These storms have their advantages....

Easy Drifter
20th December 2008, 17:08
Yes Mark, but you know how to drive in snow. I was out in it too and people were busy shopping up here, yet the Big Smoke ground to a halt. We got almost as much as TO, far more than forecast.
Heck we have had snow almost every day since early Nov.
A lot colder here than forecast. Last night's low was supposed to be -14c. It was -27 when I got up! Still -20 something.
I do not have to go anwhere so I think I will wait till it gets a little warmer beofre I dig my car out. Blankety blank snow plows. Mind you I had better do it before tomorrow's storm.
At least this is not lake effect snow so should help the water level in the upper lakes.

21st December 2008, 16:32
I was over in T.O last December when there was some kind of record snowfall for the month. Was pretty much downtown and was amazed by just how much fell in such a short period, very weird for me because I just don't see it at home :)

Easy Drifter
21st December 2008, 17:03
Toronto basically shut down on Fri. Huge news story. More coming. The sky is falling! 20 cm.
Up here we just yawned and carried on. We get that kind of snowfall on a regular basis.
Over where Bagwan lives they get even more and I am sure they don't panic.
Around here we are moaning about the fact it has been snowing since early Nov. and staying. Usually it does not stay untill mid to late Dec.
The big problem is where to put it. Getting out onto main streets or from drives can be a problem as you cannot see over the snowbanks.
Most towns are also going over budget on snow removal. We had more than usual last spring and with this early heavy snowfall snow removal budgets are going into deficit.
Global warming anyone? :D
First Ont. Snowmobile death of season. Man drove into ditch at high speed and died. Female passenger in serious condition. No other details. First of many I am afraid.

Easy Drifter
23rd December 2008, 02:20
I was right about chaos. Highway 400 (main North South multi lane highway in/out of Toronto) shut for hours on two days because of accidents.
Last night all roads out of the Blue Mountain/Collingwood area shut because of whiteouts. That is Ontario's largest ski area and many come up from the GTA for the day. Good for the ski lodges and motels with all the 'captive' audience. :)
One more confirmed snowmobile death. Drove into side of truck. Another almost certain. Man went missing crossing Lake Scucog on Sat. night. No trace of him. This despite warnings from police all over Ont. to stay off the lakes as the ice is not safe yet.
With more storms predicted over the holidays and many snowmobile trails still officially closed I expect more deaths from impatient ones. I know there were people out on closed trails. A few got caught.

Mark in Oshawa
24th December 2008, 17:46
I have had my fill of this winter already..and as I outlined in my posting on "Brrrr" my 3 day jaunt to Wisconsin and back to Ontario was just a crappy crappy trip. I have no idea why anyone would want to travel at this time of year if they could avoid it......because it is horrible enough for us professionals who HAVE to deal with it.

Easy Drifter
24th December 2008, 18:28
I agree Mark. I try and pick my time to even go shopping. My bank and decent shopping entail a 40k round trip. To doctor an 80K round trip. I didn't used to mind it so much but age has knocked a little sense (not much) into me. I got back from shopping yesterday just as it started to snow. I will have to dig my way out again unless this thaw comes as forecast. I do not need to go out until at least Mon.
However, all sorts of people from the GTA want to ski and snowmobile up here so the highways are busy, especially on weekends and holidays. The next couple of weeks are the make or break it for many who rely on the winter sports tourism. The motels and lodges need to be full or nearly so to withstand the shoulder seasons. The same applies to ski and snowmobile shops. Within 40 K of here are 4 major public ski hills and several private clubs around Collingwood/Blue Mountain. There are also 3 large Cross Country areas and a few small ones. There is a huge network of snowmobile trails that allow people to go for hundreds of Ks. Mind you a lot are still closed because of thin ice. Ice fishing is big and that was the only reason we used to stay open in the winter. Nobody in their right mind is going out on the ice yet. There are Lakers coming into Midland harbour over the next couple of weeks along with a Coast Guard Ice Breaker and that is normally a big ice fishing area. Not for a while this year.
If the weather is bad there are accidents galore.
On a sad note I heard that two young lads in Newfoundland are missing and their ATV's were found at the bottom of a cliff in the ocean.

Mark in Oshawa
24th December 2008, 19:25
It has the makings of bad winter Drifter. As for your situation...lol...I was living it for the last year. I didn't mind it too much until I got back to the Shwa and realized how much I missed being able to drive 5 minutes and get whatever I needed.

Easy Drifter
24th December 2008, 22:45
I am a refugee from Toronto 19 years ago. I do miss things like the live theatre and the St Lawrence Market. Otherwise no.
The closest I have been to the Big Smoke in the last 2 1/2 years is Newmarket and Mosport. The only things that would get me there now would be to pick up a Lottery win or maybe good free tickets to the IRL race. I don't dislike the IRL that much. I just have no interest in going to Toronto.
If the IRL ran at Mosport I would probably go.
It is kind of interesting to look at the hometowns of racers, both oval and road racers in Ont. There are hardly any from TO or any large city for that matter. Quite a few live in the GTA but even then more in places like Milton rather than Mississauga. :confused:

Easy Drifter
26th December 2008, 21:14
Just before I sat down at the computer I glanced out the window. Two snowmobilers out crossing Hog Bay. Probably 20 feet deep where they were. This despite the fact the Police and Snowmobile clubs are telling people to stay off the ice as it is too thin. At least they had enough brains to be spread out and not close together.
Our forecast is calling for low double digits on the plus side tomorrow with rain.
Once the ice is safe it is not unusual for the high school kids from Waubaushene, Victoria Harbour and Port McNicoll to snowmobile to school in Midland across the ice. It is shorter than by road and more fun than a school bus. :cool:

Mark in Oshawa
27th December 2008, 19:09
Drifter, with the warm days mixed in with the sub freezing days (seeming alternating) I wouldn't venture onto the ice AT all for any reason. The snowmobile guys figure if they go fast enough they can puddle jump the wet spots. God forbid they mess up.......

Easy Drifter
27th December 2008, 20:56
Mark: I concur. The bay is now covered with water so I doubt any will go out until we get a good freeze. There are Lakers coming in and out of Midland Harbour for the next 2 weeks and a Coast Guard Icebreaker clearing the path so that area will not be safe for some time.
Over the years I have been out on ice hundreds of times and can read it pretty well but you are never a 100% sure.

28th December 2008, 11:18
It rained here today :(