View Full Version : Is there a fair fueling strategy?

24th November 2008, 02:52
Other than completely banning refueling, is there a way that both drivers can be satisfied with the fuel strategy? I wonder if it's a situation where Ron sits both drivers down at the same time and says Heikki gets more fuel today or Lewis gets more? I was thinking that maybe they could run any load in Q3 and pick when they wanted to come in for their first stint, but then drivers might have conflicting choices. Someone also suggested this: both drivers run identical fuel loads, and whoever is leading after a certain distance comes in first and the other driver the next lap, but I don't know how feasible that would be.

Valve Bounce
24th November 2008, 03:45
Send Fonzo an e-mail - all will be revealed.

24th November 2008, 04:08
You could alternate one driver having one more lap of fuel every other race.
It would however become obvious to the competition! Strategy trumps equity every time!
And well it should IMO

24th November 2008, 05:29
Hmmm, a fair way to handle fuel strategies... Obviously don't follow McLerans lead on fair fuel strategies, cause in their play book, its only fair if it give Lewis an advantage... (As Speedtv commented at the last race suggesting HK wasn't happy with the way he was always going into q3 3 or more laps heavier the Lewis...)

For most of the Season it seemed out of the Ferrari drivers, Kimi was given the what I thought would have been the preffered strategies for the race (pitting after Massa) but he didn't seem to do much with it, and Massa didn't seem to complain. So my Answer to how to have a fair fueling strategy is to have two drivers with slightly different racing philosophies... And one of the best examples would be when Villeneuve and Button where at BAR, with JV's start the car heavy preference... (Of course the BAR didn't seem to handle JV or the added weight very well... )

24th November 2008, 05:46
Geeezazz, why is it always left to me to have explain things, grasshoopper

The days of full service are dead and gone (and Billy Clinton would definetly agree with me on that when it comes to aides...)

Answer is very simple--self service.

Let the drivers do their own fillin with as much as or as less as them boys want in their tank(s)

Same is true for pitstops during the race as well as changing tires......what little winnie snot nosed boy sits in his car making a bunch of others do slave labor over his every wish, desire and whim.....and it would save by cutting expenses (no money for all those idiots running around) and add to the entertainment of pit stops (which is the most exciting event in most races anyway)

24th November 2008, 17:28
Under the current system - no, no chance. One of the drivers is always going to lose out by having to run longer than the other and end up further back on the grid. If you get lucky at a team, where one driver prefers starting with a heavier car, or if the number one driver is pretty obvious (Renault, possibly McLaren) then it'll all work out.

The only alternative is to draw straws before Q3 :)