View Full Version : Police crush fully insured car

6th February 2007, 08:00
http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/display.var.1169259.0.police_crushed_my_car_even_t hough_it_was_insured_dad.php

A FATHER of four's car was crushed after police wrongly accused him of driving without insurance.
Officers stopped Steven Booth's Peugeot while he was driving to work in Blackburn Road, Bolton.
They told him that according to their database he had no insurance and made him get out and walk, leaving his car parked at the side of the road. Police then arranged for the car to be towed away.
advertisementBecause Mr Booth and his family could not raise the £105 fee for it to be released from the compound within the specified 14-day period, it was crushed.

It's bad enough that he had to suffer the inconvenience of having his car taken off him. But then the police turn around and ask for £105 for his trouble? :mad:

6th February 2007, 08:54
Why didn't he just call up and say "Oi ****tard! I'm insured. I'll come over and shove the insurance papers up your **** if you don't release my car!"?

6th February 2007, 08:55
Read the link dingis :p

jim mcglinchey
6th February 2007, 09:57
They're always telling us to reduce, reuse and recycycle and by extension I think that that means squeezing a bit more use from an perfectly good " old" car compared to the great use of resources in manufacturing a new car. From a green perspective should old cars be encouraged or should they all be forced off the road?

6th February 2007, 10:38
This is really disgraceful and frightening, especially compared with my experience dealing with uninsured drivers. When an uninsured moron rammed my car a bit over a year ago, I reported him to the police who shrugged their shoulders and said it was a matter for my insurance company. Whatever...

Dave B
6th February 2007, 11:42
Government databases? Hmmm. I tried to decare a car SORN and they told me it was fully taxed. Mistakes can and do happen.

Hazell B
6th February 2007, 13:40
Mistakes can and do happen.

You're telling me!
The police were called by me a few months ago when a group of guys who'd just moved into a rented house near me where driving about madly in the early hours.

They arrived (eventually) at 4am, found the car parked on a public road, saw it was untaxed and later discovered it was uninsured, the driver was a Polish illegal with no test, the vehicle was on a scrapped list and unroadworthy.

Six months later we were still calling them about that car - and it's daily use - but the official line was that "we can't do anything, we haven't seen them use it on the road" The fact that it was parked on the road didn't seem to matter :mark:

However, when my tax disc fell out of the window and thus out of sight, they were knocking on my door one night after a "whole area search" for untaxed vehicles :rolleyes: