View Full Version : Mark Webber

22nd November 2008, 04:28

[A RESCUE helicopter is due to touch down any minute on Hobart's Domain, carrying injured F1 driver Mark Webber.
Webber was injured in a head-on collision with a car about 12.30pm while riding his bike south towards Port Arthur on the remote Tasmanian Peninsula.

Webber, who drives for Formula 1 team Red Bull Racing, was competing in his own charity event, the Mark Webber Pure Tasmania Challenge.

The helicopter, run by Tasmanian company Rotor-Lift, is about to complete the 25-minute flight to deliver Webber to hospital.

It is not yet known if he will be taken to the Royal Hobart Hospital or the Hobart Private Hospital.

Earlier, search and rescue police officer Damian Bidgood said Webber appeared to have a serious lower leg injury.

“Unfortunately he’s had a head-on,’’ Sgt Bidgood said.

“It will put him out of action for a while.’’

Rescuers are transporting Webber by road ambulance to a property known as Oakwood, just north of the site made infamous by gunman Martin Bryant during the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, Seascape.

A rescue helicopter is waiting on the oval at Port Arthur, just near the ruins of the historic convict site, waiting to fly to Oakwood to collect Webber.

He will then be flown to the Domain in Hobart and taken to hospital.

This sounds nasty - heard it on the news him having multiple fractures :eek: so Ive got no idea

My hears going faster than a ferrari atmo - hope hes OK :(

22nd November 2008, 04:45
Yikes :(

Hope he makes a speedy and full recovery.

22nd November 2008, 07:01
Sounds scary. Hopefully he won't have any permanent injuries and can make a quick recovery.

22nd November 2008, 07:07
They Had On The News That It Was Broken Bones

22nd November 2008, 07:08
Not good. Webber is tough, so I expect him to have a no-nonsense attitude towards a full recovery.

Pull through you damn Aussie.

22nd November 2008, 07:56

22nd November 2008, 07:57
the news is that it is just a broken lower leg and should only put him out of testing for 6 weeks.

22nd November 2008, 08:18
Get well soon Mark...
Hopefully everything will be ok towards the end of winter testing..

22nd November 2008, 08:25
It is a shame, especially in his own charity event. Hope things change for the better soon with a quick recovery.

Dave B
22nd November 2008, 09:14
If I had to put money on any of the current drivers having the fitness and mental strength to recover from a broken leg, I'd bet the farm on Mark.

Let's hope I'm right.

22nd November 2008, 09:54
I was really panicking when I saw the headline on one of the F1 news sites earlier. No doubt this is serious, but their headline made it sound like he was on life support or something. I'm still worried, but a little more relieved. He is very lucky to be able to get out of this with only a broken bone(s) from a head on collision with a car. No doubt his fitness level and toughness will help.

Here's to a speedy recovery Mark! We're all here supporting you. Get better.

El Sween
22nd November 2008, 10:33
Get well soon Mark.

22nd November 2008, 11:24

challenge event director Geoff Donohue said.
"I chatted to him just before his operation and he's in really good spirits considering, and he's very philosophical and goal-focused as Mark generally is," Mr Donohue told AAP.
"He is already talking about his rehab program and how the challenge must go on."
Mr Donohue denied earlier reports that Webber had suffered life-threatening injuries and multiple fractures.
"I obviously didn't take too well to that, given he's got a lot of friends and families all over the world.
"The main focus right now is, he's had the operation, which is really good and it appears that was all very routine and successful and he'll probably be here for a few days before he takes the next step in terms of getting into his rehab program."
He said Webber is likely to be sidelined for up to six weeks and will miss some Red Bull testing sessions.
The first team session is scheduled for December 9 in Jerez, Southern Spain.
"He might miss out on a little bit of testing but at this stage that's about all.
"But we're sure Red Bull will have a very complex and well-orchestrated rehab program for him within a matter of hours.
"The good thing is the Australian Grand Prix is in March so that's a reasonable time period for him."
Donohoe was confident Webber would make that race.
"Had you heard him today, you'd be in no doubt about that," he said.

22nd November 2008, 11:55
What a bad luck.
Luckily his got 4 months until the first race, it should be an easy task to fully recover by than.

22nd November 2008, 11:55
Wish all the best to him :)

22nd November 2008, 12:06
yeah, just found out.

I know he'll pull through very well and be ready for the 2009 season.

best wishes to him

22nd November 2008, 13:31
I hope that soon he will be all right.

22nd November 2008, 14:14
This is a big blow to both Mark and the Red Bull team, they will loose a lot of testing in the new car for next season.

I fully expect him to make a quick recovery as these guys are extremely fit.

Behind DC he has to be one of the unluckiest F1 drivers.

Nikki Katz
22nd November 2008, 14:50
While it's bad that this has happened, at least it's only a few weeks since the end of the season, although he'll miss a bit of testing the next season doesn't start for 4 months, which should be plenty of time.

22nd November 2008, 15:16
Christ! The remarks on here make it out as if he's been diagnosed with cancer!

So far sounds like nothing serious or career threatening *touch wood* so hopefully he won't have problems with the cockpit/pedals next year.

22nd November 2008, 15:58
Best wishes to Mark.

Remember MS broke his leg at Silverstone, but still came back to win Championships

Get well soon :)

22nd November 2008, 16:14
As said above Michael also broke a leg at Silverstone and was back racing in a very short time.I have had compound fractures of both fibea and tibea on the same leg and was driving again in a short time.And i am not as fit as a Grand Prix driver.
Knowing how FIT these guys are he will heal quickly and be active for Spanish testing SO see you in Valencia Mark in February ! AND dont let Vettel show you up !

22nd November 2008, 17:21
Sounds as if Mark has been pretty lucky to escape with just a broken leg. Yes, it won't help him in what will be a tough season against Vettel but Webber has beaten every team-mate he has been against and so long as Mark recovers soon enough he will give Vettel a tough test next season.

22nd November 2008, 19:53
if he didn't have bad luck he'd have no luck at all - is there any truth to the rumour that Johnny Herbert was seen selling Mark a cursed "lucky" rabbits foot before he left F1?

22nd November 2008, 19:57
... but Webber has beaten every team-mate he has been against...

Not true!

22nd November 2008, 19:59
if he didn't have bad luck he'd have no luck at all - is there any truth to the rumour that Johnny Herbert was seen selling Mark a cursed "lucky" rabbits foot before he left F1?

How could Johnny Herbert possibly know what a lucky rabbit foot looks like? :D

22nd November 2008, 20:04
didn't say it was for good luck - just some luck, and Mark seems to have what used to be Johnny's share of the bad

23rd November 2008, 07:08
7 news mark will be fit for home gp next year

23rd November 2008, 08:35
Thank God hes OK - I was having kittens (and probally a couple cats as well :p ) at one stage

It could of been so much worse

Valve Bounce
23rd November 2008, 08:43
Thank God hes OK - I was having kittens (and probally a couple cats as well :p ) at one stage

It could of been so much worse

He was on a bicycle and collided with a 4WD. I guess he was lucky to have escaped with such minor injuries, thank God!! There is a God!!

I wish him the best during his rehab - something he was thinking about right away. It is probably not as serious as the broken leg that guy from Richmond got last year. And he came back to play great footy.

Go Mark!!

Dave B
23rd November 2008, 09:25
Christ! The remarks on here make it out as if he's been diagnosed with cancer!

So far sounds like nothing serious or career threatening *touch wood* so hopefully he won't have problems with the cockpit/pedals next year.
Well excuse us for caring! :s

Some of the initial reports didn't help with headlines like "seriously injured" or "multiple fractures", so I guess I was relieved when I found out Mark "just" had a broken leg.

23rd November 2008, 10:49
Well hes got his excuse sorted when Vettel thrashes him next season :D

23rd November 2008, 10:50
p.s. hope he gets well soon though!

23rd November 2008, 15:44
What a shame, especially considering the circumstances.

Thankfully it sounds as if it isn't as bad as the earlier misleading reports suggested. If the official news is that it will take six weeks to heal then that isn't such a serious injury. I'm sure his fitness level will help him make short work of the recovery period.

Best wishes to Mark Webber and I hope he makes it onto the grid for the start of the 2009 season.

Valve Bounce
23rd November 2008, 23:18
Well hes got his excuse sorted when Vettel thrashes him next season :D

What a pathetic post.

24th November 2008, 00:12
We will see eh ;)

24th November 2008, 01:15
What a pathetic post.

I actually think it is quite funny...

I'll use it as an excuse for him ;)

Valve Bounce
24th November 2008, 01:37
We will see eh ;)

Well, if you enough, it might affect your eyesight to a stage where you will need glasses to see. Then if it drizzles, that will affect your glasses enough so you can't.

24th November 2008, 10:49
Mark will be OK. He's a tough old b***ard and it'll take more than a broken leg to stop him. I expect to see him back in a car in January.

Bit ironic though. A F1 driver competing in a Kayak, Trek and Cycling event gets run over by a car. :laugh:

Good wishes anyway Mark.

24th November 2008, 18:19
Well, if you enough, it might affect your eyesight to a stage where you will need glasses to see. Then if it drizzles, that will affect your glasses enough so you can't.

Seems like I might have hit a nerve :P

24th November 2008, 18:48
This should make the driver introductions at the car launch more interesting... "Red Bull is proud to introduce you to a driver who in his first full season of F1 racing won a pole and a race... Sebastian Vettel, and his team mate, a driver with nearly 100 more starts with no poles and no wins... Mark Webber"

Anybody else think maybe Mark might have jumped in front of that 4x4 on purpose? :p

Ok seriously, when the first stories came out exagerating the extent of the injuries, I too was concerned for his welfare. But now with the updates: "He'll be in hospital for at least three days, for sure under a week. I was speaking to him before the operation, and he was already thinking about his rehabilitation." One has to question what kind of dog and pony charity event he has put his name to when this kind of accident can occur? Montoya was criticized for his "tennis" injury, but we all feel sorry for Webber? What if it was someone else fataly injured during the "Mark Webber Pure Tasmania Challenge" there would probably be lawsuits... (Of course maybe thats part of the challenge part... avoiding cars and such? )

Of course most expected Vettel to outperform Mark next year before the injury, and this won't help Mark at all. Hopefully he doesn't push himself to hard and end up compromising 1/2 the season...

Garry Walker
24th November 2008, 20:33
Awful luck for Webber, hope for a quick recovery.

Not true!

Let me rephrase. Webber has been faster than all his teammates.

Seems like I might have hit a nerve :P

You just made VBs idiot detector start working overtime.

24th November 2008, 21:35
This fourm has no sense of humour does it....

Valve Bounce
24th November 2008, 21:59
This fourm has no sense of humour does it....

This thread is about Mark Webber's accident with nearly everyone wishing him well. I suppose certain posters couldn't resist the opportunity to take a sarcastic swipe at this Aussi.

24th November 2008, 22:43
Let me rephrase. Webber has been faster than all his teammates.

Maybe on a certain day at a certain track. But that's it.

24th November 2008, 23:09
This thread is about Mark Webber's accident with nearly everyone wishing him well. I suppose certain posters couldn't resist the opportunity to take a sarcastic swipe at this Aussi.

News flash Valve... He's gonna live, its only a broken leg... I don't recall the forum being nearly as concerned when Montoya injured himself playing tennis...

And your right, this thread is about Marks Accident... And not whether a post is pathetic... Glad you can stay on topic... And BTW: If it was JV being hit by a snowmobile during his charity ski thing... I'd be calling that a Dog and Pony charity event too...

And perhaps looking into the up-coming season, perhaps "this Aussi's" fans do need to develop a better sense of humour, because seriously this was the worst time ever to miss out on pre-season testing, and him turning 33 this year (thats what 4 years younger then when DC decided he was to old, and he had wins and experience on championship caliber teams, why would teams consider keeping "this aussi" around with his lackluster resume?)

And so sorry I offended you by not paying the lip service Mark deserves... If someone can tell me what hospital he is at, I'll be sure to sign his cast with a get well soon message asap...

25th November 2008, 11:12
This fourm has no sense of humour does it....

You're right on that one.

I'm sure everyone wishes Mark well but it's hardly life threatening, is it? Perhaps people might lighten up a bit now he's out of intensive care ;)

25th November 2008, 11:33
I'm sure everyone wishes Mark well...

I wonder if this means DC will be called upon for more testing duties than expected.

30th November 2008, 14:24

Just read this and before had completely forgotten about the wider implications of the accident.

30th November 2008, 22:41
Could this be the end of Mark's career?

I really don't want that to happen, but it is possible. Montoya had a difficult time staying on pace with Kimi due to the "tennis injury." Mark is going to have an uphill battle once he recovers.

Webber will have to get accustomed to a new car and try to stay ahead of a fierce teammate. Vettel, the future of Red Bull, can really take advantage of the testing sessions and get a head start for 2009. I just don't want Mark to look like DC this past year!

3rd December 2008, 01:48
Could this be the end of Mark's career?

I really don't want that to happen, but it is possible. Montoya had a difficult time staying on pace with Kimi due to the "tennis injury." Mark is going to have an uphill battle once he recovers.

Webber will have to get accustomed to a new car and try to stay ahead of a fierce teammate. Vettel, the future of Red Bull, can really take advantage of the testing sessions and get a head start for 2009. I just don't want Mark to look like DC this past year!

While Webber will probably have some problems at the start of the season I don't think this accident can end his career
After Montoya's "moto-tennis" accident, he still won quite a few races, and he was the fastest driver by the end of the 2005 season.(don't forget races like Monza or Interlagos)
And don't forget also that M.Schumacher won 5 titles after breaking his leg! and Häkkinen won 2 after almost killing himself at Adelaide

3rd December 2008, 18:11
Webber is having a really difficult time. Firstly he has got a very strong team-mate for '09, then there are rumours that KERS may not suit heavier drivers and now he is out with an injury for some time. :\ Luckily - if it can be said so - this accident happened in the beginning of the off-season, so he has plently of time for recovering.

Behind DC he has to be one of the unluckiest F1 drivers.

What made DC unlucky? :p :

3rd December 2008, 22:34
yep, hopefully a speedy recovery :)

9th December 2008, 02:01

Just read this and before had completely forgotten about the wider implications of the accident.

Funny, most of the points of interest mentioned in that story, I already commented on in my posts in this thread, but without the suger coating... (Except for that BS about being faster then Heidfeld... but we won't go there...)

Though just a little food for thought... How did the 4 Red Bull drivers do during the 2nd half of the 2008 season:

Vettel : 30pts
Webber: 3pts
DC: 2pts
SB: 2pts

And had Bourdais not received the retarded 25s for Massa running over him?

Vettel: 29pts
SB: 5pts
DC: 2pts
Webber: 2pts

9th December 2008, 02:25
Though just a little food for thought... How did the 4 Red Bull drivers do during the 2nd half of the 2008 season:

Vettel : 30pts
Webber: 3pts
DC: 2pts
SB: 2pts

And had Bourdais not received the retarded 25s for Massa running over him?

Vettel: 29pts
SB: 5pts
DC: 2pts
Webber: 2pts

Point Being ?

9th December 2008, 05:19
I think the points speak for themselves...

But if I need to spell it out... Right now Webber has the benefit of doubt because Vettel had the Ferrari engine, IF Vettel beats the snot outa Webber in the first 9 races scoring 10 to 1 like the final 1/2 of 08, then why would Red Bull keep webber around past 09? (Unless they have to supply 3 cars... then they might have trouble finding 6 drivers to fill red bull and team torro...)

Seeing as Webber only really managed 2 pts in his last 10 races, combined with his broken leg limiting his prep for next year, and the kers disadvantage because of his size, that hill he's gotta climb is looking bigger and bigger...

9th December 2008, 05:25
I think the points speak for themselves...

But if I need to spell it out...

yeah...I just wanted to see you talk rubbish again...


9th December 2008, 06:14
yeah...I just wanted to see you talk rubbish again...


Well, in that case, this one's for you :p :

Let me rephrase. Webber has been faster than all his teammates.

Well that also just ain't true... Heidfeld managed to set the faster race lap of the Williams drivers in 8 times out of 13 races in 2005, making him a faster race driver then Webber, scoring more points proves it, and his 1 pole posistion to webbers 0 disproves webber is the better qualifier.... :cheese:

9th December 2008, 06:38
Well, in that case, this one's for you :p :

Well that also just ain't true... Heidfeld managed to set the faster race lap of the Williams drivers in 8 times out of 13 races in 2005, making him a faster race driver then Webber, scoring more points proves it, and his 1 pole posistion to webbers 0 disproves webber is the better qualifier.... :cheese:

Since when does being faster over one lap make a driver faster over a whole race? Kovalainen set more fastest laps than Hamilton this year. Massa has outpaced Raikkonen on several weekends where Raikkonen set the fastest lap of the race.

We don't actually know about the comparative fuel loads of Heidfeld and Webber at the only grand prix that they were in contention for pole position, so that is a mystery.

9th December 2008, 06:40
I think the points speak for themselves...

But if I need to spell it out... Right now Webber has the benefit of doubt because Vettel had the Ferrari engine, IF Vettel beats the snot outa Webber in the first 9 races scoring 10 to 1 like the final 1/2 of 08, then why would Red Bull keep webber around past 09? (Unless they have to supply 3 cars... then they might have trouble finding 6 drivers to fill red bull and team torro...)

Seeing as Webber only really managed 2 pts in his last 10 races, combined with his broken leg limiting his prep for next year, and the kers disadvantage because of his size, that hill he's gotta climb is looking bigger and bigger...

In my opinion, the STR engineers did a much better job of car set up than the RB guys. It was obvious that it wasn't engines alone that allowed STR to have the superior pace.

Valve Bounce
9th December 2008, 08:27
Since when does being faster over one lap make a driver faster over a whole race? Kovalainen set more fastest laps than Hamilton this year.


I didn't know that!! :(
I guess it is more important to drive well throughout a race than to set a single faster/fastest lap late in a race.

9th December 2008, 20:27
Since when does being faster over one lap make a driver faster over a whole race? Kovalainen set more fastest laps than Hamilton this year.
I didn't know that!! :(
I guess it is more important to drive well throughout a race than to set a single faster/fastest lap late in a race.

Don't let a minor detail confuse the reality... True Hikki had the fastest lap of the race more ofter then Lewis (2-1) Hamilton scored the fastest MacLeran lap of a race 13 times over Hikki's 5...

9th December 2008, 20:53
I have never understood, why is this "fastest lap" statistic often taken as seriously as it is.

9th December 2008, 21:09
I have never understood, why is this "fastest lap" statistic often taken as seriously as it is.

Well, it used to be worth an extra point!