View Full Version : Vote medal's in our out on the FIA's website

13th December 2008, 12:46
Hi guys its come to my attention that for the first time ever the FIA have put Bernies medal system up to a vote by the fans.

As Bernie has likley bribed many people or found a computer hacker to help things go his way, if you dont want Medals please vote. If anyone knows of any other large F1 internet communitys as I only know here and planet F1 could you remind them to.

Dont let Bernie and his crazy mind destroy 60 years of F1 points with medals.


13th December 2008, 13:10
I think they should try it with a Gp2 season first so its impact on the racing can be actually evaluated before just tossing it into the F1 rulebook.

Nikki Katz
13th December 2008, 13:24
I've voted but I expect him to push it through for 2010 whatever the fans think.

Dave B
13th December 2008, 13:38
Voted to leave it as it is, but I'd prefer an overhaul of the points system that encourages drivers to push for a win rather than settle for a safe 8 points in 2nd.

13th December 2008, 13:45
Are you sure this poll on the website (F1.com not actually the FIA site) has any effect on proposed changes?

13th December 2008, 14:22
Voted leave it as it is !

Dave B
13th December 2008, 16:36
I'd imagine the vote is purely for entertainment, I cannot imagine the FIA actually listening to us mere fans of the sport.

13th December 2008, 17:41
Imagine a world where if what the fans thought was important guided the FIA......


Max would be gone but USA and Canada GP would not, Spa would always be Spa......

bernie would be worth a few billion less, passes to the pits would be $5,000 less and passes on track would be far more........

Humm, so how should I vote??? Against will probably make them think it should be..... :confused:

13th December 2008, 18:33
I voted no, plain and simple, i dont want this medal system in at all. Bring it in, and you may as well chuck 60 years of points scoring records down the loo

Nikki Katz
13th December 2008, 18:51
Imagine a world where if what the fans thought was important guided the FIA......


Max would be gone but USA and Canada GP would not, Spa would always be Spa......

bernie would be worth a few billion less, passes to the pits would be $5,000 less and passes on track would be far more........

Humm, so how should I vote??? Against will probably make them think it should be..... :confused:
To be fair though Max did say that he wanted to do some market research before introducing the medals system and shorter races, it's not like fans get to decide every decision. Though I agree that this poll is probably just for that website and the FIA won't even look at it.

13th December 2008, 19:01
To be fair though Max did say that he wanted to do some market research before introducing the medals system and shorter races, it's not like fans get to decide every decision. Though I agree that this poll is probably just for that website and the FIA won't even look at it.

Shorter races?? There is No way I would imagine there would be shorter races, because just as other have pointed out the error of my ways to me in thinking NO wings should be the better case. problem with no wings, where do all those ads go.....

It is called "ad time" as in less air time, means less time to sell ads......

The big worry over the qualifying and changes, got nothing to do with making fans happy, as it does with getting people to watch and sell those ads for those particular broadcasts.

So as long as the fans is watching TV and the money is rolling in, fans being happy or unhappy matters not the least.

I doubt that the fans who really know and have feelings as to what makes them happy, are enough in number and willing to do that which will make Bernie and them pay attention: Turn off and leave off, the television.

13th December 2008, 19:26
Imagine a world where if what the fans thought was important guided the FIA......


Max would be gone but USA and Canada GP would not, Spa would always be Spa......

bernie would be worth a few billion less, passes to the pits would be $5,000 less and passes on track would be far more........

Well... take count that democracy only works when you agree with it...

13th December 2008, 20:30
F1.com is Bernie's site not the FIA's, so the result will be th eone that suits Bernie's interests.

14th December 2008, 00:49
now lets say you have a driver that wins 5 time and comes second 8 times and 1 3rd

but the other wins 6 races and 4th place or more back the rest he would take the WDC

that is BULL SH**

14th December 2008, 10:03
I think they should try it with a Gp2 season first so its impact on the racing can be actually evaluated before just tossing it into the F1 rulebook.
Not a bad idea. I remember when new circuits had to host at least one major event before being allowed an F1 race, but that went out the window some time ago.

Voted to leave it as it is, but I'd prefer an overhaul of the points system that encourages drivers to push for a win rather than settle for a safe 8 points in 2nd.
The medal idea may be the wrong way to go, but think it is trying to achieve what you're after.

14th December 2008, 12:13
I think they should try it with a Gp2 season first so its impact on the racing can be actually evaluated before just tossing it into the F1 rulebook.

agreed. at least in gp2 a drivers' championship is more meaningful as they are all using the same equipment and results are primarily down to the driver. consistency is the key.

f1 should be a team championship only(driver/engine/chassis/engineers). i'm not surprised so many f1 drivers didn't want equal equipment as their shortcomings would be more easily highlighted.

Valve Bounce
14th December 2008, 12:46
I voted leave it; pino!! can we have our own poll please. Thanks.

14th December 2008, 14:09
Who else thinks the results will never be published? :p :

14th December 2008, 19:03
No. I hate the idea.

14th December 2008, 23:11
Add another for the No vote.

Do something about the points (pre 2003 system anyone?) but medals aren't the answer. They won't guarantee a title deciding finale and they won't guarantee more lead-swapping passing manouvres. Drivers will still be cautious for most of the season for the simple reason that the teams want the constructors points, prize money and straight cars.

A pass for the lead will only come about if it clearly there. Drivers aren't going to suddenly make a quantum leap in risk taking because of a medals system. I can't recall drivers becoming more daring when the points for a win was increased from 9 to 10. Why should this be any different?

15th December 2008, 06:23
No. Go to hell!

15th December 2008, 09:43
I'd imagine the vote is purely for entertainment, I cannot imagine the FIA actually listening to us mere fans of the sport.

Thats why they have an annual questionaire for the fans to answer...

15th December 2008, 11:20
Bernie won't back down over medals idea

Although his proposal to introduce a medal system has received widespread criticism, Bernie Ecclestone is refusing to back down from the idea.

Ecclestone believes replacing the current 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 points system with a gold, silver and bronze medal for the top three finishers will prompt drivers to risk more during races.

FIA President Max Mosley told the World Motor Sport Council in Monte Carlo that market research would be conducted into the proposal before they decide on anything.

"Bernie's wedded to medals, but it will be genuinely interesting to see what the fans say because they do pay the bills," Mosley said.

15th December 2008, 15:42
Well I voted no. I would like to see more emphasis placed on winning but doing away with Drivers' Championship points is not the way.

15th December 2008, 19:20
Added a no vote, the "medal" system is pure stupidity and based purely on bernie's wishes to appease Ferrari who made a car that was less reliable than the McLaren last season. I feel that yes, the current system is flawed, i'm all for more placing getting points, it encourages driver to keep on racing even if they are mired in the mid-field. I was always a big fan of the CART (Indycar / Champ Car) points system that would go down to 12th place, which for a field of about 26 cars is about spot on, perhaps a pre-condition of points ought to be to complete at least 90% of the winning distance, hence in races of high attrition cars that fall off (at least for the first 90% of the race) would not get points for a race they failed to finish. The CART system went as follows:

20 - 16 - 14 - 12 - 10 - 8 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

The only change I would make is widen the gap between 1st and 2nd, the 1991 - 2002 gap of 4 was too large, the current of 2 is too small, the pre-1991 gap of 3 was spot on, so i'd redo the points as follows:

20 - 14 - 12 - 10 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

This along with the 90% winning distance (this is distinguished from race distance as races can either run to the 2 hour time limit or be ended early due to track conditions) rule would ensure a fairer spread of points, incentivise winning and give lower finishing positions actual significance, incentivising racing in the mid-field, often the saviour of many of grand prix when a driver / team dominate at the front.

15th December 2008, 19:38
BE may as well go to hell together with his medals.

Sorry to say, but the proposed system wouldn't work at GP2 at all, what has been proposed here. GP2 has sprint races and is often won by drivers, who were nowhere during the previous parts of the weekend and somehow lucked into P8 by the end of the Saturday's race only to get a pole for Sunday and win a race. For what does such driver deserve a gold medal and a huge boost in the championship? Javier Villa won 3 sprint races in 2006, he would have been a title contender that season with medals' system. If we are looking at his racing, then I can't remember him ever impressing and at best he could managed some minor point positions on Saturdays, which of course helped him in sprints due to good grid positions...

Back to F1. Funny, how many contradictions are there in this plan. Arguably the medals' idea is for increasing spectacle and overtaking. But the contradicting factor is that the WCC order will still be clarified by points. If a driver is behind the leader, then what is he supposed to do if he's told over the radio: "Don't take unnecessary risks - you need to collect good points to increase our chances in the WCC standings."

16th December 2008, 01:05
Add another for the No vote.

Do something about the points (pre 2003 system anyone?) but medals aren't the answer. They won't guarantee a title deciding finale and they won't guarantee more lead-swapping passing manouvres. Drivers will still be cautious for most of the season for the simple reason that the teams want the constructors points, prize money and straight cars.

A pass for the lead will only come about if it clearly there. Drivers aren't going to suddenly make a quantum leap in risk taking because of a medals system. I can't recall drivers becoming more daring when the points for a win was increased from 9 to 10. Why should this be any different?

That sums up everything I want to say.

I don't think the points system is to blame for the lack of overtaking in F1.

16th December 2008, 11:22
I don't think the points system is to blame for the lack of overtaking in F1.

Agreed. I have never quite understood the theories that the "aggressiveness" of drivers is dependant on points system. On most occasions the fastest car simply disappeares into the distance, so for the chasers this is simply physically impossible to fight against the leader, no matter how does the point-system look like. And also, we had those so-called safe-point-scoring drives also with those "good old" Top6 system like Prost anno 1989.

16th December 2008, 11:38
And results from http://www.formula1.com are finally in.

Apparently fans voted 20:1 in favour of medals being adopted :D

Dave B
16th December 2008, 12:28
Sheeesh I thought you were being serious for half a sec :eek:

16th December 2008, 13:07
Sheeesh I thought you were being serious for half a sec :eek:

Oi Dave, what's that on your shirt <flip> Caught you again :laugh:

16th December 2008, 13:09
Overhaul of the medal system so that a win means more? Yes!

The proposed medal system, where a driver with one, and one one win, will be placed higher than a driver with three podiums? NO!

16th December 2008, 13:15
Oi Dave, what's that on your shirt <flip> Caught you again :laugh:

Oh wait, this 20:1 isn't true? :D I opened the formula1.com site and started looking everywhere, where can I find the results. :p :

But doesn't matter, the final score will probably turn out to be something like that anyway. ;)

Big Ben
16th December 2008, 13:36
so can we find out who voted yes?

16th December 2008, 14:15
it's not the first time there has been a vote on the formula1.com site. We were asked to vote about the new qualifying format a few years back.

Valve Bounce
17th December 2008, 06:05
What a surprise 28 no's and 1 yes so far. I didn't think it would be that close.

17th December 2008, 11:11
so can we find out who voted yes?

I vote No, but now I'm not sure anymore that it was the right choice.

Dave B
17th December 2008, 17:19
96.9% against, on this site at least. I hope the F1 survey brings a similar conclusion.

17th December 2008, 17:21
I vote No, but now I'm not sure anymore that it was the right choice.

That's democracy in a nutshell.

17th December 2008, 18:47
oh arse - I just voted yes by accident. I hope that doesn't affect the final outcome too much, I know how important even a single vote can be!

18th December 2008, 21:55
oh arse - I just voted yes by accident. I hope that doesn't affect the final outcome too much, I know how important even a single vote can be!

Don't worry It's OK cause I changed my mind and I had voted No. So it pretty much shows the real standings.

19th December 2008, 15:05
Whilst I'm against Bernie's thinking, I do have to admit I fully understand where he is coming from.

Especially this extract from the Q&A:

I think that (dominating a championship) can happen under any scoring system if one constructor dominates with a superior car, but actually I think it is less likely under the gold medal system. With four or five races to go a driver who is three or four gold medals down could still win the championship, which is far less likely now if the difference between winning and second place is only two points.

Imagine this season for example, where Alonso was no where all season, then all of a sudden gets 2 wins, at the time, he would have looked like a serious challenge for the championship!

19th December 2008, 15:26
I think that he's stated the correct problem and prescribed the incorrect solution.

The problem is that there is only 2 points different between first and 2nd.

Now, call me silly but wouldn't the best option be to change that points system to reward the winner more?

19th December 2008, 16:08
Now, call me silly

You're silly .

But , just how silly was this idea of Bernie's , when it spawned all these lines of copy ?
He's silly , like a fox .

You're just silly . hee hee .

19th December 2008, 16:34
You're silly .

But , just how silly was this idea of Bernie's , when it spawned all these lines of copy ?
He's silly , like a fox .

You're just silly . hee hee .

A wise man knows that he knows nothing.

Me, I don't even know that much :D

19th December 2008, 17:53
A wise man knows that he knows nothing.

Me, I don't even know that much :D

I know you know more than you think you know , even if you don't know it .

I hope Bernie sees my idea of medals for the engine championship , so he can leave this idea alone .
3 championships , Bernie !!!!!!

Think of the champagne , the pomp , the circumstance !
Olympic style medal ceremony for the engine makers !

20th December 2008, 13:03
I know you know more than you think you know , even if you don't know it .

I hope Bernie sees my idea of medals for the engine championship , so he can leave this idea alone .
3 championships , Bernie !!!!!!

Think of the champagne , the pomp , the circumstance !
Olympic style medal ceremony for the engine makers !

Hey, what about a medal ceremony for tyre manufacturer(s), although we have just one at the moment? :p :

20th December 2008, 13:28
Hey, what about a medal ceremony for tyre manufacturer(s), although we have just one at the moment? :p :

There wouldn't be much suspense in it .

20th December 2008, 13:58
I voted Yes, simply because it was a choice between the current system and medals.
Medals wouldn't be my ideal solution, but I prefer it to the current one in that it rewards winners.

6th January 2009, 07:17
Sheesh. 10-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Anyone got issue?

Dave B
6th January 2009, 11:11
Sheesh. 10-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Anyone got issue?
Far too sensible :p

6th January 2009, 11:45
As Bernie has likley bribed many people or found a computer hacker to help things go his way, if you dont want Medals please vote. If anyone knows of any other large F1 internet communitys as I only know here and planet F1 could you remind them to.

Why would Bernie hack into his own site?

12th January 2009, 08:01
Sheesh. 10-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Anyone got issue?


12th January 2009, 08:39
So Bernie's idea about the whole medals thing is to make the trailing driver want to overtake the leading driver? Maybe we can get a poll of the drivers to find out how many of them would like to overtake the car ahead and win the race? That should be a real eye opener... ;)

12th January 2009, 18:10
Initially this medal-idea was expected to get enforced during December, but now it's almost mid-January, so I'm guessing that even if Bernie achieves his goal, we won't see medals in 2009 in any case?