View Full Version : Here we go again - new qualy rules!!

Big Ben
21st November 2008, 10:54
I don't get it. What's wrong with these people. Why do they have to change everything every year.
And now they want points for pole... they should give some for best driving style, best crash, best looking helmet, best color combination and since the new cars seem to look so horrible some points for the team that builds the least hideous car...


Big Ben
21st November 2008, 10:56
IMO they should just bring back the pointing system and qauly rules they had some ten years ago.

21st November 2008, 11:04
It's in a very rough format but does have some merit.

I like a qualifying race to detirmine start positions for the main race. I think it would spice it up a bit over the current system.

Lets kick it around a bit before dismissing it.

21st November 2008, 11:38
... they should give some for best driving style, best crash, best looking helmet, best color combination and since the new cars seem to look so horrible some points for the team that builds the least hideous car...

What about points for the least fuel use during qualifying. :)

The current format...often sees pole position going to a car that's lighter than the rest.

Which is exactly why I believe it was working in that the assumed light strategy would force an early pit stop but often the car was just quicker in qualifying. In my opinion F1 needs parameters that keep enthusiasts guessing.

I think they were onto something quite entertaining with the qualifying format this year and the focus should be to evolve the idea of qualifying fuel loads further rather than condemn them.

21st November 2008, 12:03
I'm not convinced. This new idea would just mean that the whole grid would be subject to investigation - there'd be accusations of blocking for hours afterwards that the stewards would have to wade through.

What order would the drivers start in? Because the ones at the back of the line are surely going to be disadvantaged because they can't go faster than the car in front!

But then if the teams have thought it up, they clearly don't think it's that bad an idea, so I can see this happening

21st November 2008, 13:08
They should stop messing around with qualy, trying to make it 'exciting'. I can't think of any other series that has a huge emphasis on qualy. But I suppose this is Bernie's doing for creating his TV packages to sell around the world and/or maybe a post-Senna thing that qualifying is just as important as the race.

But then if the teams have thought it up, they clearly don't think it's that bad an idea, so I can see this happening

That doesn't mean they always have good ideas. Nick Fry was one of the supporters for having a karting style race weekend.

21st November 2008, 13:54
That doesn't mean they always have good ideas. Nick Fry was one of the supporters for having a karting style race weekend.

IMO Fry knows less about racing than Flavio, he's just dead weight in the Honda team.

Pat Wiatrowski
21st November 2008, 16:15
IMO they should just bring back the pointing system and qauly rules they had some ten years ago.

Agreed: CART/CC had the best quali rules of all the series! IMO

21st November 2008, 18:34
Well, its interesting to read that the teams "FOTA" are capable of just as dumb rules as the FIA and Bernie. They probably want to show they have power enough to influence the rules, though I hope as far as qualifying is concerned they limit themselve to just awarding pts for qualifying and maybe fastest lap...

1 pt for fastest during qualifying (which is ussually done in Q2)
1 pt for fastest lap during race
2 pts for pole (I want the carrot dangled in front of the teams big enough that the any team making it to q3 might be willing to compromise their race strategy for pole.)

And speaking of pts for poles, wasn't that the most interesting part of that article? I would assume its only for pts for the constructors championship right? The teams wouldn't be undermining Bernies medal celebrations already... :p

21st November 2008, 18:47
why don't they just pick the names out of a Hat, that would spice things up a bit :p : everyone will have a fair shot at Pole :laugh:

21st November 2008, 19:09
There are 20 drivers and twenty races.

Let them take it in turns to be on pole.

Think of the fuel that could be saved. Think of the positive 'green' publicity that would come from that.

So that the crowd have something to watch, why not organise a game of 'Pass the Pole', similar to 'Pass the Parcel'?

All the drivers are lined up on chairs on the pit-straight and when the music stops, whoever holds the parcel removes a layer of packaging until the final one gets the box with 'Pole' written on it.

The tension would be unbearable.

Alternatively, get a load of monkeys with type-writers onto the pit-straight and the first driver whose surname is typed out is on pole, then carry on until all the drivers surnames are typed out to settle the starting positions of the grid.

Spectators wouldn't dare leave their seats in fear of missing something.

Imagine the agony & the ecstasy this system would produce...the headlines...

"Lewis Hamiltob fails to get pole by the closest of margins!"

It would make the last lap of the Brazilian GP look as dramatic as an in-house training video on the need to save paper clips.

Nikki Katz
21st November 2008, 19:10
This sounds unnecessarily complicated. I think it'll be hard to implement - surely the cars will have to be pretty spread out in order for this to work. But if they're out for 14 laps then surely the leaders would be stuck behind backmarkers, who presumably would be under no obligation to let them by. Also, if the field was spread out, then by the time a driver's found out that they've been knocked out they'll probably have already completed another lap. It sounds very confusing and there's bound to be cars on the track that aren't supposed to be, presumably getting fined a lot of money for this to line the FIA's pockets a bit more.
It also sounds like it'll take away the excitement of the first two sessions. I'm still not 100% happy with the 3rd session as it seems like a bit of a come-down, but with only 10 cars, not all of which put in representative laps, it is at least reasonably easy to follow.

Please just leave it as it is.

Easy Drifter
21st November 2008, 19:49
but tamburello that discrinates against drivers with long names. Then again with that idea in place a few years ago when a monkey typed out Schumaker
and Ralphie and TGF fought over which one he meant! :D

21st November 2008, 20:56
I don't get it. What's wrong with these people. Why do they have to change everything every year.
And now they want points for pole... they should give some for best driving style, best crash, best looking helmet, best color combination and since the new cars seem to look so horrible some points for the team that builds the least hideous car...

this is just simply a terrible idea

1. Traffic
2. no time to correct mistakes
3. what about engine reg then, cars are in effect in race condition
4. what about adjustments etc, tweaks, varied conditions
5. I can see situations where the #2driver of say 1 team stays ahead(and slower) than the #1 driver of his teammates WDC rival.
the scenarios for disaster are endless.
6. Drivers won't be able to back off to get clear tracks and make a good run?

just a terrible idea

the only thing I can remotely agree with is awarding a point for pole position.
ore even 2 for pole and 1 for #2. then leave everything the same as is right now and that should spice up the race.

as to the race they should make it 12,9,6,5,4,3,2,1

my valuable 2cents

21st November 2008, 21:01
IMO Fry knows less about racing than Flavio, he's just dead weight in the Honda team.

yep :up:

22nd November 2008, 00:19
This sport truly is run by a bunch of idiots. There was NOTHING wrong with qualifying in 2002 when they made the first change. 27 different iterations of qualy later and they still aren't satisfied. For sake, the current system works fine! Leave it the hell alone!

I can't believe they are now concerned with "light" cars getting pole. What do you expect when you introduce race fuel in qualy? Morons! Get rid of the stupid race fuel, which has never mixed up the grids like it was intended to, and you will get the fastest man on pole. Simple!

And how the hell are you going to give a point for pole when the scoring system gets turned into the Olympics? Good idea people!

The current qualy system, with the exception of race fuel, provides action all through the session and goes some way to alleviating traffic at the end. They were the only complaints with the 1 hour/12 lap system. The race fuel nonsense mucked up Q3, so get rid of it and qualy is perfect.

22nd November 2008, 01:19
This sport truly is run by a bunch of idiots. There was NOTHING wrong with qualifying in 2002 when they made the first change. 27 different iterations of qualy later and they still aren't satisfied. For sake, the current system works fine! Leave it the hell alone!

I can't believe they are now concerned with "light" cars getting pole. What do you expect when you introduce race fuel in qualy? Morons! Get rid of the stupid race fuel, which has never mixed up the grids like it was intended to, and you will get the fastest man on pole. Simple!

And how the hell are you going to give a point for pole when the scoring system gets turned into the Olympics? Good idea people!

The current qualy system, with the exception of race fuel, provides action all through the session and goes some way to alleviating traffic at the end. They were the only complaints with the 1 hour/12 lap system. The race fuel nonsense mucked up Q3, so get rid of it and qualy is perfect.

:up: You summed it up perfectly!

22nd November 2008, 01:31
I can't believe they are now concerned with "light" cars getting pole. What do you expect when you introduce race fuel in qualy? Morons! Get rid of the stupid race fuel, which has never mixed up the grids like it was intended to, and you will get the fastest man on pole. Simple!

Absolutely right. And why should they be concerned about light cars getting pole? This is purely the fault of their own rules, and it's up to the teams to exploit them as they see fit.

24th November 2008, 20:07
I say there should be three qualifying sessions & the best time (out of the three) should be given the pole with no more than five cars at any given time. If you got (say) Q1: 1.14.234, Q2: 1.13.987 & Q3: 1.14.252 then your Q2 time is counted as your best effort. To add to that, I'd limit each car to eights laps per qualification (+2 laps to warm up & come down).

Garry Walker
24th November 2008, 20:29
Wow. I thought (okay, I hoped) they wouldn`t think of introducing any more retarded rules, but seems I was wrong.

25th November 2008, 09:46
I don't really see the problem with the current format.

Though I think a lot of time would have been saved to just keep the old 12 lap format, but insist at least 1 lap is done within the first 15 minutes.

In a perfect world (for me anyway), I'd scrap qualifying altogether. And the grid would be in reverse to what championship standing order is.

25th November 2008, 10:34
I don't really see the problem with the current format.

Though I think a lot of time would have been saved to just keep the old 12 lap format, but insist at least 1 lap is done within the first 15 minutes.

In a perfect world (for me anyway), I'd scrap qualifying altogether. And the grid would be in reverse to what championship standing order is.

Can't live with this one PP.

On tracks like Monoco, you will have a FI winning. What's the point in that?

25th November 2008, 10:47
I think qualifying should be a 1 hour session.

Low fuel so the quickest car/driver gets pole on speed not race strategy

Every driver must set a competitive lap time in each 15mins segment.

No knockout feature or anything like it.

Simple :D

25th November 2008, 11:38
Can't live with this one PP.

On tracks like Monoco, you will have a FI winning. What's the point in that?

Yeah, I accept I'm in the minority here, and can fully appreciate why people are against that.

But for me, everyone would be in the same boat, so no one would be unfairly disadvantaged.

25th November 2008, 12:36
I think qualifying should be a 1 hour session.

Low fuel so the quickest car/driver gets pole on speed not race strategy

Every driver must set a competitive lap time in each 15mins segment.

No knockout feature or anything like it.

Simple :D

Whilst I can see the appeal of such a system. Such a system would just totally discourage overtaking and close racing.

Whilst F1 is about being the fastest combination winning. I think a more important part is race craft and racing wheel-to-wheel.

And putting the fastest car first and slowest last. Your doing the very best you can to limit racing.

25th November 2008, 23:36
Whilst I can see the appeal of such a system. Such a system would just totally discourage overtaking and close racing.

Whilst F1 is about being the fastest combination winning. I think a more important part is race craft and racing wheel-to-wheel.

And putting the fastest car first and slowest last. Your doing the very best you can to limit racing.
But F1 is all about being the fastest, and getting to the finishing line first. Why should some effectively be penalised by doing that job better than the others?

I guess the answer to that has become "for the sake of the show" :dozey:

26th November 2008, 03:39
This idea that putting the fastest cars at the back is a flawed one in my opinion.

It works when 1 or 2 fast cars are at the back but not when ALL the fast cars are at the back. It's no easier for a Ferrari to pass a McLaren for 18th than it is to pass for 1st. If you put the Ferraris, McLarens and BMWs at the back then they'd have to pass each other as well as the Renaults, Toyotas etc, which they struggle to do now.

I think all you end up doing is gifting wins to mid-grid teams who are fast enough to pass the Hondas and fast enough to pull out a big enough lead to stay ahead of the quick guys who are fighting at the back for 16th place.

26th November 2008, 17:03
Dear FIA,

Regarding qualifying: hows about this for a radical idea?

An hour long session, right, where all cars are free to run as much or as little as they choose, use whatever tyres they want, and however many sets they want, and however much or little fuel they want.

Thennn......at the end of the session, I've devised a little technique for sorting the cars into order. Bear with me on this, but what you do is for each car, take the fastest lap time they recorded in that session, then arrange the cars from fastest to slowest.

Hey presto! You have your starting grid for the race.

Don't like it? Oh well here's an idea more in thinking with your principles:

A one-legged sack race where competitors carry weights in the bottom of their sack proportionate to the number of championship points they have scored, where the leading 10 finishers play sixes with a loaded dice, eliminating further four competitors, before a game of Russian Roulette (sponsored by Bridgestone of course) to decide who sits on pole. Much more entertaining, right? :rolleyes:

26th November 2008, 18:23
Dear FIA,

Regarding qualifying: hows about this for a radical idea?

An hour long session, right, where all cars are free to run as much or as little as they choose, use whatever tyres they want, and however many sets they want, and however much or little fuel they want.

Thennn......at the end of the session, I've devised a little technique for sorting the cars into order. Bear with me on this, but what you do is for each car, take the fastest lap time they recorded in that session, then arrange the cars from fastest to slowest.

Hey presto! You have your starting grid for the race.

Don't like it? Oh well here's an idea more in thinking with your principles:

A one-legged sack race where competitors carry weights in the bottom of their sack proportionate to the number of championship points they have scored, where the leading 10 finishers play sixes with a loaded dice, eliminating further four competitors, before a game of Russian Roulette (sponsored by Bridgestone of course) to decide who sits on pole. Much more entertaining, right? :rolleyes:

Dear V12

Although I have rather a punishing schedule, I feel that as head of the FIA, I have to consider your proposals in detail.

The first idea is just diabolical and only a certified halfwit would dream up such a masochistic trial to inflict on the general public. After having a run-in with the great unwashed earlier this year, I can only conclude that they don't deserve the disgraceful humiliation you propose and will not treat them to such a depraved spectacle. I don't see why we should treat them :(

Your second idea is much more logical and the work of a genius. I suggest we canvas opinion from the teams and implement it as soon as practical. In fact, if you could figure out a way of getting medals for the first 3 pole setters (just to keep little Bernie happy. He's feeling a bit unloved now the bint has left home), a point for every person in a even qualifying position and some way of making sure anything associated with Ron Dennis starts from the back, we'll just say we have agreement from all the teams and implement it anyway.

Keep up the good work. Please remember to change your name to V4 to reflect the new engine configuration we're going to bring in under the "cost cutting" chestnut (yes, the teams are still falling for that one) and I'll see you at my "special" Christmas bash in London. Bring your own Gimp mask.

Friendly whippings

Maxypoo XXX

Big Ben
26th November 2008, 19:05
I donīt like being the devilīs advocate here but I think itīs the teams that came up with this silly idea not FIA

26th November 2008, 20:30
I donīt like being the devilīs advocate here but I think itīs the teams that came up with this silly idea not FIA

So not another Bernie "brainwave" then

Honestly, theres nothing wrong with the current format, infact there was nothing wrong with the old 1 hour 12 lap format

26th November 2008, 20:44
I donīt like being the devilīs advocate here but I think itīs the teams that came up with this silly idea not FIA

Good point. Goes on to show that everybody with some kind of leading role in F1 seems to be retarded :s

27th November 2008, 00:01
Yeah, lets all add points to medals. It just keeps getting worse!

3rd December 2008, 17:29
Am I the only one, who starts feeling that with all those proposed changes (cars, medals, quali), the long-waited F1 2009 may turn into a farce rather than what everyone hoped for - a great improvement over what we have had so far?

With this proposal a qualifying session wouldn't be qualifying any more as with multiple laps in a row this would more likely be a minirace. Tyre conserving and other factors like that would come into play. Starting with "equal fuel" - hm, some engines may be thurstier, so some cars will have less fuel than others by the end of session. Obviously this is the explanation for word "equality" by FOTA. 20 cars on the track at the same time? Why is this so important for organizers? We couldn't possibly follow all of them simultaneously anyway and they would only distract each other.

Since 2003 F1 has gradually developed into a circus rather than a sport just to create some fun and mess, not to clarify the best. Is there any stopping?

Big Ben
5th December 2008, 23:46
just thought I shouldnīt let this thread go on the second page, as a sign of respect for the one that started it. a great man IMO.