View Full Version : Bob Jenkins? YES!!

3rd December 2008, 17:00
It is only rumored from AR1, but Bob Jenkins may be the new announcer for the IRL next year, great news if true. I really hope they keep Scott Goodyear too. Goodyear really has a way of explaining the IRL to the fans, he really describes whats going on. I like that.


3rd December 2008, 17:11
If they are going to go retro I'd rather see Paul Page. I'm sure most of this has already been hashed out over here.

3rd December 2008, 17:45
I did have a hope that things would change for the better. Irl is complete disaster. Cars ,tv, tracks like dover etc. Thank God for hondas $ to keep this thing going. Bob is old and can't remember names and Goodyear sucked as driver and he don't have a clue in a booth and he insults intelligence of any fan that knows racing.They want old then Poul Page would be much better choice and Jon B. can explain racing and Indycar better then enyone. Do I dare dream glory days of Indycar. YES!

3rd December 2008, 17:50
It is only rumored from AR1, but Bob Jenkins may be the new announcer for the IRL next year, great news if true. I really hope they keep Scott Goodyear too. Goodyear really has a way of explaining the IRL to the fans, he really describes whats going on. I like that.


While I applaud the addition of Jenkins, there have been many other folks in the past who did a vastly better job than Scott Goodyear. After all he couldn't even figure out it was a bad idea to pass a pace car...

Scott Pruett (probably unavailable due to the fact he is still racing), Parker Johnstone, Jan Beekhius (spelling?) immediately come to mind.


3rd December 2008, 19:38
Jenkins is an excellent choice, I thought he did a great job on the Australia coverage. A nice change from the hyped up Marty Reid. According to Curt Cavin Jon Beekhuis is one of the top choices for cohost.

3rd December 2008, 19:50
Jenkins is an excellent choice, I thought he did a great job on the Australia coverage. A nice change from the hyped up Marty Reid. According to Curt Cavin Jon Beekhuis is one of the top choices for cohost.

Now if we can just get Gary Gerold back in the pit lane...


Dr. Krogshöj
3rd December 2008, 19:57
I've got no idea who the first color guy should be but Eddie Cheever should also be in the booth. He was entertaining during Indy this year. Get Jan Beekhuis and Vince Welch in the pitlane. And try to get Jamie Little.

3rd December 2008, 20:01
I've got no idea who the first color guy should be but Eddie Cheever should also be in the booth. He was entertaining during Indy this year. Get Jan Beekhuis and Vince Welch in the pitlane. And try to get Jamie Little.

I'd like to see Cheever back too.

3rd December 2008, 20:12
I agree Jamie Little would be an asset, but I just do not see her going from NASCAR/ESPN to IRL/VS. Goodyear is also locked in with ESPN for the next several years and I don't think he'd be allowed to go to VS under his contract. Sometimes the networks allow hosts some leeway on other networks, but Goodyear wasn't optimistic about that recently on Trackside Radio.

BTW, are we talking Jenkins for VS, or for both ESPN and VS? Because I believe it's still Marty and Scott on all ESPN broadcasts, but I could be wrong.

3rd December 2008, 23:16
Lucky lucky you. :(

We'll probably be stuck with Gary Lee and Larry Rice again over on Sky.

4th December 2008, 03:45
C'mon, no one's mentioned the no 1 guy, who's available?, Tommy Kendell, combined with Jon Beekus what a team that would be. They both know what they are talking about and Tommys entertaining as hell. Something we need, keep the exitement up on the telecast and explain things and explain things in a knowlegable way.

4th December 2008, 03:58
As far as I know, Jack Arute will be working the ABC/ESPN IRL shows. is he involved in the VS broadcasts?

4th December 2008, 08:56
Lucky lucky you. :(

We'll probably be stuck with Gary Lee and Larry Rice again over on Sky.

nope, I don't think we are.
at the end of chicagoland they said their goodbyes and suggested it was their last ever IRL race.

I hope so as they were .

5th December 2008, 00:24
If a tree falls inthe forest and no one hears it, does it make a noise ?

If Bob Jenkins announces a race on Versus and no one hears it, does it make a noise ?

5th December 2008, 05:06
If a tree falls inthe forest and no one hears it, does it make a noise ?

If Bob Jenkins announces a race on Versus and no one hears it, does it make a noise ?

So do you have ANYTHING to contribute to the conversation or are you going to just stand in the corner and take pot shots?


5th December 2008, 11:32
nope, I don't think we are.
at the end of chicagoland they said their goodbyes and suggested it was their last ever IRL race.

I hope so as they were .

i was just going to say the exact same thing! Wonder if sky will get the US feed or if there will be a separate international feed as in previous years, just with new commentators?

5th December 2008, 11:53
I've cancelled by Sky Sports subscription (credit crunch bla bla....plus I found I was paying for sports Ive largely no interest in) and so didnt watch the Surfers broadcast - what commentary feed did Sky use for that?

Whilst it goes silent for Ad breaks etc I really cant see why the US commentary team cant be broadcast to the English speaking world?

5th December 2008, 16:18
jan in the pits is a must, would also like to see cheever, he was very good at indy last year, also was able to meet him at midohio at rolex race last year and he is a very fan friendly gentleman.


6th December 2008, 02:59
"I can't think of a better man for the job. If there is a motor sport commentator better suited for the job, I can't think of him. Bob brings his 'A' game week after week." -- Tarso Marques

I can't believe this would happen, but then again, this is the IRL and the IRL is a place where dreams come true.

6th December 2008, 05:18
Kevin Lee also confirmed this on his trackside podcast a couple days ago. He said Bob in the last week had told him that he would be the announcer for VS. Curt said it will likely be Jon Beekhuis and Jack Arute also in the booth. Jack Arute in the booth... I don't know about that. I assume he's for the "color" commentary:


last couple mins of this podcast

6th December 2008, 14:37
Jack Arute in the booth... I don't know about that.

Surely TG has made a deal with the devil and he now has to pay up by killing the sport. Haven't open wheel fans sufered enough? :s mokin:

Vim Fuego
13th December 2008, 23:06
Bob Jenkins, Jack Arute,Scotty Goodyear and all the other ones the ***** love are absolutely awful at best.
Paul Page and Jan Beekhuis or even ol' "Well well well,hang on to your hollyhocks", would be better than any of the hacks. :D

14th December 2008, 00:15
Bob Jenkins, Jack Arute,Scotty Goodyear and all the other ones the ***** love are absolutely awful at best.
Paul Page and Jan Beekhuis or even ol' "Well well well,hang on to your hollyhocks", would be better than any of the hacks. :D

My, my, aren't we off to a good start with the insults. Some of us happen to think Jenkins, Daly and Beekhuis do a good job, even though we don't like Arute, Goodyear or Page.


Vim Fuego
14th December 2008, 19:36
My, my, aren't we off to a good start with the insults. Some of us happen to think Jenkins, Daly and Beekhuis do a good job, even though we don't like Arute, Goodyear or Page.

I think Bob Jenkins is awful at best. :rolleyes:
If you read my post closer i state that i like Paul Page and 'hollyhocks'.
Jenkins is like listening to paint dry he is that bad.
He is the favorite of the Jim Neighbors brigade who hated CART. ;)

14th December 2008, 19:50
Kevin Lee also confirmed this on his trackside podcast a couple days ago. He said Bob in the last week had told him that he would be the announcer for VS. Curt said it will likely be Jon Beekhuis and Jack Arute also in the booth. Jack Arute in the booth... I don't know about that. I assume he's for the "color" commentary:


last couple mins of this podcast

I think in the last RM Q&A he said it would be Bob Jenkins, Robbie Buhl & Jon Beekhuis

14th December 2008, 20:01
My, my, aren't we off to a good start with the insults. Some of us happen to think Jenkins, Daly and Beekhuis do a good job, even though we don't like Arute, Goodyear or Page.


I think Bob Jenkins is awful at best. :rolleyes:
If you read my post closer i state that i like Paul Page and 'hollyhocks'.
Jenkins is like listening to paint dry he is that bad.
He is the favorite of the Jim Neighbors brigade who hated CART. ;)

If you bothered to read mine you see that I can't stand Paul Page, I do like Derek Daly and Beekhius and Jenkins. And was a very staunch supporter of CART. Gues that sort of disproves your permise doesn't it.


Mark in Oshawa
17th December 2008, 09:02
Good lord. Arute in the booth? I wish Jack would just go away. I am all for Bob Jenkins....he is a voice we all have memories of in his early ESPN and Speedvision days. TK is the guy who should do colour. I wont say Goodyear doesn't have a clue (the cheap shot from the fella up there who said Goodyear was an idiot for passing the pace car couldn't lace Scotty's shoes) like a few of you. The guy was a pretty smart driver and drove with his head for the most part (passing the pace car was a misintrpetation of the rules..and maybe a poor one)and he translates well...but he isn't that interesting a personality. I am biased in I know some of the Goodyear's on a very casual basis from my years of working at Mosport and Scott is a pretty vanilla guy. I don't want vanilla...I want Tommy Kendall.

Jack Arute is a trip to the dentist. He aint Vanilla...he is just a know-it-all who is often WRONG.

Jamie Little would be awesome...but alas she has that ESPN/ABC/NASCAR gig now.....

Easy Drifter
17th December 2008, 16:28
Like Mark I knew Scott many years ago when he was very shy. He took the Carnegie course and that helped his career. Also knew his brother Mike and folks as we used to get some parts from the family business on Young Street.
Mike later worked for Vance and Hines and we dealt with them for some parts.
I agree Scott is not a great announcer but if you had known him when he was a young FF driver you would never ever imagine him behind a mike!

Mark in Oshawa
17th December 2008, 20:07
I have been in a charity goKart race against Mike Goodyear...he kicked my @ss!!!

Scott is an ok announcer..but Iam biased because I like the guy but I have no problem believing he was shy. He doesn't come off as a blowhard...but when you listen to a guy like DW do NASCAR colour...you realize Indy Car needs a guy with that sort of charisma and gravitas. Scott has the experiences to relate to the fan but not the charisma. He gives info...DW or a TK give a SHOW.

What is good for the race fan is better for the casual fan if the broadcast is a good show regardless of the racing.

Easy Drifter
17th December 2008, 21:13
Mike said he wanted to race cars but never did as far as I know. Winners Circle going under may have been part of that. I think they put a lot into Scott's career and he hadn't made it then.
Mike never expressed interest in racing bikes to me even when working for Vance and Hines.
I haven't seen him for at least 20 years.

26th January 2009, 02:55
As long as they stay far far away from that Dr. Jerry Punch guy, I've met him a few times, and he is the most arrogant ******* I have met in racing.

PS - anyone remember when it was Bob Jenkins and Larry Nuber at ESPN ? Back in the old days ?

26th January 2009, 18:17
As long as they stay far far away from that Dr. Jerry Punch guy, I've met him a few times, and he is the most arrogant ******* I have met in racing.

PS - anyone remember when it was Bob Jenkins and Larry Nuber at ESPN ? Back in the old days ?

Those days are long gone...

26th January 2009, 21:06
As long as they stay far far away from that Dr. Jerry Punch guy, I've met him a few times, and he is the most arrogant ******* I have met in racing.

PS - anyone remember when it was Bob Jenkins and Larry Nuber at ESPN ? Back in the old days ?

Nobody's that old and if you are that old, alzheimer's keeps you from remembering; Jenkin and Nuber were quite a duo regarless of if it was midget, sprint, dirt champ car or IndyCar race.

That brings me to your point about Dr. Jerry Punch; I believe he is the only guy who works as hard as Larry Nuber used to getting ready for a telecast. The night before a race Larry was like a kid cramming for a final exam. I am sorry you had a bad expreience with him; he has always been most gracious with me as long as he isn't preoccupied with the broadcast. I've seen him go out of his way to talk with perfect strangers any number of times at the tracks. However, that rarely occurs prior to or during a race.

I can't wait for Jenkins to get back into the booth. He truely loves open wheel racing and the passion for the sport will come through.

26th January 2009, 22:36
I, too, was surprised at the Jerry punch comment. I always thought of him as personable and knowledgeable.


Pat Wiatrowski
27th January 2009, 14:47
Nobody's that old and if you are that old, alzheimer's keeps you from remembering; Jenkin and Nuber were quite a duo regarless of if it was midget, sprint, dirt champ car or IndyCar race.

That brings me to your point about Dr. Jerry Punch; I believe he is the only guy who works as hard as Larry Nuber used to getting ready for a telecast. The night before a race Larry was like a kid cramming for a final exam. I am sorry you had a bad expreience with him; he has always been most gracious with me as long as he isn't preoccupied with the broadcast. I've seen him go out of his way to talk with perfect strangers any number of times at the tracks. However, that rarely occurs prior to or during a race.

I can't wait for Jenkins to get back into the booth. He truely loves open wheel racing and the passion for the sport will come through.

If he can remember and pronounce the drivers names correctly. Remember Long Beach?? Some people have short memories.

El Libertador
27th January 2009, 21:20
I really admire Bob Jenkins' passion, experience, and talent. His work in the late 80s (at least what I can see on YouTube) and through the 90s set a very high standard for motorsports commentary. However, I think that something called age has kicked in and his commentary just doesn't do it for me. But when you consider the alternatives (Todd Harris, he's with VERSUS), having an experienced guy with a love for the sport is a good thing, even if his commentary isn't as fun to listen to as a guy like Ben Edwards or even Mike King. I still think Jenkins, Buhl, and Beekhuis will be a step up from last year's team. Although I am unfamiliar with Robbie Floyd, Jack Arute is a positive for me and Lindy Thackston seems to be very knowledgeable and well-trained. Overall, I'm relatively pleased with the VERSUS team. Is it the best? No. And while good commentary can make a bad race fun to watch, bad commentary is unable to ruin a good race for me.

28th January 2009, 01:06
If he can remember and pronounce the drivers names correctly. Remember Long Beach?? Some people have short memories.

He was clearly ill prepared for that broadcast and made little effort for a one off race. I'm ok with jenkins. i love TK in the booth, but I don't know how wel he and Jenkins would gel. Sort of a big generation gap between them. It wonlt happen, but i'd love to see Varsha back on Indycar telecasts at some point.

El Libertador
28th January 2009, 02:44
I too would love to see Varsha, but only if Hobbs comes with him. They have great chemistry together. The thing I like about Varsha and Hobbs is they tell stories instead of just spitting out stats that someone else compiled for them.

28th January 2009, 13:46
2 words.... Todd Harris...

28th January 2009, 15:26
Jenkins is like listening to paint dry he is that bad.

No need to insult paint like that.

Mark in Oshawa
30th January 2009, 14:58
Todd Harris? Maybe...

Varsha and Hobbs would be my dream team but they are with Speed for F1 and that isn't going to happen.

Jenkins I don't mind, but I think TK is the answer for colour. Arute still is my target for the guy most likely to annoy me every broadcast. He comes off phoney and talks down to the viewer. Beekhuis is FAR superior in pit lane.....

30th January 2009, 20:04
How could they ever think Jack Arute is someone viewers would want to here from is beyond me. Remember back to Detriot and his interagation of Helio after the race? The guy makes me ill. Ten years from now we'll all be here talking about if someone will ever take us back to the "good ole days." ;) It's gonna take another plane crash to make it happen. lol