View Full Version : Tupperware parties (and Ann Summers!)

Hazell B
26th November 2008, 18:39
Ann Summers, Tupperware, Avon .... all sold party plan over wine and giggles.

Tonight's entertainment is a lesbian version of the Ann Summers 'relationship aids' ;) party, followed by seeing some mates for a beer. Though not a woman licker, I've been invited on pain of kidnap. Cheque book's ready, just in case :D

Ever been to anything similar?

26th November 2008, 18:55
Nope and don't want to either. Actually no, going to an Ann Summers party could be quite interesting. :p Some of the admin staff at work have candle parties and keep inviting me. I'm sorry but I dont want to spend £50 or some other daft amount on a bloody candle. :s

26th November 2008, 19:34
Ann Summers, Tupperware, Avon .... all sold party plan over wine and giggles.

Tonight's entertainment is a lesbian version of the Ann Summers 'relationship aids' ;) party, followed by seeing some mates for a beer. Though not a woman licker, I've been invited on pain of kidnap. Cheque book's ready, just in case :D

Ever been to anything similar?

Sounds about as much fun as eating pine cones :mark:

26th November 2008, 21:17
take camera... post pics. ;) :p :

26th November 2008, 21:57
I've been to an aromatherapy party before, and bought a couple of things.

Ann Summers all sounds quite embarrassing.

26th November 2008, 22:02
Missed the reference so had to look up "Ann Summers" :laugh:

They are called "fun parties" in the colonies, and from what I understand are somewhat popular (which was surprising to me)...

Hazell B
27th November 2008, 15:20
Ann Summers all sounds quite embarrassing.

You've clearly never been a room full of women with wine inside them :p :
No blushes at all, though the information provided by some of the assortment was a bit too close to the bone at times :laugh:

veeten, you'd have loved the pics, if I'd been able to stop laughing enough to take any. Naughty secretaries, nurses and all sorts were tried on and discussed, though one available in my size :mark:

27th November 2008, 17:35
glad to hear that you had a good time. :)

Fred Basset
30th November 2008, 02:16
You've clearly never been a room full of women with wine inside them :p :
No blushes at all, though the information provided by some of the assortment was a bit too close to the bone at times :laugh:

veeten, you'd have loved the pics, if I'd been able to stop laughing enough to take any. Naughty secretaries, nurses and all sorts were tried on and discussed, though one available in my size :mark:

They're all prudes on here Hazel.. :dog:

Brown, Jon Brow
30th November 2008, 17:33
Well. I've been to a gay bar :erm:

30th November 2008, 19:58
tmi, dude. :p :

(too much information)

Brown, Jon Brow
1st December 2008, 12:56
Well, looks like i killed the thread :s

1st December 2008, 16:13
nah, trust me. :)

1st December 2008, 22:13
You've clearly never been a room full of women with wine inside them :p :

Too, too many times. Just not with electric cocktail stirrers as well.

2nd December 2008, 00:08
Too, too many times. Just not with electric cocktail stirrers as well.

Ah, so that's what they're called in... polite company. ;) :p :

Hazell B
2nd December 2008, 19:41
.... electric cocktail stirrers .....

Not electric ;)
Glass .......

Gay bar, eh? Sounds like my kind of night!

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd December 2008, 21:59
Gay bar, eh? Sounds like my kind of night!


3rd December 2008, 00:21
Gay bar, eh? Sounds like my kind of night!

In rescue of Mr Brow I have been to 2 gay bars. The first one was hilarious it was in Bangor (my university town) and I spent the whole time drinking cheap drinks and spotting whether the women were women or men. The second time I was in Spain and I've never been so incomfortable in my life hah!

Prudes I think not!

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd December 2008, 14:24
In rescue of Mr Brow I have been to 2 gay bars. The first one was hilarious it was in Bangor (my university town) and I spent the whole time drinking cheap drinks and spotting whether the women were women or men. The second time I was in Spain and I've never been so incomfortable in my life hah!

Prudes I think not!

There is no better form of entertainment than a drag queen in a gay bar. They're hilarious!

Here's a top tip if you're a heterosexual bloke, unless you're with women don't look at the other women. They will think that you are just perving on girls kissing each other. :o Then they will beat you up.

3rd December 2008, 21:42
Despite not being au fait with glass electric cocktail stirrers, I do enjoy going to our local gay bar. It's nice to be able to chat to men and enjoy the conversation without them hitting on you!